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The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory

Page 15

by Bowser, Nancy

  Nicole was ready to complain when Jesus stopped her.

  "Ah ah ah!" she heard Him say. It was like she could see Him shaking his finger back and forth. "Don't worry about them as they will be revealed in My time. I'm explaining that because of those ties, you were easily fooled. Yes, I used this to reveal a high place that needed to be destroyed, but that is only a small part of the reason they were able to entice you. In and of itself, the high place would not have been enough to cause you to fall. But, in spite of these strong ties that began to pull you in, if you had called out to Me the moment you first noticed the temptation, I would have helped you. As it is, don't worry, My warrior woman. Remember that I am in the business of taking what was meant for destruction and using it for My purpose, which is always for hope, healing and freedom…Life."

  He paused and then said, "Now think about the warning I gave you…."

  Suddenly, the scene she had witnessed and the words she had heard the day she had climbed the Banning Building and looked into the window came flooding into her mind.

  That was the vague thought that had elusively stayed outside her reach! Mrs. Smith and Mr. Chavel were the woman and man in the window! She was certain of this even though their backs had been to her. What was it that they had said? They talked about a plan and strike, and the reason they had to do it this way was to get what they wanted… downloads?

  Interesting. In her dream, the lady who looked like Mrs. Smith had said something about uploads. Downloads, uploads. Computer talk. What did that have to do with a plan and a strike and her?

  The only thing that made sense to her was that Mr. Chavel and Mrs. Smith were not who they said they were.

  In looking back she realized that she had lost time. How could she not have seen that before? Somehow, she must have passed out in their suite, and that thought made her cringe in fear. What had they done to her while she was out?

  "Oh Lord, what have I done?" she cried.

  "Fear not, little one. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Do you believe this Nicole?"

  Once again her heart was filled with peace and she replied, "Yes Lord I do believe that You are in me and that You are greater than the devil, his people, his plans, my stupidity, mistakes and sin. I do believe that You have given me power, love and a sound mind, and right now I really need Your sound mind."

  She laid down on the couch and tried to relax, hoping to fall asleep. Instead, snippets of conversation began filling her mind. "Are you getting anything?" "Most of the markers are gone, but I'm getting enough info for an upload." "Daemon, get your mind out of your britches! There's no time for that now." "She's been out longer than she should be…" "I think she's coming around…"

  She suddenly knew that her dream was a reality! They had said that the markers were gone…what markers? Why would they be there and why were they gone? That didn't make sense.

  It was 3:00 in the morning, but she didn't care. She picked up the phone and dialed Mr. Chavel's cell. She wanted answers right now.

  "We're sorry, but the number you have dialed is no longer available," said the message.

  There it was… Confirmation that she had been duped. They had been baiting her, using her, but why? She refused to give in to feelings of foolishness. She considered waking Jake up and going to the Inn to confront them, but then remembered that they had told her they were leaving early and she knew in her heart that they were already gone.

  The following morning she arrived at the Inn by 7:00 am. Sure enough, their rooms had been vacated with no indication of where they had gone. She might never know what all this had been about.

  PART 2




  When Casie arrived that morning, Nicole told her about her experience with Peter or Daemon or whoever he was. She listened with incredulity.

  "Oh girl, I wish you would have told me!" She reached over and took hold of both Nicole's hands. "Well, Lord, I ask You to cover Nicole with the protective blood of Jesus. This just has the stench of the devil all over it. Show us what it means if we need to know."

  "I wish I would have told you too. I never want to be in that fog again, and Lord I ask that if I am, that Your Holy Spirit will remind me to cry out for help rather than give in to it. Casie, will you forgive me?"

  "Of course," she said as she hugged her. Then as an after thought she asked, "What did you do with the clothes? Do you still have them?"

  "I burned them this morning. But I was just thinking that I need to ask God to break soul ties with both those people because I feel like there is a connection between us, and Jesus pretty much told me that that was why I succumbed so easily to the temptation. I'm not sure how or why, but I don't want to be connected in any way with them. The more time that passes, the more I'm sure that they are evil."

  "Let's do that right now together," Casie said. They went into the Safe Place, the upstairs apartment, and got down on their knees and did some spiritual house cleaning in Nicole's soul.

  Things at the Inn were going well. Nicole was pleased that they were beginning to see the vision for it fall into place a little at a time. As it worked out, Frederick had been true to his word and had provided everything they needed to get established. Casie and Nicole were the ones who had the heart for running it and the most time to contribute, but the other intercessors had their parts to play as well.

  They were focusing largely on getting the business part of it established before branching out into other areas of ministry, although they continued to have morning worship and to pray for people. Word had spread that God was answering prayers at the Inn, so everyday there were still people coming in for prayer.

  They were training several of the ladies from the community that were in various stages of discipleship to do different jobs, and they had hired two men to help with maintenance and yard work. Jake was good at overseeing the maintenance, but he had decided that until he retired, they needed others to do most of the hands-on work.

  It blessed Nicole's heart as she watched them open their first pay checks. Most of these people had been told they were worthless; that they would never amount to anything; that they could never do anything right. Many had been on government welfare their whole lives, and a few had been imprisoned and never thought they would be able to get a job after incarceration. They were no longer victims, but were contributing and making a difference.

  The coffee and juice bar was open every day except Sunday, from 9:00-4:00, and then from 6:00-7:30 on Sunday evenings for community worship which was held on the patio as weather permitted. They had decided that the restaurant would be open for lunch and dinner on Tuesday through Saturday, and would serve a western style menu, from hamburgers to steak. They were working on a menu and were hoping to have it up and going within the month.

  The hotel was running at about 20 percent occupancy on a fairly regular basis. They hoped it would increase, but because it was all so new, Nicole was grateful that they hadn't been too full while they were learning.

  Zeke was doing an awesome job as manager and of taking care of the financial business. He was great at communicating with Nicole and Casie and never complained about their crazy ideas. In fact, he would actually encourage them to try new things. He put their minds at ease and helped them not to get overwhelmed. When Nicole voiced her concern about income, or rather the lack of it to Frederick, he assured her that he was pleased with the ministry that was going on, and his faith that God would provide everything needed was comforting. He also reassured her that every business takes losses at the beginning and that he had ample funds to carry them through.

  Since Liz, Deanne, Cheryl and Rachel were just as dedicated in the purpose of the Inn, and because at least one of them were able to be there each day, Nicole and Casie had decided that they would take turns at the Inn rather than both trying to be there every day.

nbsp; They were open six days a week so Nicole and Casie each worked three days a week, and shared Sunday nights. They always tried to make sure that there were two intercessors working at the same time, and they all shared the responsibilities so that no one felt alone. Mary held just as important a role as prayer partner and could be called at a moments notice to pray for specific requests, and would come to minister in emergency situations. The churches were also seeing the benefit of this ministry and were sending people in to help as needed.

  On Nicole's days at the Inn, she loved to get there early before anyone else arrived and just walk through, praying over it and the people who would step over its threshold that day. There had been moments when she had begun to feel overwhelmed at the enormity of this task, but in those times it was like the Lord tapped her on the shoulder and said, "Don't look at the waves, look at Me." And sure enough, every day as she did just what Jesus showed her to do, she was joyful and hopeful, not overwhelmed; just busy yet able to be at peace even when they hit obstacles.

  On this particular summer morning, Nicole's heart was full of praise as she realized how far they had come in such a short time. As she walked and prayed, she was especially impressed to pray for the hotel. There was a heaviness that had descended on her heart, and so after walking around the hotel praying over each room, she went to the Chapel, a large downstairs room that had been the formal dining room. Nicole knelt down in front of the cross and waited for the Lord to show her the source of her heavy heart.

  A face was all she could see. In her mind, she saw the face of a woman. She didn't know her or anything about her. "Lord Jesus, what are you trying to tell me?" she prayed. Still nothing came to her but this face. So Nicole prayed for the nameless lady until she felt her spirit lift.

  Late that afternoon, Nicole looked up as the front door opened and a man and woman walked up to the front desk. She came in to the foyer and asked, "Hi, may I help you?"

  Nicole was startled when the woman turned to look at her. She was looking back into the face of the woman in her prayers. The man said, "Yes, we need a room. What do you have available?"

  Nicole recovered quickly from her shock and walked behind the desk to check the computer. "We have one suite available; also a room with one queen size bed, or one with two full size beds."

  "We'll take the suite."

  "Very good. How many nights are you planning to stay with us?"

  "Just one."

  "Your name sir?"

  "Eddie Martinez."

  Nicole continued to take down his information, but she was operating more on automatic pilot than anything else. She was aware of the woman's eyes on her.

  When all the information had been exchanged, Nicole reached out her hand to Eddie and said, "I'm Nicole, Mr. Martinez. Welcome to the Samaritan Inn." She looked over at the lady and said, "I hope you will both enjoy your stay with us."

  The lady extended her hand, and as Nicole took it, she smiled and with a Spanish accent said, "I am Maria."

  "I am very glad to meet you Maria. Please let me know if there is anything you need."

  Danny was very good at watching for guests, and he stepped into the foyer and picked up the luggage. "I will show you to your room. Follow me please."

  "208, Danny," Nicole directed.

  He nodded at her and smiled. He loved his job and was so proud of it!

  Nicole stood watching them go. "Jesus, I don't know what You are trying to tell me about Maria. There is something special about her and I like her already. Please show me what You want me to do for them."

  The following morning, Maria came down for worship on the patio. After worship, some people left and others went in to order from the bar. Maria remained seated as if deep in thought.

  Nicole approached her and said, "Good morning Maria. Can I get you anything to eat or drink? We have coffee, juice, smoothies, pastries…."

  Maria smiled. "I would like coffee and pastry, yes please."

  "Ok, coming right up," Nicole answered.

  As she turned, Maria added, "Un momento, senora. I take two coffee and pastries."

  Nicole nodded and said, "Ok, I'll be right back."

  Maria smiled, but there was something sad in her eyes. When Nicole brought her order out, she said, "Maria, would it be ok with you if I pray for you and Mr. Martinez?"

  Now Maria's eyes lit up with hopeful expectation. "Oh si' Miss Nicki. Gracias! Thank you." As she began to walk away, she turned back and smiled at Nicole.

  There was just something about that woman that tugged at Nicole's heart strings. Maybe it was the common spiritual bond in Jesus that she sensed; maybe it was the recognition of a touch of sadness that was faintly visible in her expression; or it may have been the spark of joy and peace that only comes through victory that she saw in her eyes. Whatever it was, Nicole felt a kindred spirit with Maria.

  Around check out time, Mr. Martinez approached the bar. "Excuse me; can anybody give me the name of a good mechanic close by?"

  Kerrie said, "Well, there's Ken's Auto and Body Shop just down the road."

  "Do you know his number?"

  "I'll look it up for you." Kerrie got out the phone book and dialed the number on the land line for him, then handed him the phone.

  Nicole came up behind Kerrie and whispered, "Good job, girl!" Kerrie smiled and blushed. She wasn't used to praise, and she began to wipe down the counter with vigor, as if she was going to do the best job possible.

  "Uh, yeah," Eddie said to the person on the other end of the line. "I'm here at the Samaritan Inn and my truck broke down. Would you be able to take a look at it for me?"

  Then, "Well, it's deader than a door nail, so I can't run it over to you. My AAA just expired too, go figure."….. "Uh huh, I see. Yeah, I'd appreciate it." …. "Right, only in a small town! Hey thanks, man."

  Eddie hung up and said, "You gotta love small town service. He's going to come by and check it out for me and tow it to his shop if he needs to. I guess I need to book another night."

  "No problem," Nicole said.

  He looked at Kerrie. "Thanks for the help."

  "You're welcome Mr. Martinez," Kerrie said. "If there's anything else I can do to help, just let me know." Kerrie glanced over at Nicole as if to say, "Did I do that right?" And Nicole smiled and nodded, then pointed to a fruit smoothie that had just been made, but had gone unclaimed.

  Kerrie looked puzzled for an instant, then realization dawned and she called out, "Mr. Martinez, excuse me sir." He stopped and turned back to look at her. "Would you like a fruit smoothie? It's on the house, sir."

  He smiled and went back over to the bar. "Thank you very much!"

  As Eddie left the room, Nicole said, "You are doing an awesome job, Kerrie! I think you just might be a very good waitress." Kerrie was thriving on encouragement.

  Eddie's truck was in bad shape. Ken had towed it to his shop the following morning and explained that it would take him at least three days to get the parts and to fix it.

  Eddie looked discouraged. He and Maria were sitting on the patio when Nicole overheard him saying, "I just don't know what to do." He leaned over and put his head between his hands.

  Nicole approached them. "I'm sorry Mr. Martinez. I couldn't help overhearing. Is there something I could help you with?"

  Eddie straightened up and looked at Nicole. "Not unless you can drive us out to my brother's ranch. They're on an extended vacation and I'm supposed to be there by tonight to take care of it. I called the guy who's been doing it to see if he could stay on a couple more days, but he can't."

  "I see," Nicole said. "Where is the ranch?"

  "About an hour on up the mountain."

  Nicole looked at her watch. "Well, if you can wait until about 4:00, I think I could run you up there."

  Eddie looked at her in surprise. "You'd do that for us?"

  "Of course," she smiled and winked at Maria.

  At 12:30 she called Jake. "Hey hon. Are your clients being good to you today?"
  "Yeah. It's been a good day so far. How bout you?"

  "I'm having a good one too. You remember Mr. Martinez and Maria?"

  "I remember you telling me about his truck breaking down and that you really like Maria."

  "Yes. Well, his truck is still at Ken's and he's got to be at his brother's ranch by tonight. I was wondering what you'd think if I ran them up there?"

  "How long would it take you?"

  "He said it's about an hour up, and if we leave at 4:00, I should be home by 6:30. 7:00 at the latest."

  "You know we have a meeting with Frederick at 7:00," Jake reminded her.

  "Oh yeah. Well, I'm sure I can be back by then, and if not, just start without me and I'll get there as soon as I can."

  "At least it'll still be light out and you won't be driving on the mountain road in the dark. You're taking Jo, right?"

  "Of course."

  "Ok, I gotta go. I'll see you tonight. Love you."

  "Love you too."

  It had been a slow afternoon and by 3:45 Nicole was ready to leave. Eddie and Maria had their bags with them and were waiting on the patio.

  "Thanks for going out of your way to help us," Eddie said as he put the luggage in the back of the truck.

  "I always enjoy a drive in the mountains and I'm glad to help," Nicole said. She looked over at Maria who was standing very still, looking up towards the mountains with a sad yet resigned look on her face.

  "Are you ok, Maria?" Nicole questioned.

  Maria slowly turned her head to look at Nicole, and then she smiled. "Oh yes, Miss Nicki. Maria is fine. I like this place." She climbed into the back seat beside Jo.

  Nicole had the distinct impression that Maria didn't want to leave. "I hope you don't mind sharing a seat with my dog, Maria. I know he's big and takes up more space than is normal, but he's never gotten used to riding in the back of the truck."


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