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Passion Awakened

Page 6

by Jessica Lee

  Too soon.

  Oh fuck.

  But like an out-of-control locomotive, there was no turning back. Unbidden, his hips pistoned into her wet heat. Faster, and faster, taking him higher and higher until finally the dam broke.

  “Shayla!” The orgasm blasted from his shaft and a wave of ecstasy so bright and intense rocketed through his nervous system, blinding him.

  She clung to his neck, rocking her hips through his release, squeezing every drop from his cock. Creed held on tight, the woman in his arms the only thing grounding him to the planet.

  “I don’t want to ever let go.”

  “Then don’t,” she whispered at his ear. “Take me to bed, and stay with me tonight.”

  A hard tremor rolled through his body at the thought. There was nowhere else he’d rather be. He didn’t bother with a reply. Holding her to his chest, Creed rotated, and with his rigid cock still buried inside, shuffled the few feet to Shayla’s bedroom.

  At the edge of the mattress he pivoted and lowered onto the bed, Shayla astride his hips.

  “Lie back,” she ordered with a smile that said she loved being in control. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  Shayla leaned forward, splaying her fingers over his chest, then lifted her hips. The mouth of her core gripped the head of his erection and Creed couldn’t have held back the groan that burst from his throat if he’d tried. The action along his shaft lit every nerve ending. The recent orgasm had left his cock in a hypersensitive state, and the detox from Sustain had his erection switched on in a continuous fuck-me state. How the hell would his mind survive?

  She pulsed on his rigid length, her head thrown back, breasts jutted out and swaying with every move. The dark-red blush of her hardened nipples made his mouth water. Creed rose up onto his elbows and sucked one of the tight buds into his mouth. Shayla mewled and dug her fingertips into his scalp.

  “Yes! Creed…” She panted. “So close.”

  He shifted to her other breast. With his tongue, he circled the dark areola surrounding the swollen nub, teasing her.

  “Oh God. Please…Creed.” A fine sheen of sweat covered her body as she worked up and down on his cock, reaching for her release. Damp strands of hair clung to her cheeks and brushed his shoulders. Her lips parted on a soundless cry and another surge of cum rose in his shaft.

  “So damn beautiful.” He dragged his tongue across the tip of her nipple, grazed it with his teeth, then latched on with his mouth, giving it a hard suck.

  Her body shuddered and the strangled sound that had failed to breach the surface from her throat clawed its way out. Shayla’s walls clamped down on his cock, and there was no denying the second orgasm boiling inside his balls.

  A hot wave of cum burst from his cock. Creed groaned through the pulses, his shaft feeling more like a volcano that had blown its top—overheated, fried around the edges, and spent. But relishing the expulsion of the load it had held in its belly for ages.

  Shayla’s trembles slowed. Creed stroked the curve of her back as she rode out the last few twitches of her pleasure. Her head lolled forward and their gazes locked. A satiated smile curved her mouth.

  “Welcome to the twenty-first century, Creed Donovan.”

  Unbridled laughter bubbled up from his chest and Creed fell back onto the mattress, arms spread wide in exhausted surrender.

  * * * * *

  “Hey, Creed!” Shayla called out. “I think I have everything.” She closed the picnic basket and hoisted it from the counter with both hands. “You ready to go?” Creed appeared from the bedroom wearing a freshly washed black t-shirt and matching jeans. He tucked the rolled blanket he’d gathered for them under his arm, giving her his well-practiced look of annoyance.

  “I can’t believe I let you talk me into doing this.”

  “You know you’re going to love it. You just won’t admit it.” Shayla planted a kiss on his cheek and headed for the door.

  “I never picnic,” he added, the sound of his footsteps falling in behind her. Shayla couldn’t help but grin. She shuffled the weight of the basket to one hand, opened the door, and turned to face him.

  “First time for everything, isn’t there, Mr. Donovan?”

  Before she could move, Creed had her in his grip, his large hand planted firmly around her neck. His lips a mere breath away from hers. “Now that I can’t deny.” He claimed her mouth, her mind, as easily as he’d already claimed her heart. Deep, fully, and unrelenting.


  The last five days had been the best in her life. And she never wanted them to end. Too bad. She didn’t have a choice other than to let him go.

  You’re such a fool, Shayla Murphy.

  Slowly, as if breaking the connection were an unbearable act, Creed lifted his head. “Let’s go,” he rasped. “Before I change my mind and we never get to the lunch in that basket.”

  Shayla grasped her lower lip between her teeth, the feel of his mouth still a tingling presence.

  “Good idea,” she managed to reply and pivoted on her heels. “There’s an area alongside the river that is really nice this time of year.” She glanced over her shoulder, confirming he was close by.

  “Sounds good,” he finally said.

  After a short ten-minute walk, they made their way down the slope and to her favorite spot. Near the bank, a beautiful large oak tree, with its huge outreaching arms, provided some shade over a carpet of grass. On the other side of the river, a weeping willow had found a perfect home, growing tall and wide, its sweeping, curved branches dipping into the surface of the water. Shayla inhaled deep, enjoying the clean mountain air and the faint scent of the blooming rhododendrons growing nearby.

  She cocked her head, drinking in the image of the man at her side. His short ebony hair shone in the sun, his arms bulged under the snug fit of his shirt. And something else. Something more than his physical characteristics reached inside and squeezed her heart. For the first time since he’d arrived, Creed looked at peace. Happy even. Absently, she placed a palm to her chest, massaging the growing ache beneath the breastbone.

  If only she could bottle the moment, cork it, and keep it forever.

  Before long, they munched on ham sandwiches, grapes and cheese, the crash of water breaking over the rocks the only sound. A comfortable type of quiet had developed between them. The kind of gentle, warm silence a person shares sitting with a friend they’ve known for years. No words needed.

  “I like it here.”

  Shayla swung her head in Creed’s direction at the sound of his voice. They sat side by side, legs outstretched, boots and sneakers facing the river.

  “It’s nice, isn’t it?” She reached over and smoothed her palm along his denim-clad thigh. “I thought you’d enjoy it here.” With the other, she flicked away a pesky ant from her own faded-jean-covered knee.

  Suddenly his hand was in her hair, playing with the ends. “You know, I’ve been so caught up in my drama that we’ve never talked about you. All I know is that you’re a writer.”

  “Not much to tell.” She shrugged.

  “I doubt that.”

  “Well…let’s see.” Shayla squinted, pretending to think really hard for his benefit. “How about we trade info.” She glanced over her shoulder.

  “Fair enough.”

  “Okay.” Shayla swung her attention back to the fast-moving water. “How old are you, and where were you born?”

  “I’m twenty-nine and was created in a facility in Chapel Hill, NC.”

  “And then later grew up in South Carolina?”

  “That’s right.” He crossed his legs at his ankles. “Now your turn.”

  “I’m twenty-seven. Born and raised in North Carolina near Charlotte.” Shayla pulled her legs in, Indian style, and faced Creed. “I’m an only child. Any brothers or sisters?”

  Creed shook his head. “Records show that there are no other genetic links. No other siblings procreated from the same DNA sample.”

  “I see.” Her stoma
ch knotted at the cold, technical sound of his birth. Shayla dropped her gaze to the frayed red-and-green blanket beneath them and tugged at the coiled loose thread.

  “It’s all I’ve ever known, Shay.” Her pulse skipped a beat at his sudden use of a nickname for her. “There’s no reason for you to feel sad for me. I’ve been content.”

  She looked up and fell into his soft turquoise gaze. “Five days and you’re already reading me too well.” She smiled, but the effort felt forced. “I was an only child too, but I did have two parents, at least for a little while. My heart aches for any child who doesn’t have a mother and father to love them. My daughter is living that now. When my father walked out on us, I was only eight, but I’ve never gotten over that loss or the hole it left in our home.”

  He nodded. “In my time, it’s all about conformation. Structure and perfection. The greater good of the many.” Creed’s gaze shifted to some faraway place. “By not leaving procreation up to random chance, the FOA is able to assure a population of children—the next generation—who are genetically sound, disease- and disability-free.”

  “It all sounds very…orderly.”

  Creed laughed. “Yes. It does, doesn’t it? And that’s exactly their intention.”

  Shayla placed a palm to her abdomen and lowered her gaze. “I loved the whole process of carrying my daughter and her birth.”

  Silence fell between them like a lead weight crashing into a still pool on mute. No sound, but the ripple effect hard to ignore. Shayla jerked her head up. Creed stared back at her, his expression hard.

  “You have a child? Are you committed?” He shook his head, his face morphing between a look of disbelief and anger. “Why haven’t you said anything?”

  “Whoa, whoa.” Shayla reached out and clutched his hand. “It’s not what you think. One question at a time. Yes, I have a three-year-old daughter, Madelyn Rachel. Maddie for short.” Shayla couldn’t help the smile she knew grew on her mouth at the mere thought of her little girl. “But I’m not in any relationship.” The heat in Creed’s eyes cooled.

  “Okay.” He nodded. “It’s bad enough with what I’ve put you through…” He indicated the healing wound to his right biceps with the flick of his wrist. “I would hate to know that what happened between us may have violated a bond you share with a partner.”

  Maybe she’d imagined it. It had appeared and disappeared so fast, but Shayla could have sworn a slight grimace flashed across his face when he mentioned her having a partner.

  “No. There’s been no cheating.” She twisted around and studied the swaying, thin branches of the willow. “At least not on my part. Can’t say that wasn’t his MO when Maddie’s father and I did have what I thought was a relationship.” She tilted her head back and captured Creed’s blue gaze. “Hence I’m a single parent. Not only did I have to experience that, but now my daughter will never know what it’s like to have her father’s love as a constant part of her life. Guess that’s why my heart went out to you earlier for you not having known your biological parents.”

  “You’ve cared for her by yourself?”

  “Yeah. I have. I’ll admit it’s been tough. But carrying her, giving birth and seeing her tiny face for the first time…those were the best moments in my life.” She knew the smile on her face was huge, but she couldn’t help it. “Not every author hits it big, so I’ve struggled at times. Thank goodness for my mother. She has Maddie now while I’m up here working. She’s been a Godsend.” Shayla allowed her chin to fall forward and refocused her gaze on the far side of the river’s edge. “We’ve been close ever since my dad abandoned us.”

  “Oh shit!”

  Okay, that was not quite the response she’d been expecting. “What?” Shayla shot straight up and spun, going to her knees and facing Creed. Her heart galloped at the distraught look in his eyes.

  “It never entered my mind.” Creed groaned, both palms going to his face. “Never had any reason to.” He dragged his hands down and stared back at her.

  “What are you talking about? You’re scaring me.”

  “Birth control, Shay. We never used any prophylactics.” He reached out and smoothed the hair down the back of her head. “What if I… What if you’re…?”

  Shayla sucked in a calming breath. Oh thank God. “I’m not pregnant, Creed.”

  “How can you be certain?” His hand fell away and he drew back.

  “Because I’m on the Pill. The birth control pill.” She lowered onto her rear and pulled her legs in again. “You see, my extended family shares this place.” She nodded in the direction of the cabin. “I’ve been coming here since I was a little girl. My grandfather built it. So in the first place, there’s no way I’d be hauling condoms up here or bringing a ‘guest’.” She held up two fingers on each hand and did the air quote thing. “Besides, the fact that you were a virgin from a society that has outlawed sexual contact, odds were, you’re clean.” She chuckled.

  “Good point.” One second Creed sat beside her, the next, she was on her back with her dark, sexy time traveler’s mouth next to hers. “Were a virgin, you say?” His eyes narrowed and that sinful mouth of his curved at one corner. “Sounds like someone’s been a bad influence.”

  Shayla gasped. “Really? So what are you going to do about that ‘bad influence’?”

  He snaked a wide hand around both her wrists and pinned them over her head. Creed pressed his hips into hers, his intent hard and evident. “I’ll have to teach her about the consequences of awakening such primal desires in a man.”

  Her pulse quickened and a rush of moisture soaked her panties. “I can’t wait.” Oh wow, this was the man she knew dwelled beneath all that rigid, rule-abiding exterior.

  His lips claimed hers, the kiss raw, unbridled. He moved over her, his hips riding, thrusting against the vee between her legs. Shayla arched into the hard length straining his denim.

  “You’re amazing,” he whispered at her lips, then shifted his mouth to the length of her neck. “Don’t ever forget that.”

  Out of nowhere a lump formed in the back of her throat. His words pierced deep, reminding her that the clock ticked, and he’d soon be gone. Her breath hitched, and her vision blurred behind a veil of tears.

  I’m not going to cry.

  I’m not going to cry.

  Refusing to release the growing swell, Shayla slammed her eyelids closed, squeezing them tight. Focus. She had to focus and savor every moment, every touch.

  “Make love to me,” she uttered in response, her voice hoarse with emotion. “Here. Now. Don’t think about tomorrow.” She wrapped her legs around him. “Only about this.” Shayla maneuvered her head around until her mouth met Creed’s. She licked the seam once, and he opened. Yes, exactly what she’d wanted. Shayla dove inside, and his taste exploded over her tongue.

  Sweet and savory.

  And so addictive.

  She moaned, struggling against the hold on his wrists. Dying to get her hands next to his skin, his cock.

  “Not so fast,” Creed said, breaking away from their kiss. His commanding tone held a hint of teasing sexuality. He snagged her gaze. “Remember, I have a lesson to teach.” A smoky, lust-filled haze clouded his irises. “And I have you right where I want you.”

  A rush of heat pooled in her groin and her womb clenched. “Yes, you do.” She licked her lips.

  In a pace that had her mad with anticipation, Creed released her wrists and slid his palms up the undersides of her arms. By the time he reached her shoulders, her breathing had reduced to hard pants.

  “Creed,” she moaned and began to lift her arms from the grassy bank.

  “Shh.” Gently, he pressed them down. “Don’t move.” Creed eased back and trailed one hand down between her breasts. “Let me have you like this.”

  Then, one by one, he plucked the buttons free that held her blouse together. “All mine,” he rasped and tugged back the material, exposing the black lace of her bra. A groan rumbled from his throat. “I don’t think
I could ever get enough of you.”

  Under his perusal and the power of his words, her nipples hardened into taut buds, sending shivers of electricity arrowing from her breasts to her clit.

  “I love the way you look at me.” She had to say it. No one had ever looked at her the way he did. She’d always considered herself a little overweight and not what any man would consider beautiful. But when Creed said it and stroked her with his gaze, he made her believe.

  “Trust me,” he glanced up from under the thick fan of dark lashes shadowing his cheeks, “the pleasure is all mine.” His gaze shifted back to his task and he sprung the clasp to the hook holding her breasts in check. The bra fell away and Creed pushed aside the last remnants of cotton covering her torso.

  Creed leaned in, scooping both her breasts into his hands, and…worshiped them. It was the only suitable word she could conjure to describe the action. Over and over he massaged, licked and sucked the sensitive flesh until she writhed underneath him, unable to stand another second without him inside. Her core spasmed. So empty.

  “Please.” She sucked in another shuddering breath. “Creed. I’m going crazy.”

  He rose up on his knees, one leg between her thighs, his other on the outside. With one fist, he jerked his shirt over his head and flung it to the ground. Immediately her gaze centered on the strong breadth of his shoulders, then lowered to the dusting of soft dark hairs covering his pecs. In the center, the silky mat arrowed to a fine trail that traveled south and disappeared beneath the low-riding waistband of his jeans. On either side of his pelvis, twin veins formed a ropy road map that ended in what she knew was a small patch of dense black hair that surrounded his thick cock. The bulging evidence of arousal behind his zipper called to her.

  On reflex, she went for her prize, but before she could touch, Creed gripped her fingers in his clutches.

  “Not yet.” He shook his head. “If you touch me, it’ll be over way too soon.” Creed let her hands go and found the closure to her denim instead. “This is for you, Shay.” In what felt like inch by inch, he tugged the zipper down, the click of the metal, the vibration, teasing the swollen folds of her pussy. She whimpered.


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