All Tomorrow's Parties

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All Tomorrow's Parties Page 10

by Nicole Fitton

  “I reckon we go for the meal, be honest with them and tell them we’re expecting friends later, and leave it at that. If Andy’s into me, well, he’ll just have to wait a wee while won’t he?” said Ella in a very strange sounding Scottish accent.

  The rest of the afternoon was spent buying groceries from the local supermarket and a visit to the tourist information office. The girls signed up for a day trip across to Yugoslavia to see a display of Lipizzaner horses. Ella and Laine both had a love for horses. Born black before turning pure white, Lipizzaners were originally a crossbreed between Krast horses of Yugoslavia and Spanish Adalucian stallions. The dressage skills displayed by Lipizzaners earned them the reputation of being the best dressage horses in the world. The trip would involve a coach to the stud farm in Yugoslavia, lunch, a display from the Lipizzaner riding school and return coach. Armed with their itinerary pack the girls made their way back to their apartment.

  Whilst they had been gone Andy had slipped a note under their door – Come get us at 7.30 – cocktails will be waiting Andy xx.

  “Oh he wants to see you Ella”, Laine teased in a childlike voice.

  “Time to get the glad rags on, watch out Jeselo - the good time girls are a comin’”, said Ella.

  The next hour was spent preening and pruning, shaving and plucking, the apartment had been turning into a high end beauty parlour. Cream was being applied; make up set, hair spray used and outfits changed at least 3 times. By the time Ella and Laine were ready it was nearly 7.30pm.

  “Just time for a quick glass of Frascati I think”, said Ella, pouring herself and Laine the biggest glass she could find.

  “Let me just say Ella, you look amazing…Andy will be drooling”, said Laine, as she circled Ella, eyeing her up and down.

  “Well Laine you are looking like one hot mama yourself”, said Ella, holding up her glass of wine in a salute-like fashion.

  Both girls looked stunning. Ella was dressed all in white with a gypsy style sleeveless top and flowing skirt, her auburn hair cascading down her back. Her outfit was completed with a pair of flat white espadrilles. Laine had opted for a blue and white striped sleeveless dress which had an air of the 1940s about it. She wore pale blue sandals and had her hair braided in a French pleat. Both girls dabbed Chanel No.5 behind their ears, a treat from duty free.

  An air of excitement had come over them and they were chattering and giggling all the way down the flight of stairs to Andy’s apartment.

  As he opened the door Andy’s eyes widened. He did a fake screwing up of his eyes and an exaggerated jaw dropping to the ground.

  “Wow, well hello ladies, you both look amazing! Now I’m feeling slightly nervous to be in such beautiful company”, he said, taking each girls hand and gently kissing it.

  Andy’s apartment looked exactly the same as theirs: same terracotta sofa, same marble floor, same tiny kitchen attached to the main room. Rod handed them both a cocktail. It tasted good, although Laine had no idea what was in it.

  “What is it?” she asked taking a much more confident sip.

  “That, Laine, is a Rod tequila sunrise special”, said Rod emptying his glass.

  The taste was unusual: the sweet taste of orange juice collided with the overpowering kick of tequila.

  Her taste buds truly were starting to sing.

  “Mmmmm this really is very good, I could get a taste for these”, she said.

  “Yeah me too”, Ella agreed, nodding.

  Over the next twenty minutes or so the group managed made short work of the tequila, managing to finish off the bottle.

  “Well I think it’s time we made a move”, said Andy, who had for the most part been reserved and quiet throughout the evening.

  Both Laine and Ella picked up on Andy’s relative silence. As they walked to the restaurant Ella pulled Laine to one side.

  “You don’t think I’ve upset him do you? Only I’m getting the feeling he’d rather be anywhere but here right now?” said Ella quietly.

  Laine thought then nodded. “It certainly seems that way; he’s been a bit off with both of us all night.”

  Laine’s thoughts trailed off back to her night with John, back to the rollercoaster of emotions she had experienced.

  “Do you think he heard us last night? After all I think we were pretty loud when we got back to the apartment? If he thinks you’ve shacked up with some American GI, well, that would explain it”, said Laine.

  Maybe that was it, thought Ella, maybe that was why he had seemed troubled and distant. She would have to make sure he knew there was nothing going on with Pete.

  They arrived at Luigis, just after 8pm. Luigis was located towards the eastern edge of town, off the main drag, in a turning heading towards the sea. It was the kind of place that you would only know about if you were local. A small dark innocuous entrance opened out into a bustling sea of waiters, oak tables and rustic trimmings. What Luigis lacked in social graces it more than made up for with its food. The menu was immense, with a variety of zuppa, antipasti, risotto, pasta and traditional Venetian dishes such as rabbit and polenta. Laine and Ella both went for the risotto with gambaretti, whilst Andy ordered the rabbit and polenta. Rod and Tessa both had seafood pizzas whilst Mary opted for the risotto with squid ink.

  Ella had deliberately sat next to Andy, with Laine to her right. The table being a large round oak table made it easy for the conversation (and the wine) to flow. Mary was expounding on the sheer beauty of Venice and had given Laine and Ella a recount on their trip the previous evening.

  “Seriously it is the most romantic place on earth, it’s a shame none of us are hitched - it would have been the perfect place for a romantic stroll or a gondola ride”, sighed Mary.

  “Well Laine, maybe that’s where you and John should go”, smiled Ella, who in between mouthfuls of risotto explained the course of events from the previous evening.

  “Wow, I always said it’s the quiet ones you need to watch out for guys”, said Andy, who had listened intently as Ella had given a blow by blow account of their adventure, making sure it was well known that it was only Laine that had become romantically involved.

  Laine blushed; she was not used to this much attention or this much of her personal life being put on display.

  Andy seemed to have relaxed and had ventured to put his arm around Ella, who made no objections.

  The evening had been a resounding success, with the group enjoying each other’s company, and at about 10.30pm they ventured back out into the warm May evening. The walk back to the apartments had taken on a fiesta feel. The night was warm with the scent of jasmine filling the air, every now and then the breeze would carry with it a new scent, sometimes oregano sometimes lemon or bergamot. A flower festival had taken place that day, and rose and bougainvillea petals lay strewn across their route back. Tourists thronged the streets, all merrily enjoying the warm night and party atmosphere. For a split second as she walked back through the streets arm in arm with Tessa, Laine had a sense that someone was watching her. She could not actualise what had made her feel this uncomfortable, only that it felt as if an ice cold pair of eyes were boring into her body. She shivered and turned around sharply, expecting to see the cause of her discomfort but saw no one other than a few other couples leaving the restaurant. Odd, she thought, mind playing tricks on me, maybe too much sun. “Everyone smile!” Andy shouted. From nowhere he had produced a camera and started snapping away.

  The friends struck a variety of poses, laughing loudly as they did so. The uneasy feeling stayed with Laine for the rest of the walk back. Something had spooked her. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but something very familiar had mildly perturbed her.

  Ella and Andrew had walked hand in hand back from the restaurant. Ella had that dreamy look in her eyes that Laine recognised only too well.

  Coffee was to be served at the girls’ place. Laine took the orders, white, black etc. whilst Ella sorted out the music. Her stomach was in knots. It had been tying and ret
ying itself all day in anticipation of John’s return. A tingling feeling in her hands and feet kept coming wave upon wave as the time ticked closer to his arrival. Would she feel the same as she did last night and this morning? She had not been able to keep her thoughts far from last night. Every time she drifted she would suddenly see him in her mind’s eye and would be drawn back, back to the passion and ecstasy she had felt. Keeping busy was a way to at least give the appearance of being “normal”, whatever that was!

  The apartment was stuffy again despite having left the blinds down for most of the day. Ella opened the balcony doors and bedroom windows and a gentle breeze began to flow through the apartment. The scent of jasmine they had encountered earlier caught on the breeze and danced its way through the open windows.

  Bill Withers’ “Lovely Day” played on the cassette player and a subliminal kind of peace seemed to fill the room. There was a soft knock on the door, which had been left ajar. Laine rushed to open it fully and there in civvies were John and Pete. Laine was reminded as if anew of how masculine John was. She had gone over in her mind a thousand times the events of last night. Now she had a chance to study him. His raven black hair crew cut style in true GI fashion, he seemed broader than Laine remembered, his shoulders forming the physical definition of his strength. Whoa momma, she had definitely had a tussle with the muscle last night! His overall athletic build was again making her tingle. Get a grip, she told herself, holding tight onto the door handle as though permanently stuck to it. Ella rushed passed her. “Guys come in come in, what you playing at keeping our friends waiting Laine? Come in boys, let me introduce you to our neighbours from downstairs”, and with that she ferried them into the lounge introducing them to Andy, Rod, Mary and Tessa.

  John and Pete had been a bit surprised to see so many people in the apartment, but in true gentlemanly fashion had been polite and friendly. John stood by the divider between the kitchen and lounge,

  “Looks like you guys have had a good day, Laine?” said John, catching her gaze as she walked into the kitchen. As before their eyes lingered just a fraction too long, each trying to read the other.

  Laine was curious to know whether John still felt how she was feeling – excited, confused, an emotional wreck! His eyes told her that he was. Whoever said the eyes were the window to the soul had known what they were talking about. Now as she looked at him any slight niggles that had worried her throughout the day just disappeared. She handed him a coffee.

  “Why thank you m’lady”, he said, giving her a slight nod as he accepted the strong smelling steamy cup.

  Could nobody else hear the thunderous beating of her heart? It was deafening. He was flirting with her just as he had before they had made love last night. How the hell do you keep it together when your emotions are trying to bust out in every direction? She thought: I have never had to be so controlled in my life. Each step towards the lounge was talking all of her focus. She was desperate to be wrapped in John’s arms, to feel his closeness, to smell his scent. How rude would it be if I just took him off to the bedroom right now? she thought, smiling to herself: no, that would be a step too far!

  John lit two cigarettes and handed one to her. She inhaled deeply. Until yesterday Laine had never smoked, but now it seemed the right thing to do. Feeling the nicotine inside her lungs somehow brought about a sense of calm.

  John had made his way to the sofa where he was now engrossed in conversation with Mary and Rod. Ella and the others were seated on the balcony, from what Laine could hear they had started playing cards. Laine made her way to her bedroom; her lips dry from the sun needed an added boost and a quick touch up with some Vaseline. Heaven 17’s “Temptation” played loudly throughout the apartment. As Laine opened her bedroom door she had a sense that someone had just left. A cold aura came over her and for the second time that night she shivered. God why am I getting so spooked all the time? Pull yourself together woman. Her window was open, which was strange as she had made sure it had been closed before they went out earlier in the evening. It appeared nothing was missing except the golden slipper brooch that Tony had given her. She was convinced she had left it on the bedside table, in fact she knew she had as she had taken it off her dress just before they left to meet the others. “It must be here somewhere”, she thought. Surely no one would have come in through the window? The same sense of unease she had felt outside of the restaurant was back. Now I’m just being stupid, she thought. Ella was calling her from the lounge.

  “Laine we’re gonna go for a walk along the beach then off to find a bar and dance the night away – you coming?’” said Ella, pulling on her sandals.

  “Sure”, said Laine, assuring herself that she would find the brooch in the morning; she was being silly wasn’t she? She pulled the door shut behind her and ran down the hall to catch up with the others. John had hung back waiting for her.

  “How about we go for a short walk, then head back here?” said John, placing his arm around her waist. As he pulled her towards him she could smell his scent, a rough mix of sandalwood and pine. Laine inhaled deeply, she had waited all day to do this. His smell made her feel safe, wanted, and above all his.

  “That sounds like a plan to me”, whispered Laine as they caught up to their friends.

  The beach had been as it was the night before, deserted except for a few merry tourists enjoying the soft sea breeze and balmy night air. The sand was still slightly warm from the day’s sun. The full moon gave a magical feel to the night, its ethereal presence sending a soft sheen of glistening light across the sea. As they walked John told Laine more about his life. He was the son of a strict Southern Baptist minister who did not suffer fools gladly. He and his brother David had been somewhat fearful of their father. He had married young and gone into the army by the time he was 19: he met his ex-wife Kimberly whilst based at Fort Jackson, South Dakota.

  It was after being posted to Germany he discovered Kimberly had for the last few years been having various affairs around the base. She had gained herself a reputation for being a bit of a good time gal. Her drinking and embarrassing behaviour were becoming a problem affecting not just their relationship but also his kids and his work. His children Kayla and Zaltana, aged two and three were sent back to the US to go and live with his mum in Wisconsin. When his tour was over he headed back to the states to look after them. The army had to physically put Kimberley back on a plane as she had refused to leave Germany. It was at that point that John had sought a divorce. As if the humiliation of having a wife who was out of control wasn’t bad enough, he had been shocked to discover that she was entitled to alimony, and a large amount at that. He was the one looking after the kids, she was the one who had been unfaithful on many occasions, however she was still entitled to take him to the cleaners. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He had to carry on working to support his kids and also his ex-wife. As the law stood, whatever debts she ran up were his also. On her return to the US Kimberley had gone on a bit of a spending spree and racked up over $10,000 worth of debt that John was liable for.

  As he talked Laine sensed no bitterness. He was not looking for sympathy but just telling it like it was. Her admiration for him grew. He was not saying what a raw deal he had had or how unfair life was, he was simply telling his story, without embellishment or hatred. His love for his children had cast out any bad feelings he may have held: he had to do what was necessary to support his family whatever the personal cost to him. Laine was gaining a glimpse of John’s true nature, humble and understated. As they walked Laine realised that her problems really weren’t problems at all. She explained the situation she had left behind in the UK as honestly as she could. She had felt comfortable enough with John to be honest; she knew he would not judge her. She explained about Danny and about Tony, and had felt at liberty to disclose her thoughts, fears and hopes. She had never been able to be so honest with anyone. They continued to walk along the beach in silence. Their conversation had cleansed them. It had blown awa
y the remnants of embers now unable to ignite. It had proved a cathartic experience. Their life experiences, dilemmas and hurts were out in the open, now carried off by the gentle breeze. Empty vessels were now ready to be refilled and restored.

  The tide was coming in fast. Laine looked up. In the distance she saw Ella and the gang turn and wave. They were off to dance the night away, they knew that Laine and John were not coming. Waving back Laine and John turned making their way down to the shoreline. Just minutes before what had been sand was delicately being reclaimed by the sea. Laine took off her sandals; the water was cool but not unpleasantly so. She sat down onto the temperate sand allowing the sea to just play with her feet. John did the same. For what seemed like an eternity they sat and looked out to sea. The rhythm of the tide sang its song of love, a siren call to those with an ear to hear.

  John put his arm softly around Laine. “You know Laine, I don’t think I have ever felt so peaceful”, he said, playing with a wisp of her hair.

  “Me neither, I wish tonight would just go on and on.”.

  She took his face and cupped it in her hands.

  “I have known you only a day yet I feel as if you know me better than anyone. You know I have fallen for you John don’t you? I never knew I hadn’t ever loved anyone until I met you”, Laine stared back out to sea.

  She had been given the space to be honest. The realisation that until now she had not known love had not taken her by surprise. She had known the depths of her soul had not yet been awakened, but now? Now she knew what it felt like. John started to place small kisses onto the nape of her neck; he gently took hold of her and laid her down onto the soft dolomite sand. As the tide came in he slowly and passionately made love to her. They had found the answer to the siren call.

  A deep earthy need had carved its way through their bodies, setting a positive charge, fusing and bonding the saltiness of the waves. They were being absorbed each by the other, drinking in the pleasure of touch, of lust, of want through their impassioned bodies. Every crevice, every curve infected with desire.


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