Magic Academy (A Fantasy New Adult Romance)

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Magic Academy (A Fantasy New Adult Romance) Page 23

by Jillian Keep

  Firia saw as his dick swelled again, that massive organ so intimidating as it disgorged yet more sticky pre-cum that smeared itself over her inner thigh and outer labia as he leaned down and suckled a teat into his mouth with a growl.

  It was all happening so fast, yet not fast enough. All of those pent-up and repressed emotions, the fact that she pushed aside so much in favour of success at the Academy, bubbled over as her breathing grew heavy and loud in the small room.

  “Varuj?” she whimpered, but she didn’t know what to say.

  She just wanted to hear him.

  The hulking demon, several times her own size, taller than anyone else she knew, suckled her nipple before tugging it up and letting it snap back so elastically. He let loose such a growl of desire, unmistakable even in her inexperience, and she felt him reposition, the tip of his slick, bulging cock prodding her pussy as he licked and kissed up to her ear, that rumbling voice so dark and ominous, yet every bit the reassurement she craved.

  “I need you, Firi,” he said with a fire of unparalleled passion. “You’re mine for all time, and I’ll watch over you to the end of all things.” His voice had transcended to something else. It was possessive, it was protective, it was… fatherly in a way, so rich with warm comfort as he nudged to her virginal canal.

  “It won’t fit!” She squirmed, and she knew it had to be true. They were so mismatched in size, and her body was so small compared to his. She wanted it, wanted him, so bad. More than she’d ever desired anything else. It was irrational, but she didn’t care.

  She just wanted to feel him become one with her.

  Varuj, that hulking demon in his true form, moved his face up over hers, placed a hot kiss upon her lips and gravelly husked, “I’ll make it fit. I need to be inside you. I need it right now.” She felt the urgency in his words, his two strong hands sliding down to her thighs, grasping her legs.

  He had little trouble encompassing her thighs in each hand as he bent back her knees and spread her open wide. He left enough of a gap between them that as his hungry lips moved on to devour her neck, that she could look between them, watch as that oversized dick pressed in against her cunny, causing her lips to bulge out around it, the labia embracing its dark, throbbing crown.

  The tension in her hymen rose sharply then, that thin sheath of skin strained just on the cusp of breaking as he released a leg to roll back his foreskin and angle himself just perfectly at her too-tight hole.

  Her eyes widened as she had second thoughts about this. About all of this.

  The stress on her body wasn’t pleasant, and she shuddered to think about how much it would hurt. She writhed beneath him as her thigh muscles were pulled taut, but her body was so slick. She was so turned on, and that was her only real saving grace.

  Clamping her eyes shut she shook her head, the pillow ruffling her long, black hair. “Varuj!”

  Whether she called his name in fright or desire, Varuj answered with passion, and thrust into her forcibly. That unholy girth ripped her innocence asunder and battered its way into her narrow little canal by sheer force.

  The pain shot through her instantly, yet in equal measure that mighty demon arched back his head and let loose a loud cry of deepest satisfaction and most sincere of lust. The feel of her tight, virginal cunny wrapped about his oversized dick fulfilled a long held desire of his that he’d harboured from the moment he saw her.

  Tears pooled beneath her eyelids, and she let out a squeal before biting it back. She couldn’t stand it if anyone heard them, but it hurt so bad.

  And so good.

  The dull ache was combined with something she didn’t have words for as her heart raced beneath her small chest. Her pink nipples were so tight, poking off towards the ceiling as her legs strained open for the demon.

  Yet the pain and struggle hadn’t yet ended, as that beautifully sculpted demon from the abyss began to rock his body, pumping that thickness into her deeper. She felt her poor little unused quim stretched and delved into like she’d never imagined. Like no elf or man ever could’ve done to her.

  Certainly not Mae’lin.

  To hear Varuj’s husky breathing as he rutted into her, that harsh, deep voice cut through. “You’re mine, my sweet Firi,” his battering ram of a cock thrust so roughly, jarring her cervix as he plumbed her utmost depths. “I’ve waited so long to fuck you, and I’ll have you forevermore. Mine!”

  Punctuating his harsh claim, he grasped a breast and clenched it tight as he let loose his low, noisy grunts and groans.

  His tone should have terrified her, but her mind and body were so overstimulated that everything was received through a haze. A frightening, delicious, wonderful haze. There was no end to pain or pleasure, they simply overlapped and combined into something new. She wanted him to stop, to keep going. To slow down, to speed up. Her mind was filled with contradictions and all she could do was whimper and pant dumbly as her hands gripped the bed.

  His hands gripped her: her breast, her neck. His hand tightened about both as he tilted her head up and to the side, bearing her slender stalk of a neck to his mouth, which he devoured amidst his rutting. Each pump of that thick girth was able to be felt through her so intimately as it strained the limits of her youthful flexibility with each throb.

  The lick of his devilish tongue across her neck was exquisite as she felt his hand tighten and squeeze, his dark voice so filthy and harsh. “I’ve longed for this from the moment I laid eyes upon your nubile form, sweet Firi. I shall rut you through oblivion’s end.”

  It was a side of him she’d never known, and she shivered despite the growing sheen of perspiration between them. Her breath grew heavier, and finally she managed to open her eyes to mere slits.

  His face was so devilish, like the things young girls have nightmares about. But not Firia. Firia had summoned him into her world, bound him to her. She had been so reckless, so brave, and now things had changed so much.

  Her body felt like it might break under the strain, but her arms went around him as much as they could, clasping him tightly.

  When he relinquished his tight hold upon her breast, it was but momentary relief. That towering demon clawed his thumb down over her belly until she felt the hard pad of his digit fondle her folds and then… he found a sweet bud of sensitive flesh even she had never dared toy with.

  Through the pain of his oversized cock ravaging her, the sensation of him circling and rubbing that tiny little clit of hers was overwhelming. She only needed glance at his wickedly grinning face to know he intended every bit of it: the pain, the intense pleasure. Varuj held her in place through it all, his hand still at her neck as he refused to let her wriggle free of his control.

  It was unimaginable. Never in her life could she have believed she would feel… this.

  The sparks of pleasure shot off in her body as she writhed beneath him. Gone were her apprehensions of making noise. Gone were her fears and anxieties. It was as if he’d stolen her away from her mind, forcing her to turn it off for a blissful few moments.

  For once in her life she was able to enjoy a perfect minute in time when her body sang and her brain didn’t hinder her enjoyment.

  All thanks to surrendering herself to the lustful ambitions of a demon.

  Varuj’s fiery eyes rolled back into his head, his own neck arching as he tightened his grip upon hers purely instinctually. He let loose a mighty roar of satisfaction as he plowed into her, never letting up on his torturous use of her body, of his exquisite ministrations on her sensitive bud.

  Even in her carefree state, she felt the abrupt shift in his thrusts. The erratic nature that took hold as he swelled repeatedly within her, and she knew – instinctively – that some great moment was approaching fast.

  “You want it, my sweet Firi,” he growled out amidst his howls, “you want it, don’t you?”

  She couldn’t speak. Not with the pressure on her throat.

  And it was bliss.

  Nothing but physical sensations. N
othing but the tremors that pulsed through her body. Nothing but the blinding ecstasy that started at that small bud and branched out.

  She gasped in, her throat constricted, but her grip on his sides tightened. Her nails dug into his flesh as she bucked and writhed in a pleasure she never dreamed of.

  Then it came. Then he came.

  The flood of inhuman seed upon the crest of his bucking cock, that bestial thing that was too large for her pummeling her insides as he loosed his loins fully into her fertile young quim. His dark, ruddy body held a shimmer of perspiration as he arched his spine and spilled every last drop of his essence into her waiting depths.

  He rode atop her like an unholy monster claiming his mate, those final moments all loud, noisy and full of the wet slaps of their groins as they struck each other. Every last drop of his seed squeezed out of his large balls and into her waiting, fertile womb.

  Tears slipped from her eyes, the intensity of what she’d just experienced unlike anything else. Her body was sore and exhausted, her muscles crying out in agony, her throat feeling squished, and her cunny…

  She groaned, but the aftermath of her own orgasm lingered with her, soothing her pain through the last few bucks Varuj gave her in his spent state.

  When at last he came to a complete halt, he loosened his hold upon her neck and lowered his massive form atop her.

  Firia was nearly crushed beneath him, but that warm, hard flesh was a comfort as he held her. Kept her filled with him as his tongue trailed up her neck to her ear, where he suckled her lobe and mewled his dark, unearthly voice to her. “Perfect. You’re perfect.” That broad chest of his swelled with his heavy breathing, causing her breasts to be pressed down hard against her with each intake.

  It was difficult to breathe, but she didn’t want to part from him. Not yet.

  She was sure she looked a mess, her face red from the heavy breathing and the heat that had built up in the room. Still, as she panted for breath, it somehow felt right.

  It felt like what she’d wanted and never realized before.

  Chapter 37

  At some point through the night he must have shifted back into his more mortal form, for when she awoke in the early hours of the morning, she found herself entwined comfortably with his dark-skinned body. The ravenous demon now simply appeared to be a stunning man, lying beside her on his back, arm about her.

  As she realized that, it dawned upon her: if he was still there when the dormitory awoke, she’d never sneak him out without others noticing. And more than mere gossip hung in the balance. It could raise questions as to how this new student from far off exotic lands could possibly know her.

  “Crap!” she hissed. The warm body holding her felt so sweet. She thought back to the times in her old home, feeling so comforted and loved by him. It disturbed her no less now than it did back then, but still she craved it.

  And the comfort was ripped away from her too quickly as she shifted and felt her body flare up in new pains. Firia groaned as she pushed Varuj’s shoulder, but she loathed to do it.

  She’d rather lay in his arms all day than have to move again.

  Varuj stirred beside her, his eyes fluttering open before he turned that beautifully masculine gaze upon her. “Morning,” he said so deliciously, his hand stroking down her side before he leaned over and kissed her shoulder with his full lips.

  It was such a contrast to the beast he was the night before when he’d fucked her, took away her virginity. The smooth, gentle caresses, the soft kisses. The fact that – though still much bigger than her – he was of normal proportions as he held her near-nude form.

  It all felt so good. Even the dull and throbbing pains beneath the surface, if only because it was caused by him. How had she let herself fall in love with such a beast?

  Guilt and shame slowly began to brew in her stomach. Mae’lin…

  He’d been pushed from her thoughts almost as soon as Varuj walked back into her life. He was so sweet… He didn’t deserve this.

  Her gaze broke from Varuj’s and she pulled away. “You have to go before someone catches you.”

  The dusky demon lifted his head, the silk sheet of black hair flowing behind him as he wrapped both arms about her. “We’ve still a bit of time, sweet Firi,” he husked in his dark morning voice, the searing hot flesh of his member brushing along her thigh as he stiffened. “We were apart for so long.” A hand slid up over her stomach and in beneath her shirt to cup a breast again. “But never again.”

  And just like that her worries were replaced by early morning lust, her eyes lidded as she stared at him with such longing.

  She could never have guessed how strong her feelings were for him. She tried to ignore it, the taboo desires, but it was impossible now. With his dark body pressed into her pale flesh, all she wanted was to be surrounded by him.

  “I feel sore,” she murmured truthfully, readjusting herself into a more comfortable position.

  Those strong arms of his pulled her to him, beneath him, the seductive demon sliding over her as he kissed her neck, licked his way up to her earlobe. “It’ll help you remember me – and what we did – the whole day through,” he remarked of her pain in a lust-filled rumble. He wasn’t the hulking behemoth of the night before, instead looking so much like a being she knew and could understand, yet she knew it was not quite so. It was a facade, no matter how appealingly crafted it was.

  She shivered, and even though her body pleaded with her just to say no, to force him out the door, she couldn’t help but want him to stay. To feel that warm lust pour over her again, and her lips found his. At first it was softer. Exploratory.

  Quickly, though, it grew hungry and ravenous for more. She wanted him. She wanted him more than she ever thought imaginable, and it completely erased all of the terrible feelings that being with him would give her.

  There would be time for that later, she was sure.

  He was inside her. It happened so fast, so easily compared to the night before. His size was so much more manageable after being split asunder by that inhumanly large organ. Though the ache of its previous violation still made his entry a painful affair.

  Though he wasted little time, lifting himself up on one palm, the other still clutching her breast as he began to pump his length into her warm, wet, puffy quim. It wasn’t like the night before, thanks to his smaller size, yet there was still that passionate vigor, that lust-let-loose which drove him to plunder her more ravenously than she imagined a normal man would.

  And she couldn’t stop kissing him. Tasting out his lips and his mouth, feeling that wet warmth against her. Firia’s arms wrapped around him, begging for his touch. The feel of his skin on hers.

  Her legs wrapped around his back and she gasped and moaned, but still he didn’t slow, and she didn’t want him to. Caution was thrown to the wind, and all she cared about was being with him. Being one with him.

  This was magic.

  She’d never been exposed to such things in all her life. Devoting herself to study had left her sheltered in some ways, and the powerful demon that thrust within her so raw and savagely had introduced her to a world she scarcely knew existed.

  And he introduced her with little ease or gentleness. His pace quickening as he went, the slap of their bodies filled the room as his hard flesh wetly struck her soft, yielding form.

  Firia felt him swell within her, not nearly to the proportions of the night before, but still so big. So virile. His chest on display for her as he arched his shoulders back and broke their kiss to pound a little deeper, giving her such a stunning sight of brown skin over hard muscle, curtained with long black hair.

  He was gorgeous. She hated admitting it. She had always hated to admit it.

  That first time she saw him in the library she had been so disgusted and curious, but when he’d changed form…

  All that remained was interest and desire.

  Yet last night, it was his immortal form she’d craved and received.

  The th
ought sent a chill down her spine, but it was laced with taboo pleasure.

  She should’ve been concerned for practical matters: for not being exposed with him, for what would become of her and Mae’lin thanks to her careless passions for Varuj. Yet there was only the grind and thrust of their two bodies, their sweet intertwining forms as she locked him into her with her legs.

  Her poor, aching quim received his ceaseless pounding until she felt the shift in him. She was still so inexperienced, and it was but her second time, yet she felt the growing erraticness of his thrusts, the swelling of his member that strained her lust-slick canal.

  She didn’t want it to end. She knew what it signalled, and she felt such dread well up within her.

  Not because she was afraid of being exposed. Not because she was afraid of Mae’lin finding out. Not then. Not at that moment.

  She simply hated the idea of not being with the demon any longer, and that feeling was so overwhelming.

  Varuj drew the moment out, for his pleasure and hers. His hand squeezing, kneading her breast, teasing her nipple as he coaxed such fiery sensations from her body with his cock. Until at last, it happened, and she watched his gorgeous male form spasm as he spurt his unholy seed into her yet again, heedless of everything but the satisfaction they drew from their act of breeding.

  The last thrusts after that came slower, until finally he bucked into her one final time, his leanly muscled physique glistening as he emptied the last of his load into her nubile young body.

  She whimpered as she lay back on the bed, her eyes partially opened as she looked over him. He was so stunning. Beautiful.

  She didn’t know if it was love. Not really.

  She loved Mae’lin, and this felt nothing like that. This felt primal and wrong and crass.

  So why did she want more?

  It took all of her willpower to finally say the words: “You have to go now.”

  Finally relinquishing her breast, he lifted his hand and combed his fingers through his thick black hair before letting the strands fall slowly back into place. “We should play it safe for a while,” he said in agreement. “Suspicions would do neither of us any good.” He pulled out of her, his stiff, dark cock leaving her gaping and drooling his pearly white seed.


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