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Dirty Like Jude: A Dirty Rockstar Romance (Dirty, Book 5)

Page 31

by Jaine Diamond

  As she reached my feet, she put her hands on my knees, bit her plump bottom lip and spread my legs with force. The aggressive move sent a fiery signal straight to my balls.

  I balled up her clothes in my fists. Then she pushed herself into me and up, dragging her chest against me from my spread thighs all the way to my face.

  Then she burst out laughing. “Something like that. I can’t remember all the moves.” She stood up and tussled her hair. “I took a class a while ago, just for fun. This is the first time I actually tried the moves out on a man.”

  “You kiddin’ me?” I tossed her clothes aside and got up, my ego swelling—right along with my dick—that she’d never done that for anyone else. I walked her right up against the window. “You are not done. You do not get to talk to me about musical orgasms, then wiggle that ass all over the place for me like that, shove your tits in my face and just stop.”

  I put my hands on her hips, hooked my thumbs into her panties, and started taking them right off.

  “Oh… well… I… oh, damn… Jude… ”

  Roni’s feeble protests and her soft little hands kinda pushing at me but not pushing at me when I got down on my knees and started eating her pussy were adorable.

  “But… I should… oh, fuck… go down and… you know… talk to the band and… stuff…”

  “Later.” I swirled my tongue around her clit, getting her all wet and trembling, then dug the condom out of my pocket. I’d put one in every fucking pocket I had, optimistic as fuck about bringing the New Year in together with a bang. Or several bangs.

  I worked my jeans down and got the condom on while I lapped at her pussy, just teasing her a bit, and she struggled, maybe trying to get comfortable while her legs wanted to give out.

  Then I got to my feet, hiked her legs up around my waist and buried myself in her… so fucking hot and tight… and fucked her right there against the giant glass window.

  Her bare ass squeaked against the glass as I rammed into her. She giggled her throaty laugh, even as she groaned in pleasure. She wrapped her arms tight around my neck, holding on. “Oh, shit… it feels… like I’m gonna fall…”

  “I got you.”

  “I feel like… everyone can see my… everything…”

  “Yeah. And you fuckin’ love it.”

  I fucked her with the music thumping and the bass vibrating the glass until we’d smeared the window with sweat, and we both came.

  She went first.

  I went with the feel of her pussy squeezing my dick, her throaty screams in my ears, her sweat-damp body wrapped tight around mine.

  Maybe I didn’t know shit-all about Summer’s style of music, but hey, it got me laid. I wasn’t complaining.

  Then my knees started wanting to fold. I set Roni back on her feet, planting a kiss on her head. “Get dressed.”

  “What, now you’re modest?” She swatted my bare ass just before I pulled up my jeans. “Three seconds ago you couldn’t have cared if they projected us over the stage down there.”

  “That was when my dick was up.”

  She laughed and got dressed, buttoning up her blouse. “Damn, I’m all sweaty.” She smoothed her hair. “Totally worth it, though. I so needed that.”

  “What, that?” I gestured at the window.

  “Yeah. That was maximum tension relief. I was so nervous tonight.”

  “Couldn’t tell,” I said, honestly. “Don’t think I’ve ever seen you nervous.”

  “Yes, you have. That night when I was eighteen, at the Back Door, and you blew me off.” She glanced at me around the curve of her black hair. “I was nervous as hell.”

  I finished pulling on my shirt. She was slipping her high heels back on.

  I walked over and as she stood up, I got close to her face. “V…”

  “What?” She blinked her green eyes at me. “I still remember every word you said. How it made me feel. You and me, we’re not goin’ down that road. You took my hand and that’s what you said to me.” She swallowed and gazed up into my eyes in a way I probably didn’t deserve for that bullshit. “But… I would’ve gone down any road with you.”

  I took her hand and twined my fingers through hers, just like I did that night. I still remembered it, too. How soft and small and warm her hand felt in mine. How much it killed me she’d been with my brother. How much it killed me to push her away.

  And I felt the connection between us now, just like I did then. The want I had for her. For more.

  More of her.

  More of us.

  So this time, I told her the truth.

  “You and me, darlin’, we’re goin’ down the longest road there is.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “Hey you. What time is it?”

  Jude looked over at me, in no particular hurry. “It’s Saturday,” he said. “Who the fuck cares?”

  He was just finishing hanging up the big black-and-white photo on canvas of him and Piper with their dad—on my living room wall.

  I smiled and went to grab my phone from my purse. “Just want to make sure I give myself enough time to get ready. You’re coming tonight, right?”

  “Yup. Gonna swing by with Jesse and Katie to catch the end of the set and pick your sexy ass up.” He stood back and examined his hanging job. “This look straight to you?”

  “Hmm.” I came to stand next to him and looked at the photo, tilting my head at various angles, considering.

  “Are you shittin’ me?”

  I grinned. “It’s straight. Finally.” Then I popped up on my tip-toes and kissed him on the cheek. “Nice work.”

  “Gotta say. It looks good over your girly-ass couch.”

  “My girly-ass couch is an antique and I’ll have you know it’s gorgeous.”

  “It’s alright,” he said, sitting down on it to start unpacking what looked like motorcycle magazines and random handfuls of paperwork he probably needed to sort through. “Could be softer. It’s stiff as fuck.”

  I just smiled and went back to what I was doing—sticking push pins into a map of North America that now hung on the dining room wall next to my desk. I was pleased as shit that Jude was moving his stuff into my place before he left on tour. He’d given up his rental place, parked his car over at Jesse’s and his bikes at Piper’s, dumped some of his giant dude furniture at Piper’s too, and brought all his personal stuff here.

  Which meant that even when he wasn’t here, his stuff would be… and I would know he was coming back.

  Totally worked for me.

  Plus I could open my closet and touch his clothes, and smell his woodsy man-musk and swoon and all that.

  I was staying in Vancouver to work; I was optimistic about being able to quit my day job, soon, and focus on promoting events. After the New Year’s Eve event, Summer and I had talked about doing a couple of shows in the spring when she was back from a short tour she was doing down the coast. And I had a pretty big event tonight that she was gonna do a little impromptu guest appearance at, which I was super excited about.

  Once I was promoting events for her, it would just open more doors.

  And in-between all the fabulous parties I’d be throwing, I’d be visiting my man on the road. Maybe I’d even drag him out clubbing with me in some of the bigger cities, to get ideas and make contacts.

  “I’m just gonna cherry pick the places I want to go, and forget the others,” I told him. “Fargo? No thanks. Austin, yes please…” I already had the tour schedule pinned on the wall next to the map, with the dates I was planning to join him on the road highlighted in pink.

  “Can’t blame you,” he said.

  “Three shows in New York… I’m totally coming for that.” I turned to look at him, sitting on my girly-ass couch beneath his photo. “And while you’re gone, I’ll just gaze at your picture…”

  He glanced at me, raising an eyebrow, and I batted my eyelashes. He grinned halfway. “Still can’t believe you really want that thing in here.”
  “What thing?”

  He pointed his thumb over his shoulder at the giant black-and-white photo.

  “Seriously? It’s gorgeous.” I took a few steps closer, crossing my arms as I gazed at it. “Just look how fucking cute you are, peeking out from behind your dad’s leg with your little mop of dark hair… and those eyes… What were you, like four?”

  “Something like that.”

  “That makes Piper, what, nine or so?”


  I looked closer at the older boy in the photo, standing next to his dad with his chin tipped high. “He looks like a little blond shit.”

  “He was.”

  “Cute blond shit,” I muttered. “Worst kind.”


  I stared at the two boys in the photo and their handsome father in his leather jacket and faded jeans, his blond hair kinda ruffled up in the breeze. The deep lines around his eyes from squinting into the sun. Piper looked a lot like him, even at nine. “What the hell was I even thinking?”


  “You know. When I was all enamored with your brother. I must’ve been seduced by all the badassery. I mean, he had a scar on his face. I don’t think my hormones could see past that when I was a teenager.”


  “Seriously. You were always so much cuter than him.”

  “I’ve spent my life in Pipe’s shadow. You think I don’t know where I stand?”

  “You stand next to me.”

  He stopped sorting his papers and stood up, walked over to me and kissed me for that.

  I slipped my arms around him and he did the same to me. “You’re my favorite Grayson brother by miles,” I told him, gazing up into his eyes. “You always were. Don’t ever forget that.”



  “What about your sexual bucket list?”

  My jaw dropped. “You know about that?”

  “I know everything, darlin’.”

  “Uh-huh. Well. I wanted him from a distance. It’s not the same thing. When I got close, Piper wasn’t very nice to me, Jude.”

  “He didn’t respect you.”

  “No shit.”

  “You know…” He leaned in close, his lips brushing mine. “I gave him a nice fat lip for that. When I found out what he did to you at that party.”

  Whoa. That surprised me.

  I knew how close Jude and his brother were. Ben used to mention it; how much it bothered Piper that Jude was always on the road with the band.

  “You hit him?”

  “Would’ve done worse, but all I could land was one blow. He was bigger than me. Always has been.”

  “But you’ve got the bigger heart. And, quite frankly, the bigger dick. From what I remember. Though to be fair, I never got quite as personal with his…”

  “Spare me the details or he’s gettin’ another fat lip next time I see him.”

  “Aw, baby.” I leaned up and kissed him again. “Don’t you know? Women always like the brother with the bigger dick.”

  He grunted. “Women like blond and dangerous.”

  Right. Blond and dangerous.

  Piper. Zane. Taze.

  All the guys I’d fucked when I should’ve been fucking him.

  And maybe for the first time I was really starting to understand what a sore spot that was. That maybe Jude had always felt like he was in his brother’s shadow in some way.

  Standing in Dirty’s shadows couldn’t have done much to dispel that feeling over the years.

  Jude Grayson had strength and confidence and charisma; those were three of the things I’d always been most drawn to in him. But he was human. He was full of contradictions, weaknesses and insecurities, just like anyone.

  He was a man who’d once let himself start to fall for a girl he thought chose his brother over him. A brother he loved and looked up to, which probably just made it worse.

  “Women like dark and mysterious, too,” I told him. I ran my hand down the side of his face, over his soft stubble, looking in his dark eyes.

  “True. Pretty sure Jesse gets laid once in a while.”

  “Women like devoted,” I told him, in all seriousness. “Women like respect. Women like to be loved.”

  His eyes softened as he gazed at my lips. “That so?”

  “Women like men who make them feel like the only woman in the world.”

  “Mmm.” He walked me slowly back until we bumped up against my desk. “I don’t think I’ve respected you on this desk yet,” he murmured, brushing his lips over mine again… and sending a shiver of desire through me, so strong.

  Then he curled his hand around the back of my neck and pulled me to him for a toe-curling kiss… while his other hand roamed down my body and started peeling off my clothes…

  And he made me feel like the only woman in the world, the way only he knew how.




  I opened my front door to Jude. I’d glimpsed him through the peep hole, standing at my door on a Sunday morning—mere days before we left on tour.

  He hadn’t called me first and he hadn’t texted. I’d had no heads up whatsoever that he was coming by or even that he wanted to speak with me.

  Whatever this was, it wasn’t good.

  My breakfast roiled in a glob in my stomach as I swung the door wide and put on a smile, like I was delighted by this little surprise.

  I was not delighted.

  “Hey, good morning! What are you doing here?”

  My discomfort must have sang right through, because his eyes narrowed at me.

  “Brought you a coffee,” he said. “It’s mocha.”

  Then, without being invited, he walked right in.

  “Cool. You coming from Jesse’s?” I closed the door behind him and tried not to panic. I tried to convince myself that this could actually just be a pleasant social call.

  As if Jude ever made those to my place.

  I knew he spent his early mornings with Jesse, working out. So maybe he’d just finished up there and thought he’d drop by, see how I was doing, if I was all packed up and ready for the tour…

  Nope. Who the fuck was I kidding?

  He turned to me and fixed me with his impermeable security-guy stare-down, and held out the coffee cup.

  I took it. “Thanks. Double mocha? I only drink it if they put the chocolate whip on top.” I was kidding, but hey, I said stupid shit when I was afraid my entire life might be about to crumble right out from under me.

  “Triple,” he said. “I had them put the chocolate syrup on too.”

  “Oh. Well, thanks.”

  That was Jude; always one step ahead of you.

  Really, Jude Grayson and his no-bullshit work ethic was a massive factor in why I’d always stayed on my toes. If I’d ever slacked off, Jude would’ve noticed even if Brody didn’t. And last thing I needed was Jude growling in Brody’s ear that I couldn’t hack it.

  I never let Jude see me vulnerable. Which meant my personal shit stayed the hell out of the realm of the band and away from his sweeping radar.

  Even so, I didn’t doubt he knew things about me that I’d never told him.

  It was pretty much his job to know.

  But I was terrified that the reason he was here, right now, was because he knew everything.

  “You want to come in, sit down?” I asked. It only seemed polite.

  “No, thanks,” he said, looming in my front hallway. “Won’t be stayin’ long.”

  Oh, God.

  It really didn’t take long to swing an ax, right?

  Jude was the ax man, and we all knew it. It was Jude who’d been sent to fire Seth—both times.

  But me? Would Brody really be that cruel?


  “Zane asked me to keep an eye on you.”

  My veins turned to ice water. I felt like that chick in Frozen, the world around me suddenly turning all to ice.

/>   I couldn’t move as he spoke.

  “At the New Year’s Eve party. Somethin’ about too many drunk guys around.”

  He stared at me, like he was waiting for me to fill in the blanks on that.

  “What guys?” My voice sounded huskier than usual; felt like a shard of ice was lodged in my throat.

  “Don’t know. He wasn’t specific.”

  He just kept staring me down, his dark eyes like the gates to hell—wherein judgment and fiery punishment awaited.

  “I don’t get it…”

  “Nothing to get,” he said. “Zane’s gettin’ uncomfortable seein’ you talk to other guys… seems pretty fuckin’ obvious to me.”

  “What is?” I said, too quietly.

  “Maggie. I see how you’ve been acting. The both of you.”

  Oh, for the love of fuck…

  Here it comes.

  “Is this gonna be a problem on tour?” he asked me.

  And shocked the hell right out of me.

  He wasn’t here to drop the ax on my career with Dirty?

  The ice in my throat melted and I swallowed.

  “Is… what gonna be a problem on tour?”

  Jude drew a deep, rough breath, then let out a silent sigh. “You really think I don’t know about Vegas?”

  Oh, Christ.

  Jude knew about fucking Vegas?

  The whole place was an ice palace, the coffee was hot in my hand, and I was just kind of floating in-between. I couldn’t even feel anything. Just hot and cold. My whole body was covered in goosebumps.

  “You think I don’t know where Flynn was,” he said, “where you were, that night? You think I don’t see? You know I always know where my guys are.”

  I swallowed again. The ice was recrystallizing in my throat.

  “You’ve been acting squirrelly as fuck whenever Zane’s in the room. Avoiding the studio on this album. Makin’ yourself scarce. That’s new.”

  “I mean, if you think I should be—”

  “Zane hasn’t exactly been chasin’ skirts like a drunk frat boy on Spring Break, either. That’s definitely new.”

  He waited, letting that sink in.

  I didn’t know what to say. Didn’t know what I could say to fix this.


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