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Matt's Mistake

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by Julie Raust

  Matt’s Mistake

  By Julie Raust

  Copyright © 2013 Julie Raust

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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  ~ ~ ~

  Special Thanks to JMW editor, Khriste Close for your assistance. It's great to have support when you need it.

  Matt’s Mistake

  No fucking way! Matthew fumed, throwing the phone onto the passenger seat beside him. Brooding over the offensive email, his foot weighed heavily on the gas as he felt his panic start to rise.

  You are cordially invited

  to attend the engagement party of

  Damian Jacob Breeder to

  Margaret June Mason,

  Saturday, June 3rd, at Harwood Hall.

  The couple is registered at…

  Blah .. blah… blah…

  He’d first viewed the email invitation four hours ago and Matthew still felt pure rage pumping through his veins. Apparently, Maggie had become tired of waiting for his return and decided to get on with her life by marrying someone else ─ a Breeder of all people. Over. His. Dead. Body.

  Matthew fought to remain calm as he drove through the back roads of the small town he’d once called home. He could have made the journey in his wolf form, and probably would have made better time, but in his heightened emotional state, his senses would be off, which could bring trouble.

  No, he needed to focus his energy on the only thing that mattered right now, finding Maggie Mason and stopping her from making the biggest mistake of her life.


  Matthew Reign slammed through the unlocked screen door of Maggie’s rustic-style log home. Whatever reception he expected, it was not the scene displayed before him.

  His acute canine senses of smell and hearing should have warned him what was going on long before he crossed the cabin threshold. Now he was gifted with the view of two panting naked bodies wildly fornicating in the open living room. The man, whom he’d never seen before, was furiously pounding his cock into the slick pussy of a woman bent over the back of the sofa. Maggie.

  “You want it harder, baby?” the man panted as they rocked full force against the furniture. “Hard enough to feel my balls slap against your ass?”

  Matthew stood, frozen in horrified shock. He heard a “fuck yes” reply from the front of the couch, but the sound was muffled by the cushions, so he couldn’t be sure. They didn’t even notice he had walked in on them.

  You’re too late, you’re too late, was the mantra pounding through Matt’s brain as he tried to make sense of the scene he was witnessing. His fangs lowered instinctively, and he fought the urge to fully shift and to tear the guy fucking Maggie limb from limb. He wanted to storm over there and pummel the loser's face until he heard bones breaking, but for some unexplained reason, Matt remained motionless where he stood, paralyzed by the sight in front of him.

  “You want my cum on your ass or your tits, babe? ’Cause I ain’t gonna last long in this tight pussy of yours,” the man asked, picking up the pace and furiously thrusting in and out of her.

  Like a bucket of ice water to the face, Matt snapped out of his immobile trance. “You cum on any part of her and you’ll be eating your balls for breakfast, mother fucker,” he growled.

  The female squealed loudly and flipped forward over the back of the sofa to land out of Matt’s view. Oddly, the squeal sounded hoarse and deep, unfamiliar to Matt’s ears and unlike Maggie’s melodic voice. Maybe she was hoarse from all the moaning.

  “What the fuck, man? Who are you? Her old man or somethin’?” asked the heavily tattooed middle-aged male, who was none too pleased by the interruption.

  Matt simply bared his fangs and growled menacingly at the man.

  “Shit!” The man held his hands up in mock surrender. “Look, bro, i….it ain't what it looks like... I...we…”

  “Really, ‘cause what it looked like was you givin’ it to Maggie doggie style over the couch. I don’t give a rat’s ass if you are her soon-to-be fiancé; no one touches my Maggie and lives to tell about it,” Matt declared, rolling up his sleeves in tell-tale prepare-to-fight fashion .

  “Fiancé? Whoa, buddy, I ain’t… wait, did you say Maggie?” confusion registered on the tattooed man’s face as he glanced suspiciously over the couch and then back to the doorway where Matthew stood.

  Before Matt could pounce on the man, a frizzy bleach blond head peeked up from in front of the couch. The expression on her face was one of relief as she took in the sight of Matt in the doorway.

  “Calm down, Red, he ain’t my husband. I ain’t never even seen him before,” the blond advised reassuringly. She pushed herself up on her knees, took her time, surveyed Matt’s body slowly from head to toe and licked her lips. “Shame to say, though, ‘cause now that I got a better look at him, I wouldn’t mind him warming my bed at night.”

  “You’d take any warm body, Trix; don’t matter what he looked like, as long as his dick was hard,” Red teased, now seemingly more relaxed.

  Matthew finally got a glimpse of the female hiding in front of the couch, who definitely was not Maggie. Thank God , he silently praised. It wasn’t his Maggie letting the redneck trucker asshole fuck her like a caveman over the sofa. Thank God! Retracting his fangs, he slumped against the doorway, finally able to draw an easy breath.

  He took the opportunity to view his surroundings and saw that the majority of the cabin was one small open space. A dirty little kitchen area was set off to one corner, piled high with used dishes, full ashtrays, and stained coffee cups. The living room took up the center of the cabin directly across from Matt’s position at the front entrance. It hosted a high-backed sofa, an arm chair, a small stained coffee table, and a good size TV perched precariously on a thin legged stand. The only other door visible from his view led off to what Matt assumed must have been a bath or bed room.

  Paint chipped walls carried a yellow film from years of nicotine abuse. Just then, the overwhelming odors of stale indoors, tobacco, and sex slowly began assaulting Matthew’s sensitive nose. There was no resemblance at all to the Mason family’s quaint cabin by the lake that he remembered visiting in his youth.

  Gloriously naked, Trix abruptly stood up in full view of Matt. As he took in the sight of her, he began to notice what should have registered mere moments before. This female was nothing like his Maggie.

  Trix was fair and frail with light Scandinavian type coloring. There was a greyish tint to her complexion, which made her cheeks appear sunken despite a heavy coat of blusher. Her eyes were small and rimmed with the shadows of too many restless nights; nothing close to Maggie’s bright rich chocolate colored eyes. Sadly, it had been years since Matt had actually seen Maggie Mason face-to-face, but her golden sun-kissed skin and thick dark chestnut hair were impossible to forget or duplicate.

  His gaze roamed lower, and Matt had to concede again that there was no comparison with his Maggie. The tits presented before him were shallow mounds protruding from a pale boney chest. The nipples were tiny dark brown buds, angled slightly downward as if being pulled by gravity.

  In comparison, Maggie’s breasts were full, firm, ample handfuls. He’d fondled, tasted and teased her dark rose colored nipples nightly in his dreams for years. He became erect now with just the memory of them.

  “Shit,” realizing where he’d been staring for a little too long, Matthew quickly diverted his eyes, “Seems lik
e I got the wrong house by mistake.”

  Red laughed out loud and looked pointedly down at the bulge in the front of Matt’s pants. “Or the right house, huh, man?” wagging his eyebrows up and down. “Wrong place, right time, maybe? What ‘a ya say?”

  “Ah… no, definitely not,” shaking his head in denial. The implied threesome invitation was not lost on Matt. As a shifter, Matt had witnessed some strange breeding rituals and a handful of public matings but ménages were not his thing. Red, on the other hand, had attributed his arousal to Trix’s naked form. If the eager expression on Trix’s face was any indication, she was more than willing to add Matt to the fun.

  Admittedly, it’d been a long time since Matthew had a woman, but there was no way he was interested in a ménage with the heavily tattooed Red and the all too eager Trix. He just wanted to get the hell out of here and find Maggie .

  “Your loss, bro,” Red said, unfazed by Matt’s refusal. “This is one fine bitch to fuck. There ain’t nothin’ she won’t do to get you off. She can make you cum so hard, your dick'll be sore for days. Ain’t that right, Trixie Pie?”

  “I sure never had no complaints, least of all from you, Red,” Trix replied.

  “No complaints here, except for the fact that you left the door unlocked again. You remember what I said would happen if you did that again, Trix?”

  She nodded. “I’d be punished.”

  “That’s right, and you will be. ‘Cause if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you want that cunt of a husband of yours to walk in on me pounding the shit out of you. ”

  She shrugged unapologetically. “Ain’t no secret I like bein’ watched.”

  “Well, you’re gonna get your wish, babe, ’cause we have an audience for your punishment today, now don’t we?” Turning to Matt, “You don’t mind staying a while longer, do ya, mister? Seeing as you owe it to Trix for barging in on her house unannounced and all.”

  Sensing Matt’s decline, Red continued, “She’s only asking for a few more minutes of your time, my friend. You wouldn’t want the lady to have to call the cops now, would ya? Or worse yet… Trackers?”

  That last statement got Matt’s full attention. Trackers were nothing but trouble. They were the secret Shifter arm of the law; a rare group of expert hunters, consisting of mainly mixed-shifter breeds. Matt had limited experience with Trackers, but he’d heard enough stories to know that when a Tracker got involved, more often than not, it meant bloodshed.

  It shocked Matt to learn that Red was aware of Trackers. Most humans weren’t even aware Shifters existed, and until now, Matt would have bet money that none of them were aware of the Tracker Force. The threat meant that not only did Red know what Matt was, he was dead serious about Matt staying on to watch.

  “Who knows, you may even get off on it, man.”

  Matt could argue that point, but thought better of it. Willing or not, he knew he had no choice but to stay and witness what ever punishment Red had in store for Trix. His goal was to get to Maggie as soon as possible. If this was his penance for accidentally breaking and entering, then he’d do his time and, hopefully, leave early for good behavior.

  Matt nodded at Red and took a seat in the straight backed chair beside the door. It allowed him a fair, but distant, vantage point to watch the couple and ensured no additional unexpected visitors entered without his knowledge.

  Smiling triumphantly, Red turned his focus to his partner.

  “You know what the punishment is for not locking up tight, don’t ya, Trix?” She nodded expectantly. “I get to fuck that tight little ass of yours. Do you think he’ll enjoy watching me fill your asshole with my cock, babe?”

  Darting a sly glance at Matt, Trix nodded again in agreement.

  “So do I.”

  Red casually took hold of his limp member and began slowly stroking it up and down. “Come over here and get me wet and hard, woman,” he demanded.

  Eager to please, Trix jumped to her feet and quickly circled around the couch. She provided Matt with an angled view of her backside as she settled herself on her knees at Red’s feet.

  Red angled his thickening cock down towards her mouth, hoping to gain entrance into her moist heat. Instead, Trix shook her head denying his request, content to watch for a while, as he continued to stroke himself in a steady rhythm. His strokes were sure and fast. He thrust his hips forward with each jerk of his now rock-hard shaft. At the first touch of Trix’s painted nails on his thighs, Red’s legs began twitching in anticipation. Running her hands along the front and back of his thighs she began teasing him relentlessly by nearing, but purposely avoiding his cock on every pass.

  “Fuck this!” Red cursed, right before he grabbed her by the hair, no longer willing to let Trix call the shots. He used his other hand to position his dick against her lips, and then thrust powerfully forward into her wet cavern. Gripping the back of her head, he held her imprisoned against him and rammed so deep, that she gagged on his shaft. He released her for a moment so she could catch her breath and jacked off, using her thick saliva as lube.

  Forcing her on his cock again, he attempted to feed her his whole package. He tested Trix’s limits by thrusting in farther and farther with each thrust. As she garbled and mumbled around his shaft, saliva dripped from her chin and ran down over her breasts. This time, when Red granted her air, she used her hand to pump up and down on his shaft. Matt noted she wasn’t gentle as she squeezed, swirling her fist around and around as she stroked. Red’s grunts of pleasure and his vice-like grip on her hair, confirmed he liked her rough handling.

  “Enough! Up and over. Now!” Red growled.

  In a flash, Trix was on her feet and flounced her boney body head first over the back of the couch, leaving her ass high in the air facing both Red and Matt. The position mimicked the one she was in when Matt had first interrupted the couple’s interlude.

  “Sure you don’t wanna hit this, brother?” Red offered. Matt shook his head, declining once more.

  Unfazed, Red turned his attention back to the bare ass on display before him. “Now I know you don’t believe that sucking me off was enough to make me forget about your punishment?” Red asked in warning. Then, his open palm connected with the fleshy part of Trix’s bottom. Hard. Matt noticed that the slap left a large red handprint on Trix’s right butt cheek.

  He quickly made to move from his seat and stop Red from hurting the woman, when he heard Trix’s excited moan. “Oh God! Yes!”

  Matt could smell Trix’s arousal heighten with that first blow.

  “You like being punished, don’t ya, babe?” Red asked.

  “Oh, shit yeah,” she whimpered.

  Slap! Red laid another swift blow to Trix’s opposite cheek, gaining him another moan of pleasure.

  “This one’s for leaving the door unlocked,” Red advised.


  “This one’s for secretly hoping your old man would come home early and catch me fucking you.”

  Slap! Moan.

  "This one’s for not letting me cum on your ass earlier when he walked in,” motioning to Matt.

  Slap! “Oh God!”

  “And, this one’s so I leave my mark on your ass. I love knowing how much it’s gonna hurt later when you sit down to dinner across from that limp-dicked husband of yours.”


  “He won’t be able to fuck your cunt or your ass tonight, because of me. Ain't that right, babe?”

  Panting for breath, “No… but, then I guess I’ll just have to suck him off, instead,” Trix baited him.

  “Bitch!” Slap! HARD. “He doesn’t get any of your holes tonight! Ya, hear?”

  “Ow! Christ, Red. I was only teasin’.”

  Slowly Red began to rub soothing circles over Trix’s throbbing behind in a comforting gesture as she whimpered with pleasure. “He won’t have you tonight,” Red declared, as if to convince himself, more so than Trix.

  Matthew squirmed in the upright chair he occupied and hoped to God this marked
the end of the show.

  “You gonna fuck me anytime soon, Red, or just keep talkin’?”

  No such luck, Matt thought. Trix seemed to enjoy the repercussions of pushing Red’s buttons too much to stop now.

  “You’re gonna wish you had more patience, Trixie Pie,” Red chided, as he grabbed both her ass cheeks and spread them apart.

  Leaning in, he nipped and licked the fleshly cheeks nearest to her tight bud. “Look how sweet this little pucker is. I can’t wait until it clamps around my cock as I pound in and out of it. Fuck, I wish you could see how good you look back here, babe.” Red looked over his shoulder to ensure Matt was still watching. As if any man could turn away now.

  “Why don’t ya lift your left leg up to the top of the couch, so our friend here can get a closer look at your holes?” he instructed.

  Matt’s pulse rate increased rapidly when she willingly complied. He felt no desire for Trix, but the scene before him could stimulate a dead man.

  “Much better, babe.” Red smiled and dipped his head between her cheeks. “Now let’s get this hole ready to be filled.” The first swipe of Red’s tongue against her anus had Trix clenching and trying to wriggle away, but Red’s grip was firm. If the slurping and lip smacking sounds were any indication, then Red really enjoyed the taste of ass. He was relentless as he rubbed his face in her crack, spitting, licking and probing all over with his lips and tongue .

  To ease his eventual entry, Red slowly probed her ass with the tip of his index finger. He got only as deep as the first knuckle, and then removed it completely to have a taste. Trix groaned in disappointment at the loss of his finger. On his next attempt, his slick finger made it just past the second knuckle and, again, he slowly removed it for a taste. He repeated tasting and preparing her until two fingers fit snugly in the tight channel.

  Trix’s moans were desperate now, and she frantically ground her hips into the couch. Matt sensed she was getting herself off by rubbing the firm ridge of the back of the sofa against her clit.


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