Hudson's Bay Company
Hurlingham polo club*
Hussein ibn Ali
India; official visit to by Prince of Wales (1875)
Iraq mandate
Ireland; 7th Duke of Marlborough as Lord Lieutenant; Churchills exiled to; foxhunting in; Irish question (post-Great War)
Ironside, General
Ja’far Al-Askeri
James II, King (formerly James, Duke of York)*
Jennings, Sarah see Marlborough, Sarah, 1st Duchess of (née Jennings)
Jerome, Clarissa (Clara, née Hall); marriage to Leonard Jerome (1849); Native American inheritance; ball in honour of Prince of Wales (1860); life in Paris (from 1867); Cowes Week and; courtship of Jennie and Randolph; wedding of Jennie and Randolph (15 April 1874); death of (2 April 1895)* Jerome, Clarita (Clara Frewen) see Frewen, Clara (née Jerome, ‘Clarita’) Jerome, Leonard; Blandford and
Jerome, Leonie (Leonie Leslie); Iroquois strain and*; on Jennie’s wedding (1874); marriage to John Leslie; Jennie-Charles Kinsky affair and; death of mother Clara (2 April 1895); financial problems*; furnishes 105 Mount Street for WSC; on Pamela Plowden; recommends Eddie Marsh to WSC; lover of Duke of Connaught; death of son Norman in Great War; Randolph’s cause of death and
Jerome Park racecourse
Kaiserworth, capture of (1702)
Kapurthala, Maharajah of
Keith, Dr George
Kennedy, Joe (Jnr)
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Joseph
Kennedy, Kathleen (‘Kick’)
Kennedy family
Kent, Duke of
Keppel, Mrs Alice*
Keyserling, Hermann
Kinross, Patrick
Kinsky, Count Charles
Kitchener, Lord
Knollys, Francis
Korean War (1950-3)
Labour Party*; forms first government (January 1924); second government of (1929); 1945 election victory; 1951 election defeat
Ladysmith, relief of (February 1900)
land duty
Langley Park
Lansdowne, Maude, Lady
Lansdowne, Lord*
Lascelles, Sir Alan
Lavery, Hazel
Lawrence, T.E.
Leeds Castle (Kent)
Leslie, Anita*
Leslie, Jack
Leslie, Norman
Leslie, Shane
Liberal Party; 1906 election victory
Lind, Jenny
Lindbergh, Charles
Lindemann, Professor Frederick A. (‘The Prof’)
Lloyd George, David; WSC and*; becomes Prime Minister (December 1916); leads postwar coalition government
London blitz
Londonderry, Edith (‘Edie’), Lady (née Chaplin)
Londonderry, Marquess of
Londonderry, Theresa, Lady
Longespée, Sir William†
Losch, Tilly
Louis XIV, King of France*
Luce, Clare
Lugard, Lady
Lushington, Captain
Lytton, Victor, Lord
Maastricht, siege of (1673)
Macaulay, Thomas Babington
MacDonald, Ramsay
Maclean, Brigadier Fitzroy
Macmillan, Harold
Mafeking, siege of (1899 - 1900)
Mahon, Lt- General Sir Bryan
Mandeville, Lady (Consuelo Yznaga, Duchess of Manchester)* *
Margaret, Princess
Marlborough, Charles Richard Spencer Churchill, 9th Duke of (‘Sunny’): marriages see Deacon, Gladys; Marlborough, Consuelo, 9th Duchess of (née Vanderbilt, later Balsan); birth of; plays with WSC in childhood; 7th Duchess (grandmother) and*; relationship with father; becomes Duke (November 1992); friendship with WSC; Blenheim Palace and; sees WSC in New York (November 1895); four-month honeymoon; Spencer House residence; foxhunting and; named Postmaster General to the Armed Forces (October 1899); Assistant Military Secretary to Lord Roberts; involvement in Boer War; with WSC during Boer War; political donation to WSC; WSC on; overlooked for Lord Lieutenant of Ireland post; Under-Secretary for the Colonies; family portrait by Sargent; aids WSC in courtship of Clementine; accompanies Consuelo to WSC’s wedding; excluded from court events; on WSC’s flying lessons; on Jennie’s third marriage; Great War and; on increase of minimum wage; divorce from Consuelo (1921); electioneering by; conversion to Catholicism; No. 7 Carlton House Terrace residence; returns to favour with royalty; death of (30 June 1934)
Marlborough, Charles Spencer, 3rd Duke of
Marlborough, Consuelo, 9th Duchess of (née Vanderbilt, later Balsan): as candidate for Sunny’s ‘American heiress’ mother Alva’s marriage plans for; upbringing of; extended world tour (1893); Lady Paget arranges debut of; meets ‘Sunny’ Winthrop Rutherfurd’s courtship of; relationship with Winford sabotaged by mother; marriage to Sunny (November 1895); four-month honeymoon; dislike of Lady Sarah Wilson; ‘Goosie’ and; welcomed to England as newly-wed; WSC and; at Blenheim Palace; social season and; as hostess; birth of son John Albert Edward (September 1897); Gladys Deacon and; birth of son Ivor (October 1898); marriage difficulties; affair with Paul Helleu; deafness of; charitable work; Sunderland House residence (Curzon Street); family portrait by Sargent; love affair with Castlereagh; separation from Sunny; Christmas 1907 at Blagdon; accompanies Sunny to WSC’s wedding; views on suffragettes; excluded from court events; public sympathy for in USA; literary admirers of; Great War and; relationship with Jacques Balsan; delivers Priestley lecture, 317–18; Crowhurst Place residence; as London county councillor; Catholicism and; divorce from Sunny (1921); moves permanently to France; marriage to Jacques Balsan (4 July, 1921); annulment of marriage; Le Seuil residence; Saint Georges-Motel (near Dreux); returns to Blenheim (from 1934); supports Munich Agreement; Second World War and; first post-WW2 visit to France; lives in USA post-WW2; dislike of Randolph; The Glitter and the Gold (1953); death of (1964)
Marlborough, Frances Anne Spencer Churchill, 7th Duchess of (Duchess Fanny): upbringing of children and; Lord Randolph as favourite of; marriage plans for Lord Randolph; fails to attend Lord Randolph’s wedding; Jennie Churchill and; attends at WSC’s birth; family quarrel over Blandford’s ring; Aylesford affair and; Irish Relief Fund and; moves out of Blenheim; electioneering by; Lord Randolph’s ‘resignation’ letter and; discharges Mrs Everest; Lord Randolph’s will and; convinces Sunny to marry for money; attitude to WSC; on Sunny’s marriage; Consuelo and; birth of ‘Bert’ Blandford and; death of (16 April 1899)
Marlborough, George Spencer, 4th Duke of* *
Marlborough, George Spencer Churchill, 5th Duke of
Marlborough, George Spencer Churchill, 6th Duke of
Marlborough, George Spencer Churchill, 8th Duke of (Blandford): first marriage 106 see also Blandford, Albertha Frances Ann, Marchioness of (‘Goosie’); childhood and education; on Lord Randolph’s marriage; at Lord Randolph’s wedding; family quarrel over gift of ring to Jennie; Jennie Churchill and; affair/elopement with Lady Aylesford; Prince of Wales and; sale of Blenheim treasures; Campbell divorce case and; becomes Duke (July 1883); scientific talent of; Liberal politics of; second marriage; death of (9 November 1892); will of
Marlborough, Henrietta, 2nd Duchess of
Marlborough, John Albert Edward Spencer Churchill, 10th Duke of (Blandford): birth of (18 September 1897); in Singer Sargent portrait; education; in love with actress; service in Great War; marriage to Alexandra Mary Cadogan (17 February 1920); No. 1 Portman Square residence; annulment of parents’ marriage and; becomes 10th Duke (June 1933); military liaison officer in WW2; opens Blenheim to the public; death of wife Mary (1961); death of mother Consuelo (1964); at Montego Bay; death of (1972); second marriage
Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of; thrift of§; wife Sarah Jennings and; entail in will of
Marlborough, John Spencer Churchill, 11th Duke of
Marlborough, John Winston Spencer Churchill, 7th Duke of; Aylesford affair
and; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland; financial problems; death of (July 1883)
Marlborough, Lady Caroline Spencer, 4th Duchess of
Marlborough, Lily, Duchess of (Mrs Lilian Hammersley, ‘Duchess Lily’)*
Marlborough, Mary, 10th Duchess of (Honourable Alexandra Mary Cadogan)
Marlborough, Sarah, 1st Duchess of (née Jennings); husband John Churchill and; Blenheim spaniels legend*
Marlborough Gems
Marlborough House (London)
‘Marlborough House set’
Married Woman’s Property Act (1882)*
Marsh, Edward
Martin, John
Mary II, Queen*
masked balls
Maugham, Somerset
Maze, Paul
McMahon, Sir Henry
Middle East after Great War
Middleton, Captain George (‘Bay’)
Minterne House (Dorset)*
Minto, 4th Earl of (Gilbert John Elliot-Murray)
Mitford, Bertie (1st Baron Redesdale)
Mitford, Clementine
Mitford, Debo
Mitford, Diana (later Guinness and Mosley); wartime imprisonment*; Randolph’s crush on; Hitler and; relationship and marriage with Mosley
Mitford, Jessica (Decca)*
Mitford, Nancy*
Mitford, Sydney (Lady Redesdale)
Mitford, Tom
Mitford, Unity
Mitford family*
Molyneux, Edward
Monaco, Princess Grace of
Monmouth, James, Duke of
Montagu, Edwin* Montagu, Judy
Montagu, Venetia (Venetia Stanley)‡
Montague Browne, Anthony†
Moran, Lord (Sir Charles Wilson)**; in USA with WSC (1941-2); WSC’s ‘small arterial spasm’ (February 1952); WSC’s ‘slow leak’ (June 1953); death of WSC and; Winston Churchill: The Struggle for Survival (1966)
Morrison, Herbert
Morton, Major Desmond
Mosley, Oswald; wartime imprisonment
Mountbatten, Lord Louis†
Moyne, Lord; assassination of (6 November 1944)*
Munich Agreement (September 1938)
Murrow, Edward R.
Mussolini, Benito; death of (28 April 1945)
Napoleon III, Emperor of France
Narvik, battles of (1940)
Nazi Germany; WSC’s concerns about in 1930s; invasion of Poland (August 1939); invasion of Norway and Denmark (April 1940); invasion of Holland and Belgium (May 1940); see also Hitler, Adolf
New York ‘Knickerbocker’ families
Nicolson, Harold
Niven, David
Norfolk, Duke of
Northcote, Sir Stafford
Northumberland, Duke of
Norton, Sarah
Norwegian campaign (WW2)
Ogilvy family
Oliver, Vic
Omdurman, Battle of (1898)*
Onassis, Aristotle
Onassis, Athena (‘Tina’)
Osborne, June
Osborne House
the Other Club
Oxford University
Pakenham, Frank (later Lord Longford)
Palestine mandate
Pankhurst family*
Parnell, Charles Stewart
Patti, Adelina
Peel, Sydney
Peel, Sir Robert
Pétain, Marshal Philippe
Philip, Prince
Philip, Terence
Pickford, Mary
Plowden, Pamela (later Pamela Lytton); as WSC’s first love; Jennie Churchill and; marriage to Lord Lytton
Pol-Roger, Odette
Pope, Alexander
Porch, Montague
Portal, Lord
Portarlington, Lady
Prince, HMS
Proust, Marcel
Radziwill, Princess Dorothy
railway system
Rainier, Prince
Ramsden, Major Caryl
rationing, postwar
Ravensdale, Irene, Lady
Rawlinson, Sir Henry
Redesdale, Lady (Sydney Mitford)
Redesdale, ‘Bertie’, 1st Baron (Bertie Mitford)
Redesdale, David, Lord
Rêve d’Or villa (near Cannes)
Reves, Emery
Reynolds, Sir Joshua
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Richard I, King (the Lionheart)† Ridley family
Roberts, Lord
Roden, Earls of
Rodin, Auguste
Romilly, Bertram
Romilly, Esmond; death of (1941)
Romilly, Giles; wartime imprisonment in Germany
Romilly, Nellie (née Hozier); birth and childhood of; captured by Germans (August 1914); marriage to Bertram Romilly (1915); suicide of twin Bill; Misdeal (novel); rebelliousness of son Esmond; marriage of son Esmond (1938); capture of son Giles (1940); death of son Esmond (1941); death of (1954)
Ronalds, Fanny
Roose, Dr Robson
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (FDR)*; Bernard Baruch and*; Averell Harriman and; cable to Ed Murrow; at Tehran conference (November 1943); at second Quebec Conference; death of (12 April 1945)*
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rosebery, Lord
Rota the lion
Rothermere, Lord
Rothschild family
Rotten Row (Hyde Park)
Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS)
Royal Navy; Dardanelles campaign (1915) and; Second World War and
Royal Yacht Squadron
Russell, Wendy
Rutherfurd, Winthrop
Salisbury, 3rd Marquess of (Robert Cecil)*; minority government (1885); appoints Lord Randolph Chancellor of the Exchequer; Lord Randolph’s ‘resignation’ letter to
Sandys, Duncan; Second World War service; Duchess of Argyll divorce case (1963) and
Sandys, Edwina
Sandys, Julian
Sargent, John Singer
Sassoon, Sir Philip
Sasun Heskay
Scapa Flow
Schneider Trophy
Scrivings, George
Second World War: lead up to (1938-9); British declaration of war (3 September 1939); early period of; Royal Oak sunk at Scapa Flow (1939); significance of aviation; ‘phoney war’ fall of France (June 1940); blitzing raids by Luftwaffe; Pearl Harbor attack (7 December 1941); battle of El Alamein (October 1942); Tehran conference (November 1943); Yalta conference (1945)†; D-Day (6 June 1944); German bombing campaign on London (1944); V1 and V2 missiles; Victory in Europe Day (8 May 1945); Potsdam conference (July 1945); atom bomb assaults on Japan; Japanese surrender (14 August 1945)
Shaw, George Bernard
Shirer, William
Sickert, Walter
Sidney Street siege (1911)
Simpson, Wallis (Duchess of Windsor)
Sinclair, Archibald
Sitwell, Edith
Smith, F.E. (Lord Birkenhead)*; as closest friend of WSC; on WSC’s flying lessons; handle’s Jennie’s divorce case; death of (September 1930)
Smith, Freddie (son of F.E.)
Smith, W.H.
Smollett, Tobias
Sneyd-Kynnersley, Revd. H.W.
Soames, Christopher; political career; Randolph’s jealousy of; Ambassador to France; death of (1987)
Soames, Mary, Lady (née Churchill); on WSC’s defecting from Conservatives; on Clementine’s father*; on WSC’s first meeting with Clementine; birth of (15 September 1922); on Chartwell family occasions; on Randolph’s behaviour; electioneering by; on Chartwell staff cottage; Cousin Moppet and; education; relationship with mother; on Terence Philip; Sarah’s elopement (1936) and; on WSC’s reaction to Munich (1938); at Blenheim (Christmas 1938); holiday at Dreux (August 1939); at Chartwell; Second World War service; in 10 Downing Street air-raid shelter; at Chequers (Christmas 1940); engagement (1941); on WSC’s wartime stress (1942); on Pamela and Randolph’s separation; on WSC�
��s health; on mother’s wartime stress; holiday to Hendaye (July 1945); 1945 election and; attends Potsdam conference (July 1945); on postwar return to Chartwell; Clementine Churchill (1981)*; nurses Sarah in Rome (1946); engagement to Christopher Soames; marriage to Christopher Soames (February 1947); runs farm at Chartwell; on WSC’s hostility to Beauchamp; accompanies WSC to Riviera (September 1953); on parents’ later years; joins mother in St Moritz (1955); on WSC’s Riviera villa plan; lives at Hamsell Manor; on WSC’s old age; sister Diana’s death and; on death of WSC; Lady Companion of the Garter (2005); Speaking for Themselves
Soames, Nicholas
social season, English*; Cowes Regatta; Prince and Princess of Wales and
Solebay, battle of (June 1672)
Somerset, Duke of
Soviet Union
Spanish Civil War
Spencer, Charles, 3rd Earl of Sunderland‡
Spencer, John (‘Jack’)
Spencer, Lady Diana (Duchess of Bedford, 1710–1735)
Spencer Churchill, Anne (Duchess of Roxburghe)
Spencer Churchill, Frances (Fanny Marjoribanks)
Spencer Churchill, Lady Frances
Spencer Churchill, Georgina (Lady Curzon)* Spencer Churchill, John George (Johnny)
Spencer Churchill, Lord Ivor
Spencer Churchill, Lady Lilian
Spencer Churchill, Lady Norah (Norah Birt)*
Spencer Churchill, Lady Rosemary
Spencer Churchill, Lady Sarah (daughter of 10th Duke)
Spencer Churchill, Peregrine
Spencer Churchill, Rosamund (Baroness Ramsay)
spitfire aircraft
St Clair-Erskine, Lady Angela Selina
St George’s Preparatory School (Ascot)
St Helier, Susan Mary, Lady (née Stewart-MacKenzie)
Stalin, Joseph
Stanley, Venetia (Venetia Montagu)‡
Stevens, Marietta
Stevens, Minnie (Lady Paget)*
Stirling, David
Strachey, Lytton
strikes and labour unrest
Suez Crisis (1956)
Sunderland Library
Sutherland, Duke of
Sutherland, Graham, portrait of WSC by
Sykes–Picot Agreement (1916)
Thompson, W.H.
Tilden, Philip
The Times
Townsend, Captain Peter
Trafford, Tom*
Tree, Ronald and Marietta
Trollope, Anthony* *
Truman, Harry S.
Twain, Mark
Tweedmouth, Lord*
Tyburn gallows
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