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Truth [The Angel Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 7

by Maggie Walsh

  Storm sat on the bed and signed. Maybe he went for a walk to think and clear his head. Yeah that was probably it. I’ll just wait for him here, and then I’ll apologize and make it up to him. Storm laid back on the bed and closed his eyes.

  * * * *

  Bass didn’t want to go down to breakfast and face his mate. He had no choice though, he needed coffee, and lots of it. He hardly slept last night and he was dragging. But he wouldn’t let his mate see it. He already thought Bass was weak. Bass woke up, showered, he missed his morning shower with Storm. No, he wouldn’t think like that anymore, Storm wasn’t his. He never even let Bass claim him properly. He wasn’t his mate. Bass had no mate. He straightened up and squared his shoulders. He looked at himself in the mirror and felt a little better when he saw himself back in his enforcer clothes. Since coming to Napa, he wore his regular clothes, jeans and a T-shirt. But not anymore. This morning he pulled out his old enforcer clothes of black cargo pants and a black T-shirt, along with his black combat boots. He tied his long hair back into a pony at the nape of his neck and smoothed a hand down his stomach. He took a deep breath and turned. Bass walked out of the room half expecting Storm to be there, but he wasn’t. That was it, he needed to stop thinking like that. Storm proved he didn’t care. He could go fuck himself. Bass didn’t need him.

  He went on his laptop this morning and searched the council website, and found that there were four packs that were looking for enforcers. One was in Mesa, Arizona and said they were desperate for an enforcer. They also didn’t care if their pack members were gay. Once he found Noah he would go there and check the place out.

  Bass was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t realize he was at the dining room already. He stepped in and found Storm was at the head of the table, already eating. Seth and his mate Sky were there, as well as Nicco and Alex. He nodded to his friends and walked over to the sideboard to pour himself some coffee. He could feel Storm’s eyes on him.

  “You’re dressed formal today, Beauty. What’s up?” Storm asked.

  Bass ignored him and sipped his coffee. He turned and looked at Nicco. “Hey Nic, I wanted to go back and check that vineyard today, but I need backup. I know you, Alex, and Sky are heading to bed now, but can I count on you guys when you get up?”

  Nicco just stared at him with wide eyes. His fork stopped in mid-air and his eyes shifted to Storm, then back to Bass. He lowered his fork and cleared his throat. “Always, brother. You know that. I’ll set the alarm for half hour before sundown and jump in the shower quick. This way we can go as soon as the sun sets.”

  “Thanks, brother. I know I can always count on you,” Bass said and nodded at Nicco.

  “Beauty, I…” Storm started, but Bass cut him off.

  “I asked you not to call me that in front of anyone. I asked you not to call me that period. So know I will tell you. If you must address me, you may call me Sebastian or Enforcer Angel. On second thought. You may address me only as Enforcer Angel,” Bass said without looking at Storm. He turned back to the sideboard and put his cup down. He turned to walk out, and he caught Nicco’s worried expression. He kept walking toward the door, but Storm grabbed his arm and spun him around. He faced his so-called mate as his lip curled up and his canines showed. His eyes turned orange with his wolf coming to the surface. His wolf was even more pissed at Storm and hurt by him. He submitted to his mate and was stomped on. His wolf was ready to rip Storm apart. A deep growl started in Bass’s chest and was climbing up his throat. Storm pulled his hand away as he looked at Bass in confusion. There was hurt in his eyes. But Bass and his wolf couldn’t find it in them to give a rat’s ass. Bass stopped growling, but his wolf stayed close to the surface. His teeth, eyes, and claws showed that his wolf was right there, waiting, ready to pounce.

  Storm tilted his head and his eyebrows furrowed. “Sebastian, what is all of this? Why are you speaking to me like that, and why are you dressed like an enforcer?”

  “Because I am an enforcer,” Bass answered coldly.

  “I waited up for you last night. I wanted to talk with you, but I must have fallen asleep. When I woke up this morning you were already gone. But it looked like you hadn’t even slept in our bed. What’s going on?” Storm asked.

  “That’s because I didn’t sleep in your bed, Leader Winthrope,” Bass answered coldly.

  “Where did you sleep? And why are you calling me that?” Storm started to get angry.

  “Because that is your proper title. And where I slept…Sir, is none of your concern,” Bass stated coldly.

  “Like hell it isn’t!” Storm yelled. “You’re my mate. I have every right to know where you slept.”

  “Not anymore,” Bass mumbled and looked away.

  “What do you mean not anymore? Of course I want to know where you sleep,” Storm asked in shock.

  Bass looked Storm in the eye then. “Not anymore.” Bass growled. “I have never properly claimed you, have I?” Storm flinched back as if he had been punched in the face. His eyes bulged and his jaw dropped. “I did a little checking with the council this morning, and found that even though you claimed me, I can still refuse our mating because I haven’t claimed you to my wolf standards. So no, you don’t have a right to know where I sleep anymore.”

  Storms face softened and he reached up to cup Bass’s face, but Bass stepped back and his wolf snarled. Storm pulled his hand away. “Is that what all this is about, my love? You’re angry because you haven’t had the chance to take me yet?” Storm whispered and gave Bass a sultry look.

  “No. I don’t care anymore. Our mating is false, it’s a sham. I checked with the council, and because I never claimed you under wolf law, I can break your claim on me. So I br…”

  “Stop!” Both Storm and Seth yelled, stopping Bass. “Don’t do that, Sebastian. Don’t break our mating bond. I’m sorry, Beauty. I’m sorry I lied to you. I was just trying to get you to rest and then I was going to talk to you, tell you that I wasn’t honest about that place. That’s it, Beauty. Surely that’s not worth breaking our bond?” Storm pleaded.

  Bass felt the fight going out of him, but his wolf reminded him of what they saw in Storm the previous night. “You don’t even know I moved out of your room last night do you?” Bass asked softly and Storm blinked in surprise at his words. “Just proves that we shouldn’t be together. You had no idea I moved into a different room last night. I always blindly believed that Fate never made a mistake, but know I know I was wrong. She made a huge mistake this time,” Bass said calmly, then turned and walked out.

  Storm stood there frozen in shock. He moved out of our room? And I didn’t even see it? Bass was right, what the hell kind of mate am I? I have to make this up to him. I have to get my Beauty back. I can’t live without him. Doesn’t he know how much I love him? At least he didn’t break the bond. Does he know, that if he had, it would have been a death sentence for me? It was just a small lie. A small lie to get him to rest. I don’t understand.

  Seth cleared his throat. “Storm, I hate to interrupt you but Alpha Angel is on the phone and he doesn’t sound happy.” Storm never even heard Seth. He just walked out of the room in shock. Seth looked at his mate and Nicco. “What do I do?”

  Nicco stood up and walked over to Seth. “I’ll talk to Micah. Why don’t you go tuck your mate in and then see if you can help Storm.” Nicco took the phone from Seth and waited until he and Sky left the room. He gave Alex a pained look, then put the phone to his ear. “Hey, Micah.”

  “I woke up with this horrible feeling that one of you were in a lot of pain. Tell me you’re all okay.”

  “We’re good, Micah. Nobody is hurt,” Nicco said, shooting Alex a worried look.

  “No, I can feel it. It’s a deep pain, and a lot of it. It’s almost choking. I don’t know how I know, but I do. Where’s Bass? It’s him. It’s coming from him.”

  Nicco sighed and explained everything he knew.

  * * * *

  Bass spent the d
ay snooping around the vineyard. His wolf was on edge all day. They could feel the evil seeping through the ground so much that Bass didn’t know how the vines weren’t dead. He felt sorrow and pain. He even thought he smelled Gabriel again, but he couldn’t find anything. He finally gave up his search and returned to Storm’s. He would grab something quick to eat. By then Nicco, Alex, and Sky should be up and ready to go.

  Bass stepped into the dining room and Storm was there sitting at the table. It was set up for two. There were candles and flowers on the table, and Storm was dressed in charcoal gray slacks and a black button down, his hair tied back at the nape. He stood up and smiled softly at Bass. Gods he looks good enough to eat. I just want to lick him all over. No, no, don’t think like that. He’s a lying bastard who doesn’t deserve you. Bass chastised himself, then walked over to the table. He didn’t look at Storm and he didn’t sit down. He picked up the lid that was covering his plate and found all his favorite foods. A nice big, fat, juicy T-bone, cooked rare, baked potato with cream cheese and chives, with a side of asparagus, drizzled with hollandaise sauce.

  “I figured you would be famished when you returned. You never came home for lunch. I…” Storm said as he slowly took a step closer to Bass. But Bass cut him off. “I’m not hungry,” Bass said and returned the lid to the plate. He turned to leave and stopped when he saw Gabriel and Taylor standing in the doorway. A huge smile crossed his face and he almost ran to his best friend. Gabriel opened his arms as Bass reached him, he embraced his best friend tightly as Bass threw himself into Gabriel’s loving embrace. They stood there holding onto each other when they heard a growl coming from Storm. Gabriel went to pull back, but Bass held him tighter. “Ignore that. It has no right to object to anything I do.”

  Bass’s words made Gabriel flinch in surprise. He pulled back, without releasing Bass, to look at his friend. “What’s wrong, Sebastian?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. I’m so damn happy to see you,” Bass said and released Gabriel. He stepped back and looked at Taylor with a wide smile. Bass stepped in front of Taylor and put his hands on his arms. “And look at you, gorgeous. You look fierce,” Bass said and wrapped his arms around Taylor.

  Taylor hugged him back. “You sweet talker you. I missed you and your fine ass,” Taylor said and grabbed a handful of Bass’s ass and squeezed. The sound of two growls were heard this time. Taylor looked at Gabriel and stuck out his tongue, then winked. Gabriel smiled at his mate’s antics and shook his head.

  “I don’t know who you people are, but if you don’t get your hands off my mate’s ass, I will rip you apart.” Storm growled, stepping closer. Gabriel’s chest puffed out as he moved in front of Storm and started growling. Taylor stepped back from Bass and placed a hand on Gabriel’s arm. Gabe stopped growling but didn’t back down.

  “Calm down, man of mine. He’s only trying to piss on what he thinks is his property. He’s wrong of course. But who could blame him? Bass, you sexy beast. You look hot as hell. You lost too much weight though. Don’t they feed you here?” Taylor asked. Bass threw his head back and laughed.

  “Gods, I missed you, pipsqueak. And talking about sexy, look at you. You are even hotter than the last time I saw you” Bass said and hugged Taylor again.

  “Well, considering the last time you saw me I was on my death bed, I’ll have to agree with your assessment.”

  “Okay you two, knock it off. Your teasing is causing Bass’s mate stress,” Jesse said as he walked up to them. Bass’s head snapped in Jesse’s direction so fast, he almost got whiplash.

  Bass grabbed Jesse and hugged him tight. “I missed you so much, Alpha mate,” Bass whispered in Jess’s ear. Bass pulled back and smiled at Jesse. “How did you talk your mate into letting you out of his sight?”

  “As if,” Jesse huffed and rolled his eyes.

  Bass’s eyes opened in shock. “He’s here? Where is he?” Bass asked.

  “We ran into Nicco on the way in and he stopped to get an update on the rogue situation,” Jesse explained.

  “I’m guessing these are your friends from your old pack?” Storm said through clenched teeth.

  Bass ignored Storm’s question and spoke to Jesse. “So, the big lug let you out huh?”

  “The big lug is right here, pup,” Micah said as he walked into the room with Nicco and Sky.

  Bass snorted. “Pup? As if. I’m not that far behind you,” Bass smiled at Micah. He stepped closer and went to hug Micah. Micah stopped him and just stared at Bass, studying him. After a few moments, Micah stepped up to Bass and his face and eyes softened. He wrapped his arms around Bass, drawing him into a big hug. Bass’s arms went around his Alpha. He took in a deep breath, drawing his Alpha scent into him. His Alpha’s scent worked to calm the pack, and it was just what Bass needed. Micah pulled back, but kept his hands on Bass’s shoulders. “You are in a lot of turmoil, and pain, brother. And you’ve lost too much weight. Tell your Alpha what’s going on.”

  “You are no longer his Alpha, Micah. He belongs to my pride now. He is Alpha mate here,” Storm stated in annoyance.

  “I am not Alpha mate here or anywhere else,” Bass turned and snapped at Storm. Everyone flinched in surprise at the level of anger that came out of Bass. “I have no mate. I bra…” Micah covered Bass’s mouth, stopping his words. Bass’s eyes went wide as he looked at Micah.

  “Don’t say those words, Bass, you won’t be able to take them back. I don’t know what the hell is going on here, but I do know that if you utter the words, that I think you were about to, then Storm will die.” Bass’s eyes went wide in shock. Micah pulled his hand from Bass’s mouth.

  Bass thought about it for a minute, then his expression changed to one so cold, you could almost feel the temperature drop in the room. He looked Micah right in the eyes with his cold, emotionless eyes. “For the pride’s sake I won’t speak those words.” Everyone relaxed. “For now,” Bass said and then stepped away from Micah.

  Micah sighed. “What’s going on here, Bass?”

  “I am in the middle of searching for Storm’s other mate. He’s close by, I can feel it. But I have been unable to find him. I have narrowed it down to one vineyard, but every time I go out there, I can’t find anything. I was waiting on Nicco, Alex, and Sky to help me search again tonight.”

  “That’s not exactly what I meant, Bass.” Micah said.

  “Storm’s other mate? Isn’t he your other mate, too, Bass?” Jesse asked, stepping up next to Micah.

  “No,” Bass said with no emotion. “I have no mates,” Bass said then turned to Nicco and Sky. “Are we ready to go?”

  Nicco and Sky both raised their eyebrows at the way Bass dismissed Jesse. No one does that to the Alpha mate and lives. Everyone looked at Bass in confusion. He was crazy about Jesse, and extremely protective of him since he was attacked by Thomas months ago. Taylor walked up to Bass and put a hand on his arm. Bass snapped his head in Taylor’s direction. His eyes were cold, emotionless pits that made Taylor shiver. “Hey buddy, Nicco and Sky just woke up and you’ve been out all day searching right?” Taylor asked and waited for Bass to give him a nod. “How about we let them get a bite.” Taylor giggled at his own words and wiggled his eyebrows at Bass. It seemed to work, Bass relaxed and light came back into his eyes. He smiled at Taylor. “There you are,” Taylor said rubbing his hand up and down Bass’s arm in comfort. “How about…” Taylor started to say and walked over to the table, lifting the cover from Bass’s plate. “We take your delicious plate here, and you, me, and Jesse go into another room so you can eat this in peace. You can tell us all about Napa, and the big, bad leaders here can assess each other, puff out their chest, speak like cavemen, and sniff each other’s butt’s,” Taylor said, holding Bass’s plate in one hand and his utensils in the other. Bass smiled and let out a small laugh as he shook his head at Taylor’s antics. “See, you know you want to. Look, it’s all your favorites,” Taylor paused and then his eyes narrowed and he looked over his shoulder at Storm. Taylor’s face tu
rned sour. He put the plate and utensils down again and moved to stand in front of Bass. He looked deep into Bass’s eyes, studying him, and then he froze as his eyes went wide and his jaw dropped open. “Oh Bass, no. You can’t leave and go off to a new pack. If you don’t want to be here, then come home. Come back to your family. We’re always here for you,” Taylor said gently to Bass and rubbed his arm.

  “Leave? What do you mean leave?” Storm said angrily.

  “Hush you. You’re in enough hot water. Don’t make it worse by opening your mouth and vomiting more crap. You just stand over there and look pretty, okay,” Taylor said angrily to Storm. Storm was stunned that someone had spoken to him that way. Micah raised his eyebrows in amusement and Gabriel smirked at his mate. Taylor picked up Bass’s plate and utensils again. “Jesse, grab that bottle of wine and three glasses will you? We need to go have a pow-wow with Bass,” Taylor said and nudged Bass in the shoulder with his elbow. Taylor started walking out of the room with Bass beside him. Jesse grabbed the bottle and glasses and followed.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Storm finally recovered from his shock.

  “That’s what I’d like to know,” Micah said.

  Then they heard a yell from the hallway. “He did what! Oh hell no, I’ll kill him,” Jesse yelled and came running back in and rushed to attack Storm. Micah grabbed Jesse around the waist and held him back. Jesse was flailing and wiggling, trying to get out of Micah’s arms. He was furious. “Hold on there, slugger.” Micah laughed.


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