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Seducing the Enemy's Daughter

Page 7

by Jules Bennett

  “Yeah. What are you doing here?”

  He shrugged and stepped in. “I was hoping you’d take me up on the dinner I offered earlier.”

  He turned to face her, looking so GQ in his white T-shirt, dark jeans and black belt and sandals.

  God, she had to look like a madwoman in his eyes. The hair she’d yanked into a ponytail had halfway fallen and her makeup surely had worn off by now.

  “I wish you would’ve rang my room first,” she told him.

  “Had I called, you would’ve found some excuse not to see me.”

  Maybe. “I’m such a mess, Brady. I’ve scrubbed my tub and reorganized my closet. I’m really not at my best.”

  “You look cute to me.” He kissed her forehead and strode into her small yet cozy living area as if they’d not just met a little over a week ago. “Go ahead and finish. I’ll just watch some TV until you’re done cleaning.”

  Defeated and a little pleased that she hadn’t scared him away by her appearance, Sam followed him. “I’ll be right back.”

  He picked up the remote, clicked on the flat-screen television. “I’ll be waiting.”

  Sam rushed into her bathroom and ran a tubful of scalding-hot water to relax her tight muscles. She made sure to shave and wash with her jasmine-scented body wash.

  It may have been a quickie bath, but when a man like Brady showed up at your front door, you had to at least try to look feminine. Freshly shaven legs and some scented lotion would go a long way.

  As she towel dried she wondered why her heart beat like a sixteen-year-old’s. This was a man she’d shared multiple kisses with. A man she was starting to care about and she believed cared for her, too.

  A man who’d made his intentions clear. He wanted her. Bad.

  Brady wasn’t known for his patience, but for Sam he would make an exception. No, for the fact he was going to take the resort out from under her, he’d make the exception.

  He wanted information and he wanted it yesterday.

  But most of all, after that passionate kiss in her office, he wanted his hands on her again. He needed to feel her against him, needed to hear her soft groans.

  Unable to concentrate on any program, Brady turned off the TV and settled back onto the plush, floral sofa. Behind him Sam’s soft footsteps padded from her bedroom, and he smiled. Already her jasmine scent filled the room, making him all the more eager to touch her.

  “Nothing on TV?” she asked as she took a seat beside him.

  “Nothing important.”

  She’d left her hair damp, making the golden blond seem more dark honey. Her face was pink and she’d thrown on a pair of white cotton shorts and a black tank. And he was pretty sure there was no bra considering her nipples were pressing against the cotton.

  “I’ve had a really bad day, so if you want to dine with me, can we just do room service?”

  “Room service is fine.”

  Actually, spending an intimate evening in her suite, on her playing field, was perfect. Being in her own atmosphere would make her more relaxed, more open to share. He hoped.

  Because he couldn’t go another moment without touching her, he placed a hand on her bare thigh. “What do you want?”

  She swallowed, her gaze darted down to his lips. “Anything. I’m starving.”

  That made two of them.

  “I didn’t realize how much I missed seeing you until I was gone,” he told her. And much to his surprise, he wasn’t lying.

  Her hands came up to frame his face, and he was completely lost. Her soft touch aroused him, her trust humbled him, and Brady knew—just knew—he was going to hell for sure.


  Before he could say another word, she pulled him in, capturing his mouth.

  Dear Lord, this woman knew what she wanted. Talk about a complete turn-on.

  Her lips prodded his until he opened, allowing her tongue access. She tasted minty and cool as if she’d just brushed her teeth.

  He ran his hands up her dainty, bare arms, easing down the straps of her tank. With just the tips of his fingers, he glided over the smooth slopes of her breasts, pleased when she arched into him.

  Dipping his hands inside the shirt, he grabbed her bare breasts. Sliding his thumbs over her nipples proved to be satisfying for both of them, as they let out dueling groans.

  Her hands slid down to his shoulders where she held on tight. Brady wanted more. He left her mouth to trail open-mouth kisses down her neck, across her collarbone.

  Sam let out a moan when he moved his mouth lower.

  He plucked a nipple into his mouth. Just as Sam let out another groan, the suite phone rang, the piercing sound cutting through the heavy breathing.

  “I have a machine,” she panted.

  After the third ring, the machine picked up and Sam’s soothing voice filtered through the air, asking the caller to leave a message.

  “Samantha—” Her father’s voice boomed through the room, and she all but froze in his arms. “Call me immediately. I’d better hear from you within the hour.”

  Rage filled him, but he suppressed the urge to curse. Did the old man have to ruin everything?

  Sam pulled back, adjusted her tank and glanced up at him. “I’m sorry. That’s my father.”

  Brady had to smile, he couldn’t let her know he already knew the voice of the devil. “Go call him. It sounds urgent.”

  “Everything’s urgent with him, except what’s important.”

  She went into her room, closed the door and left Brady wondering what she meant. Stanley was definitely a bastard, but to his own daughter? He’d suspected so before, but he’d heard the gruffness, the irritation in the old man’s voice.

  A part of Brady felt sorry for Sam, but the other part of him knew he couldn’t get emotionally involved. He had to gain back this resort for his own father’s sake.

  Lani Kaimana held a special place in his heart and he wouldn’t let it go, no matter what blue-eyed beauty crossed his path.

  But the way she’d melted into his touch had him wondering what if. If they’d met in San Francisco at his office, would they have become lovers on their own without his driving force pulling them together?

  Yeah. No way would he have let Samantha go without trying—at the very least—to date her.

  But right now he had access to all the ammunition he needed to destroy Stanley Donovan. While “helping” Sam, he would have her permission to look into files no enemy should see.

  After several minutes of waiting, Brady picked up the phone in the living room and ordered room service. Some strawberries, finger sandwiches, wine. He didn’t want anything major and he wanted things he could feed to Sam.

  He needed to get back to the seduction he had going before Sam’s father interrupted their evening.

  But when Sam exited her bedroom with her cell in hand and a look of defeat on her face, he knew his plans for the evening may have just headed south.

  “Everything okay?” he asked, coming to his feet and guiding her to the sofa.

  “Just personal business.”

  “Want to talk about it?”

  She nestled her head in the crook of his arm. “My father just made some decisions that I’d hoped he’d reconsider. Obviously he doesn’t care about others’ feelings.”

  “I don’t know what’s going on, but if you want to talk…”

  She smiled up at him. “Thanks. I’d rather not.”

  Of course not. That would’ve been too easy.

  “How about a movie?” he suggested. “I ordered room service, and it should be here any minute.”

  “Bless you.”

  While they waited on room service, they agreed on an action flick and, much to Brady’s surprise, she’d not only seen the movie but loved it.

  Great, now they had something in common other than Lani Kaimana and sexual attraction. As if he needed yet another reason to have his defenses soften toward this woman.

  When the food arrived, Brady took care of tippin
g the waiter and moved the silver cart beside the couch.

  “Do you have a blanket?” he asked.

  Her brows drew together. “Are you suggesting a carpet picnic?”

  “Do you mind?”

  A beaming smile spread across her face. “I’ll be right back.”

  They spread the thick, cream-colored comforter from her bed in front of the couch and took a seat with their food, wine and glasses.

  While the movie rolled in the background, Brady hand-fed Sam strawberries and nearly groaned when her tongue darted out to lick the juice running down his hand.

  “This was the best idea,” she said.

  “You’re the one who wanted to stay in,” he reminded her.

  “True, but you ordered the food.”

  He grinned. “Maybe we’re just a good team.”

  Once all the food was gone, the wine empty, Brady settled with his back against the couch. Sam came to rest between his legs, her back against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and, more than his next breath, he wanted to rip off that thin tank so he could feel her skin on his.

  But he had to take this at her pace. The pace that was damn near killing him.

  By the end of the movie, Sam was asleep.

  Sam awoke in her bed, in the dark. With Brady at her side. Alarmed, she sat up.

  “What?” Brady jerked. “Are you okay?”

  Her eyes focused in the dark as she glanced back to him. “Um…how did we get here?”

  “You fell asleep,” he told her in a husky, sleep-filled voice. “I carried you in here.”

  Sam glanced back to her nightstand and groaned. “It’s nearly 3:00 a.m. I’m so sorry, Brady.”

  “Sorry for what?”

  When she turned her head, their lips nearly connected. “For falling asleep on you.”

  His gaze dropped to her mouth. “Do I look upset?”

  She licked her lips. “You look turned on.”

  “I am.”

  “Are you going to make love to me?”


  She moved a hand up his T-shirt, over his shoulder and threaded her fingers through his hair. “Good.”

  He reached out, circling her wrist with his strong hand as his mouth came crashing down on hers. Both eager, frantic, they came to their knees with their mouths still fused.

  Hands were everywhere, tugging at shirts, pulling on waistbands. Sam didn’t recall wanting a man with everything in her. Nor did she recall loving how a man kissed so much. And Brady Stone could make her forget the world existed with just one hot, steamy kiss.

  When he eased back to remove her shirt completely, his eyes widened. “You have no clue how long I’ve wanted you.”

  “I have a good idea.”

  In no time at all their clothes were strewn about and they moved down on the bed together as one. Bare skin to bare skin. Lips to lips. Chest to chest.

  The feel of his solid erection against her heated skin only made her hunger for more.

  Instead of coming together, Brady rained kisses over her face, her shoulders, her chest and on down her abdomen. Instinctively, her legs parted as he settled between them.

  He rested his hands on her inner thighs, spreading her before he tasted her. Sam arched off the bed, grabbed hold of his hands with her own and groaned. His cool mouth made quite the contrast to her heated center.

  With slow—agonizingly slow—kisses he continued to devour her as she writhed against him.

  Just when she thought she couldn’t take the assault anymore without screaming, he eased back up her body. “You taste so sweet, Sam.”

  “Take me,” she pleaded. “Don’t make me wait.”

  She reached into her nightstand drawer and pulled out a condom. Brady took the foil wrapper and in no time had himself sheathed.

  He moved over her, spreading her legs wide with his hard thighs.

  She eased her knees up, allowing him total access. Sam held on to his taut shoulders as he entered her in one swift move. The burning quickly gave way to pleasure.

  Brady stilled, then as if a dam had broken free, he started moving his hips. His head dipped down to take a nipple. The soft, moist suction of his mouth combined with the hard, frantic pace of his hips nearly drove Sam insane.

  She couldn’t keep her eyes open another minute. Her fingers tightened over his muscled skin as he pulled out and thrust back in. Over and over again.

  Sam cried out. She saw the bursts of light behind her lids. Warmth spread through her as she wrapped her legs around his waist, tilting her own hips to feel more.

  “Yes, yes.”

  Brady captured her cries with his mouth. His tongue mimicking their lovemaking.

  Her inner muscles clenched, and Sam let out one long moan.

  Tingling sensations sped throughout her body as the climax rolled through her. And just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, Brady pumped in and out in fast, frantic motions. Finally, his body shuddered, his hands gripped her thighs. Sam held on as his body tightened with his release.

  When the tremors ceased, he rubbed his palms over her belly, her breasts. “Are you okay?”

  “Ask me again when I can catch my breath.”

  Brady chuckled as he eased off the bed. In the distance she heard him running water in the bathroom.

  Her body was beyond tired, beyond satisfied. The man knew just where and how to touch a woman. He wasn’t a selfish lover; if anything he cared more about her needs than his own. Why had she put him off for so long?

  He didn’t hesitate to climb between the rumpled sheets with her once again. Wrapping his arm around her waist.

  She rolled over, pressed her backside into his front and relished the fact that she was in Brady Stone’s arms. They’d made love and she couldn’t be more pleased with her life right now.

  Except for the fact her brother and father were still trying to control her, Sam was doing well. And even though they’d all but cast her aside, she knew in the long run, she’d be better off if she got out of the company for good.

  She didn’t want to be involved with anybody who thought they knew what was best for her. She wanted to be on equal terms with the men in her life. So far, Brady had proven he thought her his equal. Perhaps she should reconsider his business proposal. But right now, business was the last thing she wanted to think about.

  She couldn’t berate herself for allowing her lack of self-control to interfere with business. So far, every time Sam had needed someone, Brady had been there. And now that she’d shared her body, she knew trusting him with the business of revamping the resort was the right decision.

  If the man was half as thorough with business as he was in bed, Sam was quite certain that she’d made the right choice in going against her father’s wishes and partnering up with Brady.

  In the end, her father may just thank her.

  With Brady’s soft, warm breath on her neck, Sam drifted off to sleep, thankful she’d finally given in to her desires.


  “Sometimes I wonder what would’ve happened if my mother had lived.”

  Sam’s soft voice drifted through the darkened room. Her back nestled into Brady’s chest and he knew this intimate moment was about to get even more so. His heart was softening toward her even though he’d tried to steel himself.

  Even so, he still had an agenda. Sam couldn’t, wouldn’t, get in the way of his takeover plan. He knew, though, he wouldn’t be able to keep his feelings for Sam out of this mess. He’d tried. Dammit, he’d tried, but Sam was a stronger force than he could handle.

  He couldn’t think about that now. Right now, he had to ignore the jab of guilt and keep trudging along with his plan of demise for the Donovans.

  Moonlight flooded her spacious bedroom. All was quiet. No cell phones, no e-mails, no meetings. Right now, nothing existed but Sam.

  “I often wonder the same thing about my mother,” he confessed. He’d never, ever discussed his family with a woman. Especially in bed.

  “It’s hard growing up without them, isn’t it?” she asked.

  He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Yeah.”

  “I like to think she’d be proud of me.”

  Brady smiled in the darkness. “I didn’t know your mother, but I’m sure she would’ve been.”

  “How do you know?”

  He ran a finger down her side, dipping in at her waist and back out at her hip. “Because I know the woman you’ve become and I have to believe all the good in you stems from her. I have no doubt your mother is looking down on you with a smile on her face.”

  Sam turned in his arms. “I hope so. I only had her for a short time, but I miss her every day.”

  Because she was opening up, Brady kept the focus on her instead of talking about his own loss, reliving the nightmare. “Can you tell me about her?”

  “She was beautiful.” Sam’s eyes misted, though a faint smile adorned her lips. “I remember her long blond hair. I loved brushing it and wishing my hair would be like that someday. She had a rich smile that would light up any room. And she cared. She truly cared about people and tried to put others’ needs ahead of her own.”

  Brady tucked a stray tendril behind her ear. “Sounds like someone else I know.”

  Bright blue eyes came up. “I’ve been told we look exactly alike. My father used to tell me how beautiful she was.”

  He didn’t want her happy memories destroyed by thoughts of her father. “Go on about your mother.”

  “She stayed at home to care for me and Miles while my father worked.” She laughed. “My father was always at work. The only time I saw him was when we’d have parties for his colleagues or around the holidays. Mom always made sure we never wanted for anything, and we didn’t. At least, I didn’t. Since Miles is older than me, Dad would take him to the office sometimes, but I stayed home with Mom. Occasionally, she’d go into the office and help him with some paperwork, but for the most part, she stayed home.

  “We’d make cookies or watch a movie. Sometimes she’d take me shopping. When I showed interest in dancing, she signed me up for dance classes.”


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