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Never Deny Your Heart (Kellington Book Five)

Page 21

by Maureen Driscoll

  She swallowed and looked at his lips. It was all Gabriel could do to keep from kissing her.

  “He did say I could work at any of his estates I wanted.”

  “And is that what you want? To work at his estate?” He began to lightly rub his thumb across her palm. She almost melted into his arms.

  “I did have a desire to see London. I’ve never been.”

  Gabriel suddenly stopped rubbing her palm.

  She couldn’t hide her smile. “I did have a desire to see London, but I am a country girl. I do not think I would be happy there, especially when Tommy and Daisy and….you are here.”

  Nothing else was said, because Gabriel did kiss her at that moment. And the moment after that. She was shy, his Olivia, and mayhap had never been kissed. But she was a quick learner. And suddenly he felt better than he had in years.

  Perhaps in forever.

  * * *

  Stapleton said he would travel back to London in Fallmoor’s carriage, which he would then donate to the municipal police. If Fallmoor objected, he would charge him with a long list of offenses that would cause no scandal to Liam and Rosalind, but plenty of inconvenience for Fallmoor. When Rosalind said Stapleton shouldn’t travel back to London alone while wounded, he promised them faithfully that he would go see Jane as soon as he arrived to ensure his wound was cared for properly.

  Liam suspected that his friend wanted to give him and Rosalind time to be alone on the journey. And he would find a way to thank him for it.

  It was a bittersweet day when Rosalind said her good-byes to the people of Kibworth. The children were excited to hear that another teacher would soon be sent their way, though they were disappointed to learn that sums would still be part of the curriculum.

  The ladies of the village had a rather mixed reaction to Rosalind’s departure. While some would be sorry to see her go, others saw it as a reassuring sign that the most eligible man in the village was still eligible. That changed when it because obvious that Olivia Morrison, who’d once been in service at the earl’s house, had somehow swept right in under their noses and captured Gabriel Mills for herself. That the man in question seemed particularly pleased to be captured mattered not a whit. And while they would eventually come to know and even like the young woman, it was still a most disappointing outcome.

  It was quite hard for Rosalind to say farewell to the two children who’d started this adventure with her. If not for their blind faith that their father could help her, she might never have found her way in the world. And Liam would not have found her.

  “I will miss you very much, Tommy and Daisy,” she said as she took their hands. “You were the first friends I made after leaving London.”

  “Are we still your friends?” asked Daisy.

  “Of course, you are. Real friends do not grow apart because of distance. I shall write you letters and hope to hear from you as well. I also expect his grace and I will come through here from time to time.”

  “What about Rose Cottage?” asked Daisy. “Who will tend Daisy Garden?”

  “Well, I would like it very much if you would tend the garden,” said Rosalind. “For I do believe his grace and I will stay there from time to time.”

  “I had rather thought to build us a larger house,” said Liam.

  “But I much prefer the cottage,” said Rosalind. “We can build another cottage for the new teacher.”

  “Can I tell you a secret?” asked Daisy. When Rosalind nodded, the little girl whispered in her ear. “I think Father and Miss Olivia like each other.”

  “That is splendid,” said Rosalind.

  “I like Miss Olivia,” said Daisy. “I like you, too.”

  Rosalind hugged the girl, glad that she and her brother would once again have a mother.

  Then it was time to say good-bye to Gabriel. Rosalind could not help but wonder what life might have been like had she not already been in love with Liam. Liam must have been thinking along the same terms, for Rosalind had but pressed a kiss upon Gabriel’s cheek when Liam gently pushed her aside.

  “Mills,” said Liam, as he begrudgingly put out his hand. Then he smiled. “Thank you for all that you did for Rosalind. I shall expect to hear from you regularly about the work ahead of us.”

  “You can count on it, your grace.” Then he pulled Olivia toward him. “And I will be happy to do so with my wife by my side.”

  “Olivia, whatever shall I do without you?” said Liam, as he surprised her by placing a kiss on her cheek.

  “I daresay you shall find a way,” she said. “I would have liked to have met those other servants of yours. I’m sure I could’ve given them instructions on the proper handling of a duke.”

  “I assure you they torment me quite enough, already.”

  Liam and Rosalind then got in the carriage for the trip back to London.

  On the second day of their journey – after Rosalind experienced making love in a carriage and at an inn – they arrived back in town, stopping at Lynwood House just as dusk was setting in.

  Liam helped Rosalind from the carriage, as Heskiss opened the door and an army of footmen came out to take their bags.

  “Welcome home, your grace, Miss Carson,” said Heskiss, bowing to them both.

  “Thank you, Heskiss. It was an interesting trip.”

  “So I have been told, your grace. I am to inform you that Inspector Stapleton has seen Lady Jane and is resting comfortably at the Marquess of Riverton’s home, Lady Jane insisting on having him stay close to check for signs of infection.”

  “Then why is he not here?” asked Liam, as he ushered Rosalind into his home.

  “Lord and Lady Edward, Miss Violet, Lord and Lady Arthur, and Lord and Lady Henry are all staying with the marquess and marchioness for a few days.”

  “Why?” asked Liam.

  Heskiss glanced at Rosalind only fleetingly, but it was enough for Liam to realize what was going on. His family was giving him time alone with Rosalind.

  God bless his family.

  “I should probably go home,” said Rosalind.

  “You are home,” said Liam. “Heskiss, Miss Carson will be moving into the duchess’s suite until I can obtain a special license, then she will be moving into my bedchamber.”

  “Your grace!” said Rosalind, obviously embarrassed by his frank talk to his butler.

  “If you think I will allow your family to treat you poorly for even one moment more, you are mistaken. Heskiss, I amend my earlier statement. If, upon our marriage, Miss Carson wishes to keep her personal effects in the duchess’s bedchamber, I suppose that is her prerogative. She will, however, be spending her nights in my bed.”

  “You grace!” said a scandalized Rosalind once again.

  But if Heskiss were shocked in any way, he did not show it. He simply directed his army of maids and footmen to ready the rooms, including sending up baths for Liam and Rosalind.

  Moments later, after giving instructions for supper to be served in his chamber an hour hence, Liam escorted Rosalind up the main staircase, then down the hall to the family quarters. The house was unusually quiet, no doubt the result of the Kellington encampment at Riverton House.

  As Lizzie’s friend, Rosalind had, of course, been to this wing before, but she’d certainly never set foot in the duchess’s suite and especially had never ventured into the duke’s – no matter how many times she’d fantasized about doing that very thing.

  Liam opened the doors to the duchess’s suite, then escorted her in. The room was decorated in creams and yellows. It was a large room, with a tester bed between two windows. The silk wallpaper had faded just a bit, but the elegance of its long-ago occupant was apparent.

  As Rosalind turned, she saw a letter addressed to her on the vanity. The wax seal bore the crest of the Marchioness of Riverton.

  “It’s from Lizzie,” she said.

  “I am sure my sister has made good use of the time from the moment when Stapleton reported back. She and my brother’s wives have p
robably found you a gown, secured the special license – forging my signature if necessary – and planned the wedding trip.”

  “It says to look in the wardrobe,” said Rosalind, reading.

  Liam opened the wardrobe to display half a dozen gowns.

  “Those are not my clothes,” said Rosalind.

  “They are now, I believe,” said Liam, as he took the note his sister had written. “She writes that those were her gowns, but now they are altered to fit you – apparently you and my sister spent enough time together that she knows your sizes – and that she will have her modiste visit you at your convenience to have others made. They are just for the interim until you can order a proper wardrobe. She also directs you to open the chest.” He did so, only to pull out a sheer silk nightgown, also altered to fit Rosalind. Apparently, Lizzie had been planning this for some time. “I shall try my hardest not to think this ever belonged to my sister.” He eyed Rosalind. “It should not be too great of a task, though I hardly think you shall wear it for long.”

  “We must stop this scandalous behavior right now. Your servants will think the worst of me. How will I ever face them?”

  “Quite easily, I should think.”

  At that moment, Heskiss ushered in the servants who were bringing the water for the bath.

  “Heskiss,” said Liam. “Since Miss Carson and I are married in the eyes of God, if not quite within the purview of the church, I should appreciate it if she were treated accordingly.”

  “Of course, your grace,” said Heskiss. Then he turned to Rosalind, bowing deeply, “Your grace.”

  “Liam!” said Rosalind. “You must stop this.”

  “Ignore the duchess, Heskiss. Thank you for the bath. It was particularly forward thinking to bring the one built for two.”

  A moment later, Liam and Rosalind were left alone in her bedchamber, with a steaming bath awaiting.

  “Shall we?” he asked, as he removed his jacket and began unbuttoning his waistcoat.

  “No,” said Rosalind.

  Liam was most surprised and none too happy.

  She continued. “This time, we’re doing it my way.”

  * * *

  Liam wasn’t sure what to think, but was intrigued by the very idea of letting Rosalind have her way with him. From the moment they’d arrived, he’d known his house was now a home. His family and servants had already accepted her as his life’s mate. And, most importantly, she had grown comfortable enough to even suggest the type of games they were about to play.

  It was the culmination of so many dreams.

  “Undress,” she ordered from across the room.

  He had no problem obeying the directive, though his cock was so hard it made peeling away his breeches a bit complicated. That she’d noticed his hardness was evident. Her eyes were fixed on him and he grew harder under her very gaze.

  “Before we begin, we shall need a word that you can use to stop the activities,” she said.

  “I will have no need of such a word.”

  “Ah, but you are not in charge. Pick one or I will choose it for you.”

  “Waltz,” he said, locking his eyes on hers. “As in the first time we were to dance, after you’d saved me from a scheming chit and her mama. Unfortunately, I had to chase after Ned before we had the opportunity to do so. I have regretted never taking you onto the floor for that waltz ever since.”

  All the breath seemed to leave Rosalind’s body. “I am not sure I can hold out without making love right now.”

  “You are the one in charge, love. Do as you wish.”

  She seemed to consider it and Liam could tell she was torn between immediate satisfaction and wanting to prolong the pleasure. She chose the latter. “I need something with which to tie you.”

  “Tear strips off the sheets.”

  “Absolutely not! I cannot begin to imagine how expensive the linens are at Lynwood House. Not to mention what the servants would think when they…what are you doing?”

  He walked to the bed then bent over, taking care to ensure she would have a full view of his naked, muscled arse. He was thankful for all of the riding and fencing he did, if it could cause Rosalind to gasp as she did just now. He reached under the counterpane to the silk below, then ripped two long strips off the sheets.

  “Your back is…magnificent,” said Rosalind in barely more than a whisper.

  Yes, his physical exercise was definitely worth it. He handed her the strips. “Here you are, duchess.”

  “You really shouldn’t call me that, nor should your servants, whom I shall never be able to face.”

  “You are not to worry about what the servants think. They’re a good lot and they will soon get used to seeing this room in a state of disarray.” He looked around, as if seeing it for the first time. “It has been unused these many years. And I have never brought a woman home to my bed. It is reserved exclusively for you. Now, are you going to tie me up before I jump on you?”

  “You are being rather ducal for someone who is about to submit himself to me.”

  “I am, after all, a duke.”

  “Get in the tub.” She gestured to the large basin, built big enough for the two of them. It was, he realized now, one of his very best purchases.

  He slowly lowered himself into the water. “You may have made a strategic error. There is no headboard to which to tie my hands.”

  “I shall make do,” she said as she knelt at the side of the tub. She used one of the strips to tie his wrist to the handle, then repeated the process on the other side.

  Liam tested the bindings. They were surprisingly firm.

  She spoke to him. “When I was young, I spent several summers at our country estate. It was a working farm, before we had to sell off the unentailed portions. I used to tie off goats to keep them from escaping into the gardens. Mama was furious when she caught me working with the servants, but they were my only friends.”

  She said it in a very matter-of-fact manner, but it was obvious the hurt still lingered. Liam resolved once again to ensure she was happy in her life with him. “Do you realize you just compared me to a goat?”

  “You can be as stubborn as one and I imagine you could get into all sorts of mischief if left to your own devices. Mayhap I shall tie you up often to prevent it.”

  “Mayhap you might have to. Should I have torn off a third strip for a blindfold?”

  “No, my dear, I want you to see exactly what I’m about to do.” She stepped back from him, then began peeling away her clothes slowly, revealing her soft skin inch by inch. Liam could not take his eyes from her. She slowly moved about the room. When she was down to just her shift, she walked over to the chair in front of the vanity. She could see his face in the mirror, could easily discern the hunger in his features. Then she bent over the chair and slowly lifted her shift, until her firm rounded arse was completely bared to him.

  He reflexively pulled on his bindings, wanting nothing more than to stride over to her, then hold on to her hips as he shoved himself into her to the hilt, pounding against her until she screamed in ecstasy. But the damned bands pulled tight. He could break away if he wished, but he wanted to honor her position of being in control. And he would.

  For now.

  He looked at her face in the mirror. She was slowly shaking her head. “You’ll remain there until I join you,” she said.

  She slowly moved her arse from side to side and it was if he were mesmerized by the action. He was so hard he hurt. He was afraid he would climax just from the sight of her. She smiled and he vowed he would make her pay for this. Tie him up like a goat, indeed.

  “Put your finger inside you,” he said.

  “What?” It was obvious she didn’t comprehend his meaning.

  “Put your hand between your legs, then slide a finger into your cunny. I want to make sure you’re wet for me.”

  “Is that really done?” she asked, more intrigued than shocked.

  “Trust me, sweetheart. It is.”

p; After just a moment’s hesitation, she did as he’d told her. Liam held his breath as he saw her hand come between her legs. At first, he thought she had not the nerve to follow through, but then one slim finger played at her opening before sliding in. From the ease of the motion, he could tell she was very wet. Her finger was likely coated in her essence.

  “What do you feel in there?” he asked, his voice but a rasp.

  “It’s wet and soft,”

  He groaned. “Now move it in and out.”

  Her eyes widened at the request, but then she did as he told her. She quickly developed a rhythm, then began moving her hips at the same time. He looked at her face in the mirror and he lost his breath. Her eyes were closed and her head was back. She’d lost herself in such a vulnerable position. As she moved faster and faster, he prepared to break his silk bindings. But she suddenly climaxed and all thoughts went out of his head.

  It took her a moment to recover, and when she did, her eyes popped open. Then she shut them again. “I am so embarrassed,” she said. “I don’t think that was supposed to happen.”

  “Love,” he said, as he pulled on the bindings again – just what kind of silk were they using on his beds these days? – “you entrance me. I assure that nothing you do when we are together could be wrong. Or embarrassing. Nothing. But pray come here before I embarrass myself in this water.”

  She followed his command without thinking, but stopped halfway across the room, still wearing her shift. “You are not the one to issue orders, here. I am.”

  Apparently, he’d taught her too well. “Fine, then please, duchess, I beg you. Come here and relieve my suffering.”

  She once again became his sweet companion. “Did I tie your wrists too tight? I am so sorry.”

  She hastened her steps, until she reached the tub. Then she bent over, her breasts swinging at eye level, almost escaping her shift, as she checked to ensure his wrists did not hurt. Quite frankly, they could be in the midst of an amputation for any mind he paid them. All he cared about was sucking one of her exquisite tits. He tried to get his mouth into position. Then she stood up.


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