by Lewis, Rika
Finding Sweetness 3
Finding Sweetness 3
Published by: Rika Lewis
All Rights Reserved
July 2015
Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of a brief quotation in reviews. This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales organizations, or persons, living is or deceased is entirely coincidental.
I wanted to take the time to say that I know I am in need of an editor and with fingers crossed; I have finally found one. They have already began to edit Finding Sweetness so I can release it in paperback and if all goes well, the rest of my books will be edited as well. I would like to thank all of my readers for hanging in there with me throughout each and every one of my books that I have written. I strive to be a better writer and to give my fans a better quality of stories to read. It’s taking me a little bit of time to get there, but I promise you it will get better.
Peace & Blessings
I would like to take the time throw out more “shout outs” to a few more people that emailed me and encouraged me to keep writing no matter what. If I leave someone off please charge it to my head and not to my heart for I am overwhelmed and overjoyed with the responses that I received for this story. Thank you to all of my followers on Amazon and Goodreads for believing in me.
Barb, Jayha, Shara Azod, Donna Howse, Marcia Walkerdine, Ms. Praise1, MusingsIRJ, Linda Maney, Margie, Natasha, Tech.this, Annette Williams, Kim Singh, Vickie Jordan, Angel Minor, Samantha Brewer, Tyera Evans, Victoria Ziglor, Debbie Lewis, Mundomamoral, Loretta Anderson, Jamie, Musiclady63, Cassandra Brown, Cris Mendoza, Jackie, Moe, Sophia, Cat,
Note* This is the last and final installment of Finding Sweetness. This book is my “Baby” and very close to, my heart and I enjoyed every minute of writing this story. Enjoy!
Peace & Blessings
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. A Woman rejected in love can be very vindictive and dangerous. The damage my husband and I had caused was permanent and there would always be scars but even the angriest of scars fade over time. Sometimes you can learn, even from a bad experience that the pain does not go away, but it becomes manageable. Love is the most pleasurable pain imaginable, and I have experienced both---
-Ann Laurenitis
If you are about to read this and judge me, you are well within your rights. No one judged me more harshly than I did for hurting my family, and even now, I regret everything that I put them through but sometimes you have to go through shit in order to get to the sugar. If I had to do it all over, I wouldn't go down this road ever again---
-William Laurenitis
Finding Sweetness 3
Ann’s sins
There are always two sides to every story. Some would question why I am still married to my husband William especially now that our son is grown and the answer is simple… I love him. Was it crazy for me to be in love with a man that has caused our family so much pain? The answer is, “Yes.” Does he have some fucked up shitty qualities about him? “Hell yes!” However, he also has some good qualities even after everything he’s put us through. You see, William and I started off strong. We met in and college, dated for four years, and after we graduated, he proposed. I was prepared to marry William. God, I was so excited, but even more, I was so sure about us, sure that we were good for each other, and sure that no matter what came our way we would weather the storm. Even though we were still young, we got married. Our wedding was a large and elaborate one, a dream come true some would say. I envisioned our marriage to be blissful, and as long as we communicated with each other, I figured our marriage would stand the test of time.
William and I bought our first house together in the small town of Greenbrier where I became a real estate broker and William went into the police academy to become a police officer but when that didn’t work out he became a structural engineer at a company called Fleet. We were living the life that we had dreamed about. We lived in a peaceful, quiet community and had great neighbors whom we became very close friends with. Tim and Dawn Whitley were the nicest, sweetest, funniest black couple we had ever met. They’d been seeing each other for years but had only been married for a year, and to quote them, “That’s how they loved each other.” William and I found out early on that they had an open relationship and they lived a “swingers” lifestyle. At first, I was shocked when they finally told us what kind of lifestyle they engaged in. I had never been around anyone who were “swingers” before but to my surprise, William had voiced that he had and in fact engaged in that lifestyle before we had met. By the look on his faces it was obvious he was still turned on by it…again, I was shocked because he’d never shared or communicated that to me before.
While we were lying in bed, one night he asked me what I thought about Tim and Dawn and of course I knew what he was hinting around about. I turned to him teasingly and said, “Why, do you want to have a little fun with them?” and again, to my surprise he chuckled and said, “Would you if they asked?”
“Are you serious I questioned?” Knowing damn well William was serious but I needed to hear him say it again. William had sat up, ran his hands through his hair and he looked like he was ready to bolt from the room until I pulled him back down to the bed hoping that he was really joking with me!
“Talk to me, do you really want to do that I asked?” William loved sex and I loved having sex with him… after all he was my first. I had always felt that William’s appetite for sex was never filled; it was as if he wanted more even after we had made love a few times throughout the night. He was insatiable. If he had asked for more I would have surely gave it willingly to him no matter how tired I may have been.
“William ran his fingers through his hair, “Well yes umm… I’d like us to go out with Tim and Dawn and umm…well you know…”
My heart began to pound inside my chest at what my husband was hinting towards doing. “You mean you want us to really have sex with them?” Are you attracted to his wife I asked?
William pulled me into his arms and kissed me then said, “You’re my wife and I love you very much, I was into that lifestyle before we met Ann. It was something that I enjoyed very much. It’s just sex… something different and exciting. Life is short Ann and swinging is just another “sexual high” to enjoy life and it wouldn’t be something I’d want all the time. I know I’m asking a lot from you but can we at least try it once? If you don’t like it I swear I’ll never ask you to do it again.”
I looked at him as if he had grown two heads. Where was my husband, the man I’d married? He actually wanted us to have sex with another couple and commit adultery! Did he not realize that could destroy our marriage? “You would allow another man to touch me I asked?”
I’ll be with you the entire time Ann, all of us would be in the same room together.
“You mean like one big orgy I yelled! I yanked away from him and stood up. “So let me get this straight… you want Tim to fuck me, while you fuck Dawn in the same room and you expect me to what… be okay with that William?”
“Yes, Ann that’s exactly what I want and if you love me you’ll do this for me… for us. It will make our marriage more fulfilling.
“Are you fucking kidding me I yelled?” Are you saying that I’m boring in bed?
I’m not saying you’re boring Ann, I just… just want more variety you know, to keep our marriage spicy.
“Oh, I said acidly, you picked a hell of a t
ime to tell me this now after we’re married!” Hell, if had of known that you liked orgies with couples I would have never married your ass because unlike you I don’t like to share!
Calm down Ann… just think about it okay? I’m not asking for you to do this right now. I talked with Tim and Dawn about it already and they’re okay with it if you are.
“Oh, My God you did what!” You talked to them without talking to me about this first! How could you do that to me? What happened to communicating with me first about everything that concerns our marriage Will?
Stop acting like a child Ann, it’s not that serious. Come on he said, pulling me back to bed, let’s sleep on it okay?
I shoved him away, “Don’t touch me I said sneering at him.” I felt like my husband had lied to me about who he really was yet, I loved him and I wanted our marriage to work. As fucked up as it was… maybe if I gave him his fantasy just this once then he wouldn’t ask me to do it again. As crazy as it was, I wanted to make my husband happy and as he said, it was just sex right? I turned my back to him and lay back down. Closing my eyes, tears flowed freely down my cheek. My belief in our marriage had just been crushed because he would allow another couple to touch us intimately. I couldn’t understand why my husband would dare ask me to do such thing.
In an instant, William went from being the man that I adored, cared for and loved to a complete stranger that I almost feared now. It was as if he were two completely different men to me—the one I’d married and the who would betray our marriage and our vows to stay committed to each other. How could he be both my protector and my persecutor? It was inconceivable to me that I’d ever end up in such a circumstance as this. I was born and raised in a loving family, I lived to see others happy and I lived as if the good life depended on my good performance. I had watched my mother and father take care and love each other. I didn’t want to disappoint my husband yet I knew that if we did this our marriage would be ruined forever.
A few days went by and we met Tim and Dawn at a restaurant for dinner. We ate, danced, and listened to some music for a couple of hours. I had several drinks trying to calm my nerves. By the time, we rented a hotel room I was in a "good” mood. They took us into the bedroom and without any preamble; Will rolled the condom onto his cock and proceeded to strip Dawn’s clothes from her body, Will never once looked at me, he just dove right in as if he were a kid in a candy store. Tim had done the same to me but ended up passing out with his face buried in my pussy. In a way, I was glad because I hadn’t wanted to do this in the first damn place. I was very quiet on the way back home. Will gripped my hand and asked me what happened. The bastard was so busy fucking Dawn that he hadn’t noticed I’d left the room and left Tim lying on the bed alone.
I tried to smile but it didn’t reach my eyes, and said, Tim was unable to "get it up" because he’d drank too much during the evening. At this point in my life, I wondered what the fuck was I thinking agreeing to this. I’d been a virgin when William and I married. I felt like I’d been slapped in the face, I’d saved myself for my husband only for him to treat me like a whore and he was pimping me out to another man. As we entered our house, I headed straight to the shower; William followed and proceeded to fuck me as he’d fucked Dawn. Thank God, I was on birth control, looking at William made me sick and having a child by him right now had just been knocked to the bottom of my list of things to do.
Tim called the next day very embarrassed and invited us over to their house the following week. I ended up popping a few valiums to relax my nerves and this time I didn't object to seeing Tim and Dawn. William had talked about fucking Dawn so much that now I just wanted some bragging rights. Yes, it was fucked up, but hearing my husband go on and on about how Dawn screamed for him made me want to gouge his fucking eyeballs out but, paybacks a bitch!
The next weekend we went to Tim and Dawns and had dinner, and again we listened to some music and then the four of us went to back to their bedroom. This time I went all the way with Tim and let me tell you… this man was “Hung like a horse!” He had me screaming so loud William got pissed and couldn’t focus on fucking Dawn and stormed out of the bedroom, “Hell at least I noticed him leaving.” Dawn on the other hand surprised me and joined Tim and I on the bed, she massaged and sucked my breasts as her husband continued to fuck me repeatedly until he’d had his fill of me. I had never in my life thought I’d be displayed on a bed with two people taking me. To be quite honest it felt so damn good. Thank God, for condoms, which by the way were all gone by the time Tim was done with me.
When we finally emerged from the bedroom, William had already left and went home. I hugged Tim and Dawn and thanked them for the time we had shared. I walked…well actually waddled two houses down to my house; Tim had thoroughly fucked me until I could barely move.
As I unlocked the front door, William yanked me by my arm tossed me on the couch ripped my clothes off me and proceeded to fuck me. Then he flipped me over and without any care or concern at all, he rammed his cock inside my ass. I yelled out in pain for him to stop, hell…he was hurting me! Up until now, we hadn’t tried anal because I hadn’t been ready to try it yet but Will on the other hand was crazed and out of his fucking mind and evidently wanted to hear me scream as I had for Tim because he kept chanting for me to scream for him. I obliged him and screamed loud enough for his liking, he pulled out of my ass, and rammed his cock back inside my pussy, and came inside of me. I had already known this would ruin our marriage but this just solidified it. After William pulled out of me he shoved his cock, back inside of his pants grabbed his car keys and walked out slamming the door. I slowly eased from the couch more sorely than before, and went to the bathroom to wash away the night’s sordid events. William had gotten what he’d asked for thus breaking my heart even more.
By the time William came back, I was in bed. He kneeled down beside me and actually cried. He apologized for what he’d done to me and said that he would never ask me to do that again. He’d said he thought he could handle hearing and seeing me with another man but it turned out he couldn’t. Of course, I gave in to his sob story and believed that he was truly sorry. He was my husband after all and I loved him.
For a long while, all of us went on as if nothing had happened and unbelievably Dawn and I became close friends. “Crazy huh?” I also became pregnant with Williams child and everything seemed liked it was getting back to normal. After I had my son Alton, I gained a lot of weight, it was obvious that William wasn’t attracted to the fat “Me,” and once again, William stepped out on me and fucked Dawn again. I wasn’t surprised to say the least and the funny thing was, was that Dawn had told me that William had asked her to have sex with him again. I gave her the green light to go ahead and do it. Now I know those of you who are reading this is like “WTF!” Is this bitch crazy! However, hear me out… William had stopped touching me and had even started sleeping on the couch. I knew he had sexual feelings for Dawn and… in some twisted way I fantasized constantly about the way Tim had fucked me, I even felt somewhat guilty because I wanted Tim again.
William was sneaking around behind my back and like a typical male; he thought he was getting away with it. Was I upset? “Hell yes!” Was I upset with Dawn… nope because I knew what she was about and in secret, I had told her that if William ever came to her that it was alright with me. I also informed her of my plans with Tim “That was crazy as hell, huh?” Everything that had gone down between all of us was crazy! I knew Dawn had sexual feelings for my husband just as I had grown sexual feelings for Tim. At least Tim and Dawn had an arrangement with each other, Dawn wasn’t just fucking my husband…Dawn had other lovers that she had been with and Tim listened in or watched most of the time.
Whenever Tim had been out of town on business Dawn would call him and let him listen while William fucked her so it wasn’t as if Dawn was cheating on Tim but again, William the sneaky son of bitch was cheating though. Months went by and something changed. William miraculously grew a set of balls
as well as a conscience and confessed to me what he’d done. He’d even tried to pull the same bullshit-crying act he had the last time only this time I rolled over, tuned him the hell out and actually went to sleep because I had every intention on sleeping with Tim again. “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander right?” We both had committed adultery and our marriage had already gone to shit, so why not have one last fling with Tim’s fine ass!
I didn’t rush to do it though…I took my time, months went by and William ass obviously thought I had just let him have a free hall pass to fuck Dawn anytime he wanted. “Yea right.” In reality, I just didn’t give a damn anymore. Our son was now five years old and in between working and taking care of him, I had really been too tired and busy to worry about William’s extracurricular activities, which consisted of him, staying out late every night. Something else was going on with him but of course, he continued to keep me in the dark as always. He’d started hanging out with some Aryan members he’d met in town and his entire attitude changed drastically, and it wasn’t for the better, now he was downright mean and condescending and very controlling.
After I lost, the weight William was back to being touchy–feely and wanted to make love to me again and that was when I decided it was time for some fucking payback. I decided that William would join us as well via telephone unbeknownst to him. I dialed his number and when he picked up, I sat the phone down hoping he wouldn’t hang up. I knew that he would he leave work and speed all the home once he heard Tim and I going at it, however I wouldn’t be there. I had rented a room on the outskirts of Greenbrier and the only thing William would be able to do was listen.