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All Tomorrow's Parties Page 9

by Nicole Fitton

  “Well there Missy I take my hat off to ya, you are the only woman driver I’d feel happy having drive me”, said John, looking seriously impressed.

  She brought the truck to a stop at Azzano Decimo, swapping back with John. They were not far now from the base. Ella had fallen asleep in the back. John reached out for Laine’s hand as he drove. His hand felt strong and dry, his grip secure yet gentle. She drew small tender circles with her thumb on the back of his hand. With the windows wide open the warm breeze danced through their hair to the rhythm of the radio.

  About half a mile from the base John stopped, Laine woke Ella and the girls made themselves comfortable under some blankets in the back so as not to be seen.

  “OK girls check point approaching, here’s where it gets serious. We could get into so much trouble if you were to get discovered so as quiet as you can OK?” Ella and Laine nodded not quite sure if what was happening was happening, Laine mouthed the words “This is crazy” to Ella, who nodded back in agreement.

  They dared not breathe too heavily for fear of making too much noise. The blankets were made of itchy wool and Laine was paranoid she was going to sneeze. The truck pulled to a stop and John leaned out of the window

  “You had a good night guys?” asked the guard

  “Night’s not over yet”, said Pete

  “We’re just gonna collect our kit and head on out again, we got ourselves a little party going on over in Jeselo”, added John.

  There was a pause, then “You guys take it easy”, and with that the guard opened the gate and the jeep rolled through.

  Laine and Ella were now officially trespassing on United States soil, and it felt good! For the middle of the night this base seemed to be a hive of activity. Lots of voices and movement could be heard. Scared of getting the boys into trouble or themselves arrested, the girls stayed “undercover” until the truck passed back through the checkpoint. John and Pete had grabbed their uniforms and a couple of boxes of cigarettes and been back to the truck within ten minutes.

  The journey back to Jeselo seemed to pass quickly. Back at the apartment Ella was the perfect hostess, filling up glasses, lighting cigarettes, and sorting out music as if second nature. Laine didn’t smoke but took a cigarette anyway as it would seem rude not to.

  The sun was now starting to rise, peeking just above the horizon it filled the apartment with an otherworldly hue. It was 5am. The wine and mix tapes had been drunk and played, the conversations had been light and warm. It was obvious for all to see that Laine and John only had eyes for each other. Laine knew that come the cold light of day she would be given the third degree by Ella, whose name would be “Red” for the duration of the holiday.

  John took hold of Laine’s hand and led her into the bedroom; the sound of Red trying to educate Pete on the intricacies of the British Music scene resonated in the distance. Laine could almost hear her heart beating and tried to make as much effort as she could to control her breathing.

  “So what now?” she whispered, as much a question to herself as to John.

  “Well now m’lady, now I make love to you”, said John, softly taking her hand and kissing her lightly.

  The delicate touch of his kisses sent charges of electricity towards her dizzying head disrupting her thoughts from controlled and measured to frenetic and out of control. Her shoulder set alight as his light kisses brushed the surface of her glowing skin. Laine closed her eyes. She wanted to be led, she wanted to be directed, she had known this man not even 24 hours but she knew enough to know that this is where life really began for her. The mystery of the path she was on was starting to lift and she saw that her life would be good with this man.

  He would stand by her side no matter what, protecting her, loving her in a way she had never known. As she lay down on the bed, John slowly started to undo the buttons to her dress. As each button opened Laine felt that she could not hold out much longer, the longing to have him sent a shudder through her body and she let out a carnal groan. Her desire for him was so strong she no longer had control, nor did she want to, over her actions. She laid herself bare giving herself to him, her breasts pert as his tongue rounded them slowly and rhythmically. His athletic body was now poised ready to enter her, she opened her eyes and at that moment stared into the depths of his soul. He let out a wanton cry as he entered her, losing himself deep within her.

  Here was all that mattered, they both knew they were on the same path. They were joined in a future they could not comprehend and dare not yet dream about.

  The sun was firmly in the sky as they drifted in and out of blissful snatched moments of rest. Both clung to the other, refusing to let the night end, praying that whatever this was it was real. Laine could not believe she could feel so much for someone, she was fit to bursting. She studied every part of John’s body, watching as his chest rose and fell with each breath, listening to the hypnotic rhythm of his breathing. Why was this different to Tony? she wondered. Is it because I’m vulnerable or gullible? she asked herself. No, its because not everything that is for this life can be seen Laine, John has fulfilled you on a spiritual level and a carnal level - these are things you do not learn or know, these are things that just are. Sometimes, she thought, my subconscious is very wise.

  Tony had “happened” because she had wanted to find her way away from Danny. Danny had happened because she had wanted to find her way away from home. John had happened not because she was trying to escape but because she needed to be caught.

  John opened his eyes. “Wow you’re even more beautiful in day light”, he said with a cheeky smirk on his face.

  Laine smiled. She was dumbfounded, still in a state of disbelief, was this real?

  “Missy I’ve gotta go soon…I’d better go wake Pete, he stayed with Red right?” he asked as he sat up and lit a Marlborough.

  “Yeah I think so”, said Laine, finally managing to pull a few words together.

  “Before I go I want you to know that I have never in my entire life experienced anything like last night”, he said, turning to face her. “It was like, well it was magical is the only way to describe it and even then that doesn’t do it justice.”

  Laine placed her hand to his mouth. “Words don’t matter John, I know how it feels, I feel it too”, she said, willing time to slow down.

  “We finish at 11 tonight. Would it be OK if we came by after that?” John asked tentatively.

  “Oh of course it would, I just don’t know how I’m gonna get through today that’s all”, said Laine, throwing herself back down on the bed and burying her head in the pillows. John ventured up behind her and slapped her butt hard.

  “Now there’s something to keep you going”, he laughed and with that headed for the shower and shouted for Pete.

  Laine got up and fixed some coffee. She and Red really needed to do some shopping, they only had coffee and wine in the apartment. The apartment was already hot and stuffy, despite the blinds being down. Laine rolled up the blind and opened the balcony doors, there was little if any breeze. Today was going to be a scorcher, she thought.

  Red appeared sheepishly at her door.

  “Good night, Laine? I want a blow by blow account later ya hear?” she whispered. “Well me too for that matter madam Red”, grinned Laine.

  John, fresh from the shower, fully dressed in his uniform, stood at the bedroom door. Laine had never really seen a proper soldier. His uniform made him seem even more appealing, green khaki camouflage, dog tags just visible. His spit shined boots gleaming.

  “Morning Red, manage to get any sleep?” asked John.

  Red blushed. ‘Er yeah…I’ll go make sure Pete’s ready to go”, and with that she scurried back to her bedroom.

  “Coffee?” Laine asked.

  “Sure Laine, does it come with any extras?” smiled John. Laine blushed, here she was having slept with a man she had still known less than 24 hours, sitting in an apartment in Jeselo getting hot and very nicely bothered at the sight of him in a unifor
m – what was going on, was she a very immoral woman? It was beginning to look that way!

  “Laine you are so precious, come here babe”,’ John said, pulling her onto his knee.

  “I just wanna breath you in Laine, I wanna keep your scent with me all day whilst I’m working and know I’ll be coming back later.” He kissed her neck and she responded, turning to face him. They kissed passionately.

  “Careful lady, I’m armed and dangerous”, he joked.

  She studied him as they drank their coffee. He looked so official now, spit shined shoes, pristine uniform, dark masculine features - those features seemed somehow darker now than last night. Laine could see the contribution his Native American heritage had played on his features – raven black hair, tanned complexion and those deep dark brown eyes that just engulfed anyone who dare look into them. John had spoken of how his mother’s side of the family were descended Santee from the Sioux tribe of Native Americans from Nebraska.

  “Penny for them Missy?” he asked,

  “I was just thinking what good genes you have. You don’t look like a man who’s had hardly any sleep”, said Laine.

  John laughed. “Something tells me I might not be getting much tonight either”, he said, coming up beside her and giving her a hug.

  Pete and Red appeared from the bedroom both looking a little sheepish.

  “Here I’ve made some coffee”, said Laine, passing them both a cup.

  “Well my friends, that was certainly a night to remember wouldn’t you agree?” asked Pete. “I don’t remember the last time I played non-stop Scrabble”, he joked. Pete knew how to put everyone at ease and everyone began to laugh.

  Pete and John said their goodbyes. Both looked elegant and cut a dashing sight as they left the apartment block, their army regulation boots making a very regimented sound on the marble stairwell.

  The heat of the apartment started to feel oppressive. Despite the balcony doors being flung wide open nothing was moving, stillness pervaded.

  “Oh Red, what the hell is happening? I feel like every emotion I’ve ever had, every part of my being has been searched, walked over, dismantled and put back together, but with some additional features”, said Laine, as the girls sat on the balcony together. “I can honestly say I didn’t see that coming, or should I say him. I have been completely unbalanced, but you know what - it’s the best feeling in the world.” Laine shielded her eyes from the sun and looked at Ella. “Even if I do feel like a bit of a tart.” She took another sip of coffee and leaned back into the plastic chair that made up part of the balcony set.

  Cigarette in hand she inhaled deeply, slowly the smoke drifted skywards.

  Red studied Laine’s face

  “Laine, something in you has changed, and no you are not a tart!” laughed Ella.

  “It’s as though whatever baggage you’d been carrying has gone…you look sort of peaceful. Yesterday I’d say you looked rather troubled, as though you had something niggling you…” Red also lit up a cigarette and stared off into the distance. She also had had an eventful evening.

  Ella and Pete had got on famously. There had been no spark and no fireworks but there had been the start of a friendship. Red had seen very early on in the evening that there was something out of the ordinary starting with John and Laine. She had done all that she could to give them the space they had needed which is why she and Pete had set off at great speed down the beach (much to Pete’s surprise).

  She knew love when she saw it but it was the intensity that hung in the air between the two of them that had surprised her. Had she ever felt like that? Red had watched from a distance and known that she was very privileged to be a part of the beginning of John and Laine’s relationship.

  Laine had a childlike naivety about her that endeared her to all who met her, whereas John exuded strength and protective qualities. It was as if Red had seen two parts of a whole coming together.

  “So what happened between you and Pete?” Laine broke the silence that had taken them off into their own thoughts and then brought them back to Italy and back to the present.

  “Would you believe me if I said nothing?” said Ella.

  “As if????” Laine gave Ella an intent look, searching for any sign that she was lying. “You’re telling the truth aren’t you, oh my goodness, but I thought you liked Pete?” said Laine, whose voice had taken on a much higher tone than usual.

  “I do but when it came down to it I just couldn’t, Laine. There was no spark for either of us. Sure we like each other, but not in that way, so believe it or not we did play Scrabble for some of the night. Then we talked a lot, I mean a lot.” She let the words hang in the air as if trying to get their emphasis across.

  “Pete’s a really nice guy but he’s not my guy, if you know what I mean?” Red was telling the truth. She and Pete would be good friends, nothing else. Pete had grown up in Blue Rapids, a small Kansas town. He and Red had swapped stories about their very different childhoods. Pete had grown up on a mid American cattle ranch where you either became a farmer or went into the military. Red had grown up always surrounded by chaos and noise; her mum a nurse, her dad a silversmith who designed original pieces for Liberty’s. They had spent some of the evening talking about John and Laine.

  Pete had made it known that John had had a particularly rough ride with his ex-wife, who had taken him for every penny he had. Under US army rules, even if you divorce your ex-wife is still entitled to be supported and get a fair percentage of your pension. This then sparked a whole discussion about the pros and cons of the European system compared to the American one.

  “I think maybe Pete’s a bit too young for me…we’ve had very different life experiences. Anyhow my sights are set a bit closer to home”, said Ella, pointing her finger downwards.

  “Ah of course, Andy, how could I forget?” Laine smiled.

  ‘I think it’ll be a good night all round tonight”, she added.

  “I hope so. Anyhow I want to know everything that happened last night, you don’t get off the hook that easily Miss Marshall.”

  Laine recounted as much as she dare, leaving out the way too intimate details that even now made her blush. She relayed the course of the evening, mainly dealing with the emotional nuances that had ebbed and flowed between her and John.

  When she had finished Ella reached across the table and held her hand.

  “Laine I love you like my sister, you know that don’t you?”

  “Yes of course I do”, replied Laine.

  “What you have just told me is the most beautiful thing ever Laine. I’m just scared for you, I really am. Love is such a powerful emotion, people are so reckless with it but it’s as powerful as a weapon Laine. It’s so powerful that it can hurt and cause pain as well as heal and bring about completeness – you do know that don’t you?” Ella held her friend’s hands tightly.

  “Yes I do El, but John would never hurt me, I know it at my very core”, said Laine as her voice trailed off into her own thoughts.

  “I will support you 100% Laine, but you know the decisions you have to make are huge, they’re not things that will go away”, said Ella reaching for the coffee pot.

  “I know but I’m not ready, not yet”, said Laine.

  Laine ached both physically and emotionally. She felt as if she were standing on the edge of a precipice imagining she could fly. Until this moment she had not really thought about her life before last night, in fact, she had not really thought at all. Everything that had happened had been directed by some kind of subconscious need that had been driving her response and actions.

  “I know this sounds crazy El, but John has completely filled me, everything that’s gone before, well, it just doesn’t matter”, said Laine.

  “So you’re saying that Danny or even Tony, well, they don’t matter?” said Ella surprised.

  “That’s not what I meant, of course they matter, they have both been important in my life, but I’ve always known there was something.., well, somet
hing kind of missing, and now, well, now it feels as if the gap that was there has been filled.” Laine cupped her face in her hands and looked down at the table.

  “You know this is heavy shit Laine. What if John doesn’t feel the same? It’s gonna break your heart. I don’t want to burst your bubble or put a downer on what you’ve found, but honey he may not be at the same place as you”, said Ella looking serious. “Holiday romances are called that for a reason Laine. You’re vulnerable right now.” Ella gently stroked Laines hands.

  “I know you’re just concerned for me Ella, but I know, I just know he’s the one, and I can’t explain it but I know he feels the same. I have a chance, El, a real chance of being with someone who completes me; tell me, what would you do?” Laine looked up at Ella; she knew her friend cared deeply about her.

  Ella had seen how torn she had been with the whole Danny and Tony thing and how different Laine had been this last 24 hours.

  “OK Laine, you’re right, I’d grab it with both hands and hold on tight - but please try really try to take it slow alright? You know I’m always here for you little sis.” Ella reached over and gave Laine a big hug.

  “We’ve got some planning to do Red. What if when Pete comes back later you’re getting it on with Andy McPandy?” said Laine, now standing up and looking over the balcony to the balcony below.

  “Shhhh they may be in, let’s go inside and discuss it”, said Ella, beckoning Laine in through the balcony doors.

  Ella told Laine she had already decided that if Andy did make a move on her that she would stay strong at least until the following night. ““Never on a first date” is my mantra”, she said.

  “Well that’s great then isn’t it? I really am a right old tart”, said Laine, applying sun cream to her legs.

  “Laine that’s the plan, that’s not necessarily what will happen”, said Ella, filling up her water bottle at the sink.


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