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Kiss Me : A Modern Sleeping Beauty Retold (A Modern Fairy Tale Series Book 2)

Page 8

by Zoey A. Black

  He lowered the scalding contents of the cup to the glass coffee table. I had mentioned buying one, but he said he wouldn’t know where it was in the dark. Apparently, Jemma was able to change his mind. I didn’t want to think about what that might have consisted of. She could be very persuasive with her seductive charm

  “I gave them strict instructions not to inform you. I know it was in bad taste to show up here unannounced. It’s not like me to want to make a scene. I guess things have changed for the both of us.” He hadn’t mentioned Travis or what kind of connection we had to one another.

  “I think that goes without saying. I also gave your business partner the option to have me buy her out, but she was never going to let your baby go. I didn’t want any reminder, but it wasn’t like the money to open it came from me. You were solely responsible for breaking new ground for women’s fashion.” I wasn’t sure, but I think his praise was his way of saving face.

  “I should’ve known Sheila was never going to roll over for you. She didn’t like you from the very beginning and told me I was making a mistake. I thought she was jealous, but I think she saw something I didn’t.” I took a sip of the concoction and it certainly was an acquired taste.

  “Honey bear, I’ve been lying upstairs waiting for your return to my arms. What is taking you…?” She stopped short and was staring at me like she was seeing a ghost. Her hands instantly went to the short red robe, pulling it closed to hide her nudity.

  “What’s the matter, little sis? Must be quite a shock to see me. It shouldn’t be, considering this is my house. I see you have been making yourself comfortable.” It was a good thing she wasn’t wearing my lingerie or that would have been the final straw to break the camel’s back.

  “I guess there is no way to keep a good woman down for long. I hope there are no hard feelings. We didn’t go out looking for this. It just happened.” She was rubbing her belly and looked ready to pop any second.

  “Let’s not do anything or say anything neither one of us can take back. I would like to say I understand, but how can I when you’re standing half naked in front of me? You stole my husband when I was in a coma. It’s nice to see you both getting along, but this isn’t what I had in mind.” I had tried to reach out to her, but she declined my offer.

  “This is nothing I planned, but I have every right to fight for what is mine. He might have planted his flag in your backyard, but the next generation is coming from me.” She was gloating and enjoying seeing me squirm.

  “You haven’t changed one bit.” Her shock had worn off significantly quicker than I would have imagined.

  “There is too much water under the bridge between us. I’m willing to make the effort to get along for the sake of your nephew.” She was throwing it in my face.

  They were going to have a baby boy. She was trying unsuccessfully to sound like she wasn’t boasting. It was what he always wanted. That was supposed to be my job. We agreed to put it off until my business found its sea legs. I wanted a legacy that I would be proud to have my child carry on in my name.

  “It looks to me you enjoy being a kept woman. Not that I should be surprised.” I was alluding to the fact she could never keep down a job for any longer than a couple of months.

  “It’s just like you to bring up the past. I don’t have to stand here and justify anything.” She couldn’t resist putting on a show and pretending she was the victim when it was the other way around.

  “I find it galling that you can stand there. You took advantage of him and we both know it. The one thing you have always wanted was anything I had. You took this opportunity to swoop in to pick at the bones.” I stood up quickly with my nostrils flaring and the cup of tea rattling on the coffee table.

  “I resent your accusation.” I took a few menacing steps towards her with my fingers drawing in to make a fist.

  “I don’t really care how you feel. I bet the ink wasn’t even dry on the divorce papers before you had him walking down the aisle. Did you carry the shotgun behind your back or did you press it up against the back of his head? We both know the only reason why he would marry you is that bun in your oven.” It was good to push her into a corner and wait to see what her rebuttal was going to be.

  The only thing remaining of my life was the dark brown drapes thick enough to keep the heat in and the cold out. They also made it unnecessary to have an audience for this impromptu family reunion.

  “You are just jealous and petty. Bringing up my untimely pregnancy is a new low even for you. We took every precaution. Things happen.” Like as if she was ever the responsible one, I could almost see her using a safety pin to punch a hole in the condom.

  Andy would have been too far gone during the moment of truth to even recognize something was wrong. It was a tragedy the child was going to be raised by a vindictive bitch like her. I pitied his childhood. She would use the bond she had with him to manipulate his actions. Any girl getting close enough to take him away would find themselves on the receiving end of her wrath.

  “I can assure you she was as surprised as I was when we confirmed she was with child. She did the honorable thing by giving me the option of being involved or not. She didn’t even think about getting rid of it.” Andy was foolish enough to believe her and be wrapped around her little finger.

  “I’m sure you believe that, but she always has a method to her madness. It doesn’t matter what I say and you’re not going to believe me. I don’t wish what she has in store for you on my worst enemy. You’re just going to have to learn the hard way like everybody else in her life.” I wasn’t even looking at Andy, Jemma and I were having this intense stare down to see which one was going to break first.

  “You have every right to be angry, but not at her. I hold myself fully responsible for my actions. Nothing is going to be settled here today. The wounds are still fresh and we need time before we make any decisions. I don’t know the legal ramifications of any of this.” He might’ve not known, but I had a feeling Jemma had already done her due diligence.

  “You heard my husband. If you don’t know how to take a hint then let me make it perfectly clear. There’s the door. Don’t let it hit you on the way out. Be careful what you say next. We haven’t even addressed this stranger you brought in the middle of family business.” She always did know how to pull that one frayed thread almost about to break.

  “I would suggest that you get in touch with a lawyer. I wouldn’t want you to think I was trying anything underhanded behind your back.” I stormed out with this intense need to slap the taste out of her mouth.



  The fact remained, I was an intruder, but I felt I had that in common with Jemma. She was responsible for everything. I could see it in her eyes. It was easy when I wasn’t blinded by the child she was carrying. Andy wasn’t thinking clearly and was drawn in by her lies and manipulation.

  It was two days before the job and I had watched Aurora jump through hoops. I was able to get her in touch with a good lawyer. It was her decision and I didn’t push the idea of making it a fight in court.

  I decided to accompany her to the settlement meeting. I knew it wasn’t my business to be there, but I also wanted to be there for her.

  “This is indeed unusual circumstances. My client was declared divorced on false pretenses. I’m here to make sure her rights are looked after. She has agreed not to attest the divorce. There is the matter of some shared property and belongings. I have itemized all of them in this document. I took the liberty of sending them via e-mail to you last night. I hope you have had enough time to go over them.” On one side of the table Jemma, Andy, and their lawyer, a shark named Michael Lyons was waiting patiently.

  “We have had a chance to preliminarily go over the document this morning. I want to go on the record to say we are reasonable adults. This situation is difficult, but we will muddle through the best way we know how. My clients have some concerns. I’ve circled those items they are unwilling to bend
about.” His bald head surrounded by a halo of hair made him look like friar tuck from Robin Hood.

  “My client would like to use this open forum to speak openly.” Tammy Trask was an accomplished lawyer who was known to single out women who were looking to get their pound of flesh. She was perfect to make them squirm.

  Her flaming red hair curled down the back of her neck and her intense green eyes backed down the most accomplished lawyer. She was a family friend and was gracious enough to offer her time pro bono. She didn’t have to do that. I was willing to pitch in, but it wasn’t like I had much, to begin with.

  Everybody was acting aloof and trying not to say anything out of turn. The long rectangular table in the center of the room had both parties lining up to do battle with their words and body language.

  They were whispering and Michael finally spoke on behalf of his clients.

  “My clients have no problem with her speaking on her own behalf. I do stress caution for the sake of the baby. The child’s mother does not need any unnecessary drama in her life. This has been trying for all of us, but especially for the mother and the child.” Everybody was dressed impeccably, but I could tell from the way that she walked in the room that Jemma wanted to be the center of attention.

  The low cut black dress exposed her cleavage in the best light possible. It was tight enough around the middle to make it impossible not to recognize her impending motherhood.

  “I’m not proud of the way that I acted the other day. I really had no idea what I was going to say when the door opened. I’m not going to be a stickler for details. I’ve been giving this a lot of thought. It’s unfair of me to make this any more difficult than it has to be.” Aurora was standing and flipping through the pages while making notations with bold indelible purple ink.

  “I was afraid we were getting off on the wrong foot. We were expecting a lot more resistance. Your cooperation during these troubling times is appreciated. We don’t want to make this a war of attrition. Remaining calm is the key. Raised voices are counterproductive.” Michael was playing the mediator.

  Aurora was remarkably collected, but I could tell it was eating her up inside to see her husband with her sister. I would imagine she would go after the both of them in a different circumstance, but the wrinkle of the baby made things less likely to escalate.

  She sat there and scribbled madly before finally concluding with the drop of the marker. With a sigh of resignation, she slid the document across the table to where the lawyer and his clients could peruse it at their leisure. It was a taxing ordeal and I could see how she was struggling to remain in control.

  I leaned in and whispered into her ear to make sure my comments weren’t misconstrued by those in attendance. This was a negotiation and it seemed rude to ask her to step out of the room.

  “I know this is what you said you wanted, but are you sure this is the way to go about it. I don’t think I could be this generous in your shoes.” I was playing devil’s advocate.

  “I’m not happy about this, but there’s not much I can do about it. I went over the police report of the accident many times over the last couple of days. There was no mention of foul play.” She was convinced Jemma had something to do with her condition.

  I didn’t want to believe Jemma had orchestrated the fall from the top of the stairs. Aurora was lucky she didn’t break her neck tumbling down the stairs. Pictures were taken of her body at the hospital. They were attached to the police file. Nothing indicated that anything was amiss. No marks on her body determined someone had pushed her.

  I had given it a careful going over to make sure everything was seen through fresh eyes. It was declared an accident with no need for further investigation. I had given her my unbiased opinion. They were never going to be friends, but at least she could put to rest the possibility of her sister taking over her life on purpose.

  “I know you were looking for something to give them a reason to prosecute her to the fullest extent of the law. You need to find a way to make nice with them. I know how important it is to you to be a part of your nephew’s life.” She was understandably upset and had every reason to want somebody to pay for what happened. I knew Aurora would do the right thing and be the bigger person.

  “I just want this to be over and done with.”

  “I want you to let me take you out to celebrate tonight. This chapter might be over, but a new one is beginning.”

  “That would be lovely, Travis.”

  “It’ll be our first date too,” I whispered.

  Finally she let us a slight smile. I was trying very hardest to not smile from ear to ear, it wouldn’t look appropriate judging by the setting.

  They were still talking and looking over at us from time to time across the table. The negotiation was dragging, but we were making headway. It was time for everyone to realize the strings had to be cut on the past.

  Aurora looked at her watch again. She watched them negotiate, whispering back and forth.

  “It can’t wait til this is over.”

  “Stay strong and I promise this new journey will be worth it. Everything you are waiting for is around the corner.” Her next stop was a face to face meeting with Sheila, her business partner.

  They had already talked at length on the phone, but it was one thing to hear her voice but another to see her up close and personal. She was determined to take this next step on her own without me crowding her. I didn’t know if I could walk away even for a little while. It would give me enough time to arrange for a surprise to make her panties melt from her body.

  They were taking their time going over the details. The second hand on the clock on the wall moved immeasurably slowly. I could hear them mumbling in closed ranks. I was sure that the one stumbling block was Jemma. I couldn’t understand why she didn’t want to wash her hands of the whole thing. It was almost like she wanted the final say.[KC1]

  Another half hour had passed.

  “My clients have agreed to everything. That includes the timeshare in Tahiti.” It sounded like a good investment. It would a place to visit to hide away during the winter months.

  “It looks like our business here has concluded. I will be in touch to draw up the final papers. This was easy considering the circumstances.” Tammy had everything she needed and she barely had to say a word.

  Aurora was putting on a brave face, but I knew that she was breaking apart inside.

  “I would like to be the first one to proffer an invitation to Sunday dinner. We need to get past these differences. I’m willing to break bread with you.” Jemma was as subtle as a hammer to the skull.

  “I will get back to you.” I had to give Aurora credit for making the best out of a bad situation.

  “I’m not suggesting we go on a family vacation together. It’s only a dinner. You’re more than welcome to bring your guest. I think it would be good for everybody to see that we are moving on with our lives.” There was a sick satisfaction in her eyes. Jemma was callously putting her on the spot for her own selfish reasons.

  “I wouldn’t push this any further. I’m doing my best to walk out of here without looking back. Think about what you would want if the roles were reversed. I can see you are trying to meet me halfway. It appears that way, but I am suspicious of your motives.” I wanted to say something, but it wasn’t my place to make things better for her.

  “There’s no reason for you to act like this.” Jemma was provoking her into a verbal sparring match, but she wasn’t taking the bait.

  “I was taught to turn the other cheek, but you are dangerously close to getting more than you bargained for. Quit while you are ahead. I make no promises, but I will think about joining you for Sunday dinner. I will carry on without you in my life.” She was forged in the metal of the kind of courage rarely seen in domestic disputes.

  I had been drifting through life trying my best to please my mother.

  “I hope the two of you will be very happy together. You might even find the kind of love I s
hare with Andy. I have to say he is an animal in the sack. He doesn’t remind me of the cold fish you mentioned when you got drunk one night. Perhaps, he was looking for a partner who understood how his needs could be met in different ways.” I could see how things were rapidly deteriorating. It was time to leave as graceful as possible.

  Just as I saw Aurora had her hand raised, I grabbed her wrist and made her follow me to the elevator. The cocky looking grin on Jemma’s face was enough to twist the knife a little deeper.

  “She’s trying to get a rise out of you. Don’t give her that satisfaction.” She couldn’t escape the painful truth. There was a hidden rage inside ready to burst forth.

  “I’m glad you were here. I don’t know what would have happened had you not been. It’s a good thing we don’t have to find out. You would think she would be content with having my husband. She continues to needle me. I don’t think she can help it. It’s built in her DNA to get underneath my skin.” Jemma mockingly waved four fingers and I had to pull back Aurora until the door closed.



  I walked through our shop. The door chime rang. It looked totally different from the last time I was here.

  “I miss you girl.” Sheila squealed from the counter and gave me the biggest and warmest hug ever.

  “Miss you too Girl. It’s so good to see you.”

  “You have to tell me everything. You seemed a little distant when we were last on the phone.” I was. It wasn’t intentional but there was only so much I wanted to get into on the phone.

  “Let’s start from the beginning.”

  “Spare no details.”

  I began to tell Sheila what happened to me from the moment I woke up, Travis’s kiss, how I found out about Andy and Gemma, and today’s meeting at the lawyers.


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