Dividing Line

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Dividing Line Page 5

by Heather Atkinson

  “Would you like something to drink?” Rachel asks them.

  “Coffee would be great love,” says Frank.

  “I'll have a coffee as well thanks,” says Alex courteously.

  Rachel nods and goes into the kitchen. During Danny's stay in hospital she's got to understand Frank quite well. She knows full well he isn't bothered about the coffee, he just wants to talk with Danny in private and that's fine by her. She knows if there is any chance of this relationship surviving then there are some things she can't know.

  “We've got Jamie Law,” says Alex excitedly, eyes gleaming. “We're holding him at the compound.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Isn't it obvious? We've got to send a message that no one messes with us. We can't show any weakness.”

  Danny knows his brother is right.

  “Do you want to do it? It'd make you feel better,” offers Alex.

  “I don't think I'm up to it yet,” he replies, indicating his stomach wound. “You do it. Enjoy yourself.”

  Alex smiles predatorily and Danny knows he probably will. He loves his brother, he has always looked out for him and vice versa, but he is a sadistic bastard.

  “Superintendent Jarvis paid me a visit,” says Danny, wanting to change the subject.

  “What did that smug git want?“ scowls Frank, bushy eyebrows meeting.

  “He said he wanted to find who stabbed me but in reality he just wanted to wind me up. I told him to get stuffed.”

  “Good lad. He's had a hard-on for our family for years. He's only got a few years left before he's due for retirement and he'd love to take us down before he goes. We'd be the jewel in his crown. We have to move carefully.” He looks at Alex. “Absolutely no trace is to be left when you dispose of Jamie. I don't want anything for Jarvis to find that could link us to it but make sure everyone knows it was us, alright?”

  Alex nods in understanding at this confusing order.

  Superintendent Jarvis stands looking down at Jamie Law's body in the morgue, which had been dumped in the canal. He'd been severely tortured then beaten beyond all recognition, every bone in his body shattered. His face had been hacked off leaving a bloody mess - the Maguire calling card. They’d had to use fingerprints to identify him. Jarvis is going to put the minimum of effort into catching the killers legally as there will be retaliation for this and he hopes the next time he comes here he will be looking at one of the Maguires. The thought cheers him immensely.

  Danny and Rachel walk into The Wherry Tavern holding hands. It’s busy and everyone stops and cheers, glad to see Danny back on his feet, his wound practically healed. They slap him on the back, shake his hand and offer to buy him drinks. They all know Jamie Law's death was in retaliation for the attack on Danny but none of them are stupid enough to mention it. Rachel is introduced to Alex's girlfriend, Cathy. She's a pretty petite blond with a big mouth and a small brain. Rachel takes an instant dislike to her and the feeling seems mutual. It’s jealousy on Cathy's part for Danny so obviously adores Rachel and Alex barely pays Cathy any attention because he’s embarrassed by her stupidity. The only reason he hasn't dumped her already is because she's so good in the sack.

  “This is my cousin and best mate, Jake,” introduces Danny. She recognises Jake as the man Danny was talking to at the party the night they met.

  “Alright,” says Jake thinly.

  “Nice to meet you,” smiles Rachel. Jake smiles back but she notices it doesn’t reach his eyes and she gets the impression he doesn’t like her.

  From outside there comes the sound of drunken shouting. No one really pays any attention apart from Joe, who pops his head out the door. He quickly ducks back inside as a bottle smashes against the wall next to him. He slams the door shut and bolts it and everyone looks at him questioningly.

  “It's the Laws,“ he yells, embarrassed at how high pitched his voice sounds.

  “How many?” says Danny calmly.

  “About seven of them,” Joe replies, trying to make his voice sound deeper but failing miserably. “Jamie's brother Simmy and some of his cousins.”

  “It was Jamie's funeral today,” says Alex solemnly.

  The slurred voices from outside drift in loud and clear. “We know you're in there Danny, you and your psycho brother. Come out you murdering bastards.”

  “They're pissed out of their heads,” says Jake unnecessarily.

  There comes the sound of bottles smashing against the walls. One hits a window and almost puts it through.

  “Come out and face me you fucking cowards,” roars Simmy.

  Danny and Alex look at each other, nod and make a move for the door but Rachel grabs Danny's hand and looks at him with pleading eyes, begging him not to go out there.

  “I'll be right back,” he whispers and kisses her cheek.

  Rachel knows nothing she can do will stop him, so she’s forced to watch him go.

  Danny and Alex, followed by Jake and a few other men, come face to face with the Law Family. It's obvious they've been drinking heavily as they’re all red faced and swaying.

  Simmy's face turns purple when the Maguire brothers emerge.

  “I buried my little brother today,” he shrieks at them. “You lot beat him to death. There was nothing left of his face so we had to have a closed coffin.”

  “Don't act self righteous Simmy,” replies Alex. “He'd still be alive if you hadn't sent him to try and kill Danny.”

  Simmy draws a knife and points it at Danny. “I'm here to finish the job.”

  Danny rolls his eyes. “Go home. You're making a prat of yourself.”

  “You're going to understand what it's like to lose a brother Alex because I'm going to fucking take yours,” he yells, tears in his eyes.

  Alex's face turns expressionless and mask-like, a sign that he is at his most dangerous. “You go near any member of my family again and I'll hunt you down and rip your insides out. Then I'll go after every one of yours and cut their throats. Jamie had it coming and if you try and retaliate then I'll wipe out the fucking lot of you.”

  Simmy is momentarily stunned by his savagery and struggles to come up with a reply through his alcohol and drug-induced haze. Deciding actions speaks louder than words he hurls himself at Alex, who knocks him to the ground with one punch. One of Simmy's many cousins makes a move on Danny but he hits him in the stomach then kicks him in the face. The brothers stand over the two figures writhing in pain.

  “Go home while you still can,” says Danny quietly, his voice full of menace.

  The rest of the Montford crew haul Simmy and his cousin to their feet and run off while Alex, Danny and the rest go back inside the pub.

  Superintendent Jarvis watches at a distance with a smile.

  Gillian Thomas polishes the mantelpiece for the seventh time that day and her husband Rick rolls his eyes. Her incessant cleaning drives him mad at the best of times but when she’s nervous it escalates into warp speed. However he can't blame her, not today. He’s nervous as hell too. Rachel is finally bringing her fiancé to meet them and to their chagrin it’s Danny Maguire. Rick still can't believe his daughter has hooked up with one of that lot. The Maguires aren't just dangerous, they’re ferocious. At least she hadn't fallen for the older brother. He’s so wild he’s almost feral, judging by the stories he's heard but he knows his Rachel can look after herself. She's calmed down a lot now but when she was younger Christ she'd got into some fights. The number of times he'd had to go down to the local nick to bail her out. She'd narrowly avoided doing some time as well but one thing he will say for her - and which he is secretly proud of - is she always comes out on top. No one has managed to best her in a physical fight yet but that was a few years ago. She got herself sorted, went to college and now she’s a nurse, paying her penance by helping people after all those she‘d hurt. He just wishes he'd managed to get her off that estate. When he and Gillian had moved to this quiet suburb they'd wanted Rachel to come along too but she'd wanted to stay beca
use it was close to the hospital. He had hoped she would find herself a wealthy doctor but instead she’s bringing home a gangster's son. Still, it’s a step up from Steve but that’s no big compliment. Ted Bundy would have been a step up from him.

  Gillian peers through the net curtains and squeals. “They're here.”

  Rick is almost relieved. The tension was becoming unbearable.

  Simmy sits in his dirty, dingy flat on the Montford Estate seething, a large bruise covering his cheek from Alex’s fist. Those bastard Maguires have humiliated him and his family once too often and now it’s time for some serious pay back. He’s been drinking and snorting lines all day but rather than dull the pain the drugs have only served to intensify it.

  He is determined to have his revenge but he doesn't want to go after Frank or his sons directly. That has been tried and he doesn't want to end up like his brother. Conveniently he’s forgotten that he tried to have Danny killed in the first place, wanting to get him back for pepper spraying his boys. So he decides on someone close to them, someone it will hurt them to lose, just like he is hurting. Thanks to his new found friend he knows who that person is and where to find them. He grins maniacally, caressing the blade of his machete.

  Despite their misgivings Gillian and Rick find themselves warming to Danny Maguire. He is polite, chatty, well dressed and obviously adores Rachel. They'd been expecting a foul mouthed yob covered in bling who treated their daughter like dirt and the fact that he isn't throws them. He is just Rachel's type - tall, dark and handsome with a nice smile, a combination that won Gillian over the moment he stepped through the door. They soon forget he is a member of the infamous Maguire clan.

  “We've set a date,” smiles Rachel. “The seventh of July.”

  Gillian is glad to see the happiness shining in her daughter's eyes.

  “But that's only two months off. Are you sure you're not rushing into anything?“ says Rick.

  “I understand your concerns Mr Thomas,” begins Danny, “but I love your daughter. I have from the moment I saw her and I knew straight away she was the woman I would marry. I realise I'm probably not your first choice as a husband for her but I will never hurt her and I swear I will always look after her.”

  Rachel looks deeply touched and tears shine in Gillian’s eyes.

  Rick is impressed. He shakes Danny's hand. “Well, what can I say except good luck.”

  Rachel is relieved and sinks back into the sofa. She knows her parents have accepted him and that had been her main concern.

  “Have you found a venue?” says Gillian.

  “The Country Club,” replies Rachel.

  Gillian's eyes light up and she claps her hands excitedly. Whenever she’s pictured her daughter's wedding she's imagined it at the country club however she never really believed it would happen, it had just been a fantasy, which is now coming true. Never again will she hear a word against Danny Maguire.

  “Frank will you please stop fannying about like an old woman? You're getting on my tits,” huffs Martina.

  Danny and Rachel hide their smiles at Frank's crestfallen expression. Martina has been out of hospital a day and Frank is ecstatic to have her back. However all his fussing is starting to get a bit wearing.

  “I've told you there's nothing wrong with me. It's just hyp...hyper...hy…” Martina looks to Rachel for clarification. “What is it I've got?”


  “That's the one. Low blood sugar, that's all. So remember that Frank Maguire. I'm not dying you know.”

  The way Martina dominates her huge husband never ceases to amaze Rachel. It is also very entertaining to watch.

  “Now, no offence everyone,” continues Martina, addressing the entire room, “but if you don't mind all I want is some peace and quiet. I appreciate you all coming I really do but please, bugger off.”

  It is said with such good humour that it’s impossible to take offence. It’s just Martina's way. She frowns at Frank. “You too.”

  “Bloody hell you are one stubborn mare,” he smiles, kissing the top of her head.

  They all file out.

  “Rachel,” calls Martina. “Can I have a word?”

  “I'll wait outside,” says Danny.

  “Thanks love,” Martina calls after him.

  Martina indicates for Rachel to sit beside her on the couch. “We've not had much chance to talk yet, what with me being in hospital,” begins Martina.

  “Okay, what would you like to know?”

  “How are the wedding arrangements going?”

  “Great,” replies Rachel, her enthusiasm obvious. “We've got the church booked.”

  “St Joseph's?”

  Rachel nods affirmatively and Martina beams. Although she isn't a religious woman that church has played host to every family wedding, christening and funeral for many years and it is important to her that her children continue the tradition. Rachel is aware of this and is more than happy to accomodate.

  “And the country club for the reception,” ends Rachel.

  Martina nods approvingly. “I'd like to help out, if there's anything I can do.”

  “Well we've got the flowers and the cake sorted, booked the caterers and the honeymoon, picked the menu and got the party favours.”

  “Blimey you don't hang about, do you?" Martina looks downcast. “So you don't need me then?”

  Rachel smiles. “I haven't picked my dress yet.”

  Martina looks at her hopefully.

  “I'm going shopping on Saturday for it with Mum and Beth. I'd really like it if you came along too, if you're feeling up to it of course. We can have some lunch, make a day of it. It'll be fun. Plus it'll give you a chance to get to know my mum.”

  Martina is very pleased and gives Rachel's hand a gentle squeeze. “I'd love to. Thank you.” She leans back in her seat and spies Danny through the window looking at his watch. “You'd better get going. He's getting impatient.”

  Rachel nods and gets to her feet. As she reaches the door Martina calls after her: “oh Rachel?”


  “I'm glad you're marrying into my family.”

  The two women exchange warm smiles. “Me too.”

  It's beginning to get dark outside, the drizzle visible beneath the street lamps and Rachel hurries across the hospital car park. It's been a long shift and she’s tired and aching.

  She pulls the keys for her brand new Audi out of her bag. Danny had bought it for her because he didn't want her getting the bus late at night. She still can't believe she owns a car. She's had her licence for a few years but has never been able to afford to buy a car, never mind run one. Danny pays for the tax and insurance so she doesn't need to worry about a thing. Her stomach still flutters when she thinks of him, even though they've been together eight months now and she knows he will always have that effect on her.

  Just as she reaches her car a figure steps out of the shadows.

  “Hello Rachel.”

  She jumps and almost drops her keys. The figure is a tall slender man with light brown hair and hazel eyes. He would have been handsome once but his features are marred by a large triangular burn running diagonally from his right eye to his lower left jaw. He smiles with scarred twisted lips, giving him a diabolical appearance. Rachel looks horrified and takes a step back.

  “Steve,” she gasps.

  “Its been a while. You look good.”

  “Wish I could say the same. What do you want?”

  “Just to offer my congratulations. I hear you're getting married.”

  “What about it?”

  “To a Maguire as well. You really are going up in the world. Nice car,” he says, eyeing the Audi. “Buy you that did he?”

  Rachel nods.

  “Things are looking up for you Rach. I wonder if Danny boy would still think so much of you if you had a face like this?” he says, the bizarre smile disappearing. “While everything's on the up for you I've gone through hours of painful reconstructive surgery
and the best they could get was this,” he yells, indicating his ravaged face. “I lost my job and my flat and who would want to shag an ugly bastard like me? You ruined my fucking life.”

  Rachel is outraged. “You ruined your own life. For two years you tried to control me, bully me and when I'd finally had enough you tried to strangle me. You deserve everything you get. I was only protecting myself. Why do you think the police didn't take it any further? You want someone to blame, blame yourself.”

  He looks furious and makes a move towards her but she pulls the stun gun out of her bag - another thing she is grateful to Danny for - and points it at Steve's crotch.

  “Take one more step and you'll need bollock surgery too.”

  He backs away from her slowly.

  “You're going to suffer as I've suffered Rachel. You're going to fucking pay for what you did to me.”

  Hastily she climbs into the car, slams the door shut and locks it. He watches as she speeds off, a smirk on his ruined face.

  When Rachel gets home she finds Danny in the kitchen cooking, the scent of roast chicken on the air. Although Rachel is competent in the kitchen Danny loves to cook and he’s always experimenting. Rachel had been ravenous earlier but her encounter with Steve has killed her appetite.

  “Hi Babe,” he smiles. “Hope you're hungry. It's almost ready.”

  She is so glad to see him she drops her bag on the floor and hugs him tightly. He hugs her back, sensing something is wrong.

  “I'm not hungry,” she says into his shoulder.

  “What's happened? Have the Montford lot haven't been bothering you?”

  “No. It's Steve, my ex, the one I hit in the face with an iron. He was waiting for me outside work tonight.”

  Danny is furious. “He what?

  “He wants revenge for what I did to his face. It's a real mess. He says I ruined his life.”

  Danny goes rigid with rage. “The fucking cheek. I'll kill him.”

  He makes a move for the door but Rachel grabs his arm.


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