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Six Nights of Sin- The Complete Series

Page 4

by Ellis O Day

  “Please.” She tugged his face closer, her hands tangling in his thick, soft hair.

  He ran his finger along her cunt and she shivered. His touch was hard and it felt so good but then his hand was gone. He sat up, moving away from her and leaning against the back of his chair.

  “What? No, please.” She wanted to slap her hand over her mouth. She never begged, not anymore, but she couldn’t help it. She was so close. All he needed to do was touch her a few more times and she’d find her release.

  “I’ll see you Saturday.” He tossed back his drink and stood.

  “Why? Why did you…”


  She nodded.

  “Because you needed to be taught a lesson.”

  “A lesson?” She tugged her skirt down, covering her underwear.

  “Yes. I gave more on that contract than I should’ve.”

  “I didn’t make you.” She stood. This man was too much. Too arrogant. Too confident. Too much of an asshole.

  “And I didn’t make you come, but I did make you beg.” His eyes sparkled and his words hit her like a punch to the gut.

  “It won’t happen again.”

  He laughed. “Oh, you’ll be begging me every Saturday.”

  “No. I won’t because I have twenty-four hours to change my mind.” She smiled. “Seems I only needed a few minutes. I doubt Ethan’s even had time to cancel the other interviews.”

  As she walked past him, his arm snaked around her waist, yanking her against his hard body for one second before her feet left the floor and she was back on the table, this time lying down with Nick leaning over her.

  “You are not changing your mind.” His mouth came down on hers, hard and forceful.

  She shoved at his chest. She didn’t want it like this and then he nipped her lips and she gasped, giving way for his tongue. He thrust into her mouth and she moaned, her hands trailing up his back to his hair, pulling him closer. He grabbed her legs, tugging her down to the edge of the table and pushing her skirt up. She gasped as he raised her legs, wrapping them around his waist. His erection rubbed against her, hard and long as his tongue thrust into her mouth. She rocked against him. She’d missed this. She’d missed this so much. His hand came up and started unbuttoning her blouse but after a moment, he became impatient and tore them loose. Buttons hit the table and his mouth moved to her breast, above her bra.

  She pushed herself into him, rubbing and rocking against his hardness, wetness soaking her panties. She needed this. She needed him. She was so close. He freed her breast and he sucked hard on her nipple. She moaned as she came, her release racing through body. He rocked against her, keeping her orgasm going a moment or two longer.

  Her body finally settled and a feeling of lassitude filled her. Her bones were liquid but he was still hard between her legs. He unzipped his pants and a tingle of excitement sparked to life again.

  “Oh, oh…I’m so sorry,” said a female voice.

  He pushed off her and spun around. A young girl in a maid’s uniform stood by the door, her brown eyes filled with surprise.

  “Get the hell out of here,” he yelled.

  “I’m sorry. Ethan said you were done.” The maid tugged on the cleaning cart in front of her. “I clean the rooms after…” Her eyes darted to Sarah, her red face getting even redder.

  That’s when she realized she was still lying on the table, breasts out, skirt above her waist with her legs spread. “Oh, my god,” she whispered as she jumped off the table and darted toward the door, tucking her breasts back into her bra.

  “Sarah, stop.”

  The command in Nick’s voice made her step falter but embarrassment spurred her on. “See you Saturday,” she yelled as she pushed past the cart, shoving it out of her way, and darted around the girl and out the door.

  “Sarah! Get back here!”

  This time his command made her legs move faster. If he caught her, they’d have sex and she wasn’t ready for that. Not with him, not with anyone who wasn’t Adam. She hiked up her skirt and ran. As soon as she made it into the administration wing—to the room where she’d left her things and had waited for Ethan to escort her into the club—she slammed the door, breathing heavily. Nick wasn’t allowed in this section of the club. This was for visitors, one time buyers, and Nick was a member. She turned the lock just in case he didn’t follow the rules. She buttoned her shirt, her fingers fumbling in her haste, giving up when she realized that most of the buttons were gone. She unlocked the locker, grabbed her purse, clenched her shirt together and fled into the attached garage.

  She was glad he hadn’t followed, truly she was. He was probably fucking the little maid, but that was okay because they weren’t in a relationship. She had him for six nights. That’d be enough, more than enough.

  She got into her car and breathed easy for the first time since he’d entered the interview room. Then she remembered the look on his face as she’d darted out the door, leaving him rock hard and furious. She couldn’t blame him. She was an adult and adults didn’t run away after having an orgasm, especially leaving their partner—no he wasn’t her partner, Adam had been her partner—their sex-partner unfulfilled. She wouldn’t blame him if he cancelled. He also had twenty-four hours to change his mind. Part of her hoped he would. That’d be easier because otherwise sometime between today and Saturday she had to get ready to have sex with someone who wasn’t Adam.


  Sarah sat in her car, staring at the paper in her hand. Room nineteen-twelve at the Hilton at nine o’clock. She’d been relieved and disappointed a few days ago when she’d received Nick’s note from Ethan. She’d been sure Nick would cancel their contract after her embarrassing exit the day of the interview.

  She glanced at her watch. Ten after nine. She needed to go, to meet Nick for…sex. She took a deep breath and got out of her car. She entered the lobby and headed for the elevator. This was what she’d wanted, needed. It was just sex. Physical relief. Yeah, with a stranger. But there was nothing wrong with that. They were both consenting adults. This did not make her a whore.

  The elevator doors opened and she stepped inside, pressing the nineteen. Her stomach was in knots and she wasn’t even a little sexually excited. This whole thing was a mistake. She’d never had sex with a stranger. She’d only had sex with one other man, boy really, besides Adam.

  The elevator stopped on her floor and she got out and headed for the room. Adam had been her high school sweetheart. They’d started dating at fifteen and hadn’t broken up until he’d gone into the service and she’d gone to college. She’d wanted to stay together, but Adam had insisted that it was better to break up. That’s when she’d had sex with Stephen. It’d only been a couple of times and it hadn’t been great. She’d been in love with Adam and no one could replace him. Her hand froze before knocking on the door. Would this be not great too? She was still in love with Adam. It didn’t matter that he’d been dead for six years, she still loved him. This wouldn’t change that. This was just physical and it was the only opportunity she’d have for a while. Plus, she’d agreed to it. She choked on a laugh. Not only had she agreed, she’d signed a bloody contract. She knocked before she could change her mind.

  Nick opened the door, stepping aside so she could enter. “You’re late.”

  He had a drink in hand, probably scotch and was dressed in jeans and a plain white T-shirt. The casual clothes made him seem more approachable and yet more male. More working class, the kind of guys she’d grown up with.

  He shut the door behind her and walked across the room. His ass looked nice in the jeans and some of her nervousness was pushed away by desire.

  He sat on the couch and his eyes raked over her body. “Take off your clothes. Slowly.”

  “What? Now?” She’d figured they’d talk a little, work up to this.

  “Yes. Now. This isn’t a date.” He took a sip of his drink.

  “I…I know that.” She did but still she wasn’t a pro
stitute although the only difference was she wasn’t getting paid.

  “I’ve waited days. You on the other hand had an orgasm a few days ago. I did not.”

  “Ah, yeah, sorry about that.” She didn’t blame him for being upset. She’d acted like a child but what if he were really angry?

  “Just take off your clothes.”

  Her hands trembled so much as she tried to unbutton her shirt that she couldn’t get a hold of the button. This wasn’t what she’d wanted. She didn’t need or want the boyfriend experience but she had to work up to sex. She dropped her hands. “Can’t we talk a bit? I’ll get a drink—”

  “No.” In a second he was in front of her.

  He towered over her—this stranger who she was alone with, who she’d promised to have sex with in numerous ways. She wasn’t ready. She may never be ready. “I’m sorry…I can’t.” She took a step back and he grabbed her arm.

  “Oh no. You aren’t getting away again.” He yanked her to him and his arms went around her, grabbing her ass and pulling her into him, into his erection which was already hard and growing. “You agreed to this. You could’ve backed out earlier. You’re not backing out now. Tonight, you’re mine and I can do whatever I want with you.”

  She trembled as his lips found her neck. She tried to relax but couldn’t. He was a stranger and he was stronger than her. The contract didn’t matter. He could do whatever he wanted and she couldn’t stop him.

  He stopped kissing her and loosened his hold, giving her reprieve from his body. “Jesus, you’re really scared.” He sounded surprised.

  “I…I’m sorry.” She was. She’d wanted this and it wasn’t his fault.

  “Come here.” He took her hand and led her to the couch. “Sit.”

  He went and poured her a drink, Crown on the rocks, and himself another scotch. He came back, handing her the glass and sitting sideways on the couch so he could see her. He was close but not too close.

  “I thought you were role playing.” He studied her face. His desire banked but the flames still flickered in his gaze. “I love fucking women when they’re pretending to be frightened. I play the master, boss, lord of the manor or whatever you want to call it well, but I don’t fuck women who are actually afraid. Understand?”

  She nodded and took a large gulp of her drink, coughing a little. “I’m sorry. Really, I am.”

  “You’ve never done this have you?”

  “I’ve had sex but never with a stranger.”

  He nodded as he took another drink, his eyes never leaving her and making her a little uncomfortable. “Maybe, I should call Ethan.”

  “No.” Panic clawed at her chest. If she didn’t go through with this now, she never would. “I still want to...” She waved her hand.

  His eyebrows raised.

  She couldn’t blame him for not believing her. She wasn’t acting like a woman who wanted sex. “Maybe if we talked a little first.”

  He leaned against the arm of the couch. “I’m not sure what we can talk about. Everything personal is off limits.”

  She had to think of something or he’d leave. He didn’t strike her as the kind of man to wait too long for something. “Do you like animals?” It was all she could think of and if he did like animals he couldn’t be all bad.

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “Do you have any pets?” It was a personal question but not too personal. No one was going to be able to find someone online by knowing if they had pets.

  “No. I don’t have time for pets.”

  “Oh.” She couldn’t imagine life without Tank, although he was getting older and soon he’d be gone along with Adam and their baby. “You never had a pet?” She felt bad for the little boy he’d been.

  “I did when I was a kid. We had this mutt, a mix of lord only knows what. He was huge and the biggest baby.” He smiled but he wasn’t looking at her, he was looking at his memories. “He was my best friend. We did everything together.”

  He blinked and cleared his throat, as if embarrassed by his emotion. She was glad he’d shared that little bit. She knew him better now, not much but a little and she relaxed.

  “I’ve answered your questions and gave you a peek into my past.” His eyes darkened as they trailed over her breasts. “Now, it’s your turn.”

  “Okay. Ask me anything you want. I’ll answer if I can.”

  His eyes snapped to her face. “I don’t have any questions for you. I want to see you naked. I want to fuck you.”

  “Oh.” She tried to hide her disappointment, but must have failed.

  “Okay. Fine. We’ll play your game, but we’ll change the rules a bit.”

  “What rules?” This hadn’t been a game but the idea of making it one had desire sparking to life throughout her body.

  “I answered your question. Now, you take off an item of clothing.”

  Her face heated and she took another gulp of liquor to give her courage. She could play this game. She wanted to play this game. “And when I answer your questions, you’ll take off an item of clothing.”

  “I’ll strip bare right now if you’d like, but sure, we can do it through questions.”

  “Okay.” She leaned over and removed her shoe. She dropped the sandal on the floor a few inches away.

  “Really? Your shoes.” He shook his head. “I’d ask you to leave them for last. I love seeing a woman in high heels and lingerie but those shoes...” He shivered. “Burn them.”

  She laughed. “They aren’t that bad.”

  “They’re flat.” He stared at them with disgust.

  “I can’t walk in high heels.”

  “Shame.” He moved in front of her, sitting on the coffee table. “Amendment to the rule. I get to remove your clothes and you get to remove mine.”

  Her heart kicked up its pace and desire curled in her belly. She’d be able to touch him, his hard chest and arms and more. “Okay, but I’m done for this round.”

  “Oh, no.” He took her still shoed foot in his hand. “Shoes come in pairs, like pants.”

  “Pants don’t come in pairs.”

  “They’re called a pair of pants.” His long fingers skimmed her calf, massaging and sending more heat shooting through her and pooling between her thighs.

  “Yeah, but you can’t take off only part.” She didn’t care about the shoe, but sparring with him was turning her on.

  “You could take off one leg. It’d be awkward and uncomfortable, but it could be done.” He pulled her shoe from her foot. “We need to agree that pairs come off on one turn.”

  “Okay.” She couldn’t take her eyes from his dark head, focusing on her foot. His fingers massaged and she moaned softly, shifting against the couch a little. It’d been years since she’d had a foot rub as a prelude to sex. She hadn’t even realized she’d missed this, but she had. Her leg rested on his strong thigh and his fingers pressed into muscles that seemed to be directly attached to her pussy, making it wet and needy.

  He kissed the sole of her foot and moved back to the couch, his jeans a little tighter across the front than before. “Do you like animals?”

  “Yes. What do you want me to remove?”

  His lips twitched. “Not my shoes, darling.”

  Her gaze dropped to the button on his pants.

  “Not those either. Not yet.”

  She raised her eyes, meeting his. Amusement warred with desire. She was sure she had the same look.

  “My shirt.” He leaned more firmly against the side of the couch.

  She knelt on the cushion and moved toward him. Her hands went to the bottom of his T-shirt and she slowly lifted, her thumbs trailing up his torso. He was so warm and firm. She wanted to bend and let her lips follow her fingers, but then the game would be over and she was having fun.

  He raised his arms and she pulled the shirt over his head, her breasts brushing against his chest, causing her to inhale sharply. His hand touched her back, holding her against him for a moment as his eyes locked with hers. His desi
re was raging. Her gaze dropped to his lips and his hands moved to her blouse.

  She shifted away, but not far. “You have to answer a question first.”

  He smiled and she knew she’d missed something. The game was over and he’d won. “I answered three questions already.”

  “No, you—”

  “Do you like animals, got me your shoes. Do you have any pets—what is that going to get me?” His gazed raked over her breasts like fingers.

  She squeezed her thighs together, a poor substitute for the touch she really wanted. “Okay. You’re right. You can have my shirt.”

  He took his time with each button, letting his fingers brush against her bared flesh for a quick, hot moment. Her heart pounded as she sat next to him on the couch, her feet tucked under her. He undid the last button and she shrugged helping him to remove the shirt, which he tossed on the floor by her shoes.

  “You wore the green, thank you.” His breathing was getting shallower and the heat coming from him made her want to lean into him to absorb his warmth, absorb him.

  “You told me to.” The color of her lingerie had been in the message she’d received with the location and time.”

  “Yes, but you could’ve disobeyed.” His eyes raised to her for the first time since he’d started removing her shirt. “You seem to like doing that.” His lips twitched with amusement and his eyes sparkled in challenge.

  “It’s good for you.” She smiled back at him.

  His eyes narrowed slightly, but there was still humor in them. “I prefer obedience.”


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