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Root of All Evil

Page 28

by Hayden, Jennifer

  “Where’s my money?”

  “I told you before I don’t know.”

  Louis yanked harder, this time eliciting a scream from her. Pain shot through her head as she felt hair tear from her scalp. “Don’t lie to me.”

  “I’m not lying.”

  “Kate, just tell him,” Michelle said quietly. “I know Mom and Dad came into money. She all but told me. She and Dad were making big plans with it. Too big of plans to lend me any. I called asking for help you know. My kids were nearly starving. Mom and Dad refused to help me. They claimed somehow you were involved and it wasn’t their decision to make.”

  Kate’s eyes locked with her sister’s. “How could you do this?”

  Michelle sucked in some smoke, avoiding Kate’s gaze. “I just wanted my share. You didn’t need it. You already had everything. The perfect husband, the perfect house, the perfect child.”

  Louis yanked Kate’s hair again. “Where’s the fucking money!”

  “It’s in a bank in Seattle!” she finally yelled back. “I didn’t even know about it until you took Hallie. That’s when I looked through their things and found the key to the safe deposit box it was stored in. It was Grandma’s money, not Mom and Dad’s. She left it to me in her will and they never told me about it. They were trying to steal it for themselves. You held me all that time for nothing.”

  Louis let her go, shoving her roughly to the floor again. “What bank?”

  Kate didn’t answer and Louis stepped toward her, his booted foot nailing her in the back. She wrapped her arms around herself, determined to protect her unborn child. Instead of kicking her a second time, he reached over and grabbed her by the hair again. He hauled her upright and his eyes glared into hers. “Tell me where the fucking money is, Kate, or I will kill your daughter—and I won’t be kind about it. She’ll suffer for your disobedience.”

  Kate’s heart broke down the middle. She felt the tears on her face and a little more of her dignity died. “Savings and Loan of Seattle,” she finally said. “But you’ll never get out of here alive.”

  Louis snorted. “Don’t you worry about that. How do I know you’re telling the truth?”

  “You don’t,” she said, her eyes never leaving his. He backhanded her across the face and she flew to the floor again, managing to catch herself before her head hit the leg of the couch. She sat up, her hand swiping at the blood that was now pouring from her lip.

  “He doesn’t have your daughter,” Joey said, his voice low.

  Kate turned her head and looked at her nephew. He was watching her carefully.

  “You had better shut the hell up, boy!”

  “I took her from the car outside. She was sleeping and I knew he stole her. She’s in the woods with the other kids. The police have probably found them by now. If not, they will soon.”

  Kate felt such a feeling of relief she almost staggered. Her baby was safe.

  “It doesn’t matter anyway because you’re never going to see her again,” Louis said angrily. He grabbed Kate and pulled her up, shoving her down on the couch next to Joey, then turned to Michelle. “Pack a bag. Just enough for you and me.”

  Michelle set her cigarette down, but didn’t move. “Why?”

  “What do you mean, why?” He glared at her, still holding his weapon toward the couch. “For once, do as I fucking say!”

  Kate watched as Michelle’s eyes darkened. “What about the kids?”

  “What about them? I told you I never wanted the little bastards to begin with. That was your thing. How many times do I have to remind you of that?”

  “I’m not leaving my kids.” Michelle stared up at her husband, her eyes narrowed. “I never planned to leave my kids behind.”

  Louis’s temper flared and he reached for her, grabbing her by the neck. Kate felt Joey tense and knew this wasn’t the first time he’d witnessed behavior like this.

  “You do as I say or I’ll kill your little bastard right here, right now! Do you get me?”

  Kate watched her sister’s eyes begin to bug out as she struggled for oxygen. Her hands reached up and pried at Louis’s thick fingers, not strong enough to loosen them up. Louis suddenly let her go, shoving her roughly toward the hallway. “Go fucking pack.”

  Michelle grasped her neck, still fighting for breath. She looked at her son, her eyes softening, and for just a fleeting moment Kate felt sorry for her. Clearly, in her own way, she loved her son. Unfortunately that love was coming a little too late.

  When Michelle had disappeared down the hallway, Louis turned to Joey. “Get up and come here.”

  “Don’t,” Kate said, reaching over and grasping Joey’s arm. She tried to pull him toward her but Louis pointed the gun at her, his eyes on fire.

  “You stay out of this. Come here, boy.” He stepped toward Joey and yanked him up by his T-shirt. Then he shoved him roughly to the floor, the gun poised at the child’s back.

  “You should never have turned on me, kid. I thought you knew better. Now you’re a problem. Unfortunately I only know of one way to take care of problems like you.”


  Kate didn’t think, she just acted. She flung herself at Louis’s back, grabbing him roughly around the neck and squeezing as tightly as she could. Louis whirled around, carrying her on his back. In that instant, he came face to face with the barrel of Michelle’s gun. “Get off of him, Kate.”

  Hearing the anger in Michelle’s voice, Kate let go, dropping to the floor abruptly. She watched as her sister stepped closer to Louis, her eyes filled with hatred and revulsion.

  “Joey, go outside. Now.”

  “You move, boy, and your mom’s dead.”

  Joey quickly stood up but didn’t move toward the door. He looked at his mother, his eyes filled with pain and confusion.

  “I’ll be fine, baby. Just go. Now!”

  This time Joey listened, carefully backing toward the front door. The phone began to ring and Michelle motioned for him to stop.

  “Answer it, Joe. Tell them you’re coming out and not to shoot. Do you hear me?” Michelle’s eyes didn’t waver from Louis’s.

  Joey did as he was told, picking up the phone and talking only briefly. He set the receiver back down and headed for the front door, hesitating once he had his hand on the knob.

  “Go, Joey,” Kate said softly. “I’ll make sure your mom is okay.”

  Joey met her gaze for a split second before turning the knob and pulling the door open. He disappeared outside, shutting the door behind him with an ominous click.

  “Give your gun to Kate.”

  “You crazy bitch,” Louis scoffed. “You don’t even know how to shoot that thing.”

  Michelle aimed the gun above Louis’s shoulder and pulled the trigger. Kate ducked, narrowly escaping the bullet as it flew by her head. It lodged itself firmly in the living room wall.

  “Are you out of your fucking mind?” he demanded, still clenching his own gun tightly. “What about our money? What the hell are you doing?”

  “It was never our money, Louis. That’s where this whole thing went wrong. It was my money. My family, my grandmother, my sister, therefore my money. You never seem to understand that, do you?”

  “Go to hell, you crazy bitch!”

  “Not without you. Give your gun to Kate.”

  “I don’t think so.” He lifted the gun and fired so quickly that even Kate was caught off guard. She watched her sister’s eyes grow wide as she stumbled backward. At that moment, all hell broke loose. The front door burst open and the room was filled with police officers. Louis took off for the back door and the deputies took off after him.

  Kate crawled over to where her sister lay bleeding. The bullet had entered through her shoulder. Grabbing a blanket from the couch, Kate put pressure to the wound. Michelle’s eyes flickered open and she met Kate’s gaze.

  “Why are you helping me?”

  Kate wasn’t sure she even knew the answer to that question. Michelle had nearly taken her
life. Not only that, she’d nearly killed Luke and Hallie. Then there were their parents, selfish and greedy, but yet undeserving of their fate. “I don’t know,” she said. “I guess because your son loves you.”

  Michelle stiffened, letting out a deep breath. “I’ve messed up his life. And the others…” Her voice broke off. “God, Kate. I just wanted to give them a better life. I never meant for Mom and Dad to die. I never meant for Hallie to get hurt either.”

  “Only me?” Kate asked, her eyes narrowing. Michelle didn’t answer. Kate stood up as the paramedics rushed into the room and set a stretcher down next to Michelle. Her sister would pay the price for her greed. She would also have her own private hell that lived inside her head to deal with. For now, that was enough for Kate. She turned and walked to the front door.

  Luke looked up, his hands still cuffed. He saw Kate as she came through the front door. She was alive. He silently thanked God. The gunshots they’d heard earlier had scared him half to death. He’d thought of all the time they’d lost while she’d been held captive. He thought of the short time they’d had together, once she’d come home. He thought of their unborn child and the fact that he may never hold that child in his arms. Anguish had taken over and for the past few moments he’d been grief stricken, locked in the back of a police cruiser, helpless.

  Now relief flowed through him and he looked over at Carter.

  “Take the cuffs off,” Carter said to one of his deputies, who quickly complied.

  Once he was free, Luke walked toward her, his relief turning to rage. She was bloody again. She was beaten and bloody and Louis had done it. When she was nearly in front of him, she stopped walking, her brown eyes looking up into his solemnly. “Hallie?”

  He shook his head carefully. “They haven’t found her yet.”

  She crumbled then and he managed to catch her, his arms folding around her tightly. “They’re searching the woods right now. Joey told them she’s with the other kids. That they’re hiding. She’s going to be okay, Kate.”

  She backed away from him, looking up into his face.

  “You’re bleeding. He hurt you again.” Anger overtook him. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  He looked her over, not sure whether to believe her or not.

  At that moment, the front doorway of the house filled with police officers and they weren’t alone. Cuffed and dragged along behind them, Louis Ferndale stepped out into the daylight. Before Luke could even think straight, rage took over his body again. A rage like nothing he had ever felt before. Stepping around Kate, he lunged for Louis, plowing through a group of police officers and reaching the front porch in record time. He had his hands on Louis’s throat before anyone could stop him. He had never thought himself capable of murder before that moment, but right then he wanted to see all life leave the bastard’s eyes. Years of pent up anger came roaring out of him and he just kept squeezing. He thought of Kate and Hallie—of Sara. Fury ate away at him and he couldn’t control it anymore.

  Several policemen grabbed him by the arms and pulled him back, finally managing to get his hands off of Louis’s neck.

  “Get him out of here,” Carter said to his deputies, indicating Louis, who now had a smirk on his face. Carter held Luke back momentarily, and then gave him a shove in the opposite direction, once Louis had been led away in handcuffs.

  Out of breath, Luke lost it. Emotions he hadn’t even known he had came rushing out of him and dropped him to his knees. He knew Kate was there a moment later because he felt her arms go around him. After three years of hell, he finally unraveled. He could feel the tears running down his face and he wanted to make them stop, but he couldn’t.

  “I should have let him kill the bastard,” Carter said, as he sauntered away.

  “Luke, don’t. It’s going to be okay.” Kate was crying as she held him. He breathed deeply, trying to regain control of himself. Finally, he did. When he looked up, he saw Archer standing a few feet away. In his arms, was Hallie.

  “Daddy!” the little girl shrieked with delight, and kicked her feet to get down from Archer’s embrace. He let her go and Hallie barreled for her father. She launched herself into his arms.

  Luke caught her and wrapped his arms around her tightly. “God, I missed you, Chipmunk.”

  “I missed you too,” she said, burying her head in his neck. Kate stood in the background, longing for her daughter to look at her the way she looked at her father.

  “Daddy?” Hallie said, against his neck. “I lost my Beasley.” She looked up at him, a tear dribbling down her cheek.

  Luke smiled at her as he stood up. He was so happy that she was in his arms, he would have bought her the world. “I’ll get you another one, baby.”

  “I don’t want another one. I want my Beasley.”

  Archer stepped up to Kate and offered her something. She looked down at the brown monkey he held, then back up into his face. He understood her pain, she realized. And he was giving her what she needed to bond with her daughter. She took the monkey as Luke looked her way. His smile faded when he saw her and obviously noticed the pain in her eyes. He leaned over and kissed Hallie’s cheek, then set her on her feet. She quickly attached herself to his leg.

  “Baby, I think your mom has something that belongs to you.”

  Hallie looked up at Kate curiously. Then she saw Beasley and her face broke into a smile. “Beasley!”

  Kate knelt down and offered the monkey to her little girl, telling herself to be strong. Forcing herself not to let her emotions get the better of her. Her daughter had been through too much emotional turmoil already.

  Hallie let go of Luke and slowly walked over to take Beasley. She hugged the monkey to her, squeezed him tightly. Then she gave Kate a sidelong glance, her big blue eyes full of uncertainty.

  Kate smiled, forcing herself to be at ease. “I missed you, baby.”

  Hallie looked over her shoulder, as if to be certain her father hadn’t gone anywhere. Apparently convinced he was staying put, she turned back to Kate, lifting a tiny finger up and feathering it against her injured lip. “Someone hurt you again.”

  “I’m okay. It’s just a little cut.”

  Hallie seemed to consider this, her bottom lip poking out as though she were thinking intently. “I don’t like that mean man. I don’t want him to hurt you again.”

  “He won’t, baby. He’s going to go to jail, where bad people go. He can’t ever hurt you or Mommy again.”

  “Or Daddy?” the little girl asked.

  “Or Daddy,” Kate promised.

  “Okay,” Hallie said, after a moment of hesitation. Then she climbed into Kate’s lap and stuck her thumb in her mouth. “Can we go home now, Mommy?”

  Kate felt the world spin around her as she held her daughter tightly. Finally, after three long years, she felt as if everything was going to be okay.


  Five months later…

  In the months following Hallie’s kidnapping, things settled nicely into place. Hallie had experienced some separation anxiety where her parents were concerned—Luke particularly. Both Kate and Luke had agreed that some counseling was in order. It would not only help her to deal with the ordeal she’d been through with Louis Ferndale, but also help her to adjust to the new family situation at home. For years, all she’d known was her father. Now—even though she and Kate were getting along nicely—she knew it was hard on Hallie to share the father she’d had to herself for as long as she could remember.

  In almost every way, Hallie was a happy little girl again—playing with Bentley in the backyard and watching her favorite cartoons on television. She’d only mentioned Sara once. At that point, Luke and Kate had both sat down with her and explained that Sara was gone. Though she’d been sad, Hallie had accepted the fact that she wouldn’t be able to see her teacher again.

  Louis Ferndale had been incarcerated and wouldn’t be getting out for the rest of his life. He hadn’t gone to t
rial or been sentenced yet. That would happen all in due time. But Kate was confident that the law would prevail here. And she vowed to do everything in her power to help make sure it did. Along with the murders of Karen McPherson and Sara Hendrickson, he was also going to be charged with the murder of a Canadian businessman, whose body had been found buried behind the apartment house Kate had been held captive in. Louis was still claiming his innocence—blaming his wife for everything that had happened.

  Michelle Quincy had been treated for her gunshot wound and then arrested. As an accomplice to Louis and his reign of terror, she was in deep trouble as well. Her children had at first been placed in foster care. Kate had considered taking them but before she’d gotten the chance, a sister of Louis’s in Canada had come forth and requested temporary custody. The children knew the woman—had spent time with her over the years—so Kate had let them stay put. As long as they were happy and taken care of, that was all that mattered. Wanting to help in some way, she had talked to Nate about using her inheritance to set up a trust for each of Michelle’s children. He had already gotten to work drawing up the paperwork. The money was not something she wanted. It had brought her nothing but unhappiness and pain. This was a way to put her grandmother’s legacy to a good cause. Besides, she and Luke were more than fine on their own. Michelle’s children needed all the help they could get.

  Kate hadn’t spoken to her sister after she’d been released from the hospital and sent to jail. She had no desire to. She knew her sister was facing some fairly serious charges. She was getting what she deserved. If Kate let herself think about things too much, she found herself softening. That’s when she would look at her daughter—at the way Hallie clung to them, afraid to be out of their sight for more than a few minutes. Instantly her heart hardened again and she knew Michelle didn’t deserve sympathy from her.

  Summer had come and gone. Christmas was around the corner. Back at work, Luke’s football team had made quite the debut this season. They were currently number two in their division. Now he had some time off for the holidays and they were spending time decorating and planning for the arrival of their baby. Five months into the pregnancy, they had learned they were having a boy. Luke was ecstatic. He was already talking about coaching his son’s sports teams and taking the little guy fishing. Hallie was excited that she would have a baby brother to play with. This baby was going to have a lot of love in his life, that was for sure.


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