Magic Academy (A Fantasy New Adult Romance)

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Magic Academy (A Fantasy New Adult Romance) Page 25

by Jillian Keep

  She had to get Varuj to go immediately or it would all come to a head.

  “Listen, if you want someone to catch you up, I can do that, I just don’t know why you’re so insistent it be me.” She was disgusted by how easily she changed the tone of her voice, disguising the anger and pleading. “I’m usually really busy studying, but… I can try. Meet me in the library tonight, I guess, and we’ll talk about what you need.”

  Varuj glared angrily, then rose up. His movements were so elegant as he swept away, leaving Mae’lin to look baffled as he returned to her.

  “What was that all about?” he asked her, looking completely bewildered. “Normally he’s all smiles and pomp when he’s flouncing about the place.”

  “He’s upset because I told him I already have a standing study date,” Firia lied. “I told him I’d see what I can do tonight to get him caught up to speed. Since you and I studied more than our fair share today.” She hated this feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach.

  “Oh,” he said, looking off after Varuj curiously. “Well… did you want me to come along too? I mean, I wouldn’t want you to feel awkward with the new guy alone,” he remarked with a sweet smile.

  “Hey, if he tries anything funny, I’ll just practice out some new spells on him. Don’t worry about me, Mae’lin.” She tried to smile, but it was half-hearted as she pushed out of the bench and kissed his cheek. “Maybe you should spend some time with Ala. It might be good for her to have someone to talk to.”

  He returned the kiss, even though they were continually getting an increasing number of looks the more frequently they showed such affection publicly. “If I can find her,” he remarked, “but if you need me, I shouldn’t be hard to find. I’ll take a look for Ala then head over to the residence.”

  “Thanks, Mae’lin.” He was just being protective because of Bran, she reminded herself. Because of what he’d walked in on.

  Still, as she went to the library she felt her skin prickle with agitation. Why couldn’t Varuj just… make this easier? Why couldn’t he accept her feeble protests?

  Why did he have to feel the same way about her as she did about him?

  She’d never said where in the library to meet her, but she got the feeling after entering that he was close by and following her. She wound her way up the building, and almost found herself going to her and Mae’lin’s usual spot. Instead she detoured, going to a different floor she knew to be quiet.

  Before she could settle on a location, he grabbed her shoulder and spun her about.

  Firia found herself looking upon his stunning facade, his gorgeous face gazing down at her intensely. “How could you think to cast me off?” he hissed. “I go away to save your father and secure your future and you find another?!”

  “You abandoned me, Varuj! I didn’t go looking for someone else. It just happened. You even knew it was happening! You knew I’d been dreaming about him. You knew my feelings, you said it yourself.” Firia was shocked by how angry she was getting at him, again, after how much she’d loved laying in his arms, feeling his body all around hers.

  The thought made her blush and she hoped she could pass it off as rage. “You knew how I felt, and you never told me that you’d be returning, so I moved on, Varuj!”

  He grabbed her neck, and instead of her first reaction being fear, it was a reminder of how he’d done so the night before. When he’d first entered her, and their bodies became one.

  “I did not abandon you,” he growled at her in the dark corner of the library. “I did everything in my power to help you pass your test as I saved your father.” His chest heaved with his breathing, and she could smell his musk, his very excitement, upon the air. More than that, she saw in his eyes what lurked in her mind: the anger, the lust. “I would never abandon you,” he added harshly, his lips but a hair’s breadth from hers.

  “I know that now! But I didn’t know it then!” Her eyes were burning and she glared at him with such fury. “I didn’t ask for… for whatever I feel for him. For whatever I feel for you! The only thing I know is that this would destroy him, but you…”

  With his grasp still around her throat, he brought his other hand to such a daring spot. She felt him reach inside her robes and press in over her womanhood, that hot feel of his meeting her own smoldering heat. “What we did last night was no mere pastime,” he growled, “it marked a very important turning point for us. For you.” He so heedlessly rubbed her, stoking her own fires hotter. “You belong to me now. We have mated. Bonded.”

  He pushed his mouth to hers, a brutish kiss, not with the flair of his previous lusts, just hard and savagely passionate.

  She gasped and a moan passed from her to him. She was trying, desperately trying to end this. To end the lust and the passion and the insanity that surrounded the two of them.

  He made it so hard, though. Her body wanted him so badly, even as he made her ache with pain. She’d managed to ignore it as best she could for most of the day, but now it flared up, angrily and with such intense wanting.

  “Varuj, please. Please don’t make me break his heart,” she whimpered, her body trembling like a leaf.

  “You’re mine,” he growled right into her ear, flicking his tongue over the lobe as he slipped his hand into her pants and touched her puffy folds directly. The ache and pleasure he stirred with his motions so pronounced. “Say it. Admit it,” he commanded.

  “Don’t make me do this,” she whimpered, but with every word her protest became less and less certain. He made her feel so good. Her heart was racing, her body surged with adrenaline, but that gnawing guilt wouldn’t easily subside this time.

  Furious, he yanked his hand out of her pants, his fingers glistening with her wetness as he glared. “You’ll regret this,” he said. “No matter how hard you try to resist, you are bound to me now. And if you can’t admit that now, I’ll make you in time. I’ll make you regret resisting me,” he licked along his glossy fingers after his ominous words.

  She watched with such rapt attention, her thoughts stolen from her as she took in his daring display. Her hands went to his wrist, tugging it towards her body as she stared up at him. Everything was red. Her passion, her fury, her need, her hate.

  “Don’t do this, Varuj.”

  “I can teach you so much more,” he said to her, their eyes locked. “I can give you power beyond reckoning. Make you become the greatest sorceress to have lived. Together we would accomplish such things, they would tell of our union forever more.” He pressed his forehead down to hers. “And I could fuck you into a delirium every night of your life should you just confess you are mine.” He pressed that hand to her breast over top of her clothes. “Say it,” he growled.

  Her pulse raced and her breathing was so shallow. She didn’t even realize she was doing it as she ground into him, offering her body to his greedy hands. Firia wanted him so badly. Burned for him.

  The words were entirely unbidden. She tried to bite them back, to swallow them before they could ruin her, but it was useless.

  “I’m yours.”

  Varuj didn’t care that they were standing amidst the book stacks of the academy’s library. At her words he grabbed for her, tugged at her clothes as he kissed her so passionately. He opened her robes completely, undid her pants, and was tugging them down before she could make any sense of it.

  He was going to take her, then and there, she knew it. Wanted it. Feared it. He tore their lips apart and forcibly twisted her about and bent her over with his powerful grasp.

  She felt like a doll. A mindless object, robbed of thought or will.

  And she was grateful.

  Sure, practical concerns bothered her. Someone could stumble upon them.

  The moment she thought it, she moaned, and it surprised her. Was she that twisted? That she’d risk it all, that she’d allow him to have sex with her in public? Just for the thrill?

  “Wait,” she gasped, but it lacked oomph.

  It was also too late. For she had not
hing to do but brace her palms to the wall as he grasped his own fiery manhood and speared her upon it. To brace herself and bite down upon her lip to stifle her cries, that was all she could do as he took hold of her hips and began to pump his cock into her with a ravenous hunger that would not abate.

  Even the slaps of his heavy balls striking against her wet clit threatened to give them away, however.

  Damn him for making her so foolish. So reckless.

  So needy.

  She was so sore and it was hard to bite back all the soft whimpers, the little winces and murmurs of pain and pleasure as they combined. She was fast growing addicted to this, to the anger and the passion, as they came hand in hand.

  He felt so good in his mortal form, though. It wasn’t the fear and agony of the hulking demon. It was just the smooth, hard body that made her senses tingle with delight.

  One of his hands left her hips, and she felt his fingers coil her dark hair about. The tug he gave back on her head nearly made her cry out, each strand straining her scalp as he fucked her and pulled her hair.

  The way his hard body struck against her smooth, pristine flesh. The way his heavy, heated sac slapped her moons again and again, how she dared risk it all for this tryst with a demon. Not just Mae’lin or Ala’nase, but her very place in the Academy. Her whole life’s work. All put on the line when she handed control over to that vile demon.

  It made her body shudder and she was surprised that it wasn’t another bout of tearfulness. The intense, searing pleasure struck through her like lightning, her silent gasp filling the air. She’d never felt something so powerful as her muscles and nerves coiled and sprung loose.

  As her body exploded and her loins flooded about Varuj’s stiff, hard cock, he tugged back on her hair, eliciting more of that sweet pain as he growled into her ear. “You’re mine. Say it.” He thrust into her hard, not easing up through her exquisite climax, even as his own thrusts grew erratic and his release became eminent. “Say it,” he insisted louder, the threat of him yelling for her obedience implicit.

  “I’m yours,” Firia whimpered pathetically, her voice breathy and dark. She hated him and she lusted for him all at once. It was torture.

  He rewarded her obedience – if not her emotion – with a sharp final thrust, hilting himself inside her as he erupted. That stiff member twitching and spurting its seed inside her, coating her tight, abused canal with his creamy essence so completely, until her loins were naught but a slick, sticky mess of their fluids.

  For so long she’d ignored this part of her, and now it was overwhelming her. Her sexuality had always been a muted background noise, but he’d ignited something within her. Something she wasn’t sure she liked.

  Something she wanted, all the same.

  Chapter 41

  Her days with Mae’lin. Her nights with Varuj.

  It was such a precarious balance, and it left her torn inside. Torn with guilt. Torn by dual passions. Torn by possibilities.

  She felt – no, knew – Mae’lin and she could get through the Academy together on their own. Yet Varuj had proven already he could offer her so much more than merely passing.

  They had coupled. Fucked, as he’d said, but moments before, yet seeing him stand before her, nude in all his glory, displaying a new spell for her, it was hard to focus.

  “Telekinesis, so useful.” He held out his hand, lifting a book from across the room with only magic. The sinew along his arms and shoulders shifted subtly as he manipulated it carefully. He’d shown her the method, the intricate casting, now it was up to her to imitate it.

  “It’s hard to concentrate with you like that.” She still was partially clothed, him having torn down her pants but leaving her shirt intact for their latest session.

  Still, she tried her best to focus, to imitate his motions. She was feeling so exhausted lately, and she knew why. Leading two lives was so stressful, and she never felt truly rested any longer.

  “Do you expect the world to behave conveniently for you when you cast?” he remarked, brow raised as he slipped in behind her. One hand sliding along her figure until he was guiding both her hands through the motions. Even with him out of sight, however, she could feel his hard body pressed to her. His still partially turgid manhood nestled against her rear.

  He had marked her his again and again since he’d returned, tainting her with his sticky seed, leaving it to roll down her inner thighs even as she practiced the magical spells to her.

  Her breathing was heavier and she willed herself to concentrate, feeling herself grow more familiar with the intricate motions.

  Magic was her life. Her passion.

  So why did she keep getting distracted by so many more earthly matters?

  More than once over the past few days, it had occurred to her to try and shake him off. If only a little.

  To get Varuj’s attention elsewhere that she might get things into order. Or maybe…

  Her newly kindled urges were driving her down a road she feared. And more than that, she worried of hurting dear Mae’lin.


  She thought if only she could find physicality with him as she had with Varuj, then it might all sort itself out. Firia could be with him, content and focussed.

  The touch of those devilish hands made it so hard to think though… to try and come up with a more rational plan.

  “Rest up for the night,” he said abruptly, pulling away. “You need to practice this. I’ve given you the power, but now you need the ability,” he remarked, picking up his clothes and getting ready.

  Disappointment and gratitude. Her emotions were becoming such a strange mix of polarized feelings. “Fine, Varuj,” she sighed, but still she looked at him with longing.

  She needed to break his spell over her.

  His pants hanging low, revealing the edges of his dark pubic hair, he reached out, robe open as he cupped her chin. “Remember,” he said in that smooth, suave voice of his, “you are mine, Firi. We are bound eternally. But my tolerance for your daily activities will not last forever.”

  Her pulse quickened.

  “Varuj…” Her breathing was shallow as she forced herself to meet his gaze, but what more was there to say? She could promise nothing.

  He was gone without another word. Her lover from hell.

  Chapter 42

  Each new day began in a daze. The pressure of school, approaching final exams, her feelings for Mae’lin and Varuj colliding, and all the while her head swirled with the new spells she was learning.

  For all his wicked nature, Varuj was an excellent teacher. Though it wasn’t just his teaching, she suspected. Whatever infernal arts he mastered, and whatever their connection, he was able to pass to her spell casting ability beyond her station.

  “You’re awfully quiet today,” chirped Ala’nase, and Firia became aware of the woman’s presence right beside her. How long had she been walking right with her? She was getting so carried away with it all she was losing her grip on reality! “Say, I’ve gotta tell you something,” she remarked in a secretive manner, touching her hand to Firia’s arm and leaning in conspiratorially.

  Firia tried to look excited for the news, but it was hard enough just getting her mind back into the present. Still, she was forever grateful that Ala had been such a loyal and good friend, so she urged her on.

  “What is it?”

  Little seemed to phase Ala’nase for long, and the beautiful elven woman smiled, a twinkle in her eyes as they walked along and spoke. “You know the handsome new guy?” It was then Firia noticed again that the woman was dressed rather well, beyond her normal attire and with a generous dollop of dark crimson lipstick and eye shadow.

  No. No, no, no.

  Firia smiled thinly. “Yes, I remember him.”

  The woman’s long lashes descended as she narrowed her eyes and looked about almost suspiciously. “I’m going to ask him out,” she said with a wry smile, oblivious to what that meant for Firia herself.

, no, no.

  Firia’s heart lurched, but it was two-fold. One part was fear for her friend getting turned down and broken-hearted, but something darker lurked beneath it. Jealousy.

  What if Varuj said yes?

  It would serve her right for continuing to see Mae'lin despite Varuj’s… disapproval of it. But she couldn’t bear the thought, even as she longed for a way out.

  “Oh?” was all she could manage.

  “Of course,” she responded, flipping her long blonde hair back. “How could he resist my charms, hm?” The elven woman’s confidence resonated off her as she walked along beside her in the cool morning air.

  “I don’t know, Ala. You’re beautiful and clever.” It was true. “It’s just…” Firia trailed off, but she had nothing. No reasonable excuse why her friend shouldn’t ask her crush out.

  Except for the fact that he was a demon that Firia had summoned and was making love with every night.

  The elven woman looked surprised by her reaction, staring at her with some confusion. “It’s just what?” She asked, though Firia could detect a certain oddness in her voice. Was it just confusion? Or was it something worse, insult?

  Firia’s face began to flush and she slowed her walking momentarily, “Well, just… I don’t know, I couldn’t imagine asking someone. With Mae’lin it just happened. Naturally.”

  Ala’nase stared at her a while then swatted her arm. “Yeah well, I don’t have eternity,” she remarked with some amusement. “There’s about a million other harpies with their talons ready to sink into this guy, Firia. If I don’t strike while the iron is hot, he’ll be snatched up by someone more shameless than I.”

  “Well… you know I’ll always be here for you, Ala.” Firia started walking again, faster. She needed to get away, to find some way out of this tangled web.

  She didn’t need to go far, for as she rounded a corner she nearly stumbled into Gway’lin, the dashing elf quick to place his hands upon her shoulders and prevent a full on collusion. “Firia,” he said with some surprise. “Just the lady I was hoping to see,” he remarked pleasantly, his thick mane of golden hair glimmering in the morning sun.


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