One Last Time (The Stanton Brothers)

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One Last Time (The Stanton Brothers) Page 17

by Heather D'Agostino

  The afternoon passed in comfortable silence as we watched Danny sleep. There’s something about a sleeping child that just relaxes you. They look so sweet and innocent and you realize you’d do anything for them.

  “So, I wanted to ask you…” Micha glanced up at me and then turned his attention back to Danny.

  “Yes,” I blurted out.

  His brows furrowed. “You don’t even know what I was going to say, and… you’ve been telling me ‘no’ about everything for weeks.”

  “Maybe I want to try something new.” I smiled.

  “Un huh.” He rolled his eyes. “Anyway, I’ve been looking into getting my own place. I’d like some help if you don’t mind. I want to have a room for Danny. He needs a space for when he comes over.”

  “Oh, ok.” I nodded.

  “Of course, you can pick a space for yourself if you want.” He grinned and wagged his brows.

  “Don’t get too far ahead of yourself,” I warned playfully.

  “You just seemed upset. I don’t want to do that, but I do need to get out of my parents’ place at least that’s what my brother says.” He shook his head.

  “I’ll help you and maybe we can hang out a little more.”

  “Does this mean you’re reconsidering a date with me?” His eyes widened in surprise.

  “It means we’ll hang out, and see.” I narrowed mine as I handed him an ice cream. One of the nurses had placed them in a nearby freezer so Danny could have one when he woke up.

  “Eh, it’s progress, I guess. Wanna kiss me again?” He rocked forward on the bed.

  “Don’t push it,” I warned.

  Chapter 26


  Today is moving day. Micha found a small three-bedroom house not far from my apartment. He put a deposit down last week and now I’m helping him move. It’s a great place with a treehouse in the backyard. I know Danny is already in love with it.

  When I drove over to the farm this morning, I wasn’t aware that Micha had asked so many people for help. Max and two of the farm hands were carrying boxes out of the Stantons’ house and shoving them in the back of Micha’s truck. “You can head on up. We’ve almost gotten everything taken apart,” Max shouted toward me as I skipped up the front steps. I waved and then followed the path I’d taken hundreds of times in high school that led me to Micha’s childhood bedroom.

  “Your brother said to come on up…” The words died on my lips as I skidded to a stop in the doorway to his room. There was Micha, shirtless and bent over, taking apart the frame to his bed.

  “Hey.” He grinned as I stood there with my mouth hanging wide open.

  “Hey.” I snapped it shut and tried to look away, but I couldn’t. The tan skin of his muscled back, his arms flexing… it was all too much.

  “You know.” He started laughing and I held my hand up.

  “No.” I rolled my eyes.

  “There’s the girl I’ve been talking to. I’m glad to see you haven’t forgotten how to say that.” He winked. He fucking winked and my blood started to heat all over again. “You wanna hand me that wrench?”

  “Sure.” I grabbed the metal object and thrust it in his direction. The truth was, I wanted to hurl it at him. Between the lust I’ve been fighting for weeks and my brain telling me to keep saying no, I’ve been a mess. We’ve been home from the hospital for almost a month and Micha has been nothing but a friend. It’s been all about Danny, which I’m thankful for, but I miss the flirting. Despite the fact that I keep telling him no, part of me still wants him to try.

  “You know.” He tried again as he stepped closer and the bedrail popped loose. “I was thinking we could have that date tonight. I’ll have my place all set up. The weather is cooler. We could have a nice dinner and catch up.” He shrugged as he moved to the other side of the bed frame. “That is, if you want to.”

  “That could be nice.” I glanced around the room to keep from staring at him and to try and seem less interested than I was. “I’ll see if my dad can watch Danny.”

  “You could always bring him here. My mom would love to get to know him better.” The bedpost popped free and Micha stood wiping sweat from his brow.

  “We’ll see.” I didn’t mind Micha’s parents watching Danny, but Danny didn’t know them that well yet. We were still in the early phases of meeting all the extended family and my dad already knew all Danny’s quirks and would come to my apartment. The idea of both of us jumping into the deep end on the same night scared the crap outta me.

  “Just an idea.” Max stepped back into the room and the two brothers each grabbed pieces of the bed.

  “You two finished eye fucking in here so we can get this done?” Max snickered as Micha punched him in the shoulder. “Do that again and you’ll be finishing this on your own,” he warned.

  “Don’t talk about her like that.” Those words right there made me realize that despite growing up, Micha hadn’t changed that much. He still defended me just as he did when we were seventeen.


  “Thanks for all your help.” Micha waved from the front porch as Max drove away. I was leaning against one of the posts sipping a lemonade and trying to make myself go home. “Now,” he turned in my direction, “about that date.”

  I sighed as I blew my hair out of my face. “Fine. What time?”

  “You act like this is punishment.” He laughed lightly as he moved in front of me. He placed his hands above my head and leaned in, trapping me in my spot. “Tonight is anything but a punishment, Savannah. It can be so much more, if you let it.”

  “How many times have you used that line?” I tipped my head up so our eyes met.

  His lips twisted as if he had to think about it. “Counting just now…” He gripped the back of his neck. “Once.”

  “I’m sure.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Why do you doubt me so much? I’m the same guy you used to know.” He pushed back and but kept his feet rooted so I couldn’t move. “I’m the guy who was your friend first. The one who took you skiing. The one who told you he loved you.” He stepped closer. “I’m the guy who knows every curve of your body. What makes you moan. What makes you squirm. I’m him.” He stepped back, holding his arms out at his sides. “I haven’t changed. Why don’t you trust me?”

  “We didn’t work for a reason, Micha,” I mumbled as I stared at the ground. I didn’t want to see the hurt on his face.

  “We did work! You left!” he growled in exasperation. “You’re not going anywhere now, right?”

  “No. I’m not leaving,” I murmured. I could feel my throat tightening and I refused to cry.

  “Ok then. So, I’m going to get cleaned up and then I’m coming over to your place. We’re going to go out for some food and then maybe a movie? I don’t care, you can pick, but we’re going to spend some time together…alone. I’m going to prove to you that this,” he waved his finger between us, “is not bad.”

  “Ok.” I nodded.

  “You’re damn straight that it’s ok. Now, go home and put on something nice. We aren’t going to the diner. I can afford better places now.”

  I nodded again, like a fool, before turning to jog down the steps and out to my car. I needed to get home and talk to my dad. I hadn’t asked him to babysit for tonight and I needed to make sure he was ok with it. Danny had spent most of the day playing with Nora and I’m sure Hailey was ready for the break.


  I don’t know what I expected, but it wasn’t Micha being so pushy. When we were younger, he usually let me decide whatever we were doing, or eating, or where we were going. At times, I wondered if he cared enough to make a decision. I guess that’s one part of him that’s changed.

  I promised my dad that I wouldn’t be out late and he agreed to watch Danny for me. The biggest problem I was having now was convincing my three-year-old son that he couldn’t come. He didn’t understand why his father and I wanted to go out without him. If it wasn’t for my dad taking him to the pla
yground, I think I’d still be explaining myself.

  After they left, I rushed around the apartment trying to make myself presentable. I’d taken a quick shower, buffed and shaved everything and now I was standing in front of my closet in nothing but a towel. What should I wear? We hadn’t talked about what we were doing so I had no idea. Summer was ending and the weather was much more comfortable in the evenings now. I thumbed through the hangers until I came to a light blue sundress. I hadn’t worn it in months. It was one of my favorites, but Tim didn’t like it. I’d worn it out on a date and he accused me of trying to get another guy’s attention. I wasn’t, but Tim didn’t see it that way. He’d grabbed me by the arm and practically dragged me home. After being scolded again at my door step, I’d placed the dress in the back of my closet. I smiled as I tossed the hanger on the bed and slipped the dress over my head. The cotton felt nice against my freshly showered skin. I turned toward my mirror and stared at my reflection. “How do you like me now, Tim?” I muttered as I twisted from side to side, letting the cotton swish around my knees.

  After deciding on my boots, I rushed into the bathroom to run a brush through my hair. Micha had always liked when I wore it down, so I figured I’d test the waters in that again. I swiped on some gloss and brushed a little mascara on before grabbing my purse and rushing to the family room. I didn’t even get a chance to sit before there was a knock at the door. I glanced at my watch. It had only been an hour since I’d seen him last, but I was already missing him.

  “It’s open,” I called out as I grabbed my keys off the counter.

  “Wow!” Micha’s voice came out as a hiss behind me. “You look…” He stopped as I turned to face him. His eyes scanned down my body before coming back to stop and meet mine.

  “Is this ok? I didn’t know where we were going?” I brushed my hands down the front of the dress as if it needed it.

  “When have you ever needed permission for anything from me?” His head tipped to the side as his lips curved into a boyish smile.

  “Right.” I gave a quick nod. “Well, I just need to lock up. Dad has Danny at the playground.” When Micha gave me an odd look, I explained. “He couldn’t understand why Mommy and Daddy didn’t want to bring him tonight.”

  “We’ll have to have a family date this weekend.” Micha held the door for me as I stepped outside. After locking up, he reached for my hand to lead me to his truck. He’d always been a gentleman; I don’t know why it surprised me so much tonight.

  “So, where are we going?” I glanced at Micha before turning to look back out the window.

  “Not far.” He smiled as he turned down the main street of town. “There’s a new place up here that’s supposed to be really good. The Greenwood Grille. Have you been yet?”

  “I’ve practically lived at the hospital or your farm for the last several months. I don’t get out much.” I laughed lightly, but the truth was other than ordering pizza, Danny and I didn’t really eat out.

  “According to my brother, this place is great.” Micha chuckled as he parked on the street and cut the engine. “Sit tight.” He jumped out and made his way around to my side. As he opened the door, he held his hand out to me to help me down. “It’s a long way down. Didn’t want you falling.” He winked as I slipped off the seat and bumped against him. We were lined up perfect for a kiss and at the moment I thought that’s exactly what he was planning to do, but he didn’t. “Come on.” He smiled as he turned, reached for my hand, and led me to the door.

  The Greenwood Grille was nice on the inside, but Micha requested outdoor seating. We were led through the restaurant by the hostess and taken out back. When we stepped outside, there was a firepit in the middle surrounded by tables with umbrellas over them. A small bar was serving wine and soft music filled the air. The hostess handed us menus and then left us there to decide on what we wanted.

  “This is really nice,” I murmured as I stared at the menu.

  “I thought you might like it. Wanna share a bottle of wine?” He handed me the wine list. “I’m not picky. Order what you want.”

  I scanned the menu again. If I was picking the wine, I wanted to get something that paired well with the food I chose. After deciding on a seafood dish, I selected a Riesling that was on special.

  “You know…” I paused as I stared across the table at him, “you don’t have to wine and dine me. I’m fine with pizza and Redbox.” I grinned.

  “A lady deserves to be treated like a queen and you most certainly are a lady. You look beautiful tonight. That color looks great on you.”

  “You don’t think it’s too much?” I glanced down, suddenly feeling self-conscious as I remembered Tim’s words.

  “I think it’s perfect and if anyone tells you otherwise then I’ll have to have words with them.” He reached across and tucked a hair behind my ear.

  We sat enjoying the atmosphere and our food for most of the night. The sun set was beautiful and when it became dark out, little twinkle lights began to shine around us.

  “When do you have to relieve your dad?” Micha placed his palm in the middle of my back as we left the restaurant.

  I glanced at my watch. “Pretty soon I’m afraid. I’ve been gone most of the day. I know Danny had fun with Nora this morning, but I want to spend time with him too.”

  “Well, I have one more stop and then I’ll take you home. It’s not far, promise.” He opened my door and I climbed in.

  When Micha pulled out into traffic, he turned in the opposite direction of home. We drove out of town and into the darkness. Part of me said he was taking me somewhere to make out, but another part me knew that he wouldn’t do that yet. This was our first date as adults and as much as I’d told him no, he wouldn’t chance ruining this.

  “What’s out here?” I crinkled my forehead as I stared into the darkness.

  “You don’t remember? It’s just a little farther.” We came to a T intersection and he turned. Just a little farther up, there was a small building with lights everywhere.

  “I haven’t been here in years. I forgot it was here, actually.” I bounced a little in my seat. Scoops was a local place that only people who had been around here forever knew about. The giant ice cream cone on top of the building was shining bright as the red wooden picnic tables out front housed a few couples happily eating.

  “I figured as much.” Micha laughed as he parked and cut the engine. “Hang tight.”

  I sat there bouncing my knees as he jogged around to help me out. We walked hand in hand over to the window to order. “What do you want? Your usual, or something different?”

  “Duh.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Ok then.” Micha shook his head as laughter bubbled out of him. “We’ll take a scoop of cookie dough and a scoop of double chocolate fudge.”

  “You haven’t changed either.” I pushed against his shoulder playfully.

  “Why mess with perfection?” He snickered as the attendant behind the window handed us our cones. Micha paid and we made our way over to one of the tables to claim as our own.

  We sat there in silence for several minutes just eating our ice cream and then I couldn’t take it anymore. “Why me?” I turned and my knees bumped his.

  “What do you mean?” His forehead crinkled adorably as his tongue ran around the base of the ice cream. My stomach tightened and I shook my head to dismiss the thoughts that were trying their damnest to creep in.

  “I mean, you could have anyone in town. Why me? I walked away from you.” My eyes moved between his and a tree that was behind us.

  “Because you’re the one I want. You always have been.” He shrugged as he took another lick. “When you left, I didn’t just stop wanting you. I waited for a while, hoping you’d change your mind and come back. When I realized you weren’t, I moved on, or tried to at least.”

  “And now?” I shifted on the bench.

  “And now you’re here with me. I’m hoping it’s where you want to stay, but I’m prepared to leave if it�
�s not.” He reached over and grabbed my hand, twining our fingers together. “I’m not letting you go this time, Savannah. All that ‘if you love them set them free’? That’s not going to happen again. I set you free and you came back. This time I’m going with you if you leave.”

  “What do you mean, go with me? You own a farm here. Your life is here.” I stared disbelieving at him. “And who says I’m leaving?”

  “And I’ll give it up, if that’s what you want.” He finished his ice cream and turned to fully face me. “When are you going to realize that you’re it for me? I know you and I know you’re itching to run.”

  “Not anymore.” I smiled softly as I finished my cone and stood. “We better head back. I promised my dad that I wouldn’t be out late and I miss Danny. I didn’t get much time with him.”

  “You’re probably right.” Micha sighed as he slowly rose and led me back to the truck.

  The ride home wasn’t long and as much as I knew the responsible thing was what I was doing, I really wanted to just be a teenager again. I’d had to be the adult at such an early age that I missed a lot of what Micha had been experiencing.

  We pulled up to my apartment and Micha came around to open my door. He’s ever the gentleman. “Maybe next time you can come to my place. Danny can play and we can all have a sleepover?” He bent his knees so we were eye to eye. “That is, if you want to.”

  “Maybe.” I grinned. The truth was nothing sounded better, but I couldn’t let him know that just yet. I’d been having too much fun telling him no. “I had a nice time tonight. Thank you.”

  Micha slowly leaned forward and brushed his lips over mine. It was soft and sweet and nothing like what I was expecting. Just as I was getting ready to try and deepen it, he pulled away. “Nu uh uh.” He chuckled. “I have to keep something to myself. Come over this weekend. I’ll make you wonder why you ever said no.”

  “I’m already asking myself that,” I muttered as I turned the knob to the door. “See you Saturday.” I stepped inside before I turned around and mauled him in the parking lot. Why had I been resisting him so much? Something must be wrong with me.


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