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Page 10

by Bastian, Laura D.


  Lily didn’t struggle getting on the horse as much as she thought she might. They’d found her a gentle soul that wasn’t overly large and held perfectly still as Eduardo and Ana helped her mount. Once she was certain her good arm could manage the reins of the horse and her skirts were adjusted to the point she wouldn’t have difficulty keeping her legs in position with the saddle, she watched Ana mount the horse that had been procured for her. Eduardo climbed atop his horse in one smooth motion then turned to face Lily.

  “You’re sure you can ride? It doesn’t pain your arm?”

  “I’m good,” Lily said.

  Eduardo looked at her with a strange expression, and she realized he probably didn’t hear that phrase much, but he seemed to get the meaning well enough that he nodded and began to move forward. Then he paused and motioned for one of the guards with them to take the lead. Eduardo placed his horse next to Lily’s then Ana joined the procession right behind them while the second guard took up the rear.

  They took a few steps on the horses before Eduardo turned to look at Lily. “Keep alert, and watch the trees. If you see anything, let me know.”

  “I will,” Lily said. “Thank you.”

  Eduardo gave her a sweet smile, then turned his attention back to the road ahead. Lily watched him for a moment as they continued on and realized there was a lot of danger in the world he lived in. She hoped they could make it back to the city without incident and wished she knew what had happened with the decoy carriage. Had there been another attack?

  After reaching the edge of the forest where they would be forced to travel single file for a ways, Lily looked at Eduardo.

  “Should I go in first, or after you?”

  Eduardo looked at the back of his guard that had just entered the trees then back to Lily. “I’ll go in first. You come close behind. Let me know if you see anything amiss.” He looked at Ana behind Lily. “You too, Ana. Stay alert, and don’t let anything happen to your lady.”

  Ana nodded and Lily smiled at the girl.

  “We’ll be fine,” Lily said, hopping she was right. As she looked into the dark trees, Lily asked Eduardo. “How much farther?”

  “A few hours more once we leave the forest. And we should be clear them before lunchtime.”

  “Then we’d better get started.”

  Eduardo smiled at her, then reached for her hand then must have remembered it was the injured one and patted her leg instead before tapping his heels against the horse’s side, encouraging him to enter the woods. Lily followed behind, not feeling any fear or panic and hoped that would be an indication that there would be nothing to molest them as they moved through the forest.

  At first the darkness concerned her, but as her eyes adjusted, she no longer felt worry. And as they moved quietly through the forest, she could see the care and attention those with her gave to the area. Eduardo looked behind him often to be sure of her safety and each time she smiled at him, hoping to give him comfort that things were fine. Eventually, he would turn to her with a smile already in place and the more they looked at each other, the more she realized he was probably just clueless when it came to women.

  The thought made her smile. When they returned to his home and made certain things were okay with his family, she would give him time and allow a chance for them to develop a relationship to happen naturally.

  The darkness of the trees began to change and Lily realized they were nearing the edge where the closeness of the trees began to give way to open space. Before long, she could see a meadow and the group emerged from the forest. They took a few moments to eat a quick lunch then continued on.

  The urgency Eduardo felt began to be more obvious and Lily didn’t argue when they began to move at a faster pace. He hadn’t quite taken the horse for a gallop, but when they reached the place where the king’s own private lands began, Eduardo turned to the rest of the group.

  “Can you ride faster?” he met Lily’s eyes and she nodded.

  “May not be a full gallop though,” she admitted. “Perhaps you and one of your men could hurry on ahead, and the rest of us will join you.”

  Eduardo shook his head. “No, I will not leave my wife behind. It would be better for us to stay together.”

  When he met her eyes, Lily felt as if he had looked into her soul and found her to be valuable to him. She nodded her agreement, and vowed to do her best on the horse for the remainder of the journey. He needed to get home quickly, and if he was going to stick with her and keep her safe, she was going to make sure she did all she could to help him.


  Eduardo’s sense of unease continued to rise as they neared the castle. There had been no sign of danger as they traveled across the countryside, and the lack of threats made him fear it would all be there at his father’s side.

  Guards from the top of the castle’s battlement stood at attention and Eduardo’s party slowed. He motioned for Diego to move forward and let them know who they were. Once the information was relayed, the door of the castle was opened and Eduardo and Liliana entered, followed quickly by the other three.

  Eduardo dismounted and almost rushed into the main part of the castle but stopped short and turned around to help Liliana off the horse. She stumbled only briefly as her feet touched the ground and Eduardo’s hands immediately went to her waist to help steady her. She gained her footing then looked up at him, bringing their faces only inches apart.

  “I’m okay,” she whispered after a moment. “Go. Hurry to find your father. I’ll be right behind you.”

  Eduardo studied her eyes to be certain he’d heard correctly. His guard stepped up to the side of him and Ana joined Liliana. They were all ready. Eduardo took Liliana’s hand.

  “Please come with me.”

  Liliana blinked in surprise and he could see tears of emotion building in her eyes. She nodded and stepped forward, matching his footsteps as she kept her hand in his. They ran into the castle and through the hallways as a servant joined them and motioned for them to follow.

  They rushed through the building toward the king’s private chambers. Two guards stood at attention outside the doors and when they saw Eduardo and Liliana wearing the clothing of farmers they moved into position to protect the king. Eduardo spoke to them. “I’m Prince Eduardo. We took this disguise to come undetected. Let me in.”

  The men stepped back and allowed Eduardo and Liliana to enter, followed by the servant who’d met them. Eduardo saw his father in the bed, looking so still and pale that he wondered if they’d arrived in time.

  Eduardo released Liliana’s hand and stepped closer to the bed, then knelt to the side of it, taking his father’s hand from where it lay at his side.

  “Father,” Eduardo said. “I have returned home.”

  The king moved his head slowly as if struggling to muster the strength. “You came.”

  “Yes, Father. We came.” Eduardo looked behind him to see Liliana had joined him and knelt beside the king’s bed as well.

  The king’s eyes went to Liliana’s arm. “What happened?”

  “She saved me from an assassin’s arrow.”

  “They came for you too?” the king asked. His voice full of sorrow and pain.

  “Who did this?” Eduardo asked. He’d been told the king had been stabbed in the kidney area, but that it hadn’t killed him outright. Eduardo was almost certain he wouldn’t last much longer.

  The king laughed bitterly. “I don’t know. I’ve made so many enemies in my life. And now it’s finally come to exact revenge.”

  “Where is mother?” Eduardo asked.

  The king turned to look at him, but his father’s eyes looked confused.

  “I don’t know,” the king finally said. “He attacked after dinner. I was walking back to my rooms when I felt the knife go in. I was alone, but my guards heard my cry. Your mother had already gone to bed. I haven’t seen her.”

  “Has anyone said anything to you about her?”

king struggled to think. “Said she was safe.”

  Eduardo sighed with relief and he could feel Liliana’s hand on his back.

  “What has been done for you, Father?” Eduardo asked.

  The king shook his head. “All that can be. I won’t last much longer. I know my time has come.” He looked at his son for a few moments then glanced at Liliana to the side of him. “I am glad you’ll have a good woman at your side. That is the only way I kept the kingdom as long as I did. Should have done better, though.”

  Eduardo looked at Liliana, embarrassed that his father had said something like that.

  The king coughed painfully. “I should have been a better king and father. I have left you with a mess, and so much trouble to wade through. I am sorry, my son.”

  Eduardo starred at his father. Never in his life had he expected his father would apologize for his behaviors. He was a rough man and had always been. Was the thought of leaving his earth life and moving on to meet his maker something that pricked his soul?

  “Confide in your queen. Listen to her counsel. Do better than I did.”

  Eduardo nodded and gripped his father’s hand.

  “Find your mother,” the king said. “I would speak to her.”

  Eduardo turned to look at the servant who was still in the room. “Where is the queen?”

  The man glanced at the king, then to Eduardo sending fear through him. Perhaps they didn’t know where the queen was, and had lied to the king to put his mind at ease for his remaining time.

  Eduardo patted his father’s hand. “I’ll go find Mother. You rest. She’ll be here soon.”

  The king barely managed a nod in response, then Eduardo stood and took Liliana’s hand. “Come,” he whispered.

  The two left the king’s bed and stood in front of the servant. “Where is my mother?”

  “We don’t know,” the servant said, unable to meet Eduardo’s eyes. “We haven’t seen her since yesterday.”

  The rage inside him rose to the surface and Eduardo struggled to know what to do. He couldn’t lose his mother.


  Lily and Eduardo had been taken into the king’s study, just to the other side of the wall from where the king lay on his death bed. Though they had both been able to change out of the farmer’s clothes and don more appropriate attire for royalty, Eduardo didn’t want to be far from his father just in case, but he needed to question the people there to find out what had happened.

  As Lily listened to the details of the attack on the king, and that the queen had attended to him that first night when he was in and out of delirium with the pain and medicine, she knew that there hadn’t been a threat on the queen’s life at that time.

  But where was she?

  Lily felt the fear in her husband and she wished there was something she could do to comfort him. It was obvious he felt sadness for his father’s plight, but the loss of his mother would be so much more devastating to Eduardo. She’d heard him speak of her in such glowing terms and even the little she knew of the queen, Lily was sure the woman was well loved by all.

  There couldn’t be someone who would want her dead too. Could there? Of course, if whoever had stabbed the king was angry enough to want to punish the royal family, going after the queen and the prince made sense. Wiping out the whole family would mean the next person in line to the throne could rule without contesting. But now that she was married to Eduardo, she would be in danger as well. Lily sat down on a chair to help her keep from falling over with nerves.

  “Eduardo,” Lily said. “Is there any secret place your mother had? A place she would go to be alone?”

  Eduardo nodded. “She had a house in the country, but there is no way she would have gone there. Not with my father injured and with there being danger of an attack while she traveled.”

  “How about here, inside the castle? I’ve heard there are often secret rooms and passageways built within the walls.”

  Eduardo looked at her in surprise. “I forgot about that. I think you might be right. Stay here. I’ll set a guard outside for you and send Ana to you.”

  “Be careful, Eduardo.” She met his eyes, trying to will him to come back to her unharmed with his mother safe as well.

  “I will, my love.”

  Lily’s eyes widened at his endearment and when Eduardo moved closer and knelt at her side, her heart pounded against her chest.

  “I don’t know what I would do without you. Please, be safe as well. I have so much I need to share with you, and so much to beg forgiveness for.”

  Lily placed her good hand on his cheek and smiled into his dark eyes. “It’s already forgiven.” She leaned closer and kissed him softly on the lips. “But yes, we have much to talk about. So hurry back to me.”

  Eduardo kissed her once more, deeply and passionately then stood and rushed out of the room.

  Lily leaned back against the chair and looked at the king’s desk. She couldn’t help the curiosity that arose within her. She stood and the movement caused her arm to ache, reminding her of the injury in the regular way of gravity pulling on her arm and she adjusted the sling to support it better. When she walked to the desk, she looked over the papers and things that sat on top of the desk.

  The writing quills, the wax block that sat near a candle. The seal of the king’s stamp sitting near a folded document.

  She looked at the folded and sealed letter and wondered if the king had written something just before his attack.

  The door to the room opened and Ana stepped inside with a tray of food and a pot of tea.

  “How is your arm, Your Highness?”

  “It still aches,” Lily said. “Nothing like the first day. I do believe it’s healing.”

  “If you need, I’ve brought some of the medicine for you. It’s already been added to your tea, and it will help.”

  “Thank you, Ana.” Lily smiled at the girl. “Have you had a chance to rest yet?”

  “I am well, Your Highness.”

  Lily smiled. “I didn’t ask that. I know you slept less than I have and you’ve been caring for me this whole journey. I can see from the dark circles under your eyes that you need rest as well.”

  “I will be fine, Your Highness.”

  Lily shook her head. “Ana, I need you to understand something. I appreciate all your hard work, and know I can count on you for anything. But I also know that if I am going to trust you with my life and my wellbeing, I need you to be in the best shape possible. If you are worn down and ill from taking care of me, then there will come a time I won’t be able to count on you.”

  Ana’s eyes widened in panic. “Oh no, Your Highness. I will never let you down.”

  “I know that,” Lily said gently. “That is why I want you to take care of yourself as well. I will be perfectly safe and protected here. The guard outside will keep me safe, and Eduardo will return soon. You’ve brought me my food and medicine. If I discover I need more from you, I’ll call for you right away. But please, Ana. For my peace of mind. Please get the rest you need. I know I will need you tomorrow to support me as I support Eduardo through the trials to come.”

  Ana curtsied and turned to the door. “You’ll call for me if you need me?”

  Lily nodded. “I promise.”

  Ana stepped outside the room and left Lily alone with the tray of food and a bit of relief that the poor girl would finally take care of herself.

  The food was just what she needed and helped her relax enough she didn’t think she’d need the medicine at the moment. Besides, she wanted to be alert enough in case she was needed. After she put the last bit of bread into her mouth, the door of the king’s study opened again.

  Lily turned to see the Benito, the king’s chief adviser enter the room. His eyes widened in surprise to see her there.

  “My apologies, Your Highness. I didn’t realize anyone was in here.”

  “That’s quite all right.” Lily watched the man squirm visibly for a moment before he relaxed an
d stepped further into the room.

  “Shall I ask for someone to escort you to your room?” he asked. “It’s late, and I’m sure you’d like to rest.” His eyes went to her arm as it rested in the sling. “What has happened?”

  Lily shrugged. “A small injury. Nothing to worry about.”

  “How fares the king?” Benito asked.

  Lily met his eyes, feeling there was something off about the question. Wasn’t he the king’s right hand man?

  “He is in lots of pain, and is sleeping now.”

  Benito nodded then looked at the king’s desk as if wanting to go there, but he looked at Lily and gave a weak smile.

  “Won’t you sit down, and join me for some tea?” Lily asked. She needed to keep him there and see if she could get him to talk. The way he acted made her wonder if he was involved in the attempt on the king’s life. “I can’t leave here without Eduardo’s permission, and I thought it might be nice to have a little company.”

  She gave him a smile, hoping to put him at ease, but the flash of emotion that crossed his eyes made her more certain he had something to do with the king’s attack.

  “Besides,” Lily said. “I’m rather frightened at all that is happening and hoped that the man the king trusted the most would be able to keep me safe. This injury came from being with my own husband. I’m not sure how safe I am with them.” She allowed the last to come out in a whisper, hoping the man would take the bait and feel more comfortable with her. If she could let him think she wanted to be freed from the situation she was in, he might confess. Or she’d be able to see where his true loyalties were.

  “That was most unfortunate,” Benito said. “I am sorry you were not protected from harm.” He looked at her arm, then to her face. “That should have never happened to you.”

  Lily nodded her agreement. Then looked at the tray with the tea Ana had brewed up with her medicine. The water might not be as hot as usual, but she was sure she could convince him to drink the tea with her. He might relax enough to allow for more questioning. As long as she didn’t put too much in, he wouldn’t pass out or hopefully not even notice the flavor.


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