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Wrangling the Cowboy

Page 18

by Kennedy Fox

  “You know how long it’d take to get my dark hair to blond?”

  “Well, good thing Zoey has all the mad skills!” I smirk. “I’m sure she’ll help you out.”

  Elle groans but nods. “Alright, but I’m not doing this for him. I could use a change.”

  Smiling, I grab my phone to set a reminder to call Zoey after lunch. “Maybe I’ll get some highlights myself. See Gavin resist my charm then.”

  She snorts as she takes a sip of her water. “Trust me, he’s probably just as anxious to get you back in his bed. He just wants to play hard to get first.”

  “If Gavin grew up here, I could do recon and ask his best friend questions and get intimate details about him. Grayson would be my best bet, but I don’t want to get him involved. Maybe Cooper would know? I don’t have his number, though, and he might be traveling right now.” The thought of Gavin leaving nearly suffocates me, but I push it away. I realize he never told me what decision he made. Regardless, I think I’d try long distance for him.

  “Ooh, this is starting to sound like some kind of detective mission.” Elle rubs her palms together. “ I think Connor’s been called out to their ranch before. I’ll look in his files and see if I can find his number, or maybe you can just stop by randomly.”

  “Oh my God, that’d be amazing. You’re a genius!”

  Elle snorts. “I didn’t go to vet school for nothing. But you probably know more than you think. You can’t tell me in the past year you haven’t eavesdropped on him while he was eating at the B&B.”

  She makes a valid point. I’ve heard a lot of his conversations. But I don’t want to screw this chance up because it might be the last one he gives me.

  Once our food is delivered, we take our time eating and chat.

  After we finish, we pay, then stand. Neither of us wants to go back to work, but we know we have to. I miss hanging out with Elle and make her promise to do this again sometime soon.

  “Well, good luck wrangling your cowboy.” She pulls me in for a hug. “I’ll text you if I find Cooper’s number.”

  “Thank you.”

  We say our goodbyes, and before I drive back to the ranch, I text Gavin. Just in case she can’t find Cooper’s info, I need a plan B.

  Maize: I want to give us a real chance this time. Are my words not enough?

  Gavin: You’re adorable. Actions always speak louder than words, sweetheart.

  I groan while simultaneously getting butterflies at the way he called me sweetheart. Damn him.

  But if that’s how he’s going to be, then fine.

  I just hope whatever I come up with is enough to win him back because right now, I’ll do whatever it takes.

  Chapter Eighteen


  After two days of silence, I’m wondering if Maize’s given up altogether. Though I’ve accepted her apology, and she’s said she wants a real chance, I won’t be falling back into bed with her that quickly. I’ve been burned too much by her already. She’s spent the past year giving me whiplash with her mood swings, so she needs to prove she’s serious.

  I’d love nothing more than to hold Maize Bishop in my arms until the sun rises, but I’m patient.

  It’s Monday morning, and I’m heading to the B&B to meet up with the guys for breakfast. It’ll be the first time I’ve been around Maize since Friday, and I’m anxious as hell to talk to her.

  “Mornin’.” John greets me when I enter. I tip my hat and flash him a small smile while scanning the room.

  Grayson’s already sitting at a table and looks up at me with a grin. “Hey, man.”


  I go to the coffee station, fill a mug, and add a little sugar. When I walk toward Grayson, I finally see her.

  “Good mornin’,” I drawl when she approaches. My eyes widen as I get a glimpse of her hair. It’s pulled back as usual, but I notice blond strands. “You changed your hair.”

  “Morning. I did. I made you a special breakfast.” She clamps her hands together.

  I eye her suspiciously, pulling out a chair and sitting. “Is that code for poison or something?”

  “Of course not.” She flashes a wink, then leans down until her mouth brushes against the shell of my ear. “I promised to win you back, and since I know how much you love my food, I figured I’d better start there.”

  Shit, I’m impressed. There’s no denying I’d eat anything she cooks. They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, so I guess she’s testing that theory.

  “What kind of favoritism shit is this?” Grayson complains the moment Maize returns carrying two plates.

  “There might be enough for you too if you don’t piss me off,” she retorts, setting them in front of me.

  My eyes widen in shock when I study the spread. I can hardly contain my excitement to try it all.

  “Strawberry-stuffed French toast with maple syrup…” She points at the second plate. “Cheesy grits ’n sausage and blueberry streusel coffee cake.”

  “Maize, wow…” I look at the breakfast my grandmother used to make. Every Saturday morning, I’d go for a visit, and without fail, she’d cook this feast. Unfortunately, she passed away five years ago. I wished Mimi would’ve been able to meet Maize. She would’ve loved her.

  Maize takes a step back, but I grab her hand and pull her close. “How? How’d you know?”

  “I did my research.” She smiles proudly. “Told you I was serious.”

  “Serious about what?” Grayson blurts out, trying to tear off a piece of my streusel.

  I smack his hand away. “None of your damn business.”

  “Oh like I can’t put two and two together.” He scoffs.

  Looking up at Maize, I smile wide. “Thank you. It smells amazing and really means a lot to me.”

  “You’re welcome. I hope I did it justice.”

  Standing, I cup her face and press my lips to her. She melts into me, but I pull away all too quickly. Normally, she would’ve freaked out because she’s at work, but she didn’t this time. Though I’m sure her dad wouldn’t appreciate the PDA.

  “I’m sure you did. Thank you.”

  With flushed cheeks, Maize goes to the kitchen, and I sit.

  “What the…?” Grayson’s jaw hits the floor. “You wanna explain what is goin’ on?”

  “She’s tryin’ to win me back,” I reply with a shrug. “I need to know she’s not gonna run away from me again.”

  “You got a Bishop to admit she wants you, and you’re not jumping at the opportunity to have her right now? You have some strong willpower.” He chuckles.

  “I’ve been chasing her for a year, and after being told it was a mistake, I’m a little hesitant.”

  “So you’re playing hard to get?” He chuckles.

  I nod. “Something like that.”

  The next day, she’s bubbly and full of smiles, which makes me think she has something up her sleeve.

  “Mornin’, beautiful,” I greet and quickly plant a kiss on her lips when no one’s looking.

  “Morning. You have plans after work?” she asks softly.

  “Hmm…” I brush my fingers over the stubble on my jawline. “Stripper joint, beers, and hookers.”

  Maize groans, crossing her arms with an unamused expression. “That sounds like a productive Tuesday night.”

  “I mean, unless you have something else in mind? I’d cancel for you.” I flash her a wink, and her cheeks tint red.

  “Well, since you didn’t call me last night to say you were taking me back, I do. Way better than a guys’ night out. And if you wanna join me, be ready by eight.”

  I chuckle at her annoyance. “Alright. Where should I meet you?”

  She licks her lips, then smirks. “I’ll pick you up.”

  By the time the workday is over, I’m a giddy, anxious fool. I have no idea what Maize has planned, but I can’t wait to find out.

  I drive home and shower. Without knowing how I should dress, I play it safe by wearing jeans, boo
ts, and a dress shirt. At eight, a knock sounds on the door, and when I open it, Maize nearly takes my breath away. Her hair is in two braids with loose strands around her face, showing off her new blond highlights. She’s wearing cutoffs with a Texas tank top that leaves nothing to my imagination.

  “I feel a bit overdressed,” I tease, scanning down her body again. I’m not used to seeing her like this, but I’m not complaining.

  “As long as you’re comfortable, that’s all that matters.” She smiles in return. “I hope you’re ready.”

  “I don’t think I have a choice.” I chuckle, closing the gap between us and kissing her cheek. “You’re so pretty. I love your hair.”

  Maize flips one of her braids and blushes. “You do? Thank you. Elle and I got our hair done over the weekend.”

  I hold a piece between my fingers and imagine how it’d look spread across my bedsheets.

  “You better take me somewhere quick before I come up with another idea.”

  She snorts, shaking her head. “Is this all it’s gonna take for you to give me another chance?”

  “I don’t know. I guess we’ll both see.” I wink, then close and lock the door behind me.

  Following Maize, I squint when I see a jacked-up truck. “What’s this?”

  “I’m borrowing it for the night.”

  “You know how to drive that thing?”

  “Well, mostly.” She laughs. “C’mon, Cowboy. Don’t you trust me?”

  I help her into the driver’s side, and when I round the truck and hop into the other, she hands me a blindfold.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes!” She laughs. “It’s a surprise, so put it on.”


  After a bumpy ten minutes and hearing her laugh at my uncertainty, she finally parks.

  “We’re here.”

  “Can I take this thing off now?”


  I open my eyes and squint as I look around the partially wooded area. There’s a large firepit surrounded by grass and hay bales.

  “Where are we?”

  “It’s what I like to call the secret spot.”

  Scanning the area, I notice we’re on a hill, and the ranch is in the far distance. “Okay, so what’re we doing here?”

  Maize opens the door and hops out. “Follow me and find out, Cowboy.”

  I do as she says, and when I turn around, I see a large white screen on a pole. Then she opens the tailgate and gestures for me to get in the back.

  “Wow…” Blankets and pillows are spread out on the truck bed along with a cooler and picnic basket.

  “I thought it’d be more fun to watch a movie under the stars.”

  I walk toward her, tilting up her chin. “No one’s ever done anything like this for me before. I love it.” I kiss the tip of her nose.

  “Good. I even picked out a really awesome movie for us to watch.”

  “Is that so?” I climb into the back and help her up.

  She messes with the projector while I grab some drinks and food.

  We get comfortable on the blankets, and I pull Maize into my body during the previews.

  “No way.” I glance at her. “How’d you know?”

  “Know what?” She plays innocent.

  I smirk. “No Country for Old Men is my favorite movie. Now, how’d you know that?”

  “I maybe did a little internet stalking.”

  “There’s no way you found that online. Who’d you talk to?”

  She sighs, realizing I’m not gonna drop it. “You’re really gonna make me reveal my sources?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “It was Cooper. He gave me some great…intel about you.”

  I groan with a chuckle. “Shoulda known, that bastard.”

  “What’s wrong with that?” she asks.

  “He likes to joke around, so I’m wondering what else he said. I’m a little concerned, to be honest.”

  Maize laughs and snuggles closer. “Don’t worry.” She pats my chest and meets my eyes. “I already knew you secretly cried to Big Daddy.”

  I fucking hate Cooper.

  We end the night wrapped up in each other, and I can’t seem to take my hands or lips off her. I want to be as close to Maize as possible. While I want to lose myself with her, I keep control of the situation and only allow her to kiss me.

  “Thanks for a nice evening,” I tell her once she drives me back to my house. It’s late, and we have to be up early, but that doesn’t make it any easier to leave.

  “You’re welcome.” She smiles in return. “I’ll see you at breakfast.”

  By six, I’m dragging my ass outta bed and wishing I had an extra hour or three of sleep. Though I’ll be paying for it today, last night was worth it. I’m enjoying Maize’s effort and appreciate the lengths she’s already gone to. When I look around the B&B, I don’t immediately see her, so I load a plate with food. After chatting with Grayson, Riley, and Diesel, Maize appears wearing a wide, bright smile and greets everyone.

  “Do I get a special breakfast this mornin’?” Grayson flashes a cocky smirk, and I kick him underneath the table. By the looks the other guys give him, Grayson spilled the news about Maize and me.

  “You wish.” She snorts.

  “How about me? Your favorite cousin?” Riley muses.

  “Or your favorite future cousin-in-law?” Diesel adds with a grin.

  “You know…” Maize puts her hands on her hips. “It really surprises me you two managed to find women. Sorry, Grayson. Kenzie will get the stick outta her ass one day.”

  They laugh at the way Grayson glares at her. “Don’t put that juju in the air.”

  Maize snorts, shaking her head. “Well, anyway. I do have a surprise for you.” She licks her lips, bringing her gaze to mine. “Be right back.”

  “So you datin’ my cousin, now?” Riley asks pointedly.


  “Shut the hell up,” Grayson blurts out. “They’ve been screwin’ for months.”

  I kick him harder this time. “Dude.”

  “For months?” Diesel asks, chuckling. “I think these Bishop women get their rocks off from sneakin’ around. Don’t get me wrong now, it’s hot as fuck, but I’m bracing myself for the day Grayson and Kenzie come clean.”

  “Not happenin’, bro.” Grayson groans.

  “We’ll all find out when she’s giving birth to his baby,” I tease.

  “You guys fuckin’ suck. I hate you all.” He grunts, then shoves food into his mouth.

  Maize returns and sets a platter in front of me. It’s a round cake covered in cream cheese frosting with purple writing on top.

  Meet me where we first met. Tomorrow. 8pm.

  The guys lean over to read it. “Where’s that?” Diesel and Riley simultaneously ask.

  Maize leans down and whispers in my ear, “I want to recreate that night. But this time, no cheating.”

  I smile wide as I think back to when we played pool together almost a year ago.

  “What kind of cake is it, Maze?” Diesel dips his finger into the frosting, and Maize smacks his hand away.

  “Carrot cake, Gavin’s favorite.”

  My mouth waters, and I glance up at her with a grin.

  Maize flashes me a little wink. “Told you I did my research.”

  Then she walks away.

  It’s Thursday, and I’m meeting Maize at the pub in an hour. Since she wants us to recreate the night we met, I wear the same shirt. The real test will be if she notices.

  By the time I arrive, she’s sitting at the bar talking to Kenzie and drinking. I walk up to her, and Kenzie’s eyes light up when she sees me. Maize quickly turns and releases a gasp before I cup her cheeks, and our mouths collide.

  Our tongues tangle together, and before we get lost in the moment, we break apart.

  “What was that for?” she asks, doe-eyed.

  “Just a thank you for the delicious cake.” I smirk. “Grayson’s all butt
hurt I didn’t share, but I refused. Best carrot cake I’ve ever had.”

  She blinks up at me with a shy smile.

  “I don’t recall that happening last time,” Kenzie blurts out, watching us closely. “Am I getting the R-rated version?”

  A blush hits Maize’s cheeks, and I laugh at Kenzie’s boldness.

  “Might be X-rated. Not sure yet.” I shrug, stepping closer and wrapping an arm around Maize. “One thing’s for certain, I’m not wasting any time tonight. Plus, I’m like an elephant and remember every detail. The conversation about you becoming a nun, crooked dick pics, and—” I lean in so only Maize can hear me. “Spanking your ass.”

  She gulps and bites down on her lower lip.

  “But right now, we have drinks to order and a game of pool to play.”

  “Dude.” Grayson slams his palm on the table. “I can’t believe you still haven’t put her out of her damn misery. She’s given you the first-class treatment all damn week, and you still haven’t agreed to give her a second chance?” His eyes widen with disbelief.

  I shrug, scanning the dining room for Maize and frown when I still haven’t found her. We’ve been here for almost twenty minutes.

  “Trust me, I appreciate her effort. I’m shocked, honestly. And I want to be with her. I’m just concerned she’ll change her mind next week. But I’m enjoying every second.”

  “You better stop makin’ her chase you before she gives up and the tables turn. This back-and-forth shit is giving me a headache. It could all backfire because Maize isn’t that patient.”

  His words nearly gut me, and I realize he’s right.

  “Shit, I didn’t think about it that way.” I rub my sweaty palms down my jeans, looking around for her again but only see Jane.

  “Hey,” I say, grabbing her attention.

  Jane walks over with a bright smile and rests her hand on my shoulder. “Hey, Gavin. How’s your breakfast?”

  “It’s delicious, ma’am. Do you know where Maize is this mornin’? I haven’t seen her yet.”


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