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The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory

Page 21

by Bowser, Nancy

  "I'm pretty sure that I wasn't involved in governmental experiments," Nicole thought out loud.

  "Is there a chance you could have DID?"

  "I did. I didn't know that's what it was until later, but the Lord helped me to work through it and I'm healed and delivered."

  "I suspected as much with the little bit of your history that I know. I'm glad you were able to overcome. It's pretty much impossible without God's help."

  She couldn't resist the question any longer. "So Sam, you have quoted the Bible and you talk about God and Satan. I didn’t' think you were a Christian. What gives?"

  "I never said I wasn't a Christian," Sam said as he popped a whole cookie in his mouth, chewed a few times and washed it down with water. "You assumed by the way I answered several of your questions that I wasn't, but I am a believer in Jesus and the truth of God's Word. He dealt a lot with demons," Sam said.

  "Yes He did, and still does," Nicole answered. In looking back, she could see how she had been projecting her fear and frustration onto Sam and how it had skewed the way she viewed him. Come to think of it, he had shown her nothing but kindness and compassion.

  "I am a bigger pea brain than I thought, Sam. Please forgive me. It seems as if I've been wrong about a lot of things where you're concerned. I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions and that I was so quick to judge you."

  Sam waved off her apology. "I'm used to it. I know I'm not the best in the public relations department, and as a Christian, I don't seem fit into the mainstream line of doctrine and theology of most churches. Maybe it's because of my perspective, I don't know."

  "I do understand. We have more in common than I thought."

  He suddenly looked intently at her. "That is more true than you could possibly imagine." He whirled his chair around, and while opening his filing cabinet, he asked, "Nicole, what do you know about your grandparents and great grandparents on your mother's side?"

  "Not a lot. I know my granddad had a bad relationship with his step mother, who happened to have the same name as me, by the way, and left home at an early age because of that. I know less about my granny, but she loved me. I don't know…what exactly are you asking?"

  Sam picked up a large file and plopped it down on the desk in front of Nicole. "Do you want to know why I came after you instead of someone else, besides the fact that your name was one of the first on the list?"

  Nicole's mind was reeling with anticipation. "Yes of course I want to know!"

  Sam tapped on the full file folder. "In my research I discovered that my family's lineage was linked with the early Illuminati and occult here in the states. I discovered names of others who were a part of the same, and your family was one of those. In fact your grandfather and my grandmother had the same father." He paused a moment, watching her face.

  Nicole was listening and trying to make sense of what he was saying. "So you're telling me that my grandparents were involved in the occult, and that you and I are related?"

  He answered, "Well, not your grandparents, just your great grandmother, Sophia, and I wouldn't say that she was involved in the occult. She was born into an Illuminati family. But basically yes and yes, that's what I'm saying."

  Because her thoughts were so, all over the place, the only thing Nicole could think to say was, "But I thought you were related to Samuel Adams."

  "I am, but that's the other side of the family. Let me explain. Your great grandfather was Hans, and your great grandmother was Sophia. They had a son named David…your grandfather. Sophia died when David was a boy and Hans married Nicole, my great grandmother. Hans and Nicole had a daughter named Donna, my grandmother. Your grandfather David, was my grandmother's half-brother. Donna is the one who married into the Samuel Adams family." He was quiet for a moment as she tried to make sense of what he was saying, and then continued.

  "I've been watching the movements of the network and deduced that they had targeted you because your name was at the top of the list, and because I knew that you already had connections with them along with some other information I had gathered. I figured they would be making a move soon and that's why I decided to track you."

  Sam stopped talking and just let the info sink into Nicole's mind.

  She closed her eyes trying to logically think through what Sam had just shared, but her thoughts were swirling with confusion and chaos. She went into the tabernacle and the swirling stopped. "Jesus, is this true? It answers so many of my questions, but I don't want it to be true."

  Jesus put His hand on her shoulder and said, "Nicole, truth sets you free. All will be well. Trust Me."

  When she opened her eyes, she said, "I believe what you are saying about my family being linked with the Illuminati or occult or whatever, and actually it makes a lot of sense. I guess something like that is never easy to hear; and in some ways it's kind of like being punched in the gut. In the back of my mind I guess I have always hung onto a strand of hope that none of my memories are real. False hope, I see now, as you have come along with evidence that proves differently…"

  She suddenly smiled. "But on the other hand, we're related! So like, what are we? Cousins how far removed?"

  Sam bit into another cookie and replied, "Just second cousins."

  Nicole grinned, held out her hand and said, "Well, hey there cuz! Glad to meet you!"

  Sam brushed the crumbs off his hands, and then took hold of the one she was extending across the desk. Nicole squeezed it hard and suddenly her face took on a very serious look. "Cousin Sam, thank you for rescuing me. I could just hug you!"

  Sam swallowed, yanked his hand out of hers and disgustedly said, "See; now that's what I don't want! Don't you dare go getting all sentimental about this stuff. I should have listened to my gut instincts and not ever told you about our relationship."

  He looked flustered as he said that, then reiterated, "I don't mean relationship. We don't have a relationship! Well, not more than a genetic one anyhow." He indirectly looked over at Nicole from the corners of his eyes and saw that she was watching him and enjoying his discomfort. "I hate tears and if you cry, I'm going to put you on the plane back to Samaria and let those dogs eat you alive!"

  Nicole laughed, "Wow! Ok then, my cousin. I'll try not to cry. I do hope you can put me on the plane back home sometime though. What do you think? How long before I can go home?"

  He responded, "Look lady, like I told you before, just call me Sam. And I wish I could tell you when you could go home, but it will depend on a lot of things. We're working on it, but, have some patience here."

  Nicole said, "By 'we' I assume you mean the good people who are on your side that hired you." He nodded, and she asked, "What is the plan, Sam? Are you going to let me in on it? I want to help."

  He looked at her for a moment as if he were studying her and measuring her strength. She looked steadily back at him. After a moment he asked, "Don't you think you've taken in enough information for now?"

  She was disappointed and frustrated. "Sam, I want to go home. There's a woman in my house and in my bed and my husband believes she's me! You won't let me just go home and kick her out. You say that there's a plan in place to fix this situation. I want to know what is being done about this and what I can do to help!"

  Sam sighed, "Ok lady. The bottom line is that I believe we are in the last days and Satan is pulling a trump card even as we speak. With new technology, heightened spiritual knowledge and enhanced physical capabilities through interaction with demons, the Illuminati have come up with what they believe is a better, more effective way to attain their goals. Clones. This was what our task force uncovered. Human cloning. We discovered that certain people in the highest levels of the US government are involved in this process."

  "I thought that was illegal!"

  "In 1996, the President passed a law that banned the use of Federal funding in the research of human cloning. Then in 1997 when the first sheep and monkey were cloned, several states made cloning illegal. Because of the ethical issues tha
t were raised, the President issued a memorandum that urged the entire scientific and medical community to adopt a voluntary moratorium on the cloning of human beings. Then the Cloning Prohibition Act of 1997 was passed that did actually ban the research of and cloning of humans.

  "So yes, cloning humans is illegal," Sam said. "But, hey laws were made to be broken, right? And they make a good cover, especially for the government. After all, who would think that the government would break their own laws?" he added facetiously. "I've learned one thing about government over the years. If they say they aren't interested in something important, it probably means that they want it hidden from public knowledge and view so that they can use it for their own purposes."

  "Ok, so what does this have to do with me? And what can I do about clones?" Nicole asked.

  "I'm getting there, so just hold onto your horses!" Sam said. He took a swig of water as Nicole impatiently waited. "The Illuminati have been in the forefront with research in this area and have continued with it," he said. "I believe that their plan is to develop an army of these clones, whose bodies have been physically altered and improved so that they are able to handle the possession of principalities; and that these clones will be implanted in society in positions of influence, to undermine the gospel, and to cause disunity and destruction in God's Kingdom, opening the door for the Great Plan."

  Something suddenly fell into place in Nicole's mind and she interrupted. "There's a clone in my house isn't there?!"

  Sam slowly nodded his head and before he could get a word in, Nicole jumped up out of her chair and loudly asked, "How is that possible? And why? Why would they do this?" She began to pace back and forth in the small space.

  "I know this is shocking, but try to take it easy, lady" said Sam. "Having a heart attack won't help. Sit down and I'll explain."

  She reluctantly obeyed, and he continued. "My theory is that you were a perfect candidate for a trial run for testing one of their clones. Besides the fact that you qualify as a target because you are a Christian with influence in the spiritual realm through intercession and are knocking the enemy out of the water, so to speak, I'm guessing that you have the qualities they are looking for in your DNA which would be transferred on in a clone, who would most likely be more controllable than you are."

  "Oh, great!" Nicole sighed in exasperation. "But there are a lot of intercessors. It's not that I'd wish this on anyone else, it's just that there are a lot more effective and important Christians than I am, and I can't figure out why they would pick me."

  "Well, there are many questions I can't answer, but I've asked this myself and done some research. Your bloodline is connected to the Illuminati for as far back as I've been able to trace; but you, specifically, were targeted as far back as your great grandmother on your mother's side. I believe they targeted you because of her along with an ancient prophecy.

  "Sophia was a very godly woman and had the gift of spiritual discernment and insight. I believe that she was a mighty warrior in the spiritual realm against the powers of darkness, and because this was so very strong in her and because they were unable to stop her from conceiving and giving birth, the brotherhood decided to turn the tables, so to speak, and steal the bacon. So instead of trying to kill off Sophia's bloodline, they began planting seeds, preparing to high jack the Lord's plans and to reverse the prophecy that had been spoken against them.

  "But, the other side of the story," Sam continued, "is that God had His eyes on you and because you chose Him at such a young age, His Holy Spirit and angels have been protecting you."

  "I agree with that." Nicole believed that what he was saying was true. There had been a time when she was going through healing and was reliving the pain of the past that she would have questioned this, but not now.

  Sam continued. "Both kingdoms wanted you on their side. When you became a Christian, you put a 'hitch in their git-along' so to speak. God was looking after you. Course like 1 John 4:4 says, we know that ' He who is in you is greater than he that is in the world,' and I'm sure that's why you are still alive. Divine protection. The Illuminati usually exterminates or activates an extermination program within an alter in cases where a person goes rogue like you did."

  Nicole chose not to think about extermination, but had another question on her mind. "How do you know about Sophia? She was my great grandmother, not yours. Isn't that what you said?" Nicole asked. The thought that her great grandmother had been a strong woman of God gave her hope; a feeling of gratitude that redemption as well as darkness was in her ancestry.

  "I have my great-grandmother Nicole's journal as well as Donna's," Sam answered. "It seems that Nicole was strategically placed by the brotherhood into Han's home. They had promised her that her child would be the one who would carry the seed so that several generations later, a child in her bloodline would be the one to host an important principality.

  "However, it turned out that your grandfather David was the one they wanted because of the prophecy and because of Sophia's spiritual gifts and abilities. It was her seed that they desired, and Nicole was only a pawn in the process. It seems that because David already belonged to God's Kingdom, they needed authority in order to implant the seeds in him. As his stepmother, she had the spiritual authority to give him over, so to speak, and she was forced into doing just that. That made her madder than hell!"

  "That sounds familiar," Nicole said. Then she asked, "You keep mentioning a prophecy. What is that about?"

  "According to Nicole's journal, there was a prophecy that God would crush Satan under the feet of a girl in Sophia's bloodline because of her love for Him and obedience to Him."

  "Wow," Nicole breathed. "Romans 16:19-20 are some of my favorite verses!"

  "They believe that you may be the fulfillment of that prophecy."

  Her brows wrinkled as she tried unsuccessfully to comprehend that information. She moved on and asked, "So what happened to David?"

  "Your grandfather left the day after that specific ritual. He was older than most children when they are subjected to rituals such as this, and even though they probably used drugs, he most likely remembered enough of it to make him want to run. Usually the brotherhood begins their 'treatments' in infancy and definitely before the age of five when children's minds are most suitable for splitting off 'parts' that makes mind control possible. David would have been about nine years old."

  Nicole began realizing that she may have misunderstood her grandfather's actions and attitudes toward her. She couldn't imagine what it would have been like as a child to go through SRA and then to live with the memories of it daily. It was no wonder he didn't like her name.

  She didn't realize that she was speaking out loud until Sam broke into her thoughts and said, "I'm sure this is hard for you, but if it helps any, I can tell you that David loved the Lord Jesus and was a man of God.

  "My grandmother, Donna, wrote in her journal how her brother David prayed for her and would occasionally sneak back home, usually at night when others were asleep, just to see her. She loved him dearly. It seems that he was worried about her salvation and made sure that he taught her about Jesus, just the way that his mother had taught him.

  "Donna gave her heart to Jesus when she was eight years old and was faithful to the Lord even under persecution from her mother. Because of your grandfather, my grandmother was able to break the chains of abuse and the occult in her bloodline, which also goes back through the generations as far as I've been able to chart. I've seen many of the struggles that my mother and grandmother went through to gain this freedom.

  "That's why, when I stumbled onto the Illuminati's operation, I realized that I couldn't just sit back and do nothing. I am committed to bringing down this organization and doing everything I can to help others like my mom and grandma break free."

  "Like me," Nicole added. "I do thank you for what you are doing for me Sam, and I appreciate you telling me about my grandfather. It does help."

  "You're welcome. And I'm not doi
ng it just for you. I know your case is tied into the bigger plot. I'm just not sure of the details. I know that it involves clones and I believe that somehow, you are a piece of the puzzle. I believe this is one of Satan's end time strategies, but I also believe that this one can be stopped."

  He paused a moment to chew on a cookie crumb, then said, "It just drives me crazy how ignorant most Christians have become. There's no reason that we should be in such a predicament! And here we are, you and me. Where is the rest of the church? It seems like they're blind to the stuff that's going on in the spiritual realm around them. Satan's moving in on them and they have no idea. They have become so complacent that I wonder how many will spiritually survive the persecution that is soon coming. How many will be prepared to stand? And how many will fall away?"

  He sighed and ran his hand over his head. "Sorry. I tend to get a little discouraged sometimes, but the truth is, I do know that you and I are not alone. There are more and more intercessors and people who are truly becoming sold out for God and His Word as the Holy Spirit is waking up His bride. And I get frustrated because the God that I know wants so much more from His people. If they would just leave self behind and listen to His voice, He would do some really amazing stuff! Like you walking to Jackson. Like me finding your things, and then you in the saloon. Like eradicating the clones or at least destroying their function."

  "And don't forget the amazing part where He struck the men down with an invisible Sword!" Nicole added.

  Sam smiled faintly. "One amazing thing about the way you got here is that no one can trail your footsteps, so it'll buy us a little more time."

  He grew quiet and Nicole was lost in thought. "Wow, I hadn't thought of that," she said. "I've been upset because I'm so much further away from home than I want to be. Instead I should be thankful for God's protection. And truth is, if He got me here the way He did, He can get me home in the blink of an eye." She took another swig of water, and then asked, "So what does all of this have to do with my clone?"


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