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Western Romance: In Too Deep (Naked Bluff, Texas Book 2)

Page 6

by Anita Philmar

  “Now, wait a second, missy. I want to hear why this man thinks he can handle you.” Her father-in-law held up a hand to keep her quiet. “I take it you’re the drifter she hired to help her around this place.”

  “My name is Logan Jansen, sir.” Logan stepped forward and held out his hand.

  “Jansen? Do you happen to be related to Jedidiah Jansen, from Kaufman County? He had a nice spread up there if I recall.” Mr. Pepperman shook Logan’s hand then stepped back.

  “Yes, sir, he’s my father.”

  “I met up with him a number of years ago, when I was doing some traveling up that way.” Her father-in-law smiled, then glared at Sadie briefly before he continued, “And you’re passing through here because?”

  Logan removed his hat and held it in his hand, nervously sliding his other hand around the brim. “I was with a friend heading to Galveston to fight in the war, but, well, fate seemed to have other plans. Somehow instead, I ended up here.

  “Not, mind you, that I’m complaining.” He glanced at her, and a broad smile bloomed, lighting a spark in his eyes.

  Sadie’s cheeks burned, and she sank back to the bench, fighting the keen hunger blooming in her womb.

  “So,” Mr. Pepperman huffed, “Sadie hasn’t changed. She snagged my son in under a day, and they were married within a week.”

  He shook his head and glared at her. “Well, then, it’s decided. Logan, here, has just signed up for the job of keeping you in line.”

  “What?” She gasped, not believing the turn of events.

  Her father-in-law retrieved his hat and popped it on his head before wrapping an arm around Logan’s shoulders. “I guess we should talk about the deal I made with Sadie back in the spring.”

  The two men stepped out the door while she sat staring at their retreating backs.

  Chapter Nine

  “What the hell just happen?” she muttered. A jumble of conflicting thoughts raced through her mind. She dropped her head in her hands and fought to get a grip on what she should do next.

  Did they seriously think she’d marry a man she’d barely known for a day?

  Damn, but she’d done it again—only this time instead of her father demanding she marry, it was her father-in-law.

  Had she been that much trouble for him?

  She shook away her past mistakes and tried to concentrate on the future. From the way her father-in-law just explained the situation to Logan, Mr. Pepperman did appear to want her land after at all. She must have incorrectly interrupted his constant concern about the farm. Still, he didn’t seem any more anxious than she was for her to hook up with Kirk...well, that made two of them.

  Still, why would Logan agree to marry her so quickly? Did the idea of sleeping with her every night tempt him? Or was he only interested in her land?

  No, her father-in-law would never have agreed to her marrying a stranger if he thought such a thing. Only after Logan mentioned his family had her father-in-law warmed to the idea of them getting together.

  Still, if she didn’t want to be Logan’s wife, why not just ask him to leave?

  Was that what she really wanted?

  To be alone again?

  What about the farm?

  She couldn’t run it on her own. Logan, thankfully, hadn’t bulked at the idea of work. He’d also come from a place north of here. Did he know anything about farming? Could he help her with more than the simple chores around the place?

  She continued to debate the point until he stepped back through the door of the cabin. The determined glint in his gaze alerted her to his displeasure.

  “Why didn’t you tell me your father-in-law had a lease on your land so he could grow cotton?” He set his hat on the rack by the door before he settled on the bench across from her.

  “Just because he planted the cotton doesn’t mean I shouldn’t help harvest it from the field.” Sadie straightened her shoulders and faced him across the table.

  “Yes, it does. According to him, he doesn’t in any way expect you to help with the harvest. Though, he did say he’d give you a percentage of whatever profit he made.” Logan’s statement reminded her of a conversation she’d had with her father-in-law back in the spring.

  How had she forgotten that detail?

  Still, the crop was in her fields. Shouldn’t she at least help?

  Determined to appear in charge, she leaned back and crossed her arms over her chest. “Even if that’s true, I should be involved. How can I learn to run this place on my own if I don’t even know how to harvest my own cotton?”

  “Did you also watch him put the seeds in the ground?”

  Sadie narrowed her gaze and dug her nails into her biceps. “Yes. Again he was planting that crop in my fields. Wouldn’t you have done the same thing?”

  Logan nodded and a mischievous grin fluttered across his lips. A fire lit in her cunt and juice seeped onto her bloomers. “Now I can see why he wants you married and out of his way.”

  Damn, what now? Should she try and convince Logan that she didn’t need his help?

  Especially after hearing how he’d agreed to marry her. Granted, her father-in-law was practically holding a gun to the man’s head. How could she be certain he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her?

  “Yes, well, this place is my responsibility, and I need to know what’s going on.” To escape the heat in his eyes, she swiveled around on the bench and gripped the side-board to rise. “It’s almost supper-time. I best get busy.”

  One minute he sat quietly behind her at the table; the next he’d swung her up into his arms. “No, Sugar, we need to hammer out a few things before we eat.”

  “Logan, put me down.” Sadie wanted to fight the appealing strength of his embrace, the solid barrier of his chest and the bulge of his biceps. Her traitorous body melted under the heat radiating from him. Her face burned, her pride refusing to surrender so easily.

  “No.” He leaned his head closer and his gaze singed her.

  She opened her mouth. Instead of the demand for him to release her, a soft touch covered her lips. He slipped his tongue inside and cut off her words. All resistance fled. His kiss washed away all thoughts of fighting to break free as he strolled into the bedroom.

  He drew back and whispered, “You belong to me.”

  In what seem like a blink of an eye, he stripped off her clothes and placed her on the soft quilt.

  She wiggled to sit up and worked her legs over the side of the bed to stand.

  Grinning, he caught her hips and swiveled her around to lay face down on the bed. He gently swiped his hand along her spine and pressed on her lower back to keep her from breaking free. “Don’t tempt me, Sugar, or I’ll turn your ass red.”

  Uncertain what to do, she paused. Would he?

  “Now, clasp your hands around the railing of the headboard. I want to tie you in place so we can discuss our future.” He shifted his weight over her, his chest lying against her back, the rough fabric of his shirt chafing her skin.

  “No, Logan, I...” She squirmed, fighting to bury her hands under her body and get control of the situation.

  He rocked her to the side and captured a hand. Then before she had a chance to break free, he caught her other wrist. He tugged them both over her head and held them in one firm grip. His weight eased off her.

  She glanced over her shoulder a mere second before he slapped her ass. “Be still.”

  Stunned, she froze.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, but I want your full attention on me and nothing else.” He unwrapped the bandana from his neck with one hand, while he held her wrists in the other. “Now, roll over.”

  “Logan, you don’t need to do this. I’ll listen.” She stared up at him while he twisted the strip of fabric around her wrists.

  He shook his head and leaned forward, drawing her hands over her head. “If that were true, you would’ve been content in your situation. Your father-in-law was doing a good job of managing your place, even if he did wan
t you to marry his dimwit of a son.”

  With Logan sitting beside her, he had his chest stretched over her as he secured her hands. His rich masculine scent filled her senses and the crisp curls tickled her nose. Tempted, she lightly ran her tongue over his skin.

  “Hey,” he exclaimed in surprise and reared back.

  His gaze met hers. Something in her expression must have concerned him, because his mouth straightened into a line and worry lines formed on his forehead. He caught her chin in his hand. “Have I made a mistake here? Don’t you trust me to care for you and protect you from your in-laws? Though in truth, I believe your father-in-law does care for you.”

  She struggled to wrap her mind around what was happening. Logan rode home with her...only yesterday? Still, he’d handled the chores on the farm and kept Kirk from touching her last night when she’d been too intoxicated to resist him. Then, after she’d recovered, Logan had made incredible love to her. Today, he’d agreed to marry her.

  How had she managed to turn her world upside down with another man in only a day?

  Logan eased away and shifted his hand to the middle of her chest. “It’s very simple. You need a husband to help you with this place and...”

  His gaze dropped to her breasts. He drew in a breath and trailed a finger down the center of her body. He brushed the curls covering her mound, then inched lower.

  “Who can satisfy your hunger for sex, because Sugar, your sweet little pussy needs to be fucked repeatedly.” He touched the outer lips and dove under the protective barrier to her clit. A bolt of lightning shot through her body when he pinched the small button. Liquid need seeped from her core.

  “You’re already so wet for me, but I won’t force you. If you want me to make love to you and spend the rest of your life with me, then tell me.”

  Shivering with need, she tried to rein in the muscles of her vagina that were already flexing with involuntary contractions. Her breasts ached, her nipples so hard she thought if he touched them she’d self-combust.

  “Please,” she croaked, silently cursing the hunger she felt for him.

  “Please what?” He dipped inside her pussy and gathered her cream before he lifted his hand and sniffed. “Damn, you smell sweet, but I need to hear what you want.”

  “No,” she moaned at the absence of his touch and glared at him. “You know how much I enjoy your touch. I told you that the first time.”

  He grinned and licked his finger. “Yes, but that doesn’t answer the question of your wanting to marry me.”

  Silently going insane with need, she tugged on the restrains holding her in place. If free, she would’ve wrapped her hands around his head, drawn him close and savored her essence on his lips. “Logan, please, we barely know each other.”

  “Funny, you married your first husband after only knowing him a few days. Why can’t you do the same with me?” Logan leaned forward and captured one nipple in his mouth. When his tongue stroked the tip, Sadie arched her back in a convulsive motion. A bullet of passion pierced straight to her womb. He released her breast and his gaze met hers.

  Sadie struggled with how she’d worked so hard to overcome her dependence on a man. Not only to stifle the endless craving of her body, but to resolve every issue regarding her future. However with her body on fire and her mind blurred with desire, she didn’t hold back the truth. “I want to marry you, Logan.”

  She gasped for air and forced out. “But I just can’t see me passively standing by and letting you make all the decisions. This farm belongs to me. I need a partner more than a lover.”

  He blinked as if stunned. “Sugar, I may enjoy being in control, but that doesn’t mean I won’t consult you on things concerning the farm.”

  A jolt of something that resembled love bloomed in her chest. She gazed into his face, his expression reflecting a much more intense emotion than pure lust or desire. Respect? Or could he, like her, have deeper feelings?

  Smiling, she figured her heart knew better than her head the right man to let into her life. “In that case, can we wait until Carolyn and Zach get back before we get married? I want them to be at our wedding.”

  “Sure,” he leaned forward and nipped at her mouth. “Now, what else can I do to please you?”

  She lifted her breasts and pressed them against his chest. “I need to have you inside me.”

  He shook his head and cupped her breasts in his hands. “No, we don’t want to rush things. First, I’d love another taste of...” He dropped his head, licked her nipple, and sucked the tip into his mouth. A feverish heat raced through her body lighting nerve endings. The sensitive walls of her cunt fluttered, seeking something to fill that hot, empty space. Something soft and silky, yet hard and demanding, and so big it stretched her to the limit, each thrust driving her toward that release she craved.

  She groaned, wanting so much for him to slip his hand between her legs and offer her relief. Wiggling her hips, she shifted her legs apart. The liquid from her pussy seeped onto the bed. Her hurt foot tingled with awareness, and she bent her knee to ease the pressure.

  Her movement must have alerted him because he released her nipple. He eased back and stood. “Oh, but you can’t know how much I enjoy seeing you spread out across the bed. Your hands tied so I can do whatever I want. Your rosy nipples are ready for me to spend hours licking them.”

  He traced a finger along her leg, captured her good ankle and widened the space between her legs. “Once I get my mouth on your pussy, I plan to make you come and lap up your cream for hours.”

  “Logan,” she whimpered. His words exciting her as much has his touch did. “Please, I’m going to explode.”

  Moving back a few steps, he quickly shucked off his clothes. He only paused when he had to tug off his boots. Once his pants had joined her clothes on the floor, he again stood near the foot of the bed. His large hand cupped his cock, and he stroked it to the tip. Shifting forward, he rested his knees on the bed and ran his hands over her belly to her breasts, squeezing, teasing, plucking at her nipples. Each caress reignited the hunger in her core, taking her higher and higher on the crest of the wave that threatened to drown her.

  So close, she wanted to plunge over the edge with just the attention he’d given her breasts. What would she do when he touched her pussy?

  “Logan, please I need you inside me.” She begged, hoping to persuade him to slip his beautiful cock deep into her.

  “So impatient.” His hands drifted, gliding over her ribs, stomach, and thighs. Holding her in place, he shifted lower and bent forward, letting his mouth hover over her aching slit. When his tongue touched her clit, she was sure he’d lit a fire inside. She burned and tried to lift her legs to wrap around his head. But no, the arrogant man held her firmly in place, torturing her with long sensual licks. Then, mercilessly, he teased with soft bites and quick nips to her clit.

  Fighting the relentless pleasure-pain, she thrashed her head back and forth, screaming for him to give her mind-blowing relief. His amusement vibrated against the inflamed walls of her pussy.

  He lifted his head and his chin was wet with her juices. “Now, Sugar, I find I just can’t get enough of you.”

  She glared at him, her hazel eyes burning an emerald green. “I need more. I’m so close. I...”

  “Then let see how long it takes for you to come because I’m not stopping until you do.” He bent to the task again, probing her slick cunt with his tongue, lapping endlessly at her cream, before he sucked on her quivering flesh. Like a torch to parched kindling, his hot tongue had heat racing through her, lighting the fire she’d fought to contain.

  Gripping her hands into fists, she wondered how much more she could stand if he didn’t relieve the pressure building in her core. Then, suddenly, her orgasm washed over her; yet, somehow, as she crested the wave, she realized the release hadn’t given her the satisfaction she craved.

  Logan eased back and held her labia wide open, not allowing a single touch to fill the emptiness as he wat
ched her spasm and shudder. She screamed, and bucked, and begged for him to ease her insatiable desire.

  Gasping for breath, she settled when the aftershocks slowed, even though her body still wasn’t satisfied. “Please, Logan, I can’t take much more.”

  “Soon, Sugar.” He grinned and lapped up her juices with his tongue. After a few long swipes, he shifted back, circled his hands around her thighs, and bent her knees to press her legs back against her chest, providing him complete access to her body.

  A hand slid between their bodies. He cupped his cock and nudged the large head against her clit. The action robbed her of air, and she dug her fingernails into her palms. Quivers of need fluttered through her womb, awakening again the need to have him deep. One thrust and his cock was buried to the hilt.

  She nearly came and a scream erupted from her chest. Her heart pounding, she fought to wait for him, but her body was still on fire from his earlier fondling and her unfulfilling release.

  He cupped his hands over her knees, keeping her legs apart, and gently began to move. The rhythm slowly built. His balls rocked against her ass. She managed to hold on for a few more strokes and then exploded.

  Like a shout at the start of a race, his pace increased, hammering in and out past her convulsing flesh. Harder and harder, driving her through her orgasm and shoving her toward another peak. She couldn’t scream, not when very little air entered her lungs. Her mind connected to him in more than just the physical sense. She struggled with the possibility of losing herself in him. Yet how could she resist the emotions he evoked?

  She closed her eyes tightly as he kept up the relentless pace. Her mind spiraled with wild thoughts of forever, of Logan being more than her husband, lover, partner, he was her past, present, future...damn, her world.

  Just as the idea formed, they exploded together. His cock shot his seed deep, her pussy milked him. Her name vibrated off the walls. Her body shattered, bright lights bounced off her closed eyelids, sending her whirling into a black void.


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