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Wrangling the Cowboy

Page 5

by Kennedy Fox

  Chapter Three


  “Hey, what’s goin’ on?” Rowan asks, coming into the bathroom where I’m hiding. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

  “That guy…” I inhale sharply, hardly believing it.

  “Gavin? What about him?”

  “That’s Gavin.”

  She blinks. “Right, I just said that.”

  “No, I mean, yes. That’s the Gavin I slept with a few weeks ago,” I reiterate.

  “Wait…” She narrows her eyes. “The guy you bailed on the next morning?”


  Rowan quickly covers her mouth as if she’s trying to hold back laughter. “Oh my God, Maze!”

  “Shut up!” I smack her arm. “This is humiliating!”

  “This is freaking awesome.” She chuckles. “Did he recognize you?”

  I sigh, rubbing my temples as a headache surfaces. “I don’t know. I recognized him right away. That’s why I quickly turned away.”

  “Well, go out there and say hi!” She pushes me toward the door, but I dig my heels into the floor.

  “Hell. No!” I frantically shake my head.

  “Weren’t you just tellin’ your daddy you were almost twenty-five years old and old enough to move out?” She cocks her hip and places a hand on it. “This isn’t very mature.” She snickers.

  I roll my eyes and shrug because I don’t care. I’m not going back out there. “I didn’t realize how much older than me he was. He looks older, right?” I ask nervously.

  She nods, agreeing. “He definitely does. Probably ten years older?”

  “Oh my God.” I drop my face into my hands. “I’m leaving through the back.”

  “I don’t think so,” she states firmly.

  “Fine, then I’m staying in here.”

  “The bathroom?” She cocks a brow.

  “Rowan, please! Help me,” I plead.

  “Alright, fine. I’ll make sure the coast is clear.” She pats my shoulder.

  Slowly, she opens the door and peeks around.

  “Okay, you’re good,” Rowan says. She faces me and waves me out. I immediately rush toward the employee exit.

  “Thank you!” I whisper-shout, feeling relief as soon as I step outside.

  I hope Gavin doesn’t notice I ditched...again. I’m sure I’m a sight to see, scrambling out like I just robbed a bank. By the time I climb into my truck and head home, my palms are sweaty, and my heart is racing. Gavin working for Uncle Jackson means I’ll eventually have to see him again. The dread nearly consumes me, and I’m pissed I got myself into this predicament in the first place. One-night stands aren’t my thing, but I was convinced I’d never see him again because I thought he was only passing through town.

  Cowboys are typically a hard no, and I should’ve stuck by that rule.

  When I was eighteen, I dated a ranch hand named Timothy. It was love at first sight, or so I thought. My family was aware of our relationship and warned against getting involved because he wouldn’t be staying long term. I foolishly thought I was enough for him to stay, but I was so damn wrong. When it ended between us, I realized how I’d been bamboozled by love. My heart was broken beyond repair, and I swore never to make that mistake again. I’ve avoided any men who’ve shown interest in me and worked on the ranch. Yet I find myself in this predicament. I just hope like hell he keeps our secret to himself and leaves me alone.

  When I get home, Mom and Dad are watching TV on the couch. Before I’m bombarded with conversation, I wave, then rush to my room and dramatically fall onto my bed. The only thing that pulls me away from my humiliation is my phone vibrating. When I pick it up, I see a message from Rowan and hope she was able to come up with a good excuse.

  Rowan: Totally random question for no reason, but when was your last period?

  Maize: Uh…I don’t know? Why?

  Rowan: Well, any chance you could be pregnant?

  What the fuck kinda question is that? Probably because all the blood drained from my face, and I rushed to the bathroom like I was gonna vomit the moment I realized Gavin was here.

  Maize: WHAT? No!

  Just the thought of being pregnant throws me into a panic. How the hell would I explain that to my family?

  Rowan: Are you sure? Like 100%?

  I think back to the incredible night we had together, but the small details remain a blur. We were greedy for one another, and he worshipped my body like I was a goddess. Gavin’s the type of man you run away with for a summer, not the kind you settle down with. The bull riding culture creates fuck boys, and I bet he was one.

  Obviously, we were careful, but there’s always a chance.

  Maize: I’m on the pill, and we used a condom.

  Rowan: Did you remember to take your pill?

  These questions aren’t helping the way I feel right now.

  Maize: I think so…I mean, sometimes I forget, but typically I do!

  Rowan: Oh my God…

  Maize: Shut up. I swear. I’m not pregnant.

  Rowan: Then take a test.

  Maize: We hooked up like three weeks ago. It’d be too soon to know anyway.

  Rowan: Maybe. I’m buying you a test, though, just to be sure.

  I roll my eyes, though I know she will.

  Maize: And when I prove to you I’m NOT, you owe me $100!

  Rowan: Ha! You better cross your fingers and toes you aren’t. Unless you want Mr. Brooding Cowboy as your baby daddy ;)

  Maize: I hate you so much.

  I roll over and bury my face in the pillow. I’ll probably never be able to live this down. Thank God no one else knows about it other than Rowan and Kenzie. As the thought crosses my mind, I get a text from her.

  Kenzie: Do you feel okay?

  Maize: Yep, I just had to get out of there.

  Kenzie: Okay good. Kinda worried me. Sidenote: I can’t believe Gavin’s working for Uncle Jackson. What are the odds?

  With a groan, I reply. I was half hoping she’d forgotten that night, but Gavin isn't the forgettable type. Not with his dark hair, blue eyes, and pouty lips. She witnessed us flirting, saw us leave together, and knows I slept with him.

  Maize: I don’t know, but I’M NOT HAPPY ABOUT THIS.

  Kenzie: Why? He’s hot as hell and was totally into you that night at the bar. I’m ecstatic we have some real-life cowboy man candy to drool over. Might put in a good word to Aunt Kiera and see if she can hire someone more my age, though.

  Maize: Ugh. Can we drop this?

  Kenzie: I guess, but only because I gotta get back to work!

  Then again, I can’t deny how damn sexy he looked in those jeans and boots. I almost ask Kenzie if he’s still there but decide against it. If I close my eyes, I almost remember the smell of his skin against mine. As soon as I think about rolling around naked in the sheets with him, I push it away. Even though my mind is all over the place, I somehow force myself to sleep.

  The next morning, I’m in a weird mood. It’s a reminder to keep my ass home regardless of how much Kenzie and Rowan pressure me to go out. Next time, I’m sticking to my guns and watching Netflix like I wanted.

  I drink a cup of coffee and leave before Dad like always. While I grab the ingredients for breakfast, I’m distracted. My employees arrive on time, and I’m thankful because when they’re around, I have no time to think about my complicated but nonexistent love life.

  As soon as six rolls around, the dining room quickly fills up with people. At seven, I check the buffet status, and that’s when I see Gavin. Our eyes lock, and I feel as if my feet are glued to the floor. I tuck my bottom lip into my mouth, wishing I would’ve just stayed hidden in the kitchen, then break the hold he has on me. When I glance over again, Gavin waves me over. While I contemplate turning around and pretending I didn’t notice him, it’s impossible with so many roaming eyes. My heart beats rapidly, but I push it down as I walk over to the table where he’s eating alone. I try my hardest not to raise suspicion especially with my c
ousins watching.

  Gavin smiles and speaks in a hushed tone. “We’ve met before, haven’t we?”

  Panic creeps in my throat, and I hope no one can hear him. Immediately, I shake my head. “No, I don’t think so.”

  Gavin narrows his eyes. Damn those ocean-colored eyes seem to peer straight through me as he smirks. “I’m positive we ran into each other at the bar a few weeks ago,” he insists.

  I shrug and force a smile. “You must be confusing me with somebody else.”

  “You sure ’bout that?” He waits, giving me the chance to change my tune.

  “I don't remember, sorry. But it’s really nice to meet you. Oh, and I apologize for running out the other night. I wasn’t feeling very well. But I hope you had a good time hanging out with everyone.”

  He clears his throat, then sips a cup of coffee. “Hanging out with your sister and cousins.”

  I keep a steady smile and don’t react.

  “Well, welcome to the ranch. Hope you enjoy your breakfast. I gotta get back to work.”

  By the time I return to the kitchen, my heart’s galloping at full speed.

  “Are you okay?” Sandra asks, glancing at the cold sweat that’s formed on my brow.

  “I’m fine. We need more ham and coffee,” I say, wanting to forget Gavin completely, but knowing that’d be impossible. Pretending I didn’t know him was dumb as hell, and I’m positive he didn’t believe me. But if I keep up the act, maybe he’ll drop it, and I can go on living in an alternate universe where I didn’t have the best sex of my life with him. The chemistry we shared was undeniable, but I lost control with him, and it can never happen again.

  I’m pissed he wanted to bring it up here. This isn’t the time or the place, and it caught me off guard, which I don’t appreciate. Once breakfast is over, I text Rowan, knowing she’ll get a kick out of it.

  Maize: So...I spoke to Gavin today.

  Rowan: Did you? OMG! Details, now!

  Maize: He asked if I remembered him, and I denied it.

  I shake my head at how stupid it seems after I send the message.

  Rowan: Wait, your plan is to pretend it didn’t happen?

  Maize: Exactly! Just avoid him like he has an STD, and then hopefully it’ll be like it never happened.

  Rowan: Uh. Good luck with that. Did you take that pregnancy test yet?

  I growl and bite my bottom lip.

  Maize: NO!

  Rowan: I’m buying you one today!

  The lunch rush flies by quickly, and I’ve never been more ready to go home and lock myself in my room than I am right now. Before I leave, I walk through the kitchen and confirm the night shift has everything they need. Donna and Becky assure me they have it under control, and I know they do.

  “You headed out?” Dad pops his head up from behind the check-in desk when I walk by.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Before you go, can you check the garden? I think your mom mentioned something about the tomatoes and squash needing picked.”

  My eyes light up because it’s one of my favorite things to do. “Sure, I’ll be happy to.”

  I put on the pair of boots I keep at the B&B. After grabbing a tub, I walk out to the rows of vegetables and herbs we plant each season. Dad was right. I pull as much as I can, then drop it in the kitchen before going out and picking more. Getting my hands a little dirty relaxes my busy mind.

  “Told ya!” Dad says when I return with my second load.

  “In a few days, there will be even more,” I explain and rinse them. After I finish, I say my goodbyes and head home. I think about Gavin and his cold stare when I denied knowing him. After I shower, I eat leftovers, then go to my room. Even if I used Love is Blind as an excuse to ditch, I wasn’t kidding about catching up.

  I flick on the TV and get comfortable. As I’m dozing off, Kenzie lets herself into my room.

  “I knew it! I knew I heard Cameron’s voice.”

  Grabbing a pillow, I throw it at her, but she quickly blocks it. She’s entranced by the TV, but then snaps out of it and brings the attention back to me.

  “You gonna tell me what really happened between you and Gavin, without the CliffsNotes?” She tilts her head and crosses her arms. “I wasn’t born yesterday, Maze. I saw the way you two were flirting at the bar a few weeks ago, and considering you needed to be picked up after my shift, I think I know what happened. I’d never forget a face like that,” she says.

  I sigh. “You wouldn’t believe me if I tried to make something up anyway.”

  “Because you’re a shitty liar,” she reminds me.

  “That’s what you think,” I retort.

  “Your face always gives you away.” Kenzie smirks. “So quit stalling and tell me how big his dick was.” She plops down on my bed, reaches for the remote, and pauses the show.

  My cheeks heat, and her mouth falls open.

  “Oh my God,” she whispers. “He’s humongous, isn’t he?”

  I nod, then cover my face before I glance at her. “The sex was amazing, but I can’t get involved with him.”

  Kenzie places a hand on her chest. “I will trade you places in a heartbeat!”

  I lean my head against the wall. “You’re ridiculous.”

  “You are. If he’d let me inside, I’d go to his cabin right now and save a horse. So what’s the hangup? You’re allowed to have fun, Maze. Amazing sex never hurt anyone.”

  After sucking in a deep breath, I exhale slowly. “He’s so much older. I knew he was when we hooked up, but it didn’t matter at the time because it was a one time thing. Not to mention we’re in two different places in our lives. I want to start my catering business eventually, and he could get bored of being in the middle of nowhere and leave. Not to mention my rule—I have it for a reason.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I know. Timothy ruined every opportunity for anyone who works on the ranch and wants to date you, even if they’re the perfect man. So how old is he?”

  I look at her. “Thirty-five, I think?”

  “So what if he’s closer to dad’s age than yours. Big deal. There are some silver foxes out there that I’d let be my daddy.”

  Nearly throwing up in my mouth, I playfully smack her. “Oh my God, stop! That’s not true.” I burst out laughing at the face she makes. “You say that shit to get under my skin.”

  She smiles wide. “Of course.”

  I reach for the remote, but she pulls back before I can. “We’re not done talking about this. I have to know what you’re going to do about this now that he’s here.”

  A small grin forms on my lips. “Pretend I didn’t have the best sex of my life with him.”

  “And that’s it?”

  I nod.

  Her eyes widen in shock. “Do you have brain damage?”

  “No! It’s just another heartbreak waiting to happen. Pretending lets me move on with my life. The right man will come when I least expect it.”

  Kenzie snorts and rolls her eyes. “But what if he is the one, and you’re just being stubborn as hell?”

  “Doubtful,” I huff.

  “People have sex with no attachments. You don’t have to get married or anything. It’s called having fun.”

  “Not for me, Kenzie. I’m good. Also please don’t tell anyone. And I mean anyone. Rowan knows, but no one else.”

  She makes a zipper motion across her lips. “Secret’s safe with me, but you gotta tell me why you called me to pick your ass up if the sex was so great.”

  I hesitate. “I was embarrassed that we slept together so soon after meeting. I’d never done that before. I knew I couldn’t face him and didn’t reach out because I wasn’t sure what to say.”

  “You were living on the edge.” Kenzie snickers.

  I throw another pillow, but this time, it catches her off guard and smacks her. I snag the remote and flick on the show. Being preoccupied by Cameron, she kicks off her shoes and lies on the bed. We watch and laugh at the same things. Randomly, I’ll think about Gavin and the
way his lips felt on my skin. His strong hands on my body is something I wish I could feel again. Just the way his tongue twisted with mine makes heat rush through me. When the episode ends, I yawn.

  “I’m leaving tomorrow to go back to school,” she tells me.

  I stick out my lower lip. “I know. I’m gonna be sad.”

  “Aw, I already promised Mom I would come back as much as I could.” She hugs me.

  “Good,” I say. “Drive safe. Text me when you get to your dorm.” I sound like Mom with the reminder.

  “I will! Night. Love you,” Kenzie says with a grin

  “Love you too.”

  She shuts the door, and I let out a long sigh.

  What Gavin and I had was special, but it can never happen again. Sex without some sort of attachment doesn’t exist.

  Chapter Four



  “C’mon, Racer. Don’t gimme a hard time today,” I plead with the colt who’s giving me hell about wearing a bridle. He’s a quarter horse, and they are usually the easiest breed to train, but it’s hot as hell, so we’re both agitated. He’s not as wild as the others, which is why I start my days with him.


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