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Dexter and Philosophy

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by Greene, Richard; Reisch, George A. ; Robison, Rachel

  Conley, Andrew


  Cooper, Rudy. See also Ice Truck Killer; Moser, Brian

  Cornell, Drucilla

  Criminal Minds

  “Crocodile” (episode)

  The Count of Monte Cristo

  Croft, Lara


  Cullen, Edward

  Dahl, Roald

  Daily Mail

  “The Damage a Man Can Do” (episode)

  Dancing with the Stars

  Dantes, Edmond (Count of Monte Cristo)


  Dark Defender

  “The Dark Defender” (episode)

  Dark Passenger ; different in novels and TV show

  Darkly Dreaming Dexter (novel)


  Davidson, Donald

  Davis, Jason

  Davis, Walter; Death’s Dream Kingdom

  Death Wish (movie)

  Deb. See Morgan, Debra

  decision theory

  Deen, Phillip


  Descartes, René


  Dex. See Morgan, Dexter

  “Dex, Lies, and Videotape” (episode)

  Dexter (TV show): critical acclaim; disturbing quality; objections to. For episodes, see under title of episode

  “Dexter” (episode)

  Dexter by Design (novel)

  Dexter in the Dark (novel)

  Dirty Harry (1971 movie)

  “Do You Take Dexter Morgan” (episode)

  Doakes, Albert (Doakes’s name in the novels). See Doakes, Sergeant James

  Doakes, Sergeant James

  Donovan, Mike

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor: Notes from Underground

  Douglas, Michael

  Downs, Jeremy


  Driscoll, Joe

  Drummond, Captain Hugh (Bulldog)

  Drummond, Mrs Phyllis

  Dumas, Alexandre (père)

  Dyer, Richard

  Early Cuts

  Eastwood, Clint

  “Easy as Pie” (episode)

  Eigen, Michael

  Einstein, Albert

  Ellis, Bret Easton

  Elli, Tracy




  Epright, M. Carmela

  The Fable of the Bees

  Fairweather, Abrol

  The Falcon

  Falling Down (movie)

  Farrow, Jonathan

  “Father Knows Best” (episode)

  Figg, Camilla,

  “Finding Freebo” (episode)

  Firestone, Robert W.

  The Flash

  Fleming, Ian

  Ford, Henry

  Foster, Everitt

  Foucault, Michel; Discipline and Punish; History of Sexuality

  Fowkes, Katherine A.

  Fowler, Boyd

  Frankfurt, Harry G.; killed by Dexter; On Bullshit

  Franklin, Benjamin

  Freebo (Fred Bowman)

  Freud, Sigmund

  Friedman, Milton

  Frost, Andrew


  free will

  Gacy, John Wayne



  “The Getaway” (episode)

  Gibbon, Edward

  Gibson, William H.

  “Go Your Own Way” (episode)


  Goldner, Rebecca Steiner

  Goldstein, Kurt

  Gomez, Benny

  Gregor, Brian

  The Green Hornet

  Green Lantern

  Greene, Richard

  Gruen, Arno: The Insanity of Normality

  The Grumbling Hive

  Haas, Daniel

  Hall, Michael C.

  Hammer, Mike

  Hantman, Jean


  Harry’s Code. See Code, Harry’s


  Heberle, Renée

  Hegel, Georg

  Heidegger, Martin

  “Hello, Bandit” (episode)


  Hicks, Roger

  Hill, Christine

  The Hills

  Hobbes, Thomas

  Holmes, Eric

  Holmes, Sherlock,

  Hornung, E.W.; “Gentlemen and Players,”; Mr Justice Raffles

  Humane Society

  Hume, David

  “I Had a Dream” (episode)

  Ice Truck Killer . See also Moser, Brian

  identity thinking

  “An Inconvenient Lie” (episode)

  Inglourious Basterds (2009 movie)

  “It’s Alive” (episode)

  Jack the Ripper

  Jameson, J. Jonah

  Jaworski, Jamie

  “Jennifer’s Leg,”

  Jesus Christ

  Jewett, Roger

  Johnson, Samuel


  The Just Men. See Wallace, Edgar

  Kane, Bob

  Kant, Immanuel

  Kent, Clark

  Keynesian economics

  Kierkegaard, Søren

  Kilmer, Val

  King, George Washington. See also The Skinner

  King Kong (1933 movie)

  Kirk, Captain James T.

  Kirkland, Ewan


  Kofman, Sarah

  Kohlberg, Lawrence

  Kreiser, Lawrence

  Kristeva, Julia: abjection; Powers of Horror

  Kruger, Officer Zoey

  Laden, Osama bin

  LaGuerta, Lieutenant Maria

  Lara (mother of Superman)

  Larsson, Stieg

  Lawrence, John Shelton

  Lecter, Hannibal

  “Left Turn Ahead” (episode)

  Lehrer, Jonah

  Leibniz, Gottfried

  Lermontov, Mikhail: A Hero of Our Time

  “Let’s Give the Boy a Hand” (episode)

  Let the Right One In (novel and movie)

  Lewis, David

  Lichtenfeld, Erich

  life, meaning of

  Lila. See Tournay, Lila

  Lindsay, Jeff

  “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” (episode)

  “Living the Dream” (episode)

  Locke, John

  London, Jack

  Long, Audrey

  “Love American Style” (episode)

  Loy, David

  luck; constitutive; Dexter’s; moral; resultant; situational

  Lundy, Special Agent Frank

  MacIntyre, Alasdair; After Virtue

  Magnum Force (1973 movie)

  Malloy, Daniel P.

  Manders, Bunny

  Mandeville, Dr. Bernard

  The Man-Devil. See Mandeville, Dr. Bernard

  Marten, Nathan

  Marx, Karl H.

  Mary, Nurse


  Maslow, Abraham; hierarchy of needs

  Mason, Perry

  Masuka, Vince

  The Matrix (1999 movie)

  McAleer, Sean

  McNamara, Detective “Mack,”

  Mellamphy, Deborah

  Meridian, Emmett

  Method of Difference

  Meursault (first name unknown)

  Michaud, Nicolas

  Mill, John Stuart

  Mitchell, Arthur. See also Trinity Killer

  Monique (amputee victim of the Ice Truck Killer)

  Monte Cristo, Count of. See Dantes, Edmond

  Montessori, Maria

  Moore, Alan

  moral judgments: based on intuitions

  moral development, Three Levels and Six Stages of

  morals; rule–based. See also Morgan, Dexter, moral evaluation of; Morgan, Dexter, moral responsibility of

  moral responsibility

  moral theories

  Morgan, Deborah (Deb’s name in the novels). See Morgan, Debra

  Morgan, Debra ; hypothetically killed by Dexter

n, Dexter: childhood trauma of; conception of himself; emotions ; humanity of; impeccable instincts; killing procedure; makes the world better; moral evaluation of; moral responsibility of; psychopath; as old-fashioned punisher; relationship with Harry; and sex; sociopath; standards; superhero; trophies (slides)

  Morgan, Doris

  Morgan, Harrison. See Harrison

  Morgan, Harry

  Morgan, Rita. See Bennett, Rita

  “Morning Comes” (episode)

  Morrison, Toni

  Moser, Brian . See also Cooper, Rudy

  Moser, Dexter. See also Morgan, Dexter

  Moser, Laura

  Mr. Freeze

  Muir, John Kenneth

  Mullins, Alisa

  “My Bad” (episode)

  Nagel, Thomas

  Narcotics Anonymous

  Nayar, Pramod


  Nietzsche, Friedrich

  Nozick, Robert

  “Our Father” (episode)

  Packer, Sharon

  Parents Television Council

  Parker, Peter

  Parker, Uncle Ben

  Pascal, Blaise

  Pasquale, Esmé

  Paul, St.

  Pechorin, Grigoriy

  Perry, Neil


  Peterson, Carl



  Pierce, Lumen Ann

  Piero, Mike


  Piven, Jerry S.


  Pollock, Jackson

  Pontuso, James F.

  “Popping Cherry” (episode)

  Prado, Miguel

  Prado, Oscar

  Prado, Sylvia

  psychopaths. See also sociopaths

  The Punisher

  Quinn, Joseph (Joey)

  Raffles, A.J.

  Raimi, Sam

  Reagan, Ronald Wilson

  Reisch, George A.

  “Remains to Be Seen” (episode)

  Remar, James

  “Resistance Is Futile” (episode)

  “Return to Sender” (episode)

  Ricoeur, Paul

  The Riddler

  The Ringer

  “Road Kill” (episode)


  Robison-Greene, Rachel

  Roman soldiers

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques

  rule-utilitarianism. See also utilitarianism

  The Saint (Simon Templar)

  The Saint (1997 movie)

  Sapper (Cyril McNeile); The Black Gang

  Sartre, Jean-Paul; bad faith; existence precedes essence

  Saunders, Jane

  Scarlet Pimpernel

  “See-‘Through” (episode)

  “Seeing Red” (episode)

  Sensio, Jimmy

  serial killers; moral responsibility of; varieties of

  Serial Killers—Philosophy for Everyone (book)

  The Shadow

  “Shrink Wrap” (episode)

  Silence of the Lambs (1988 book and 1991 movie)

  Simmons, Kara

  The Skinner

  “Slack Tide” (episode)

  slasher movies

  Slice of Life (Dexter’s boat)

  Slosser, George

  Smith, Adam; Theory of the Moral Sentiments; Wealth of Nations

  Smith, Warren

  sociopaths. See also psychopaths



  Spider-Man (2002 movie)

  Spider-Man 2 (2004 movie)

  Spillane, Mickey

  Spock, Mr.

  The Star Chamber (1983 movie)

  Star Trek

  Steele, David Ramsay

  Stern, Ruth: For Love of the Father

  Stout, Martha: The Sociopath Next Door

  the sublime

  Summers, Buffy

  superheroes; often orphans; as outsiders


  Superman: The Movie (1978 movie)

  Superman II (1980 movie)

  Taylor, Charles,

  Teal, Inspector Eustace

  Teresa, Mother

  Terms of Endearment

  terror management

  “That Night a Forest Grew” (episode)

  “There’s Something about Harry” (episode)

  Tillotson, Johnny

  Tournay, Lila

  Trinity Killer . See also Mitchell, Arthur

  “Truth Be Told” (episode)

  Tucci, Tony

  “Turning Biminese” (episode)

  Twilight (series of novels and movies)

  Twitchell, Mark

  2012 (movie)



  Vanilla Sky (movie)


  Villaraigosa, Antonio

  The Virgin Unmask’d

  virtue ethics; Aristotle’s; and happiness

  “Waiting to Exhale” (episode)

  Wallace, Edgar; The Four Just Men; The Three Just Men

  Waller, Sara

  Wayne, Bruce


  Wilde, Oscar

  Wilhelm II, Kaiser

  Williams, Bernard

  Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971 movie)

  Winter, Timothy F.

  Wolf, Ellen

  Wonka, Willy

  Worth, Sarah E.


  Erich Lichtenfeld, Actions Speak Louder (Wesleyan University Press, 2007), p. 306.


  In Matthew Higgins and others, Science Fiction and Organization, Routledge, 2001, p. 181.


  Ray B. Browne and Lawerence A. Kreiser, eds., Popular Culture Values and the Arts (McFarland, 2009), p. 92.


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