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Throne of Secrets (Wicked Kingdoms Book 3)

Page 15

by Graceley Knox

  I step forward and hold out a hand for Kiara to shake seeing as how we haven’t said one word to each other. “Hi, I’m Ever. Although you probably already know that.”

  She looks at my hand before narrowing her eyes on mine. She takes my hand and nods. “Thank you for what you did. Time is something I’m not used to having.”

  I frown. How could she not have time? I stow the question for later and make the introductions. Her guard sticks tight to her side as she meets everyone.

  “And who are you?” Kirin asks as Kiara and her guard reach him. His question is directed to her guard rather than her.

  Her guard tenses and looks to Kiara. “I see no problem with them knowing your name. It’s not like they can say ‘hey you’ for a year.” Kiara shrugs.

  “I’m Brigid.” She nods at Kirin but doesn’t shake his hand. I look her over. She’s petite but has muscular definition. Not in an unfeminine way, but in the way that shows she stays in shape. She’s of medium height, and her black hair is pulled back into a tight braid. She focuses her black and purple eyes on Kiara, only leaving her to keep an eye on their surroundings.

  I clap my hands together. “Okay, well, now that everyone has been introduced, let’s get you both settled.” I hold my arm to the side, indicating they should follow me, and I head toward the corridor closest to mine. We decided to keep them close just in case.

  I look over my shoulder at them. “We’ve kept you close to me, just in case you need anything. Your rooms are adjoining as I assumed Brigid would want to be close to you, Kiara.”

  They both nod, but their focus is on their surroundings. I get it. When I first arrived here, I was fascinated by the tapestries, the stone walls, the alcoves, and every other hidden gem here.

  Dare stops a few feet in front of me and opens the door to their room. Brigid looks him up and down like she’s sizing him up for a fight.

  Dare crosses his arms over his chest. “Did I pass the test? The only way I’m going to attack you is if you attack me or mine first. Or if we’re sparring.”

  Kiara laughs, the sound reminding me of wind through branches. “Ease up, Brigid. We’re here so they can protect us. They’re not going to attack us.”

  “She’s right. We aren’t. We’re all here together for a year, so might as well get to know each other and pretend like this wasn’t semi-forced on all of us.” I hold up my hands at my shoulders, palms up in a what-are-you-going-to-do gesture.

  “I’ll do my best. I wasn’t trained to relax.”

  I wink at her. “Neither was I. I’m sure we’ll get along great.”

  We leave them alone with two guards posted outside just in case they need to reach us or to go anywhere, with a promise to see them at dinner if not sooner.

  I grab Dare’s larger hand in mine as we walk away and smile up at him. “I like them. I think they’re going to fit in great here.”

  Dare brings my hand up to his mouth and kisses the back of it. “I hope you’re right, little álainn.”

  I know that I should be worried, but something in my gut tells me that this will all work out for the better and I made the right choice to strike a deal with the Unseelie Queen. Even if some of the guys aren’t too happy with me, at least we’ll all be safer and one step closer to getting rid of the plague that is the Order.


  Belly full from however many courses they brought out to celebrate Kiara’s arrival and some ridiculously good dessert on top of it, I’m slow to react when Gwynn and Liam slam through the front doors of Goblin.

  Shouting and threats fly through the air, and I roll my eyes inwardly. Of course Gwynn would show up today. A day when everyone is on high alert due to Kiara’s presence.

  Gwynn ignores the brigade of swords pointed at him and focuses his attention on me. “A word, Ever?”

  I sigh, not wanting to get up from my chair but doing so anyway. No rest for the weary around here. I raise a hand. “He’s friendly. Stand down. Doyle, Kirin, Axel, Eryn, with me please.” I don’t bother to say Dare’s name. I know he’s coming with me whether I like it or not.

  We walk outside and cluster around the fountain in the main courtyard of the castle. I rub my arms to ward off the chill in the air outside. Yule is coming, and the bite of frost is in the wind.

  “Gwynn, how lovely to see you. I’m assuming something has happened for you to show up unannounced and uninvited into the Goblin Kingdom.” I tilt my head. “How did you do that, by the way?”

  Gwynn only smirks and ignores my last question. “Yes, something has happened. We’ve rustled out quite a few traitors. Many of them in the research guild. It would appear that the Order was using some of MECA’s finest minds to dig up long-forgotten secrets and entrances into each kingdom and court.”

  I nod. “Let me guess. That’s how you got in here?”

  Both Gwynn and Liam nod.

  “Wonderful. Care to share?” I tap my foot on the cobblestones, impatient to get to the gist of this visit. I’m full, and I’m tired.

  “Aye, we’ve got a list for you to check into. We’ve got quite a few stops to make to ensure the Order’s secret entryways are blocked off.” Liam hands me a stack of papers with drawings and notes on them.

  “Thanks for letting us know. Anything else?” Eryn reaches for the papers, and I hand them off to her, keeping my focus on Gwynn and Liam.

  “We’ve decided to appoint Galen as temporary head of the Guards.” Liam crosses his arms over his chest.

  I nod, thinking it over. He’s loyal, to a fault. Not sure if that’s a good or a bad thing, but he’s always played by the rules.

  “Galen’s a good guy. Very black and white,” Kirin speaks up.

  “We’ve noticed. Hence we said temporary head of the Guards. We’re still looking for a more permanent solution. We came to ask if you had anyone in mind?”

  I shrug. I stay out of politics and anyone who isn’t working with us. “Doyle, Axel, Kirin? You guys know everyone the best. Thoughts?”

  “I’ve got nothing off the top of my head, but Galen could work so long as he learns to unclench,” Axel offers.

  “I’m with Axel. I could probably think of a few other possibilities but it’s been a while since we were in MECA and I’m sure things have changed with the shake-up,” Doyle adds.

  “Think on it and let us know, please.” Liam smiles and steps back.

  “How are things going here? Have you found anything else out about the Order?” Gwynn questions.

  “Yes, we’ve figured out they’ve got footholds within every kingdom and court, not just a few of the big players. We’re taking steps to ally with everyone to smoke them out and get rid of them for good.”

  “Keep at it. Until we chop the head off of the snake, they’ll keep popping up.”

  “Agreed.” I eye Gwynn for a moment, wondering if I can speak with him alone, but not sure if Dare will allow it. “Gwynn, do you have a few moments? I’d like to speak to you in private about something.”

  “I’ve got a few minutes.” He steps toward the gates leading out of the courtyard and I follow him.

  Dare moves to go with us, but I press a hand to his chest. “I promise I’ll fill you in right after, but I’ve got to speak with him alone for a moment. I’ll be right here. And I’m still armed to the teeth, okay?”

  Dare frowns at Gwynn and grips my hand on his chest in his before dropping it and nodding.

  “Thank you.”

  I step away and try to calm the butterflies dancing around in my stomach like drunken leprechauns. How do I ask Gwynn if he knew about my mother and Caddox’s involvement in the creation of MECA? Will he even know anything about it? Will he deny it? The final steps toward him feel like I’m walking through mud. My feet drag and my legs feel heavy.

  “You’ve got me alone, girl. What is it you want?” Gwynn’s gruff words bring me back to myself and I refrain from laughing.

  “Did you know that MECA was created with the help of my mother and uncle?”
  Gwynn strokes his beard and eyes me. “What would make you think that they had anything to do with MECA?”

  “I don’t think it. I know it, Gwynn. I overheard them talking about it. I confronted them. They said no one was supposed to know. My question is, did the Original Few know?”

  Gwynn drops his head and stares at the ground before he speaks. “We knew.”

  “Why would no one say anything? Why wouldn’t you guys try to work more with them? Especially after my grandfather was dead?”

  “By that point, Ever, we’d already carved out our own place in the world. A place where we weren’t ruled by those unlike us. A place where we could be safe, and yes, we could have changed some things, such as letting children see family, but we did what we thought was for the best. We wanted to ensure the survival of the many, not just a few.”

  My blood boils at his words. They knew. They all knew and they lied to us. For generations they’ve lied to us. I bite the inside of my cheek before I speak, choosing my words carefully.

  “You know what is ironic about all of this, Gwynn? A few of you made a decision for what you thought was the good of the many. And it wasn’t just for a few years until things settled down. It was for generations, and if I hadn’t discovered Frederick’s back channeling and his secrets, we’d still be in the dark. You’d still be trying to separate us from them. You know who else is trying to force a separation? The Order. Only they’re not dressing it up in pretty lies and the farce of a family. They’re blatantly stating what they’re after and why.” I tap my head with a finger. “Think about it.”


  I hold up a hand. “Save it. Until you make it right, until you come clean and let everyone make their own decisions, save it. I don’t want to listen to anything else you’ve got to say.”

  I turn and walk away calmly. With each step, I formulate a plan. With each step, I think about how I’m going to right the wrongs of my ancestors and how I’m going to somehow ensure that no matter who or what you are, you’ve got a place in Faerie or wherever else you’d like to be. Because despite species lines, and despite bloodlines and political standings, every living being deserves a safe space without judgment.



  I roll over and shove my face into my pillow. Bliss. That’s what I’m currently feeling. It’s been a few days without any surprise visits, no arguments, and best of all, no new developments. Although that’s a double-edged sword. No new developments means we’re not any closer to stopping the Order. On the other hand, it means they haven’t tried anything new.

  I have no idea what time it is, only that Dare let me sleep in again this morning. If he keeps up this streak, I’m going to become one lazy whatever-the-hell I’m now classified as. A soft knock on the door makes me groan and I wonder if I can hide under the covers until whoever it is goes away. The knock sounds again.

  “Damn it all to hell,” I mutter under my breath. I check to make sure nothing vital is showing through my shorts and tank top and sit up in bed. “Come in.”

  Amren pops his head through the crack in the door and smiles at me. “Ah, good, you’re awake, lass.”

  “Yeah, I was just being lazy.” I smile back at the old Druid.

  “Dare tells me you’ve been tired lately.” Amren sits down on the chair next to my side of the bed and appraises me.

  I frown. “Dare told you I’ve been tired?”

  Amren nods.

  “Well, I guess I’ve been sleeping more, but it’s because things have been quiet and I’m catching up and probably storing up for when I won’t be able to sleep as much when we’re in the thick of battle.”

  “Mmhmm. Have you been eating more?” he asks.

  “I don’t think so…”

  “And what about your feelings toward others? Pretty stable?”

  Stable? What does he think, I’ve gone off the deep end because I’m catching some extra sleep? “Amren, what is this really about?”

  “I’m not sure, lass. Dare asked me to see if you were sick and to help you if you were. So I’m just checking in to see how you are.” He holds his hands up defensively before clasping them together in his lap.

  “I don’t feel achy or anything. I’m not moody as far as I’m aware, and I’m not eating any more or less than usual. Does that answer your questions?”

  “Aye, I think it does. Would you like to go to breakfast with me, lass? I could use some company.”

  “Sure, let me just get dressed.” I hop out of bed and grab what clothes I’ll need before heading behind the partition in our room to change. I pull my hair up into a ponytail and step out, heading toward the door.

  Amren reaches for the door and ushers me through first, shutting it behind us. “How’s the tea I gave you, lass?”

  “It’s fine. I’m drinking it every day.”

  “Good, good. And how are you getting on with Simone and Tanner?”

  “Simone is great. She’s been really helpful. And not only with stuff involving Dare and me. She’s super-smart, and has tons of ideas on how to beat the Order at their own game. I like her.”

  “Excellent, I’m so glad. When she first arrived, I thought things might be a bit rocky.”

  “Well, she arrived unannounced so it was a bit tense but I think we all figured it out and handled it pretty well.” I chuckle. “No one lost a head, so I’d call that winning.”

  We sit and eat breakfast and make small talk, the idle task calming me and slowly allowing me to wake up without some sort of urgent matter or fire to put out. As we stand to part ways, Amren opens his mouth and then closes it, shaking his head.

  “What is it, Amren?”

  “I’m not sure, lass. There’s just something different about you.”

  “Different? How do you mean? Different bad or different good?” I’ve been working on staying calm and not panicking every time I have to make a decision but other than that I can’t think of what else could be different.

  “Not bad, just different,” Amren mumbles, almost to himself.

  “Okay…” I drag out the word.

  “Never mind, lass. I’ll think on it and get back to you.”

  “Sounds good.” I smile and wave as he heads back toward the library, and I head out to the training ring to get in some practice with my crew.


  I wiped the floor with Kirin, and Eryn and I ended in a stalemate, but Doyle had either upped his game or learned to read my mind because he thoroughly kicked my ass.

  I wipe the sweat off my brow with one hand, grabbing Doyle’s hand to pull me up off the ground with the other. “You been training hard or what?”

  “I’ve been working with Dagan as he trains Arela. It’s been refreshing and enlightening.” He winks at me.

  “Sure, sure. Remind me to join in on a few of those.” Doyle laughs. “No, seriously. Whatever he’s teaching, we should be learning it. You were on fire out there.”

  Doyle nudges me with his shoulder and we both suck down some water, breathing hard as we cool down. A hush falls over the courtyard and I look around to see what’s causing it only to see Kiara in pants and a T-shirt. I’ve never seen her in anything but a dress while she’s been here. She and Brigid slowly approach us and I watch them curiously.

  “Hey, guys, what’s up?”

  Brigid waves two sticks with padding on them. “We’re here to train if that’s okay?”

  I shrug. “So long as you don’t start taking out the guards, be my guest. Our house is your house. Do what you will.”

  “Thank you.” She hops over the fence we’re leaning against and waves Kiara on. “Come on, they’re not going to bite you. You have to learn how to defend yourself.”

  Kiara hisses a curse under her breath, something along the lines of harpy, and I cough to cover a laugh.

  I lean up to Doyle’s ear. “This ought to be entertaining.”

  He nods, keeping his focus on the two women in the ring.

  Kiara awkwardly climbs over the fence, her face stuck in a permanent scowl. They stretch and Brigid teaches her a few basic moves before she starts swinging at her with the stick.

  “Use your instincts. When I swing, you block. Move back if I get too close. Press forward if you see I’m open for a strike. You can do this,” Brigid encourages.

  I’ll give her one thing, she’s nicer than any trainer I’ve ever learned from. Usually you are horrible and should give up was shouted in my face along with brutal strikes and a collection of bruises on my skin until I figured out how to do whatever I was trying to learn.

  Brigid swipes the stick toward Kiara’s feet and she jumps to avoid it but ends up falling on her ass. She shrieks in frustration before launching herself toward Brigid. They both strike at each other, locked in their own battle that seems to go deeper than any physical training. I watch Kiara’s moves, hoping I can help her when she’s not in front of a large audience.

  Finally, Kiara strikes a blow across Brigid’s cheek, and blood flies through the air. As soon as she makes contact, Kiara’s mouth forms into a perfect O of shock and she drops her stick, backing away, looking horrified.

  Brigid palms her cheek, reaching her fingers in to check her teeth. She nods. “Good. You got angry and you let your instincts take over. That was good.”

  “I’m sorry I struck you.” Kiara looks close to tears. Violence is probably something she’s not used to participating in.

  “Don’t be. You got in a good shot. We’ll pick up tomorrow.” She pats Kiara’s shoulder as she walks by, grabbing the other stick and heading back into the castle.

  Kiara stands there, staring at the small puddle of blood from Brigid’s mouth. I push off from my spot on the fence and walk toward her, making as much noise as I can so I don’t startle her.


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