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Shy Talent (StarLords Book 3)

Page 3

by Bianca D'Arc

  He was virtually certain there was more to Bettsua Malkin than met the eye. And he wanted very much to be the man who helped her lay claim to everything she could be, if she’d just give herself the chance.

  He made his way back up to the bridge, bypassing the labs and med facility for a later inspection. He had a lot of work to do before shift change in seven hours, but the time couldn’t go fast enough before he had her in his chambers. All to himself.

  * * *

  Finally, it was time to launch. Agnor had been looking forward to this moment since the day he’d been given his own command. He’d been torn about leaving the Circe behind for the Calypso, but now that he’d gotten a chance to know his new ship through the building phase, he couldn’t wait to see what it could do in space.

  It felt good to be the one giving the orders now, instead of one of many taking them. He liked being master of his own destiny on this state-of-the-art vessel. He had a feeling his enjoyment would only grow as he and the Calypso grew together, out there, among the stars.

  Push back from the station went well. Agnor knew his chosen pilot was one of the very best, and he left the small maneuvers to her expertise while he checked status reports on his command console. He relaxed a little when the navigator gave their pilot the course, and they settled in for a two-day journey through jumpspace that would lead them to a relatively empty quadrant where they could really try out the paces of their new ship.

  Once the course was laid in and the ship successfully jumped, he called all but the pilot to a meeting in the ship’s lounge. Normally, the ship could’ve been left completely unattended on its journey through jumpspace, but the Calypso was still new and somewhat untried, so he decided to leave at least one person on the bridge, just in case there were problems.

  A low hum of conversation greeted Agnor when he entered the lounge with the last of the bridge crew. He looked around briefly at the assembled team, noting Bet’s quiet presence in one far corner with an inward grin of satisfaction. He just felt happy inside, seeing her face. He didn’t think to question why, at the moment, but the reaction felt good and right.

  “Thank you all for coming.”

  He motioned them to sit on the various surfaces. There weren’t enough chairs for them all to sit at once, but several made do by hoisting themselves up onto the game tables. It was an informal atmosphere that Agnor truly appreciated. He wanted these people to feel comfortable with him and with each other, and formality would be the first thing he would see broken down a little.

  “I’ve met most of you personally, but for those I haven’t yet had the pleasure of encountering, I am Agnor Dallesander.” He purposely left off the various titles of respect and station that could be attributed to him. These people knew full well just who and what he was without him reminding them and possibly driving a wedge between them from the outset.

  “Before we go any further, I wish to make a request of you all. Since my recent, rather jarring elevation in power, I’ve become somewhat sensitive to the Talents of others. I would appreciate it if everyone would keep a tight shield around themselves for the time being, until we get more comfortable with each other.” In reality, he had no such problem, but it was the only excuse he could think of to try to help shield Bet from everyone else’s thoughts. If he’d been a multi-Talent, he could have possibly thrown his own shield around her, but being a Specitar meant he had certain limitations.

  “It will be good exercise for us all, I think,” he said with a smile, “since where we may go in our travels, tight shielding will be the norm rather than the exception.”

  Immediately, he felt a surge of power through the small room as those within put up an extra layer of shielding that he could almost feel tingling along his spine. He wasn’t a multi-Talent like many of the people here, but with his new rise in power, he’d gained some sensitivity to others’ use of Talent that was new and quite helpful to him in his work.

  His eyes casually went over to Bet, and he was gladdened to see the slight lift in her shoulders as some of the pressure was taken off her. He had to get to work with her right away on increasing her own shielding. He hated to see her suffer for any reason.

  “Thank you, that’s much better. Now to business.”

  He went over the rules of the ship and his own preferences on how he wanted things to run. He also asked each section head to speak a bit, as well as each member of the bridge crew. They were his staff, and they would hold the greatest responsibility for the safety of the people on this vessel. It was a bit more intricate than the Circe, since all that empty hold space was filled up on the Calypso with labs and med facilities and people to man them. He missed the simplicity and intimacy of the Circe, but he relished the new challenges this new ship would present him. It was an adventure for him, and one he never would have dreamed would come his way.

  But with his rise in power had come more opportunities, and he was living life to its fullest now, taking a page from Darak and Micah’s books and spreading his own wings a little. It felt good. And if sometimes he still felt a bit lonely—especially now that his friends and family from the Circe were far away—well, there were new people here to befriend and bond with, and he would try his best to make them part of his shipboard family as well.

  * * *

  After the long first watch, Agnor retired from the bridge. He probably should have been tired, but instead, he was energized. He knew Bet would be meeting with him shortly in the privacy of his chambers, and just the thought of it made his blood sing in a way he hadn’t quite expected.

  Then again, he had felt all sorts of strange sensations where the lovely Loadmaster was concerned, since the day they’d met. He didn’t understand it, but that was one of the questions he wanted to try to answer by getting closer to her. He needed to know why he reacted so strongly to her. And he desperately wanted to know if her reaction to him was anywhere near the same level of intensity.

  If it was…well… He wasn’t sure what would ultimately happen, but one thing he knew for sure. He wanted to find out what it would be like to share passion with her. He wanted to bed her and be with her in the most carnal sense. He wanted to slide deep into her and make her scream his name in pleasure.

  But that would come. In time. For now, he had a role to play, and it was a familiar one to him—that of teacher.

  He prepared the meditation chamber in his living space, lighting it dimly, enhancing the soothing atmosphere of his inner sanctum. It was very like the compartment that had been set aside for his use on the Circe, but a little bigger and filled with things he had brought from his home. It was a comforting space, with familiar furnishings. It was a place for him to do his daily mental exercises in peace and comfort.

  He looked forward to seeing Bet in this setting. If there was one thing he could easily see she needed, it was calmness and peace. He could help train her mind to find that inner peace that he, himself, needed in order to function at the highest levels. It was something most Specitars—especially those of higher ranks and abilities—needed to master, in order to keep themselves in balance with their abilities.

  The room had a sunken, circular inner area, carpeted in a dark plush that could be made to conform to the specifications of the user. If Agnor wished to lay down and sleep in his meditation chamber, it was as easy as ordering the floor covering to change according to his wishes. The circumference of the lower, central area was lined with pillows in dark, jewel hues, some big, some small, all comfortable.

  Agnor had deliberately designed the area to serve multiple purposes. He would use it as a meditation area, but also as a retreat of sorts, away from the uniformity, and necessary functionality, of the rest of the ship. Being the captain gave him certain rights and privileges, and this room was the main indulgence he had taken in the specifications for his private quarters.

  Most Specitars required such spaces to keep them functioning at peak efficiency. Unlike multi-Talents, Specitars needed to find balance withi
n themselves frequently since their energies were directed solely in one or, at most two, directions. They had to ground themselves and take time out to meditate frequently. Comforting environs were important in such pursuits, and this space already felt like home to Agnor with so many of his personal possessions strewn about.

  A little later than he would have expected, a timid chime sounded from the door of his ready room. He walked through to the smaller room, leaving the portal to the inner sanctum open so Bet would see the welcoming atmosphere waiting for their first lesson together.

  Beyond the inner sanctum was Agnor’s personal quarters, his bedroom and bathing chamber, all the separate parts comprising the larger-than-usual captain’s suite. It was his home away from home. His small private apartment, which was a luxury afforded only to the captain of a vessel such as this. Agnor knew he was a lucky man to have landed such a prime post, and such an accommodating designer, willing to work with him to get his space set up to his exacting standards.

  Agnor touched the panel to open the door, greeting Bet from behind his desk, hoping to lessen her fright at what was to come. He could tell she was nervous and feeling rather intimidated. It was written in the set of her shoulders and the paleness of her skin. The poor thing was afraid of him.

  “Show me your best shield.”

  He could tell his direct order startled her. Good. Perhaps if he could get her to concentrate on the task at hand, rather than thinking about her fear, she would overcome it.

  “It’s not one of my skills, Lord Agnor. When I First Tested, I had little shielding capability. I’m just kinetic.”

  Agnor nodded, moving around his desk to close the space between them. “I understand the limitations of being a Specitar, but I believe you’ve evolved since First Test, haven’t you? I looked up your file earlier. You gave no hint of this mindreading ability at all, but you did test out with just a little bit of shielding ability. Maybe that’s changed too. Did you consider that?”

  “I didn’t think—” Bet looked startled once more. “I mean, I never could shield well. I just assumed that was still the case.”

  Agnor tilted his head as he considered her. “Perhaps not.” He moved back toward the open hatch to his inner sanctum. “Come with me, Bet. I think you’ll like my meditation chamber.”

  She followed him, and he was gratified to see her wide eyes and the smile on her face. She was so innocently beautiful she took his breath away.

  “This room is lovely.”

  He could hear the true appreciation in her voice along with a longing for the peaceful space he’d created for himself. It made him want to share it with her, though he’d never wanted such a thing before with anyone. Not even a fellow Specitar, who could fully appreciate the place.

  “Have a seat. Before we do anything more, I want to re-test you. Will you trust me to do so?”

  She gulped but nodded. “If you think it will help.”

  “I do. Knowing where you are now will help me gauge how best to go about teaching you. And just so you know,” he turned to a side platform where he’d placed the items he’d need for the test, “I’ll make no record of this test. I know you’re uncomfortable with people knowing about your new power, and if things work out as I hope they will, we won’t want any official record of your true abilities.”

  She nodded again, though the fear was returning a bit. He had to stop that. Agnor swooped down to where she was seated and placed a smacking kiss on her lips.

  “Courage, little one.” He smiled softly at her. “I won’t hurt you. I want only to help you and protect you. Do you believe that? Can you feel the truth of my words?”

  He held her gaze, speaking without words of the things in his heart. She seemed to understand. She nodded, and the fear in her wide eyes was replaced by something more tender and infinitely more fragile. It looked like hope.


  Agnor sat back and began the process of testing her with the various geometric shapes he used for a base level before moving into the special realms of Talent that Specitars ruled. It was always a challenge to test another Specitar of differing Talent. It was easy enough to test or be tested by one with the same ability, but judging the strength of different Talents was always a tricky call. Still, Agnor was well experienced, and he easily recognized the huge jump Bet’s power levels had taken in recent years.

  After that, they spent the better part of an hour simply meditating, working on the mental discipline that would help her master her abilities. When he judged that she was in a calmer state of mind, he began teaching her about shielding and taking her through the first steps of building strong, self-repairing shields that would help her keep out the unwanted thoughts of others.

  She was a quick study, and before their allotted time was up, Bet had rudimentary shields around herself. It would take time to master the new techniques he’d just taught her, but already she looked a little better.

  “How’s that feel?” he asked her as they stood in the outer chamber of his suite. “You look like some of the pressure has been lifted.”

  “It has,” she said with a look of wonder. “I don’t feel their minds pressing in on me as much now.”

  “It will take time to make these changes permanent and improve on the basic shields you’ve started today. We need to work on this everyday, if you have time.”

  “I’ll make time,” she said enthusiastically. “Thank you so much for helping me.”

  “It is my honor, but you know, there are others in the crew who would help you too, if you asked.” He didn’t like how isolated she was. He wanted her to become part of the family he was trying to shape among the crew. “There are many who are experts at shield building. Brennan has a secondary skill in shielding, and Elric has some telekinesis and other Talents, shielding among them. They would help you too, I’m sure.”

  Bet’s expression grew shuttered.

  “If you say so, sir.” She looked down and started backing toward the hatch. “Thank you for taking time with me today. I’ll check with the others you mentioned.” Her tone said that, clearly, she would not do anything of the kind. Agnor frowned.

  “I’m not dismissing you, Bet,” he said, moving closer, almost stalking her. “I expect you here tomorrow at the same time to continue your lessons, but I do want you to make friends among the crew too.” He moved right into her personal space. She looked at the floor. “Why does that bother you so much? They’re nice people. They would welcome you.” A thought occurred to him. “Or have you inadvertently heard things that make you think otherwise?” He didn’t like that idea. No, not at all. “Tell me, Bet,” he coaxed.

  Finally, after some waiting, she answered.

  “I know what they call me,” she said in a small voice. “I’m not a mouse.”

  Agnor reached out with both hands and pulled her tight against his chest. He’d heard the nickname some of the crew had been using for her. It pained him to think it had hurt her feelings.

  “I don’t think it was meant in a mean way, but you do wear a lot of gray, Bet.” He chuckled lightly, putting one knuckle under her chin to get her to look up at him. “And you’re awfully quiet and stealthy.” He was glad to see a little spark of humor enter her beautiful eyes. “And I think small, furry mice are kind of cute.”

  She laughed a little then, and it was like music to his ears.

  “You’re just being kind again.”

  “Is that so wrong?” He stroked her cheek with his long fingers. “I personally think you’re very cute and cuddly, like a little soft mouse in your gray sweaters and fuzzy tunics, moving about in your quiet way. Don’t take it so hard if other people think it too.”

  “They aren’t thinking I’m cute and cuddly. They’re thinking I’m sad and pathetic.”

  “But we both know you’re not in the least bit sad or pathetic, sweetheart. Personally, I vote for cute and cuddly.” His smile lit his eyes.

  “Only a man as tall as you could think of me that wa

  He laughed outright. “Why? Because you’re so beautifully tall and slender?”

  “Slender?” Her voice held disbelief.

  “Well,” he amended with a sharkish grin, “slender everywhere but where it really counts.” He daringly moved his hands up to cup her generous breasts through the drab sweater she wore. “No, here, you’re anything but slender. You’re downright voluptuous.”

  She blushed bright red, and he chuckled low as he caressed her, slipping one hand under her sweater to touch her soft, warm skin beneath. His boldness was rewarded with a gasp as he felt her body quicken. He went a step further, pushing up the bulky sweater and rolling it over her head so he could see and touch her without it in the way.

  In seconds, she was bare from the waist up. Her face flamed with blushes, but she didn’t move away. Didn’t try to stop him. No, she waited, breathless, for what he would do next. The thought set fire in his veins as he bent his head to kiss the curving slopes of her magnificent breasts.

  “You’re even more beautiful than I’d imagined.” His words made her shiver as he whispered along her collarbone on his way downward. “I’ve thought about you like this, many times, Bet. Have you thought about me at all?”

  She whimpered as he sucked one tight nipple into his mouth, her hands coming up seemingly of their own volition to hold his head closer. He loved the feel of her graceful fingers twining through his hair, and he increased the suction of his lips on her firm flesh.

  Her nipple popped free as he drew back, sucking all the way, and he smiled at the picture she made. Her breast, wet with his saliva, her eyes closed in pleasure, her skin flushed with excitement. It was enough to make him come in his pants. But he restrained himself with great effort. He wanted to come inside her sweet body. And he would, he promised himself, if not today, then soon.


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