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Magic Academy (A Fantasy New Adult Romance)

Page 26

by Jillian Keep

  “Uh, I’ll catch you at class then. Got some hunting to do anyhow,” remarked Ala’nase with a wave.

  Firia waved back, but her mind was swimming. She could barely even focus on Gway’lin’s handsome face until she finally realized his palms were still rested on her shoulder and a flush went through her. The thoughts were totally unbidden and she stepped back, bashfully, as her gaze fell to the ground.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Wrong?” he said with some surprise, then laughed softly and shook his head. He had such a musical voice, even his laughter was like a beautiful chiming. “No no, nothing wrong. In fact,” he looked about then gestured towards one of the little private garden areas strewn about the campus. “Care to take a seat on the bench with me for a moment?” he asked cordially.

  “Sure, though I have to get to class soon,” she said with a soft sigh. She couldn’t help but feel that the humdrum of class was hindering her growth rather than helping it. It was making her thoughts too linear and small, forcing her to get away from taking large risks, and that made training with Varuj more difficult.

  Though truthfully, training with him would never be easy.

  With a gentle yet firm hand upon her shoulder, Gway’lin guided her to the bench and sat beside her. “Lessons are nearly at an end for the year, Firia, and as your orienteer–” he said with a bit of a wry smile, “it’s up to me to give you a bit of guidance for what’s next, since I’m quite confident you’ll be passing and carrying on.”

  “Well, that’s a relief,” she admitted. She always felt like she was skating on thin ice, especially with some professors she knew who thought little of her “kind”.

  With a light chuckle he continued on. “It’s still too soon to look for a professor sponsor,” he said gingerly, his beautiful voice reminding her of lovely songs, even as he spoke in such a casual manner. “And I wouldn’t presume that you’d want to choose me as your professor sponsor when the time comes anyhow. I’ll still be a very fresh and new one, with little influence to help you, after all,” he explained with a gentle smile.

  “Still, you seem to actually want me here, which is more than I can say for some professors.” She shrugged. “Who did you choose when you were a student?”

  Gway’lin couldn’t help but give a bit of a toothy grin to that. “Well, truth be told, I was such a troublemaker none would have me for the longest time. Not many of the senior sorcerers are willing to let themselves be questioned by a subordinate,” he said with a chuckle. “You don’t know her, but when she finally chose me, Mistress Trae’vana plucked me from the jaws of my own self-sabotage.”

  Firia grinned and, for the first time since Varuj came back, she felt some of that bitterness and worry begin to melt away. She leaned back on the bench, folding her legs in under her thighs. “Well, now I kind of wish I did know her. She seems bright enough to spot talent behind your mouth.”

  With a tinge of sombreness to his smile he nodded and patted her knee. “But nonetheless, you won’t have to deal with that quite yet. However, starting with next year, you’ll have some choice about what classes you can take, Firia. And as I told you before, I’m a new professor myself, so…” he rubbed his palms together then opened them up skyward, “I’d like to see you in my class on mysticism and illusions.”

  Her eyes widened a bit and she stared, a bit dumbfounded. “Wow, really?” It was one thing for her to be an adequate student. Even a good one! But to be recruited for a class by anyone was flattering in and of itself and she smiled, quite genuinely. “I’ll be honest, it’s not really my strong suit.”

  “I know,” he said gently, smiling brightly at her acceptance. “It’s still a pretty introductory level course for the two arts, but maybe if I teach it well enough, and you like the subject matter, you’ll follow after it through the ranks and become a true sorceress of the arts eventually.”

  “Well, fine, but you can admit it. You just want to make sure you have at least one person in your class that won’t use their newfound skills to pull pranks on you.”

  He threw back his head and gave such a musical laugh, his thick, golden hair barely budging in the display. “Oh, I don’t know about that. After having been subjected to mine so much maybe you’ll bite back,” he remarked with a playful wink that lit up his stunning face. It was so hard to get away from the fact he was the most stunning male – well, non-demonic at least – that she’d ever laid eyes upon.

  Firia bit her lower lip, watching him intently before she finally tore her gaze away and forced herself to stand. She felt a buzz of excitement rush through her and she forgot entirely about Ala’nase and Varuj for those few, blissful moments. “I’m really flattered you asked me, by the way.”

  Sliding up to his feet, his own long robe flowing about him so gracefully, he gave a warm smile and a light bow of his head. “It shall be my pleasure to have you in my class, Firia. I truly hope I can inspire and invigorate you to greater heights with my tutelage.” His beautiful emerald eyes shimmered before her. “Goodluck with classes.”

  “Thanks, sir,” she teased with a small crook of her lips.

  It was so easy with him. So carefree.

  Why did it have to be that everyone else she loved gave her such heavy feelings of guilt?

  Because you’re a liar, her subconscious reminded her quickly and those light, airy feelings slipped away.

  Chapter 43


  She’d been classmates with him years before she got to know him, and that seemed such a shame. He’d said it to her himself as they sat upon the grass in the private little sanctuary, taking some time to escape the bustle of the academy to eat.

  It had been his idea. “You’ve seemed a little over-stressed lately,” he said with concern in his eyes, and still as he ate some carrot sticks he smiled over at her, his irrepressible concern and determination a buoy through the storm.

  And yet it only made her feel guiltier. Guilty that she didn’t feel that burning hot passion for him. Guilty that she’d made love to another.

  Guilty that she’d told another man that she was his. Whatever that meant.

  Her hand rested on Mae’lin’s knee and even though she tried to smile, she knew it faltered.

  She wanted this, so bad. This kind, considerate, calm relationship. This sweet, caring elf that was so smitten with her in an adorable, boyish way.

  “You’re always thinking of me,” she said breathlessly.

  He rested his hand upon hers, his long, spindly fingers warmly embracing hers. “We’re going to make it to the top of this place together, Firia,” he said so confidently, smiling at her widely. “You’ve been improving so quickly, leaving what little advantages I have in the dust.”

  His hand gripped hers so tight before he rubbed her smooth skin and knuckles, a different sort of air about him she was finding hard to place.

  It confused her, but she squeezed his hand back, breathing the fresh air deep into her lungs. She hoped it would clarify her mind, but nothing did these days. She looked to him, studying his face in a quiet, contemplative manner.

  This was her boyfriend. The innocent boyfriend that a girl like her should have. Someone that makes her a better, kinder person. Someone that cares for her and accepts her.

  She leaned in and kissed his cheek softly, rubbing her nose along his skin. She’d been less giving with her token affections lately, pulling away from him, and she hated it.

  Mae’lin received her little sign of affection with a sweet kiss of his own upon the corner of her lips. It was so unfair, comparing such a sweet and loving man with one so fiery and… demonic. Though when she felt him lean in further, nuzzle and kiss her earlobe, she almost felt for a moment like he was someone else, a more daring man.

  A soft moan was his reward, and her lashes fluttered with some contentment.

  She was conflicted because she didn’t want to be without Mae’lin, just as she didn’t want to be without Varuj. She loved them both, and her fin
gers squeezed the elf’s knee tighter. “You’re always thinking of me.”

  He was a hot-blooded male; she knew that. She knew he had to think of her in those compromising positions she now knew so well. Didn’t he? She’d felt his arousal pressed against her when they’d made out. The heat of it. The hardness.

  Brushing their cheeks together, he placed his other hand upon her thigh and said, “Always. We’re in this together, Firia. And I’ve never had that before. A partner to face the world with.” He kissed her ear again, then took the fleshy lobe into his mouth to suckle ever so lightly.

  She was going mad. All of this fear and anguish kept knotting her stomach and she knew she had to do something. She had to let one of them go.

  And Varuj was so powerful and insistent.

  Yet instead of doing the right thing, instead of doing the thing that could spare the elf so much pain and hurt, she moved further into him, into his lap. She twisted about, her chest pressed to his as her robe pulled up around her thighs, straddling him so eagerly.

  She just wanted the guilt to go away. She wanted to make him feel good.

  She wanted to see if she felt something for him. Something raw and animalistic and wild.

  The lanky elf was taken a bit aback by her abrupt pounce, but he made room for her atop his lap, and she felt the now familiar press of manhood hardening beneath her inside his britches as he put his arms about her and held her close.

  The increase in his heart rate and breathing was noticeable, and she didn’t need to guess if he thought of her in his quiet, private moments.

  “You’re so beautiful, Firia,” he said breathily, though a bit embarrassed as he kissed his way down her neck, throbbing beneath her.

  Her hips ground into him, instinctively, and she silenced his complement with a kiss. She didn’t need his sweet words, his kind consideration. Not now. All she needed was his body pressing into hers.

  She had bruises, little love marks on her arms and hips and legs from when she and Varuj got carried away, but now she craved new ones. Ones from Mae’lin.

  She wanted him to cut loose in a way she didn’t know he was able to. Her hips circled rhythmically, putting pressure on him before teasing it away and her moan filled his ear.

  Mae’lin’s moans were unmistakable, and she felt his manhood throb so exuberantly beneath her, swelling with such intense desire as he kissed and suckled her neck softly. It took her by surprise when he broke the seal of his lips on her and in a panting voice murmured, “If you keep that up I’ll…” he blushed a fiery red, and she didn’t need to guess too hard as to what he meant. He twitched so frequently beneath her.

  She was surprised, nonetheless. She desperately tried not to compare him to her more experienced lover, but she slowed the rocking of her hips. Her breath was quick and shallow, but she knew she was wishing Mae’lin could be something he wouldn’t be.

  Not without her guidance.

  Yet with it, she knew he’d do anything for her. Try anything. Fulfill any request she had.

  So why was she so hesitant to tell him what she wanted? It was something more than just her fear of being thought of as too experienced.

  She was afraid that if she told him what she wanted it would lose its effect when she got it.

  Her slowed rocking wasn’t enough to save him however, and still he twitched and tensed, perched so precariously to an early climax as he bit his lower lip. With a shudder he squeezed her, then forced his lips to hers. “I love you, Firia. And I want you,” he confessed in his sweet, caring voice, those eyes of his lit up with such adoration. Yet tinged with desire.

  “I want you,” she whispered back, truthfully. She swallowed as she stopped her hips, keeping him teetering on the edge as she kissed him back, slowly and passionately.

  With his arms around her, with the silence of the world outside of their private getaway, she felt safe and protected.


  His shaft throbbed, as if sorrowful that she had stopped grinding upon him, and Mae’lin himself kissed her back so tenderly. He held her long before finally breaking away to look her in the eyes, his own gaze narrowed by his drooping, lusty eyelids. “I don’t want to pressure you,” he said, swallowing, unaware of the odd circumstances, “but whenever you’re ready… I want us to…”

  It was a greater difference than night and day between the two men she cared for. Greater by far.

  “I’m ready.”

  Screw Varuj and his controlling manners. His dominance and possessiveness. Screw how much he’d taught her, and how passionate he was for her.

  Her answer surprised him, though she wondered how it could with her behaviour. “You’re sure?” he asked, but she made no uncertain terms of the fact that she was.

  Tall yet so very trim, Mae’lin still had no trouble lifting her up and laying her down upon her back on the lush grass.

  Gazing up at him, there was no mistaking the nervousness on his face as he leaned in and kissed her so warmly. Yet there was no missing the throb of his erection as he began to undo his belt, and strip away his robe over top of her.

  She pleaded with herself to be kind, to not compare the two men, but she knew it was futile. Still, watching him she was… enchanted instead of annoyed. Happy instead of nervous.

  She did want this. She did want him.

  The sweet smile, the excited tug of his pants, it all endeared her to him as she began to shimmy down her own trousers beneath her robe.

  It was so different, and he was so shy, looking absolutely red-faced as he took off his robe and exposed his stiff manhood to her, the organ throbbing with an excitement the bashful elf couldn’t display any other way. A tuft of pale wheat hair above the organ as he leaned down, kissed her and confessed, “I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  She stared, a bit lewdly at that, taking him all in. He was beautiful, in his own way, and her breath quickened. Her gaze travelled his entire body until his kiss stole her attention away, and her fingers went into his hair, feeling the silky strands. She wouldn’t lie to him, and she silenced him with her mouth as she began to edge up her robe, baring herself to him quickly.

  She was a slim woman, her breasts perky and her nipples stiffened as she exposed her pale flesh to the elf.

  With his long, pale shaft in hand, he guided it down to her cunny. He was so slow and gentle about it, nothing at all like Varuj. Yet his excitement was palpable. Even as he fumbled to find her entrance, not knowing the workings of a woman’s vagina as the more experienced demon had, he simply felt about, prodding her clit, her vulva.

  “You’re so beautiful, Firia,” he said in a breathy, lust-laden voice. His eyes opened and he looked down upon her with such awe. “You’re far prettier than any elven maiden,” and it was high praise indeed.

  She couldn’t rightly put into words what she felt then. It was a combination of so many things, but all she knew was she wanted to protect him from any harm. Any horrific thing that could happen to him, he didn’t deserve.

  And that included her.

  Briefly she thought to tell him to stop. To not allow herself to take his innocence.

  But how could she? Firia loved him. Deeply. Cared for him more than she could say.

  Things were just too complicated, and her hand moved between their bodies. She grasped him, edging his hand away as she guided him towards her warm, waiting entrance.

  “Ah,” he gasped as his organ felt that warm, wet kiss of her quim, enveloping the swollen crown atop his elven shaft. His firm, hard stomach rising and falling with his increased breathing as he hesitated pushing in any further beyond where she’d brought him. “Is it okay?” he asked, swallowing down his excitement, his cock swelling within her. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Mae’lin, you won’t hurt me. Trust me.”

  She was so excited. Firia wanted him, wanted to make him feel good.

  Selfishly, she wanted to be his first. Even if everything fell apart after, she needed to give him
this pleasure. To share it with him.

  The boyish elf did trust her, and though it wasn’t rough as Varuj might have done, he slid the fullness of his length inside her warm folds until he was nestled completely inside her. Though more intense than anything she felt, was the look of complete ecstasy upon his face. The way his eyes rolled back into his head, the lewd, low moan he gave, all as she felt – so intimately – the swelling of his loins within hers.

  She inhaled deeply and felt so at peace. The worries and fears slipped from her as she pulled him in, holding his naked body to hers. They were one, and for those blissful moments, nothing could tear them apart.

  “Mae’lin,” she murmured so softly it was barely audible.

  Her name upon his sweet lips was uttered back to her, and she felt his whole body tremble a bit with the excitement of his first time. It was cute and sexy at once, as if there were some greater fury beneath the surface that waited to bubble over, but he kept it in serious check.

  When he tugged back his hips, beginning to thrust his cock into her, it was inelegant but so very eager. She could tell how deeply he wished to make the moment something special, despite his inexperience, pumping his shaft into her as he mewled and moaned, barely able to place his soft kisses upon her.

  She whimpered back, her body arching into his. Her stiff nipples grazed his flesh as her body took on a light sheen. Excitement ran through her spine and she placed a quick kiss on his neck. “I want to do so much with you,” she breathed.

  There wasn’t the smooth rhythm of when Varuj “fucked” her, as he put it. It was somewhat erratic, and the young man shook as he pumped his dick into her, his balls slapping against her wetly at a slow pace.

  She began to realize he was already about to climax, but struggled to resist. His face was screwed up and he was gasping and breathing irregularly in his attempt to restrain his release to make the moment last longer. “I can’t…” he gasped out unfinished, but she knew what was on his tongue.


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