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The Cowboy's City Girl - An Enemies To Lovers Romance

Page 6

by Emerson Rose

  “It’s no trouble, and I’m coming through the door with your breakfast now.” The call disconnects, and I hear the door to his apartment open and close. I hang up and turn around to find a drop-dead gorgeous Ridge coming toward me wearing dark jeans and a deep blue button-up shirt with cowboy boots. He’s carrying a huge tray with several covered dishes, a cup of tea, orange juice, and a rose in a vase. A rose, in the middle of a snowstorm? This man brings me a rose with my breakfast.

  “You didn’t have to…”

  “Hush, I know I didn’t have to, I wanted to. Now sit up in bed so you can eat.”

  “Yes sir, you’re quite bossy this morning, aren’t you?”

  “No, you’re just unnecessarily uncooperative. It’s breakfast, not a million dollars.”

  He’s right, I guess. It is only food, but he brought it all the way up here and the rose, the rose was a lovely touch. “Thank you.” I scoot back, and he places the tray across my lap and snaps a napkin spreading it in my lap. “Are you going to feed me, too?”

  “I don’t know, do you think I need to? I want to make sure you’re well nourished and hydrated after last night.”

  “I am perfectly capable of feeding myself. I don’t think one night of sex will malnourish or dehydrate me.”

  “No? Hmm, I’ll have to work you a little harder tonight then, won’t I?”

  I look up at him with wide eyes. “I don’t know about that.”

  He leans down to press a soft kiss on my lips. “I’m kidding. Eat, rest, recover because later we are going to play in the snow at Cannon’s request.”

  I look up from the tray of food, and my mouth hangs open. “I got the impression that taking care of kids isn’t your favorite thing to do. And I’m positive you told him he couldn’t go out until the storm stopped.”

  “He caught me at a weak moment, and I don’t know if it’s ever going to stop snowing.”

  “A weak moment?”

  He rolls his eyes to the ceiling and stuffs his hands in his front pockets. “When I went downstairs this morning, I guess you could say I was chipper.”


  “Yes. A certain someone brought me dinner last night, and then she gave me the most delicious dessert. It made me chipper.” I smile wide and remove the cover from one of the plates—French toast, the big fat kind with powdered sugar sprinkled on top. Ridge lifts another presenting me with enough fruit to feed six people and yet another with bacon and pancakes, and the last is another plate of French toast. He’s eating with me.

  “You’re staying to help me eat this, right?” I ask to be sure. If not, he must think I’m a complete pig.

  “Yes, if you don’t mind.”

  I spread my arms out wide. “It’s your home, who am I to mind?”

  He shrugs and sits down facing me. I watch him, and he catches me doing it several times before commenting. “What?”

  “I never expected this trip to turn out like this. I’m not used to being pampered and sleeping in. I should be working,” I say drenching my toast with syrup and taking a bite. I moan when it hits my tongue. This is easily the best French toast I’ve ever tasted.

  “The best things are never expected or planned. It’s a crime that no one pampers you. And don’t beat yourself up about working. You can’t very well take pictures when your subject isn’t here.”

  He is right on all accounts. “Do you know when he’ll be back?”

  “Later this afternoon, he has a Skype meeting.”

  “So he’s going to be busy?”

  “For a while. He said he’d do the shoot after dinner if you still wanted to fit it in today.”

  “How long do you think we will be snowed in?”

  “Another two days at least.”

  I pop a grape in my mouth and chew. “I guess we could wait until tomorrow to do the rest of the shoot if we’re going to be stuck here that long. I should call the crew, and, oh wait, you already gave them the day off.”

  “Yep,” he says like it’s no big deal while he sops up some syrup with his next bite of toast.

  I feel my forehead scrunch up when I raise my eyebrows. “What made you think you could just give them the day off without consulting me first?”

  He raises his eyes to me surprised at my tone. “It seemed only logical. Ash isn’t available, you were sleeping, and it’s still coming down out there.”

  “Yes, but they’re my people. You should have asked me first.”

  “I apologize. I’m used to arranging everything that goes on in Ash’s life, and I took it upon myself to switch his schedule around. It won’t happen again.”

  “Thank you.”

  One corner of his mouth lifts in a smirk, and he stares at me for a moment. “What?”

  “I didn’t think it was possible for you to be any sexier, but you are when you’re mad.”

  I lower my eyes when I feel the heat of a blush blossom on my cheeks. “Stop.”

  “I will not. You’re beautiful, Allison… staggeringly, exquisitely, knock-down, drop-dead beautiful.”

  Now I’m sure I am glowing red with embarrassment. No man has ever complimented me like that, ever. I’ve had to teach myself how to accept a compliment over the years, and I’m better at it now, but that, that was more than a compliment, it was a declaration.

  “You’re blushing.”

  “You’re gushing over me.”

  “I like you, does it surprise you?”

  “After yesterday’s frigid welcome, the brush-off in the kitchen, and then the uncomfortable few games of Horse with you and Cannon, yes, it surprises me.”

  He holds up his fork and points it at me. “Ah, but that was before I redeemed myself last night with dinner, drinks, and hours of passionate love making.”

  “True, but most of that was my instigation, not yours.”

  He balances his knife on the edge of his plate and lays his fork down looking at me seriously. “I’m glad you brought my dinner up to me last night. I’m glad you were standing so close to me in the kitchen. And I’m glad that I couldn’t resist kissing you and hauling you off to my bed. I was wrong about you. I’ll admit I had you pegged as someone different, but now I know different. Can you forgive me for being a judgmental asshole?”

  “I can.”

  “Thank God. Now let’s eat breakfast so I can ravish you again before we go out into the snowy tundra with a child who has endless energy.”

  “Ravish me? Again?”

  “You don’t want to be ravished again?”

  “Oh no, I never said that. I’m just surprised.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “We didn’t go to sleep until after four, and that was a pretty rigorous workout for…”

  “For what, someone my age? Is that what you were going to say?”

  I wasn’t thinking that, but since he went there, I figure I’ll use it to my advantage.

  “It is. I can’t believe it. I’m only thirty-nine, a mere eleven years older than you. I could have gone all night and all day if I didn’t have other responsibilities to take care of.” I snort out a laugh that I’ve been holding back, and then I let go and laugh hysterically.

  “That’s it, no more breakfast, the ravishing starts now,” he says removing the tray from the bed and unbuttoning the first buttons of his shirt.

  “But I’m still hungry,” I sputter between breaths still laughing. And I am hungry, but not for food.

  “I’m going to be your breakfast now, and I can guarantee I’m better than that French toast.”

  “You are?” I ask, continuing to goad him on while covering my mouth to hide a giggle.

  “I am, now scoot over so I can prove my stamina.”

  “Yes, sir, by all means, be my guest.” I whip off the sheet and welcome him back into bed to be ravished again and again. Have I said how much I love snowstorms?



  Warm Me Up Baby

  Two hours later when I have sufficiently proven t
o Allison that age is indeed just a number, we are in the foyer with Stella and Cannon stuffing our feet into boots and bundling up in heavy snow gear.

  Cannon is dancing around already fully dressed in his snowsuit waiting for his pregnant stepmother to finish putting on her coat and hat. Allison is helping Stella with her boots since she can no longer see her feet. I watch in awe as Allison chats and laughs like she and Stella have been best friends forever.

  I was wrong about her, so very wrong. But even after last night and this morning, I can’t get rid of the twinge of suspicion that’s disrupting my ability to completely let my guard down. I can’t help it. I think it will be engrained in my DNA forever to be slightly suspicious of anyone who works for a tabloid, or as Allison likes to call it, a celebrity magazine.

  “Are you ready yet?” Cannon asks Allison and Stella with a huff. He’s been dressed for fifteen minutes. He’s probably drenched with sweat inside his snowsuit, and he is dying to get outside.

  “Just one second, bud, let me get my gloves, and we’ll be set.” Cannon walks to the coat closet, opens the door, takes something off of the shelf, and closes the door.

  “These?” he asks with impatience in his tone.

  “Yes, thank you so much,” Stella says taking the gloves and putting them on.

  “Ready?” I ask the group.

  “Yes!” Cannon yells answering for everyone.

  “Okay, let’s go.”

  Cannon flings open the front door, and the wind smacks him in the face taking his breath away.

  “It’s still storming,” Allison says through her scarf that’s wrapped around her face. “Good thing you have your own personal warmer,” she says lowering her eyes to Stella’s belly that her coat barely covers.

  “I know, right? That’s one great thing about pregnancy, I’m never cold. Don’t worry, though, Cannon won’t last long,” Stella says trudging outside following Cannon.

  She’s right. The storm is beautiful to watch from inside. It calls to you like a siren and leads you to believe you want to be outside tossing snowballs and making snow angels. But the minute you walk out the door, the wind takes your breath, and the cold and wet numb your fingers and toes.

  Knowing that kids don’t last long is the only reason I agreed to go. I’m counting on him to be frozen in fifteen minutes so I can take Allison back to bed and warm her up. I can’t get enough of that woman, everything about her turns me on—her smile, her curves, her mind, her compassion, and the place on her neck that makes her shiver when I kiss it. The thought of her naked spread out in my bed under me is making me hot and hard even out here in freezing temperatures and blowing snow.

  The driveway in front of the house was plowed an hour ago, but it’s already several inches deep—deep enough to scoop up a good-sized snowball and toss it at Cannon’s back.

  He whips around and laughs when he sees who launched the first attack, and then he scoops up his retaliation snowball and throws it as hard as he can at my head. He misses but hits my chest, so I feign traumatic pain and grab my chest.

  I hurry and make another, and before you know it, there’s a full-fledged fight going on amongst us. A hundred snowballs later, Stella calls a truce, and we decide to brave going down the driveway as far as it’s been plowed to see what we can see.

  Stella and Allison are walking ahead of Cannon and me. Their heads go together trying to hear each other in the wind. Allison glances back at me and then so does Stella. Both of them laugh, Stella shrugs, and I feel like I was just the butt of a joke. I don’t ask what they’re laughing about. Instead, I file it away in my head for later. I’ll give Allison a chance to tell me herself, and if she doesn’t, I’ll kiss it out of her.

  We don’t make it far before the driveway is drifted over with a mountain of snow forcing us to turn back. We help Cannon build a snowman, and when he asks to make a fort out of snow bricks, I have to break it to him that operation snow play is over. We are frozen stiff, even Stella is shivering, and we need to go inside. He whines until Stella whispers something in his ear, and then he marches straight inside. She does that often, and I always wonder what she says to make him bend to her so willingly.

  Inside, Olivia, one of the housekeepers on staff, meets us at the door collecting our coats to hang them up to dry. “Thanks, Olivia. I can take care of my coat, you don’t have to do that,” I tell her. As a member of the Pride’s staff, I don’t like other staff members to wait on me.

  “Oh no, sir, I’ll take it, I don’t mind,” Olivia says smiling up at me with a rosy blush on her cheeks. Olivia has had a crush on me ever since the first day I arrived at Silversage. I’ve never gone there, though. She’s pretty enough and sweet, but I have a strict no fraternizing with the help policy, and she’s finally figured that out.

  I hand over my coat, and she lowers her eyes to the floor and exits the foyer.

  “Somebody’s got an admirer,” Allison whispers in my ear.

  “She’s a good person, but I don’t date the house staff.”

  “So you don’t consider me house staff? I do work in the house, after all.” She’s saucy, and I like it.

  “You don’t work here all the time. You’re more of a guest.”

  “Hot chocolate for everyone,” Stella announces, and Cannon, as usual, yells and tosses his arms up in the air as he runs toward the kitchen. “I knew you two were perfect for each other,” Stella says passing us with a smug expression on her face. I glance at Allison.

  “She and Ash set us up, didn’t they?” I ask narrowing my eyes as I watch Stella and Cannon walk away.

  Allison nods her head. “Yep, they sure did. Does that upset you?”

  I snap my eyes back to her, “No, why would you say that?”

  “The look on your face just now.”

  “What look?”

  “The one that said I’m pissed about being set up.”

  I reach out and trail my finger along her jaw. “That’s not what my face was saying.”

  “Help me learn your expressions then, what was it saying?”

  I look at her hard and serious. “That was my what on earth made them do this when she’s going to leave for New York in a few days look.”

  “That’s a good question.”

  “A good question, indeed.”

  She smiles wide, and I wonder for a second if she’s gone off the rails. “What are you smiling about?”

  She forces her smile away and clears her throat, but the mischievous twinkle is still in her eyes. “Nothing.”

  “That smile wasn’t nothing, out with it.”

  “Okay, it’s just that sometimes you sound more like an Englishman than a cowboy. Indeed.” She drags out the word indeed and cocks her head when she says it.

  “Are you making fun of me?”

  “No, of course not, but you have to admit you have no twang or country accent whatsoever.”

  “I lost it when I went into the Marines. It leaks out here and there.”

  “That’s right. I almost forgot you said you were a Marine. What did you sound like before? Lay some cowboy speak on this big-city girl.”

  I inwardly cringe when she reminds me she’s from the city. I feel something for this woman, something more than I’ve felt for anyone since my wife. Knowing she will be leaving soon makes my chest ache. There is no future for us. Allison is career driven, and she has her brother to take care of along with her life is in New York. My life is here. Where does that leave us?

  “Ridge?” she says laying her hand on my chest. “Are you okay, you drifted off there for a second.”

  I shake off my thoughts and focus on the here and now. “Come on now, darlin, I gotta hankerin for some hot chocolate, and I don’t mean the kind Stella and Cannon are havin.”

  She stares at me for a few seconds and bursts into a full-on belly laugh. I smile, slide my hands into my pockets, and wait for her to catch her breath.

  “Oh. My. God. That’s the worst country accent I’ve ever heard. You
should stick with the proper gentleman stuff. It suits you better.”

  “What? You didn’t like it?” I ask raising one eyebrow in mock surprise.

  “I love your boots and your Wranglers and even your cowboy hat, but that accent, no.”

  “Good, I couldn’t keep it up anyway.” I reach out and gently pull her against me and cover her mouth with mine. She is so damn delicious, every time I taste her I want more. “So are we going into the kitchen or upstairs?” I say against her lips not breaking our connection.

  “I think it would be rude just to disappear. How about kitchen first, upstairs after?”

  I slide my hand around to her nape and hold her steady to kiss her again. She moans into my mouth, and my other hand moves down to her hip and then her ass. I’m about to carry her upstairs when I hear someone cough.

  I pull away and find Ash standing with his shoulder against the door watching us with a knowing smirk.

  “Oh, hi, Mr. Pri, I mean Ash, we were just…”

  “No need to explain,” he says holding up his hand and walking closer. “I was going to let you know I have a few hours free if you wanted to get some of the pictures done this afternoon. My Skype meeting was canceled.”

  “Oh, well, yes I can get everyone together, and we can…”

  “I told the crew to relax and take the day off. We thought you would be busy all evening.” I’m not giving up my evening with Allison so she can rush through some pictures of Ash in his library.

  “All right then, I’m going to find my wife and join her for some hot chocolate. Are you two coming?”

  “Yes, we are,” Allison says squeezing my hand.

  “Great, come on then.” Ash leads the way, and I shoot Allison a questioning look. She shrugs.

  “I’m cold, hot chocolate sounds good,” she says loud enough that only I can hear.

  I whisper in her ear, “I could have warmed you up.”

  “Oh, I have no doubt you would have, and I suspect you still will.”


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