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Killer Boss: A Dirty Office Romance

Page 8

by Imogen Nolde

  “Who?” James scoffed. “Mr. Redthorn?”

  “Yes, Mr. Redthorn.”

  “How much do you know about him, Vera? I mean, obviously not much.”

  “He’s trying to find Zoe too. He’s trying to help.”

  James shook his head. He pulled out his phone.

  “Have you talked to Dylan yet?” I asked. “Have you figured out what he was doing with Zoe around the time she disappeared?”

  “Have a look at this,” James said passing the phone.

  “What am I looking at?”

  “There on the screen.”

  It was a picture taken of someone resembling Mr. Redthorn from behind.

  “Scroll down.”

  I swiped my finger across the screen. There was a whole bunch of text.

  “What is this gibberish?” I snapped.

  “Read it,” James said.

  “No.” I threw the phone back to him. “I’m done with this shit.”

  He put a hand on my knee as I tried to stand.

  “This is a report,” James said. “Sent to us from the FBI. You see, Redthorn isn’t his real name. It’s an alias. This floor we’re on here. This supposed company. It’s all a fraud. Make believe. It doesn’t exist.”

  “Fuck off. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “The FBI are interested in this guy calling himself Redthorn. Apparently, he’s quite infamous in parts of the criminal underworld. They said … he’s a born and bred killer. An assassin for hire. One of the best hitmen in the country. I bet they’d love to pick your brain, Vera. You being in charge of his accounts and all.”

  “No. No, it’s not true. It can’t be.”

  “Vera, wake up. This guy’s a monster. He’s been manipulating you the whole time.”

  “For what reason?” I gushed. “Seriously? Explain it to me.”

  “Who knows how this sicko’s mind works? You’re asking me to speculate?”

  “Believe me, James. This is all lies. None of it’s true. But even if it was, he still didn’t kill Zoe. He couldn’t have.”

  “Because you were with him between 6pm and midnight?”

  “Yes. That’s it.”

  “But were you?”

  “Was I what?”

  “Were you really with him?”

  James stared at me intently.

  I felt like was going to break.

  “We’re going to find out eventually,” he said. “You might as well come clean now.”

  “I know he didn’t do it, James. You can’t make me turn against him. I promise you that.”

  “You know what, we don’t think he kidnapped Zoe either.”

  “Wait. You don’t?”

  “No,” James shook his head.

  “So something came up with Dylan?”

  “Look, stop it with this Dylan thing. You need to let that go as well. I’ve spoken to him. He’s no killer.”

  “What, so Zoe’s dead now?”

  “That’s beside the point. What I’m saying is … word from upstairs says the FBI may have picked her up.”

  I made a face. “What? When?”

  “The kidnapping was possibly staged. They’ve pulled her off the streets so she can testify against Mr. Redthorn in an upcoming court case.”

  “Oh, what a load of bullshit. You can see that right?”

  James shrugged. “We’re looking at all possibilities. But … I have to say this one makes a lot of sense.”

  “It makes no sense, you dingbat. If Zoe was going to testify, don’t you think she would have told me about it?”

  “Well, maybe she hadn’t agreed by the time you last saw each other. In all seriousness, can I ask you if Zoe was doing any special work for Mr. Redthorn yesterday. Did she mention anything like that?”

  “Well, yeah, she was out taking photos for him.”

  “Of what?”

  “I … I don’t think she told me.”

  “Was she using a phone or…?”

  “No, she had all like high tech gear in black bags and stuff.”

  “That’s interesting.”

  “What is?”

  “Because we haven’t found anything like that in the office. Or Zoe’s house for that matter.”

  I buried my face forward. “Can … Can I have some water or something?”

  James hesitated. “I’d have to go ask…”

  “Well, can you?”

  He frowned a little. “Are we on the same page yet, Vera?”

  I looked into his eyes. “You think Mr. Redthorn is dangerous.”

  “He is dangerous.”

  “You think I’m helping him.”

  “Now, I didn’t say that.”

  “Then what do you want from me?”

  James sighed. “Can you wait here? I’ll go talk with Amy, see where we want to continue this.”

  I remained silent.

  “I’ll get your water too.”

  He opened the door. Stopped. Looked back.

  “You can take off though. If you really want to.”

  I straightened back in my chair.

  “The door’s wide open,” he said.

  Then he left. With the door open.

  I didn’t wait around for long.

  As soon as I was sure the coast was clear, I was back in the elevator heading on my way down.

  Without a clue of what I was getting myself into.

  18 Redthorn

  They picked her up before she even reached the car.

  Guns were drawn, orders barked, cuffs snapped on her wrists. I watched from the shadows as she collapsed on both knees, wincing in pain. I would have liked to help her. I would have liked to relieve her of her misery. But things were different now. I was being hunted by someone. And I didn’t have all the facts yet.

  Someone was feeding the cops evidence on me, that I was sure of. Someone wanted me out of the way. I knew my guys well enough to know it wasn’t one of them ratting me out. If it was one of them, then they’d done an excellent job of passing through my deception detectors unnoticed.


  No, I was sure it was coming from somewhere else.

  I pushed open a nearby exit door, and soon found myself in the street again. I pulled the mask away from my face and dropped it in a nearby bin. Glancing my reflection as I passed a shop’s window, regret swarmed into my gut. If Vera saw me now, chances were she wouldn’t even know who I was. I had kept that part of myself away from her. Perhaps it shouldn’t have mattered, as it was my soul she knew. My mind and consciousness. Did my physical features truly define me? Is that what she should think of when she pictured me in her head?

  I had to look away.

  I didn’t have much of a plan going forward. When I wasn’t thinking about Vera though, my thoughts were all going in one direction.

  Of all the players in town, there was only one I feared. Only one who had the finance and reach to pose a serious threat. Only one who knew more about me than I knew about him.

  “Can you please inform the people at Greenstar Empires that I will be visiting them today?” I immediately asked after getting my secretary on the phone. “Within the hour, most likely.”

  “Sir, your appointment with Mr. Greenstar isn’t for another two months. His schedule will be completely full. You won’t be able to –”

  “Just tell them I’m coming and it’s of the utmost urgency.”

  “Okay, I’ll try…”

  I stopped in the middle of the path. “Are the police still there?”

  “Yes, they’re going through your office. Shelley and I tried to stop them –”

  “It’s okay. You’re permitted to cooperate with them as best you can.”

  “I see.”

  “What about that cat we brought in with us?”

  “Do you want me to check on him?”

  “No, I want you to get rid of it.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “He can’t be in the office anymore. Just do it.”

  “Okay, Mr. Redthorn. And how are you doing? Is everything okay?”

  I ended the call.

  Greenstar Empires was comprised of six skyscrapers joined together, their windows tinted with a shimmering shade of emerald. Thomas Greenstar, in some circles known as ‘Lucifer’, was located in the central and tallest of the towers which had more than sixty floors.

  I caught a cab and went straight there. It was only a fifteen minute journey.

  After paying the driver I stepped out and walked through the wide pathway where various crowds of people stood at the edges, marveling the water streams bursting up in the air in a magnificent pattern.

  I kept my head down and continued walking until the reached the main entrance.

  Although I had passed this place many times I had never been inside myself. It was a humbling experience to say the least.

  I made my way through the thinning crowd and made it to one of the elevators with about seven other people. I tried pressing the highest floor number, but noticed the light didn’t come on. It required keycard access. Instead I waited till we reached about five floors below the one I required and got off with the last of the elevator’s occupants.

  I stepped out into what appeared to be the entrance of a private casino, security staff eyeing my carefully as I passed on through. I glanced around nervously before stopping at the bar and ordering a drink.

  One of Greenstar’s goons appeared before I got a chance to pay for it.

  “Greetings sir,” he piped up beside me. “How are we today?”

  “I’m fine thank you,” I said cautiously.

  “You appear to be a little disorientated,” he continued. “Are you sure you’re on the right floor?”

  I looked at him. Forced a smile. “I’m okay for now.”

  “May I see some ID please?”

  I reached into my wallet and withdrew the card with him.

  He held it out, inspecting it carefully.

  “Mr. …”

  “Redthorn,” I answered.

  “Is this even real?” he queried. “Sorry, but I’ve seen more fake IDs than you’ve had hot dinners, and well, I’m not sure if –”

  “I’m actually not on the right floor,” I said snatching the ID back.

  “Well then where are you supposed to be?”

  I sighed. “I was hoping for a meeting with Mr. Greenstar.”

  “Oh you were, were you?”

  “He knows who I am. And I had my office call ahead.”

  The goon studied me carefully. “You wait there, Mr. Redthorn.”

  He slipped away back into the floor.

  The bartender placed the drink in front of me. “Nine dollars, fifty.”

  I passed over a twenty. “Keep the change.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  I put the drink to my lips and let the harsh liquor fall back into my throat.

  All eyes were on me.

  There was a camera in the sky.

  And everyone could see.

  The goon, and two of his friends appeared before long. He looked at me sternly.

  “Mr. Redthorn? We’ve spoken to Mr. Greenstar and he’s made it clear to us he has no wish to conduct business with you today, or on any other day for that matter. You may finish your drink as you’ve paid for it, but then you must leave the premises immediately.”

  “That’s disappointing,” I said putting the glass down. “Did you express to him that this of an urgent nature?”

  “Mr. Greenstar acknowledges that you aren’t a stranger in this town, and therefore we are to be courteous towards you as long as you remain courteous also. However, his patience will run out rather quickly if you insist on pressing these matters.”

  I stood up. “Okay. I’m ready to go.”

  “Back the way you came then.”

  I turned around and headed passed the security guards and on towards the elevator.

  I pressed the button and glanced back at them.

  The goon had edged in closer.

  I turned back and pressed the button again. I pressed it four times.

  Or at least I appeared to.

  “Something’s wrong with this,” I said glancing at him.

  The goon marched up to me and pressed the button. “There. You have to push it in all the way.”

  I nodded silently.

  He stood by me as we waited for the elevator to come up.

  When it was there, he said, “Have a safe trip.”

  In response, I pulled the gun from my pants and shot him in the stomach. Then I forced him in the elevator and pushed the button for the doors to close.

  “I’ll be having that, thank you,” I said snatching his security card away. I placed it against the scanner and pressed the button to the highest floor.

  The light came on.

  “I’ll get you, I’ll get you…” the goon squealed.

  “Stop it,” I said slapping his hands away. “Or the next one’s through your throat.”

  As we came to the top floor, I hesitated leaving him.

  I bent down and gently placed my hand against where his wound was.

  “Do you know anything else?” I asked him. “Has Greenstar been talking to the cops?”

  “What?” he murmured.

  I pressed down on the wound.

  “AARGH! Alright. There were some cops here earlier. Detectives.”

  “A man and a woman?”


  “What else?”

  “What do you mean what else?”

  I pressed down again.


  “Tell me what Greenstar told them.”

  “I don’t know, I’m not privy to it,” the goon gushed. He added, “He had the woman detective in his office for half an hour. The man had to wait outside.”

  “Alright,” I said.

  I stood up just as two members of security came rushing over.

  I waved my gun at them. “Don’t try anything. I’m not here to hurt anyone else. I just want to see Mr. Greenstar.”

  His office was larger than mine. At least four times larger. It could hardly even be called an office. It was a penthouse.

  I marveled at my exquisite surroundings. The paintings on the wall. All originals and worth millions. The indoor pool. It’s water so smooth it sparkled. There were computer screens and hologram projections. Even when looking the images face to face, you could hardly believe they weren’t real.

  I’d hate to see his house.

  “Mr. Redthorn,” his voice sang out from around the corner. “To what do I owe, this massive intrusion?”

  As I walked around, I saw he was seated at his desk, his feet up on the table.

  He was wearing a dark suit. A ring with a large jewel on one finger.

  “May I sit down?”

  “Of course.”

  As I sat down, he rose from his position.

  He grabbed both of my hands and held them in the middle of the desk.

  “I didn’t want you here today,” he said fiercely. “I don’t want you here. So whatever it is you’re about to tell me, I hope will justify my dissatisfaction.”

  I stared up at him. “Do you really want to go down this road?”


  “I suggest you remove your hands.”

  He held my gaze a moment.

  Sizing me up.

  Then he released me.

  I pulled my hands back rubbing them.

  The phone rang on his desk. “Yes? Yes, he’s with me now. I understand. No, don’t be coming in here, I’ve got this… You don’t say? Alright.” He put the phone down. “You’re not here to kill me, are you Mr. Redthorn?”

  “No,” I said.

  “Then why are you here exactly?”

  “I need you to tell me…”


  “Who I do have to kill.”

  He stood by the window while I waited for him to answer. Now my story was out there with him, e
very detail put into his hands. Regardless of his own involvement, there was information he had that I needed. He would be able to see that. And he would help me.

  Even if it was only pretend.

  “Well, it’s an interesting one,” he said quietly. “You do have a dilemma on your hands no doubt.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know.”

  “I appreciate your efforts to conceal your identity from the world, but I have to ask why you took it upon yourself to come to me bearing all?”

  “I figured out a long time ago you knew who I was.”

  He turned around. “Yes, that is true.” He walked back to the desk. “I think I would like to help you. But only if I can rely on your services at another time.”

  “You mean … a free hit?”

  “Well, I’ll pay you of course. I just need to know you’ll be available. At the hour of my choosing.”

  I nodded. “Very well. What can you tell me about all this?”

  He sat back down. “It’s true as my good friend has told you. I did have the police here earlier. They had questions for me related to this matter. It is no secret we are, how do you say … in ‘competition’?”

  “Your reputation precedes you, Thomas,” I said.

  “Please, call me Lucifer.”

  I scoffed. “But you told the detectives nothing?”

  “Not to the effect that they would want to arrest you.”

  “Is there any reason why the woman was allowed in, but the man stayed outside?”

  He blinked. “I prefer to talk to the ladies one on one, I’m sure you understand.”

  I looked at him skeptically. “I see.”

  “But it is of no consequence. After they left my office here, I sent my feelers out to discover what had happened to your employee, Ms. Clarke. And of course before long, I knew who had taken her.”

  I leaned forward. “Who?”

  Mr. Greenstar grinned. “It was the young man she had the date with. Who is also employed by you, I believe.”

  “Dylan Sheppard?”

  “From what I can tell he has numerous debts to certain individuals, of a less than desirable character. In other words, he’d organized with his friends to grab her at the conclusion of their date together. She will be kept alive until you make your payment to them by the five-pm deadline. Whether they let her go after that, I have my doubts.”


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