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Haunted By Her Dragon (The Dragon Guard Series)

Page 15

by Mills, Julia

  Dressed and sitting on the edge of the bed, he thought about the months since he had rescued Sam, and recognized her as his mate. He wondered if she had any idea how much she had come to mean to him, and how hard he would work to give her the life she deserved. It was going to be a battle keeping her out of harm’s way until Andrew and ‘The Auctioneer’ were caught, but if he had the last few days to do over again, he knew he wouldn’t change one damn thing. It had been foolish to think he could resist her. Every time he looked into her eyes he saw their future, and for the first time in a very long time, he looked forward to living a thousand years. There was no doubt he could do anything with Sam at his side. It was time that he laid all his cards on the table.

  Royce had been right when he’d told him that she was no dummy. His mate was going to have a lot of questions, and the more of his Force that she met, the more questions there would be. With Rayne on the way, and a fight sure to happen, he knew there would not be time to explain until he returned. He would have to hope for everyone’s discretion. One thing was for sure, Grace had already filled Kyndel in on everything, and Devon and the old man’s inability to keep their mouths shut made sure that everyone knew Sam was his mate and didn’t know anything about dragons, or the men that turned into them. She was sure to be pissed that he’d kept secrets. Of course, that was if she didn’t call the men in the white jackets to lock him in a padded room before he could get it all out.

  The bathroom door opened, and as the steam cleared, his brain turned to mush. There, standing in the doorway was his mate, dripping from the shower, and relaxed from their lovemaking. Her long curly mane was wet, making it appear darker, and causing the curls to hang long and loose. She had a towel wrapped around her curves, but thankfully she was tall, so it just barely covered her breasts and fell right at the top of her thighs. He knew if she raised her arms he would see the short curly hairs that covered her mound. His mouth watered remembering her taste, and his cock jumped in his jeans wanting to sink into the heaven that was his mate, and forget about everyone and everything. “Damn, Doc, you look…wow…you’re just…you’re everything good and right and wonderful. I changed my mind. I’m not sharing you with anybody.” He loved the way she blushed, and gripped the towel a little tighter. Her pupils dilated, and her lips opened just a bit. He could smell the alluring scent of jasmine and honeysuckle that told him he affected her the same way she did him. “Whatcha say we just stay up here for a while? I can have one of the guys bring us some food, you can lose the towel, and ….”

  She took two steps towards him and stopped. The way she smiled tied him up in knots. There was nothing he would not do for this woman, all she had to do was ask. Then she spoke, and the smoky, low tone of her voice rolled over him, and he wondered how he had survived as long as he had without her. “I thought you said we had to discuss a way to find Andrew? As much as I want to stay here with you and trust me, I really want to stay here with you,” she winked, and for just a flash the dreamy look that filled her dark eyes told him she was being completely honest, “I have to make sure that Sydney is safe. But I’ll make a deal with you. We get this Andrew guy taken care of and we can spend as much time together as you like.”

  The little wiggle of her eyebrows at the end of her proposed compromise made him laugh out loud. He stood and closed the distance between them, unable to stay away from her any longer. His arm automatically went around her waist, while the thumb and forefinger of his other hand gently lifted her perfect chin. Looking deep into her dark brown eyes, he was lost. “Do you know how great you are? That just seeing you, even when you don’t see me, makes all the worries of the day just float away. I have come awake every morning since I met you, wanting to see you, making sure that I could at least catch a glimpse so that my day would be complete. To have you here in my arms is a dream come true.” She tried to lower her eyes but he held her chin firm, “Please don’t look away. I know I’m not the most romantic guy, and I tend to joke instead of talk about anything close to my feelings. But know this Doc, I think you’re amazing and I pray you give this thing between us a chance.”

  He hoped he was being direct enough to let her know he had no intention of ever letting her go, while being vague enough to keep her from running away from him. Never had he imagined he would feel like he did about Sam. Every time the subject of love or mates came up, he was always the first to say there was no such thing as love or that it would never happen to him. Sure, he’d heard all the stories about ‘the one the Universe made’ for each Dragon shifter, but had decided at a very young age to make sure that shit did not happen to him. He had been so wrong. Every sappy little thing all the Elders had told him was true. The sun, moon, and stars rose and set in her, and he would do everything in his considerable power to keep her right where she was…in his arms.

  “Lance…” before he could hear what she was about to say, Rayne’s voice sounded in his head. “We’re here, you crazy pain in the ass. I hear there’s someone we need to meet, and a fucking traitor to catch once and for all. So haul your ass down here.”

  “Be right there, your Highness,” he laughed, realizing he had missed his Commander and friend. This being in love shit really was making him a sentimental bastard.

  “Yeah, you better be or I’m sending Kyndel and Grace up to get you.” He could hear the smile in his friend’s voice.

  “See ya in a minute.”

  His focus returned to Sam, but now her brows were furrowed, her lips pursed in a frown, and her body stiff. When she spoke he could hear her anger, but also that she was hurt by his inattention. “Were you just ignoring me?”

  He dropped his hand from her chin as she used both hands to push away from him. Doing the only thing he could think of, he pulled her close, locking her hands between them, and slammed his mouth to hers. He slid the tip of his tongue along the seam of her lips begging for entrance. She did her damndest to keep them closed, and never one to give up, he decided to try nipping and tasting in an effort to soften her up. There was absolutely no time to explain that he was in no way ignoring her, but was actually talking to his Commander in his mind. Yeah that would go over like a fart in church, and have her ordering a straight jacket in XXL. So he distracted her until the time was right to share all his secrets.

  He left no part of her scrumptious mouth untouched. There was no way he would ever get enough of the woman he held in his arms. Helpless to do anything but continue kissing her, he moved along her jaw, only stopping to whisper, “Damn, Doc, you taste amazing,” before working his way down her neck. It was only when her head fell backward, allowing him greater access, that he knew the tension was over, at least for the moment. When she grabbed the front of his shirt, and her well manicured nails bit into his chest, he thought about throwing caution to the wind and taking her back to bed. But he didn’t want his mate to meet a pissed off Rayne MacLendon, so he summoned his incredible restraint and pulled his lips from her neck.

  Taking her hands from his shirt, and putting them back on the knot that kept her towel from hitting the floor, he placed his hands on her shoulders and took one step back. He knew the only way they were going to make it out of the room in the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours was if he limited his contact to her fabulous curves. When she finally opened her eyes, the sleepy, lustful look she gave him threatened his resolve. His woman packed a powerful punch. She was temptation in a very sexy package. There was just no other way to think of her. Clearing his throat, and hoping he sounded like he had his shit together, he said, “Doc, there’s another of my brothers downstairs and he’s ready to get the plan for tonight underway. There’s nothing I want more than to strip that towel off your body and kiss every damn inch, but I like my ass where it is, so that’ll have to wait.” He would have laughed out loud at the look of disappointment in her eyes if his cock wasn’t so hard he was sure he could pound nails with it. “Now, get your pretty little ass dressed, and I’ll be sitting over by the door,” he wiggled his eye
brows for effect, “enjoying the view.”

  She grabbed his hand as he turned to head to his seat, “On one condition.”

  “And that is?”

  “We talk as soon as we’re done with whatever planning has to be done to catch this guy. I have more questions than answers, and you have to promise not to kiss me to shut me up.”

  He barked out a laugh that he was sure they heard even through the soundproofing. “Yes, mo chroi, I’ll answer all your questions, but I make no promises about the kissing.’

  “Yeah, we’ll see about that, tough guy,” she said in a sassy voice that made the tiny bit of blood that was powering his brain beeline for his cock.

  He watched the hypnotic sway of her curvy hips as she headed for the bathroom, grabbing the clothes Grace had left outside the door while they had been otherwise occupied, and all he could think was that Samantha Malone was the best thing in the world, and she was all his.


  Four hours spent listening to six of the biggest, most Alpha men she’d seen in her entire life bicker about the best strategy for almost everything, and she needed a break. Sydney had offered a bit of a distraction, but these men were a force unto themselves, and there was no way the child could compete. Sam had met the dark-haired man with striking violet eyes, his gorgeous red-headed wife, and their absolutely adorable son, before she had even stepped off the last step. It was obvious Rayne was the leader of group, and she recognized military training in the way they discussed their plans. Not for the first time, she wondered why they were handling this Andrew asshole, and not bringing in the cops. Lance had told her the kidnapper had been one of his brothers before he did something awful, and was basically disowned. She just added the Andrew situation to the list of questions she already had for Lance.

  Right before she was sure she would go insane from testosterone overload, Grace and Kyndel returned from their trip to the grocery store. Simply having other females that were taller than four feet made things easier. It was not that she had truly suffered. Lance had been incredibly attentive the entire time, making sure she was comfortable, asking if there was anything he could get her, and stealing kisses when he thought his brothers weren’t looking. There was never a time when she couldn’t feel him either looking at her or thinking about her. Not sure how she knew what he was thinking, but there it was, just another weird occurrence since Lance had appeared in her world. She had to laugh at the looks the other guys gave him. Apparently he didn’t bring many women around, and that simple fact made her way happier than it should have. When she wasn’t listening to the men, she and Sydney were playing Candyland and Shoots and Ladders. The little girl was such a doll, and so incredibly intelligent. A real joy to be around and quite the game player.

  As soon as the ladies walked in carrying bags, the conversation at the kitchen table ceased, and everyone headed out to bring in the supplies. Sam could only imagine how much food it took to keep the huge men fed. They were like the front line of a football team, and that was without Royce. He was a mountain, all by himself.

  She sighed at the looks of complete adoration Rayne and Aidan gave their wives, and the welcome kisses they received from their men, curled her toes from across the room, reminding her of the kisses she and Lance had shared not so very long ago. She had just reached the door leading to the garage when she came face to face with the object of her fantasies. The twinkle in his eye and shit-eating grin on his face told her he had a least some idea about what she was thinking. Before she could move out of the way, he shifted the groceries he held to the side, and grabbed her around the waist. His lips landed on hers, and she was helpless to do anything but kiss him back. Their kiss was hot, entirely too quick, and completely scrambled her brain. When he set her back on her feet, she had to count to three before she could catch her breath and get out of the way of the others.

  Devon smiled as he passed by with a knowing look in his light grey eyes. She blushed as she walked towards the SUV, still loaded with food. Kyndel met her, chuckling, “Guess I should’ve told you that our guys are seriously into PDA.”

  Feeling the embarrassment fade away, she laughed right along with her, “Yes, I really need to talk to Lance. He picks the most inopportune times to manhandle me.”

  No sooner were the words out of her mouth than she heard laughter from every direction. Within seconds, everyone in the house had joined them in the garage, and loved her joke. It was so cool, she laughed right along with them. Royce touched her shoulder, and she was once again amazed at the warmth she saw in the huge man’s eyes. “If you can figure out how to make that pain in the ass behave, we’ll all be forever in your debt.”

  She searched out the face of the man that had started the whole damn thing, only to find him looking at her like she was the only person in the room, maybe even the world. Caught by his gaze, she didn’t even realize he was moving until he was right in front of her. His hands closed on her shoulders, and even through her shirt, the electricity of his touch shot through her body, making her ache to feel him everywhere. His smile was so sweet, and the little dimple in his cheek that seemed to appear just to torment her made her wish they were alone. He pulled her so close that only a breath would fit between their bodies. She was helpless to do anything but follow his lead. Her body leaned forward of its own volition, and she had no doubt she would have kissed him no matter who was looking; but at just that moment, Aaron did his best impression of Freddy Mercury, “And another one’s gone, and another one’s gone, another one bites the dust.” The entire room erupted in laughter so loud, she was glad the nearest neighbor was almost a mile away, and the tender moment was thankfully gone before she had completely humiliated herself.

  Several hours later, after all the groceries were put away and the biggest dinner she’d ever seen had been devoured. The men had resumed their talks in the kitchen, and she, along with Grace, Kyndel, and the kids were in the living room watching Cars. Sydney was sitting between her and the little boy, explaining the movie to anyone that would listen like she was the newest edition to Siskel and Ebert. Lost in her thoughts, she jumped when the child’s hand landed on her leg. “Dr. Sam, Miss Grace is talking to you.”

  She smiled at the elegant brunette, trying not to laugh. “Sorry about that, I was at least a million miles away.”

  “No problem, I was just letting you know that I filed the paperwork to change Sydney’s guardianship to you. The police reports and hospital employee accounts definitely support that she’s not safe there. Even Dr. Monoghan agreed that Sydney needs to be monitored by a healthcare professional for at least a few more days to make sure her mysterious fever doesn’t return.” Grace spoke with such a professional air there was no doubting she was an attorney, but there was also a wealth of feelings in her words. It was obvious she had fallen under Sydney’s spell, just like everyone that met the little girl.

  “Do you think the judge will go along with your request,” she asked, not really caring what the paperwork said as long as the little girl was safe, and she could see her. It was hard for her to admit after spending so much of her life alone that both Sydney and Lance had come to mean so much to her so quickly. She simply could not imagine her life without them. All her plans and goals for the future were still running through her mind, but now they were evolving, and going places she’d never imagined. It was like she had no control over the path she would take, but that a power so much bigger than anything she’d ever known was directing every decision and action she made, and she was just along for the ride. One thing was for certain; this unseen force was doing its level best to tell her that two very persistent, blue-eyed people that seemed to bust through every one of her defenses were going to be very present in her future, and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it. Never one to take anything lying down, she tried to get pissed about all these changes to her well laid plan, but the anger never came.

  She realized that Grace was talking while she had taken her littl
e trip to la-la land, and refocused to hear what the attorney had to say. “Yes, I believe he will. He’s very concerned with child welfare and has been on the bench forever. Not to mention, he’s a personal friend of my father, so he knows me well enough to know the request is justified. I expect to have the signed paperwork back in just a few days.”

  “Your father’s an attorney, too?”

  “He was when I was very young, but gave it up for politics. He’s been with the Embassy for years now, and my mother is involved in so many humanitarian efforts that it’s hard to keep track. They travel at least three hundred and sixty days of every year. Hell, they haven’t even met my ma…husband except through Skype.” She watched as Grace closed her eyes, and took a deep breath before she continued. “Sorry about that. Guess old wounds run deep.” She gave a half smile, and looked to the charming red-head that had been watching Grace with concern. “Had it not been for Kyndel and her granny, I would’ve ended up just another spoiled socialite, wasting her life.”

  Before any of them could respond, Aidan’s voice came booming from the kitchen, “Thank the Heavens for Kyndel and her granny!”

  The men all laughed, and the look that came to Grace’s face could only be described as true love. In the next instant, Rayne was kneeling beside Kyndel whispering, and making his wife smile as well. She wondered how she had missed him coming into the room, but before she could think about it any further, she was being lifted over the back of the couch, and into the arms of the man that turned her world upside down. Sydney giggled, and Lance ruffled her curls.

  He turned back to her and with that one look; it was as if she was falling into him, floating towards a future that would be filled with love, warmth, and incredible happiness. He had snuck in, and in that moment was as much a part of her as the blood that flowed through her veins. The depth of emotion she saw in his eyes said all that and more, was reciprocated. For the first time since she’d lost her family, she actually felt love coming from another person. Any other time, she would’ve done everything possible to throw up all her defenses and keep him at arms’ length, but none of the old fears came. Quite the opposite, she felt comforted. It was a completely new sensation, one she could really get used to.


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