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The Arizona State Guard Trilogy

Page 21

by Jeffrey M. Fortney

  The trio quickly found where the prisoners were being held and had them transferred to a Stryker. Marcus gave orders for two other Strykers and their assigned ASGuard Security Personnel to accompany them back to ASGuard HQ. With the prisoners transferred to the armored vehicle, they got under way. Marcus radioed HQ to expect them and to be prepared to transfer the prisoners into holding cells.

  Marcus took a moment to ask the medics how the badly wounded prisoner was doing. One medic held out a hand parallel to the ground and waggled it. Marcus grunted. Well, hope they can get some useful intel from him soon, Marcus thought.


  June 3rd

  Omega Mining Compound

  Northwestern, AZ

  In the offices of the Omega Mining compound near Kingman, Abdul Aziz Mohammed Al Zahrani was watching the news with his lieutenant, Mustafa Muhammad Al-Fakeeh. "The next phase has begun, Mustafa, and look at them scurry in fear." said Al Azahrani. "Soon, it will be our turn." Al-Fakeeh nodded his agreement, a sinister smile upon his face. Bowing, he turned and left the office.

  Later, deep in one tunnel of the mine, Rafiq Aswad was preparing to don a white disposable coverall, rubber boots, and rubber gloves. He had been told to remove any jewelry and put it and his clothing in one of the lockers along one wall of the tunnel. Rafiq noticed that none of the lockers actually locked. Someone might take my father's gift, he thought. When no one was looking, he slipped the gold watch into a pocket of the coveralls and finished donning his mask, gloves, and goggles.

  Rafiq and several of his brethren were led to a room in another tunnel. This room was sealed behind a large, heavy door. Inside were hundreds of 55-gallon drums and what appeared to be several large tank smounted on wheels. Mustafa Muhammad Al-Fakeeh stepped into the room to address the men in Arabic.

  "You will take turns working in here. You will open one drum at a time. Packed inside each drum is a smaller container of liquid. You will remove the smaller container from the drum and transfer the liquid in it into one of the mobile tanks. When a container is empty, you must put the cap back on each empty container and put each container back into its drum, then put the cover on the drum. You will work for ten minutes at a time. The next man will go in. You must work quickly to fill the tanks. Avoid splashing the liquid around the room or on to your protective clothing. When you come out, you will remove your clothes and shower in the next room. You will not return here until the following day. Do you understand what is expected of you?" asked Al-Fakeeh. Each man acknowledged Al-Fakeeh. "Rafiq Aswad, your will go first. Begin with Drum #1 then move on to Drum #2 and so on. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Amir!" Rafiq replied, pleased to be chosen first. Al-Fakeeh and the others left the room and the door closed behind them. Once he was alone, Rafiq opened the lid to mobile tank then he removed the lid of the first drum. He quickly lifted out the top half of a heavy sabot that helped hold the inner container in place within the drum. Then he pulled the container from the drum and set it down on a work bench along one wall where he removed the container's cap.

  Rafiq failed to notice when a pocket of his coverall became snagged on an edge of the work bench. As he turned, the pocket ripped open and his gold watch fell out, bounced on the floor and rolled under the work bench. He emptied the container into the tank then returned the empty container to its drum, replaced its cap, and put the upper sabot back into the drum. Rafiq quickly shut the lid of the tank and set the lid on the first drum before moving to the door. He repeated the work on Drum #2 then continued on to Drum #3. As Rafiq poured that container's liquid into the tank, he looked down and noticed the torn pocket. He quickly realized that his prized watch was missing and was ready to stop and look for it when someone banged on the door telling him his shift was over.

  The door opened to let him out and he told the next man to continue loading the first wheeled tank from Drum #4. Rafiq was directed to a nearby room to remove his clothing and then sent to the showers. I am sorry, Father. I will have to wait until tomorrow to look for your gift to me. I pray to Allah that no one else finds it! thought Rafiq silently as he let the beads of water cleanse his skin. What Al-Fakeeh had not told him or the others was that the liquid they were transferring was highly radioactive and that the radiological damage upon their bodies had already begun.

  Chapter 4

  June 4th

  ASGuard HQ

  Phoenix, AZ

  Marcus took time to video chat with his wife, Teresa, and see how she and their infant son were doing in Sedona. Marcus' heartstrings tugged when he saw his beautiful wife and little boy. The young couple exchanged greetings and spoke of being together again soon. Then Teresa's curiosity got the better of her and she asked after Marcus' new mission. Marcus told her he couldn't reveal anything over a non-secure communications channel but that he would brief her person.

  "Do you need me to return to active duty, Marcus?" Teresa asked expectantly. Marcus smiled at her over the video link knowing his wife was a skilled combat medic who'd been in the thick of battle before. Major Teresa Roman, on temporary inactive status, was still a warrior at heart.

  "Honey, I'd feel better right now if you just stayed at your grandparents and take care of Julian and yourself," Marcus answered. "We don't have any actionable intelligence...yet. Hopefully, we'll get some soon."

  "Okay," Teresa said with a slight pout. "Run off and have 'fun' with the guys. But you'd better not get anything useful shot off, mister!"

  Marcus chuckled then responded, "No, ma'am. I'll be sure to protect all my vital equipment. Love you!"

  "I love you, too, Darling!" said Teresa breaking the connection. In Sedona, she turned to her small son and said, "Your Daddy better be careful. If he gets himself hurt, I'll kick his butt."

  A short time later at ASGuard Headquarters, Marcus stopped by his office to check on the status of the Legion. Major Thompson was already there and had compiled a report on the unit's status. All personnel and vehicles had reached the Armory safely and were in the process of refueling, restocking supplies, re-arming, and otherwise preparing the vehicles and themselves for possible tactical operations. Thompson promised to get the unit back to Ready Status in record time.

  Next, Marcus walked over to the medical section to check on the wounded prisoner's condition. The medics on duty reported that the doctors had stabilized him for now and would let Marcus know if, or when, the man regained consciousness.

  Templeton met Marcus outside the detention area as Marcus approached. "I spoke with Caldwell," the grizzled old NCO began. "He said he wants the prisoners to stew a bit in the hoosegow before he tries his new wonderful, interrogation method on them. He can't get started until he gets federal authorization...probably take a few days...maybe more."

  The two ASGuard troopers stepped into the detention facility and Marcus asked to look at the prisoners. A couple of ASGuard Security Forces troops accompanied Marcus to the cell block where the two terrorists were being held. Marcus stood back looking the two young Middle Eastern males. They appeared content to ignore him, so Marcus decided to leave. Rejoining his friend, Marcus suggested they get some chow then see if the general had returned before they called it a night.

  Marcus and Templeton were in the main dining hall when General Roman and CBII SAIC Halsted entered. The two older men looked exhausted. After grabbing trays of chow, the general and CBII agent made their way over Marcus' and Templeton's table.

  "What's the news from the Old Capitol Building, sir?" Marcus asked his father.

  "The damage to the structure wasn't as bad as we first thought," Titus began. "But they were still pulling out some wounded as we left. The dead must remain where they are until the CBII and other agencies complete their initial forensic documentation. Over 200 dead and at least 300 wounded. They picked a great time to attack...the place was packed for some event or other. Are the prisoners under lock and key?"

  Marcus nodded and replied, "Yessir! Two of 'em are in detention cells. The o
ther is in the medical wing, under guard."

  General Titus Roman grunted. "Well, they'll keep until Ken gets authorization to use the new interrogation process. Me...I'm gonna go take a shower, dictate a quick report, call the missus then hit the rack." He nodded to the others at the table, rose, and carried his tray to the dirty dishes window. Marcus, Halsted, and Templeton rose as the general did then sat down and resumed eating.

  "Look, Marcus...I'm sorry about Caldwell," began Halsted. "He was assigned to me by higher ups. I know he's been a thorn in your side for years. I could ask you for patience, but I know he's worn out that particular option. I suppose the best I can hope for is...well, never mind."

  Marcus looked his former commander in the eyes. "Sir, if he behaves himself...I'll behave myself. If he doesn't...I reserve the right to respond as I feel appropriate. He runs on the edge at all times and is dangerous to those around him. Bottom line, sir...I won't tolerate him endangering my troopers." Marcus was formal with Halsted, even though the man had been a family friend for many years.

  Halsted nodded then replied, "Fair enough, Marcus...fair enough. For the record, I argued against the assignment. Oh, before I forget. Governor Alvarez told me to thank you and Temp for saving her bacon."

  "Has she been moved to a safe location, Colonel?" Templeton asked.

  Halsted chuckled, "Yes, after Titus and Parsons both threatened to toss her over a shoulder and carry her away. You should have seen her face as two of her oldest friends refused to give in to her. After they talked her into a Stryker, Titus ordered them to bring her to the Armory. She's in VIP quarters right now getting settled in!"

  "Colonel, about this new interrogation method you've been talking about...two questions. Is it legal? And, how effective is it?" asked Templeton.

  Halsted looked around the room. There were numerous empty tables around the one they were sitting at, so Halsted relaxed. "It's called drug induced hypnotic interrogation...or DIHI, for short. It's something that was developed by DARPA before the Breakup and recovered by a special team sent out by the new U.S. Government to keep such DARPA projects out of the hands of the Piss Ants. It's a mixture of drugs that, when injected into a subject, create a hypnotic state. Given the precarious security situation right now in the U.S., the new government will authorize the use of the drug in certain cases involving terrorist attacks and military security...on a case by case basis. Some people...a small percentage...can have a severe reaction to the drugs involved but it really is highly effective in getting people to tell the truth. I've sent in a request to use the procedure on our captives, we should know in a couple of days if we get the okay to proceed."

  "Well, I look forward to seeing it in action," said Marcus. "I'm tired of our hands being tied behind us as we deal with terrorists and terrorism. Hopefully, we can get some solid intel from the prisoners."

  "I've felt the same way for years," said Halsted, "this should make a big difference." Halsted stretched and yawned. "Fellas, I think I'm gonna follow the general's lead. See ya later...much later, I hope."

  Marcus and Templeton rose and followed Halsted to turn in their trays, dishes, and such. Halsted turned left in the hallway to head towards the Armory's Guest Quarters while Marcus and Templeton turned right to go to the 1st Tactical Battalion's offices. MAJ Thompson was waiting for them when they entered.

  "Tommi, how's it coming along?" Marcus asked his executive officer.

  "About to wrap things up and go grab some chow, sir," Thompson responded. "Our personnel have completed resupply and I've released them to get some chow and hit the rack. Roman's Legion is combat ready, sir." Thompson could be incredibly formal but Marcus couldn't complain...the woman got results!

  "Outstanding, Tommi!" said Marcus. "Get on outta here and get some chow and some rest!" Marcus waved Templeton into his inner office and to a chair at the small conference table to one side of the room. An aide brought in a coffee service on a tray and some pastries and set them on the conference table. Marcus poured a cup for Templeton then one for himself. They raised their cups in a silent toast then sipped at the richly flavored java. They sipped at their drinks for a moment...both men lost in thought. Finally, Marcus broke the silence.

  "We were lucky yesterday, Temp," Marcus said. "There could have been a helluva lot of people killed and injured."

  "Yessir, we were. And...I think it's gonna get worse before it gets better," the older man said.

  "I'm afraid you're right, ol' buddy! God help us!"


  June 5th

  Omega Mining Compound

  Northwestern, AZ

  Rafiq Aswad's returned once more to enter the liquid transfer room deep within the mine. The young Arab knew he should focus on doing his job but he was also determined to locate his lost watch. Rafiq spent the first few minutes in the transfer room doing what was expected of him, transferring the radioactive liquid from small containers to the large, rolling tanks. Like the others, he hurried to complete the task, occasionally spilling some of the liquid upon the floor, which sloped slightly to one side of the room. The spilled liquid flowed slowly in that direction, eventually pooling under a work bench along that wall. With his time running out, Rafiq conducted another fruitless search for the watch then left the room. Perhaps I shall find it next time! he thought.

  Chapter 5

  June 6th

  ASGuard HQ

  Phoenix, AZ

  General Roman called the briefing to order at 0500 hours. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a 'Go' from the governor to move on the jihadist training camps. You each have your assignments. You know which units of the CBII and local law enforcement will be working with your units and where to link up with them. Our mission is to capture these sites and personnel, disrupt their activities, and gather further intel for analysis. As always, you are to try to minimize casualties on both sides; however, the use of lethal force is...I authorized. Any questions?" There were none. All of the questions had been asked and answered during the planning efforts for the operation.

  "Very well! Do the deed, people...and good luck!" General Roman said. From one side of the stage, Major Garry barked, "Room, ten hut!" Everyone leaped to their feet, snapped to attention, and remained so until the general left the room. Garry called out, "Dismissed!" People filed from the room quickly to carry out their assignments.

  LTC Marcus Roman and his 1st Tactical Battalion ("Roman's Legion") were given the assignment to capture the terrorist training camp in the Pinal Mountains southeast of Phoenix. As she left the briefing room, Major Tommi Thompson sent out orders to all Legionnaires to prepare to pull out ASAP. By the time Roman, his officers, and NCOs reached the vehicle parking area, every vehicle assigned to the battalion was manned, started, and ready to roll. By 0530, Roman's Legion was rolling towards Florence Junction. Their helicopters lifted off from the ASGuard helipads shortly thereafter.

  Four hours later, the Legionnaires assembled at the jumping off point in the mining town of Miami. Marcus held a final briefing with the CBII and state and local law enforcement personnel, outlining their deployments and functions. With them taken care of, Roman split his forces between transport helicopters and ground vehicles. While the helicopters waited temporarily in Miami, the ground vehicles used several dirt roads into the Pinal Mountains to surround then converge on the jihadist training camp.

  The ground vehicles reached their assault positions within an hour and a half. Marcus ordered the helicopters into the air and had his ground troops dismount in preparation for the assault on the camp. The senior officers and noncoms of Roman's Legion moved forward to put eyes on the camp. Further orders were sent back from them to their personnel to adjust their deployment.

  LTC Marcus Roman checked his watch then gave the signal to move in. Slowly, carefully, the men and women of the Roman's Legion moved forward. Using the trees and undergrowth as cover, the Legionnaires converged stealthily on the camp. Marcus ordered a halt before they reached the open ground th
at surrounded the camp itself.

  Marcus and Templeton used their binoculars to scan the camp. They could see personnel training with automatic weapons on one side of the camp while others were busy running an obstacle course on the other. "I count 29, Temp," Marcus said to his senior NCO.

  "That's what I get, sir," Sergeant Major Templeton answered.

  "Legionnaires, this is Centurion," said LTC Roman over the unit's comm frequency. "We count 29 hostiles in the camp. Those on the west side are packing live ammo. Those on the east are carrying weapons that may, or may not, have live ammo. Assume that it is and stay frosty."

  Everyone checked their personal weapons and equipment one more time. Now would not be the time or place for something to go wrong! Everyone took a moment to focus their minds on the present and get ready for the action to come.

  When the jihadist trainees at the rifle range paused to reload their weapons, Marcus gave the order for the Legion to move in. Suddenly, ASGuard troops burst from their covered positions around the camp and raced silently forward. The jihadists, caught by surprise, tried to defend their camp. A few were able to get their weapons into operation and fire at the ASGuard, but to no avail. In a matter of moments, the fight was over and the ASGuard had captured the camp.

  Marcus asked for a status report from his senior officers. It came back within a couple of minutes. No ASGuard troops had been seriously injured or killed. One jihadist trainee was seriously wounded, while several had only minor injuries.

  Roman radioed his airborne forces to land at nearby clearings and to advance to the camp. He also ordered the ground vehicles and backup agencies to converge on the site. The ASGuard troops in the camp quickly secured their prisoners hands with zip ties and kept them under guard. Other ASGuard personnel began to sweep the camp looking for anything of intelligence value. Soon, a large cache of papers, laptops, and other items was compiled and prepared for shipment to ASGuard Headquarters.


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