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The Matchmaker Bride (The Bride Series)

Page 4

by Richards, Shadonna

  The little girl pulled out the first picture of the song and pinned it on the board.

  “Wow, you seem really good with the children,” a parent nearby had commented. She was new to the centre. There were a dozen kids with caregivers or teachers in the play room the size of a gym while other parents chose to watch behind the one-way glass in the next room to see how their child interacted and worked in the program.

  “Oh, thank you,” Sophie said, blushing. “Children with autism respond quite well to a well-scheduled day. It’s fun to incorporate activities they enjoy as well as routine ones. I can make a board for you later for your child.”

  “Oh, my thank you. Are you going to be joining us later at the Annual Pool Party and Barbecue?”

  “Most likely.”

  “It should be a blast for the kids and the adults. You’re full time staff, right?”

  Sophie felt her stomach twist, she could only wish. “Well actually, I’m a trained volunteer and a Masters student. I hope to specialize in working with children with autism in the future.”

  “Well, you are darn good at it. Best of luck with your studies.”

  “Thank you.”

  Sophie got down on her knees enthusiastically to finish her activities with her assigned child for the day. She wondered if the therapist was there today or if the child’s guardian would be present. She was doing so well at the new centre that she hoped they could at least see behind the glass window. Either way she was going to do a detailed report and summary for the guardian to follow through with home therapy after the therapist was gone. Surely the guardian would need additional information that the centre provided as a complimentary to the traditional behavioural therapy.

  Carlos could not believe what he was seeing on the other side of the one way glass. The therapist had encouraged him to drop by Macy’s House to see how Bria interacted with other children and adults at the new facility. He was impressed with the layout and the program but especially the way Bria seemed so happy and smiled and clapped often. Bria was really interacting well using basic social and communication skills. But it was the counselor working with Bria that made Carlos do a double take. He looked closer. The woman had long, ebony silky hair flowing down her back as it was pinned up in a ponytail. Her curvaceous figure and tiny waist was recognizable. Could it be? She told him on Thursday that she volunteered with children but they never did get into details. She tended to be shy about adding specifics about herself. His heart beat hard in his chest and he was somewhat aroused by her presence. His spirit moved up a notch. It was she. No mistaking it. When the woman turned her head around, he confirmed it. He moved closer to the window thankful it was one-way. He watched in awe Sophie’s genuine enthusiasm and Bria’s reaction to her. Bria even played with Sophie’s hair running her finger through it in awe. He had only agreed for Bria to be enrolled for the weekends by the therapist’s suggestion and now he was glad. Still he couldn’t pull his eyes off Sophie with his sister. They blended so well together.

  This would change everything, he decided.

  “Your sister is doing really well here, Carlos. She’s so advanced.” The program director came into the room and noticed Carlos’s gaze.

  “Yes. Yes she is,” Carlos answered, almost distractedly. “She’s got a good therapist, I see.”

  “Oh, yes. Sophie is wonderful with children. I’m not just saying that. She’s so dedicated and hard working. She goes the extra mile. We hope to hire her full time as staff once she gets her Master’s degree. She’s really added a lot to the centre with her special approach to the children and her research and advocacy in providing the best care for children with autism.”

  “I see,” Carlos whispered, mesmerized by Sophie’s interaction with Bria. He could not believe how perfect the situation would be. Sophie would be excellent for his contract wife and he would have a good case in point at the mediation. She was perfect with autistic children. He felt not a shred of guilt over forming this farce to gain custody of Bria. If his stepmother, Bria’s mom cared a shred about Bria it would all be different. But she was having a challenge in life as it was, being diagnosed with autism. He was stunned by her progress with the right care and attention. Any form of abuse including neglect could send her backwards and undo everything he’d worked for. He’d heard of kids with autism being bullied and later regressing and cutting off all communication. This was not going to happen to his sister. Not on his watch. As a child, he could relate to not having any attention from his own father.

  His mother worked hard trying to be there for him. She was his only support and showed him love and care. But she’d passed away early when he was only ten. It was a knife in his heart to think about the loss. Of course, his father who enjoyed having kids but not looking after them, left him in the care of many nannies. Some were not good others were okay.

  He’d been tossed around and hardly saw his own father. He almost became socially inadequate himself. Mourning the loss of his mother and not having anyone close to share the burden with him. His father just kept marrying gold-digging women who couldn’t care less about his children. His older sister Katy had died in a freak pool accident. She was swimming with one of his stepmothers when it happened. Carlos never forgave her.

  Luckily his father divorced her soon after. The only wise thing his father did was to have an iron-clad prenup signed every time he married. He would lavish his women and lure them with his wealth then hide it from them. He seemed to skimp where his children were concerned. Still, he was glad that when he passed away he left it all to Bria. At least he did something smart on the way out.

  “Are you going to be attending the staff annual barbecue and pool party later?” The programmer director cut into his train of thought.

  “Oh, um…well yes. Will all the staff be there. I’d like to speak more with Bria’s therapist.”

  Carlos hadn’t really planned to attend the pool party but decided after learning of Sophie’s involvement in the party that he would definitely go. This would be more of a casual pre-date. He could not believe his luck.

  Sophie felt her throat close up when she saw Carlos walk into the recreation room with the program director. Had he been watching her behind the one way window in the next room? Suddenly her heart beat escalated and she felt self-conscious. What on earth was he doing there? At her volunteer work? Was he stalking her?

  Well, now she knew how it felt to be watched in one’s own elements. What was his game plan? She could not help her heart beating hard and fast in her chest, nor the butterflies in her stomach as she watched him walking towards her direction.

  She was just about to do arts and crafts now with Bria. There she was in jeans and a plain t-shirt and her hair pinned up. Not exactly glamorous.

  Still, he looked delicious in his polo shirt and cargo pants. God his muscles were ripped on his arms and legs. He looked firm and lean. Gorgeous and casual.

  Dressed for a…barbecue? Surely, he could not be attending the pool party later.

  Damn, Carlos! Why do you have to look so sexy dressed up or dressed down?

  She could tell by the way he held her gaze that he was on to her. Nervously she turned her attention back to Bria.

  “Bria would you like to paint or make a flower?” she said trying to hide the nervousness in her voice as Carlos stood there with the program director. His hands shoved into his pockets. A slight grin curled his luscious lips. She could smell the faint delicious scent of his aftershave. Why did he have to turn her on at every turn? This was not going to be easy.

  Focus, Sophie. Focus on Bria. Ignore Carlos.

  “Um. Flower!” Bria answered Sophie enthusiastically. Thankfully, Bria’s back was turned to Carlos.

  “Great, so what we’ll do is gather all the papers to make our little flower.” Sophie had already spent the early morning shredding various coloured papers for the children who wanted to make a flower bouquet. She was glad Bria wanted that choice. Children with special needs love t
he sensory experience of handling paper and manipulating colours and shapes. It was perfect. Except having Carlos there. Should she acknowledge him, now? She wanted to focus on Bria right now.

  “Sophie, this is Bria’s guardian, Carlos. He’s just here to observe you working with Bria.”

  Sophie felt her heart pound in her throat.

  Bria’s guardian? Carlos?

  Sophie glanced at Bria while she played with the craft paper fitting it into a flower and glanced at Carlos.

  “Bria is my little sister,” Carlos offered.

  “Your sister?” Sophie could suddenly see the resemblance but never would she have imagined that her newest client would have any relation to her other job as a matchmaker. Both had the beautiful honey tan complexion and large dark eyes and shiny ebony hair. They were beautiful people. Of course, it was obvious now. She wondered if this was the reason he was looking for a temporary wife.

  “Yes, why does that surprise you?”

  “Oh, um, nothing, I just…I never thought…” Sophie felt heat gush to her cheeks. Luckily Bria was so engaged in her activity she was unaware of what was going on around her. The program director excused herself after receiving an overhead page.

  “Oh, nothing. How did you learn about this centre?” Well, it was quite a coincidence that Bria turned up last weekend as a new client.

  “Becky told me all about the program here.”

  “Oh, right, Becky. She’s wonderful isn’t she? She’s been an ABA therapist for like…ever. I’ve learned so much from her.” Funny that Becky rarely mentioned her client’s names or at least the surnames. Obviously, confidentiality.

  “I was watching you interact with Bria behind the window there.” His voice was silky and direct. Sophie caught the twinkle in his eyes.

  “Oh, it was nothing. I love what I do.” She was sure she was turning many shades of red now.

  “Well, you do it very well, Sophie. I’m really impressed with you. My sister means the world to me and it’s not everyone I can trust her with. And it’s not everyone that she takes a strong liking to. You’ve got quite a gift. I admire that.” His voice was low and almost seductive and Sophie tried to keep her composure.

  “Thank you,” she whispered back.

  Oh, this was not such a good idea after all, she was feeling a magnetic attraction to Carlos and she felt that he may be too by the way he held her with his dark, sexy gaze. He wanted her. That was the vibe she was getting. But she had to remember that she could not ever get involved with Carlos because of her job. She was his matchmaker not his mistress. Furthermore, it was not a good idea to get involved with client’s family on a personal level. The centre did not recommend it based on a previous fall-out with a parent and one of the counsellors. They were told to leave work at work and to be sensible about developing close ties. So there she was in jeopardy of losing both jobs. One that paid her bills and the other that fed her passion for life.

  What was she to do now?

  “You seem like you’re in a daze my dear.” Carlos leaned closer, every now and then stealing a gaze at Bria who was now engaged in playing with another child. A great stepping stone for her.

  “Oh, I have a lot on my mind.”

  “Work, I hope. I mean you need to focus on your client right?” he grinned.

  “Very funny, Carlos.”

  Well she was at least gaining an insight into his personality for her research and preliminary investigation into his personality. It was nice that he was guardian to his little sister.

  “How long have you been Bria’s guardian?” she asked changing the subject.

  “Long enough to know that she’s better off with me taking good care of her. I don’t wish to discuss too much now. We can talk more later tonight.”

  Sophie felt her throat close up. “Tonight?”

  “My, you must have a lot on your mind. You’ve forgotten your date with me tonight.”

  “But |I don’t recall confirming that. I mean you just assumed that we would reschedule our date from last week.”

  “I did. Oh, dear where are my manners. Well, would you care to be my date tonight so that we can carry on your little behavioural research on me?” His rich sarcasm slid off his tongue like honey.

  Sophie drew a deep breath, taking glances at Bria to make sure she was okay while plastering a fake businesslike smile on her face so that other workers would assume that she was simply engaged with a parent on matters to do with her job.

  “I’ll think about it, Carlos.” God, she really wanted to be with him tonight. But she knew it was forbidden. Why couldn’t things and circumstances be different between them? If only.

  “Well, you are attending the pool party later this afternoon, I trust.”

  “I think you already know the answer to that, Carlos.” She tried to be matter of fact with him but her body was reacting to him in ways that she would be ashamed to admit. Why did he have that kind of dripping with charm effect on her? She tried to ignore the thousand tiny butterflies in her stomach or her weak knees. It was impossible. How could she carry on a business relationship with this man and not jeopardize everything she’d worked so hard for?

  His lips curved into a grin before he turned his attention back to his sister.

  “I’m looking forward to it.”


  “Any progress on my hot new husband to be,” Sandy asked on the phone while snapping gum in her mouth.

  Mrs. Stone held the receiver a little far from her earlobe and squeezed her eyes shut while wincing. She so despised pour etiquette especially amongst the wealthy. One would think that her parent’s fortune would be able to afford her some manners. Never chew gum or snap gum in your mouth while speaking whether by phone or in person. Mrs. Stone regained her composure as she brought the receiver back to her ears. She was doing this match of course to get on Lady Dextworth’s good side. After her divorce from Sir Dextworth, he started to play hard ball with the fortune that should rightfully be for her and her daughter. If it weren’t for that prenuptial agreement. Still, now that Sir Dextworth had passed away he had made it clear that the money would not go to his partying wild child Sandy, who was clearly spoiled by her mother and defiant to her father by playing hookie at her elite boarding schools. He wanted to make sure that by a certain birthday she would be married to a man of good character and settled down before she sees a penny of her inheritance. If she does not marry and settle down, she gets nothing but some good advice on being a good citizen, not trashing hotels during one of her wild parties with her other rich spoiled friends. Mrs. Stone drew in a deep breath.

  “Yes, Sandy, everything is going very smoothly. We have one of our best on the job doing the preliminary screening to ensure he is the perfect match for you. In fact, the report is due this Monday morning. I trust that you and your mother will be very pleased.”

  “Oh, I’m already pleased. I’ve got his picture here on my smartphone. I got it scanned and downloaded it. He is hot! I mean, damn, you guys really know your job. Can’t wait to meet him. When do we meet again?” she asked, snapping her gum loudly in her mouth.

  “Well dear, that should be by the end of next week.”

  “Next week?”

  “I mean seven days from now. Monday we’ll have the report and on Friday you’ll have your first meeting and the rest you can take from there.” Mrs. Stone briefly pulled the phone from her ear to avoid the loud gum chewing. She had to remind herself that her mother, Lady Dextworth had serious clout in society and furthermore, she offered a generous sum and bonus from the inheritance to make this match happen. Everything was riding on it. Time was of the essence. It was just perfect that both clients needed each other for convenience. Usually, matches ended up permanent but she doubted it would be in this case, based on what she knew already about Carlos and what she can gather herself from Sandy Dextworth.

  “We’ll be in touch with you on Monday afternoon.” Mrs. Stone was eager to end the conversation.

“Good, I’m looking forward to it.”

  It was Saturday and Mrs. Stone was in the office going over some lose ends before heading to the cottage. Something she really needed badly. A break from this monster match that had better work out well for both parties.


  Later in the afternoon, the sun shone bright while a cool breeze whisked by at the poolside barbecue. The sounds of laughter of children, conversations, and music playing made for an enjoyable afternoon.

  Sophie went back home to quickly change into her casual maxi dress and chic sandals with beach like chic custom jewelry to fit in with the pool party crowd. There were volunteers and representatives from various charitable organizations present.

  Later the children were taken inside to watch a sensory friendly screening of the latest Disney cartoon movie. This also gave the adults a chance to mingle and talk with each other while the children who ate earlier enjoyed the show inside. It couldn’t have been a more perfect day. Except that something was biting away at her inside.


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