Retreat Again (The Retreat Series Book 2)

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Retreat Again (The Retreat Series Book 2) Page 13

by Christina Benjamin

  “I don’t know, but it feels like something . . . big.”

  Olivia swallowed hard. “I want to see the world the way you do.”

  Alex set the palette down and pulled Olivia into his arms. “I’ll show you,” he said as he softly kissed her.

  She let Alex tug her to a canvas that rested on an easel near the desk.

  “Wait here,” he instructed.

  Olivia loved watching Alex work. There was a nervous excitement about him that made him seem younger and boyish, instead of the devastatingly handsome man he was. She liked thinking of him that way. It made him less intimidating. Alex was too talented—too good looking—to truly be interested in her. But the electric connection she felt whenever he touched her whispered doubt.

  She tried not to think about it as she watched Alex move around the room. He turned off the lights and queued up a song she recognized before rejoining her. He turned her to face a beautifully painted canvas bathed in the spotlight he’d flicked on.

  He positioned himself behind her. “Close your eyes,” he said slipping his arms around her waist.

  Olivia obeyed, leaning her head back against Alex’s warm chest while the sullen sounds of The Smashing Pumpkins filled the air.

  Alex’s voice was soft next to her ear. “Breathe with the music. Let it take you somewhere inside yourself. Follow the swell. Think of each beat vibrating a cup of water. Each vibration is a color, a brush stroke.”

  Olivia let the waves of sound crash over her, inhaling them, noting the unique beauty of each instrument separately before letting herself enjoy the perfect way they came together. Her breathing escalated with the song and a tightness swelled in her chest as the melody neared its climax. She nearly jumped when she heard Alex’s voice in her ear again.

  “Open your eyes,” he whispered.

  When she did, she was staring at his gorgeous interpretation of the song on canvas. Whites, golds and reds bled like rain on a windowpane through a blue-black background. She saw it now, the way Alex had captured the essence of sound with color. It was astonishing. “You should never be afraid to share this with the world, Alex. It’s . . . magic.”

  “You think?” he asked tentatively.

  “I know,” she corrected. “You made me feel everything I love about music again. And I haven’t been able to feel like that in a very long time.”

  “Would you . . .” he hesitated. “Would you do something for me?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Would you play your cello for me? I desperately want to paint your music.”

  Olivia didn’t know if it was the vulnerability in his voice or the way his art overwhelmed her, but she found herself agreeing.

  Olivia sat in the center of the dark recording studio, still in nothing but Alex’s oversized white t-shirt. She took a steadying breath as she settled her cello between her thighs. Its smooth wood was cool against her skin.

  God, why had she agreed to this?

  But as she glanced up at Alex, she knew why. Somehow, against all odds, he was helping her hold the pieces of her crumbling family together when they seemed most likely to drift apart. His art, his unique view of the world—it was so different and refreshing. Alex brought her a sense of hope that someday she could find her own way in the world too.

  And it didn’t hurt that he was sexy as hell.

  Alex had slipped into a soft pair of paint-stained jeans that hung low on his waist. He was still shirtless and Olivia couldn’t help admiring his lithe runner’s body.

  “Ready?” he asked approaching the blank canvas in front of Olivia.

  She nodded.

  “Okay, I’ll give you a thumbs up when I hit record and you can start when you’re ready.”

  Alex gave her the sign and Olivia closed her eyes and began to play. After the first few strokes of her bow, her tension began to float away and the music leaked from her like it always did—darkness lifting into light.

  Chapter 32


  Alex gazed at the beautiful creature sleeping next to him. Olivia still had smudges of paint on her naked body from when they’d made love.

  Made love.

  The words spiked fear in his heart, but he knew he couldn’t deny it. That was why their sex was so incredible. It wasn’t just fucking. They had a deeper connection than Alex ever knew possible. He was falling for Olivia, and it terrified him.

  She was unlike anyone he’d ever met and he couldn’t get enough of her. They’d spent the night tangled in music, art and each other. He’d recorded her hauntingly beautiful cello music so he could repeat it over and over while he tried to capture its beauty on canvas. Liv had watched him paint and it had both elevated and unnerved him. Alex had never loved and loathed a piece so much. He hadn’t painted that type of music before. It felt so foreign and he was sure he didn’t possess the talent to ever truly do it justice. But when it was finished, he’d never admired one of his own paintings more.

  Olivia had been standing beside him gazing at the wet canvas in wonder.

  “What do you think?” he’s asked. And when she didn’t respond, Alex slid his hand down her arm to get her attention. He felt the stippling of goose bumps on her skin and she gave a startled gasp, like she’d forgotten he was there. But the second her eyes met his, it was there again—that ravenous spark of insatiable desire. She was suddenly in his arms, her legs wrapped tight around his waist as he kissed her like she was the only source of air in the room.

  They’d ended up knocking over a tray of paint on their way to the couch and were consequently smudged in an array of colors. Alex smirked as he followed the path of paint on their bodies—a map of their passion.

  Before Olivia had fallen asleep she’d said something he couldn’t get out of his mind.

  “I think I’ve found it,” she murmured drowsily in his arms.

  “What’s that?”

  “What I came here for.”

  “Oh? And what was it?”

  Olivia gave a content sigh and breathed, “You.”

  Alex tried to ask her what she meant, but she’d drifted to sleep and he didn’t have the heart to wake her. He loved when she looked so peaceful and he could shamelessly study her beauty. He’d fallen asleep shortly after, holding onto the feeling of elation that being so close to Olivia brought.

  But now, as the soft light of morning filtered into the room, Alex couldn’t help feeling resentful of the new day’s dawn—terrified it would steal away the perfection of the past twenty-four hours.

  When he could deny his rumbling stomach no longer, Alex crept to the kitchen to rustle up some breakfast. He put a pot of coffee on and started sizzling sausage in a pan while mixing up a bowl of eggs. He made three huge breakfast omelets, scarfed one down and put the other two in the oven to stay warm.

  Olivia was still asleep when he’d checked on her last, and Alex didn’t want to wake her. Not when he had a million questions rattling around his head regarding just what the hell was going on between them. He decided a run would be the best way to clear his mind. He quickly changed, scribbled a note and headed out into the dewy mountain air.

  Chapter 33


  Olivia woke up alone on a strange couch. It took her a moment to remember where she was, but once she did, her cheeks heated as the sultry memories came flooding back. She stretched the soreness from her stiff muscles as she crawled out of paint smudged sheets. She found the t-shirt she’d been wearing the night before and shrugged it on, making a mental note to do laundry. Going commando wasn’t her preference but she didn’t have any other options at the moment.

  As she padded down the hall toward the kitchen, the intoxicating aroma of coffee and sausage greeted her, making her stomach rumble. She was surprised to find the kitchen empty, and even more surprised by the disappointment she felt at not seeing Alex waiting for her. She noticed a note next to the coffeemaker.


  Went for a run.

  Be back soon.

  Breakfast is in the oven.

  X, Alex

  Her heart fluttered at the tiny ‘X’ scrawled in front of his name and she immediately scolded herself for being such a girl.

  It doesn’t mean anything.

  He probably signs all his notes that way.

  Olivia poured herself a mug of coffee and sat down at the island to eat her breakfast. She was grateful that she was alone after she took her first bite of the delicious omelet and let a seductive moan slip. But it was incredible. And unfair.

  How could one guy be so perfect?

  Alex was gorgeous, an amazing cook and an absurdly talented artist.

  What the hell did he see in her?

  Olivia had no idea, but for some reason she couldn’t stop grinning. Because she realized in that moment, that even though it was implausible, Alex actually did like her. Yesterday had been the beginning of something, and she was determined to see it through. She was done sabotaging herself. Life was too short, and it was time she stopped wasting it.

  Another smile tugged at Olivia’s mouth as she thought of her grandmother. Gran had been right to send Olivia back to Carter Ridge. She’d found more than what she’d been looking for.

  A knock at the door startled Olivia.

  Alex must’ve locked himself out.

  She padded to the front door with a spring in her step and a huge smile on her face ready to greet him with her newfound abandon. All of that vanished when she saw who was waiting for her. It wasn’t Alex. It was the last person she expected, or wanted to see at her door—Rhys Hudson.

  He grinned back at her with the same lying eyes and saccharin smile as his hulking shadow filled the windowpane of the front door. His thick black hair was cropped short, but everything else was the same—everything except the fact that he was wearing a police uniform.

  “Hello, Liv,” Rhys purred.

  His voice made the food she’d just eaten turn to cinders in her stomach and she seemed to have forgotten how to speak.

  “Aren’t you going to invite me in?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Ah, come on. Is that any way to treat the officer who returned your vehicle?” he teased.

  “What?” she mumbled stupidly.

  Olivia couldn’t make her mind focus on what Rhys was saying. All that kept flashing through her head was the last time she’d seen him and what he’d done to her mother.

  “The roads are cleared,” Rhys said opening the door and pushing his way into the kitchen. “And I brought your car back. It’s parked out front,” he said motioning to the door behind him.

  Rhys brushed by Olivia giving her a view of the police SUV parked in the driveway next to her Range Rover.

  “Are you here by yourself?” Rhys asked looking down the hallway.

  “No,” she replied too quickly. “My boyfriend’s here.”

  Rhys’s eyes roved over Olivia’s scantily clad body shamelessly. He paused a foot away from her and a tense silence stretched out between them. “Who’s the lucky guy, Liv?”

  Rhys was so close his breath rustled her hair when he spoke and she flinched.

  “None of your business,” she replied hotly.

  “Oh don’t be like that, Liv. Besides, everything that goes on in this town is my business now.” He gave her a dark smirk, moving even closer. “You look good, Liv. But then, I always liked the way you looked.”

  He lifted a hand to run a finger down her cheek and she recoiled from him like poison. His touch woke her from her trance. White, hot anger surged through Olivia now, burning through her fear. Rhys wasn’t going to do this to her. Not again.

  She found her voice and her words tumbled out, drenched with hatred. “You may have fooled the police in this town into believing your bullshit, but I know the sick, twisted scumbag you truly are. So get the fuck out of my house before I decide to march outside and share my feelings with your partner,” she snarled.

  “Angry always was your sexiest look,” Rhys purred in a voice unphased by her threats. “You look just like your mother when you’re mad.”

  A crack echoed through the room and suddenly Olivia’s hand stung. There was a moment between when she realized what she’d done and Rhys’s reaction. Had she really slapped him? She didn’t hit people! She didn’t even remember formulating the thought. It’d been pure reaction. And it seemed Rhys had an equally unhinged reaction as he slammed her against the kitchen counter, clamping his large hand around her throat.

  “Careful,” he hissed, his face so close his lips grazed Olivia’s face when he spoke. “I’d hate to have to arrest you for assaulting an officer.”

  “Get off of me, Rhys.”

  “Or what? You’ll tell your mommy?” He laughed. “We all know how well that worked out the last time. Tell me, does your family know the truth yet?”

  Olivia’s heart was pounding as she struggled against Rhys, but he’d always been too strong for her. He tightened his hold on her when she squirmed and jammed his hips against hers. “Please, Rhys . . .”

  “Shhh. You don’t want your boyfriend to hear you begging another man . . . Where is he anyway?”

  Olivia’s eyes traitorously darted to the note on the counter and Rhys grinned as he read it. A sinister darkness washed over him as he began to snake his hand down the length of her trembling body. “It seems we won’t have to be quiet after all.”

  Chapter 34


  The house had just come into view when the hair on the back of Alex’s neck bristled. There was a police SUV in the driveway.

  What the hell was going on?

  Was it Liv’s grandmother?

  Alex picked up his pace, but as he got closer, he saw the Range Rover behind the police vehicle in the driveway and his heart rate settled. The roads must have been repaired. The police were just returning Liv’s car.

  But as Alex approached the house, an officer got out of his vehicle and stopped him. His instinct to run licked at his tight muscles.

  Calm down.

  That’s not my life anymore.

  I haven’t done anything wrong.

  Despite what Alex told himself, he knew cops, and he knew when they weren’t looking to uphold the law, so much as they were looking for a fight. And that’s exactly how this cop looked.

  “Is there a problem?” Alex asked as he approached the young officer.

  “What’s your business at this house?”

  “I’m currently a tenant,” Alex said. “I’m just returning from my morning run.”


  “Alex Tine.”

  “Mr. Tine, I’m going to have to ask you to remain outside the house until my officer exits.”

  “Can I ask why?”

  The cop just stood silently in Alex’s way. Alarms were sounding in his head. Something wasn’t right and all Alex could think about was getting inside to make sure Olivia was okay. But Alex had dealt with cops like this before. He knew arguing wouldn’t get him anywhere. The best thing he could do was act agreeable.

  “All right. Well, if it’s okay with you, I’ll wait on the bench,” Alex said pointing to the picnic table on the side of the house. “I’m beat.”

  The officer nodded, and Alex walked over to the weathered old table and sat down. He made a show of stretching and drinking from his water bottle as he waited for the cop to lose interest. After five excruciating minutes, the officer returned to his car.

  Alex edged his way out of view from the police car with more ridiculous stretching methods and finally he made a dash for the back door. He could hear his pulse pounding in his ears as he ran. He bolted through the door, the screen snapping shut with a loud bang behind him. The noise shocked the officer in the kitchen. He jerked away from the counter and whirled toward Alex. It was then, that Alex saw Olivia. Her tiny frame had been hidden behind the massive, black-haired cop. And her face was streaked with tears.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Alex barked striding across
the room, his body screaming to get to Olivia. He couldn’t stop moving until he was touching her.

  “Ah, you must be the boyfriend,” the officer said snidely as Alex put himself protectively between Liv and the cop.

  She was shaking as he pulled her into his arms. She didn’t seem to mind that his shirt was drenched with sweat. Olivia clung to him, her voice weak as she whispered his name. Everything in Alex raged. He didn’t know what he walked in on, but didn’t like the feel of it.

  He clenched his fist in Olivia’s hair, wishing he could smash the smug look off of the officer’s face. But he needed to rein in his temper.

  Cool it, Alex.

  You don’t know what happened.

  Maybe it’s bad news about Cassidy.

  “I’m sorry, do you mind telling me who are you and why you’re in my house?” Alex asked.

  “Your house?” the officer replied cockily.

  “This is Officer Hudson,” Olivia replied. “And he was just leaving.”

  “Well, about that,” Officer Hudson said, “I think I’m going to have to ask you to come down to the station with me, Miss Crain. Assaulting an officer is a serious crime. You’re lucky we’re old friends or I’d have to put you in cuffs.”

  “Excuse me?” Alex barked. “You’re not taking her anywhere.”

  “Alex, it’s okay,” Olivia whispered.

  “No, Liv. It’s not.” Alex turned his attention to the cop. “From what I saw when I walked in, Olivia was the one being assaulted, not you,” Alex growled.

  “Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to calm down and step aside,” Hudson commanded. “This only concerns Miss Crain, but it can easily become your problem, too.”

  Alex laughed. “I already told you, she’s not going anywhere. If you’re looking for a fight, I’m right here. Unless you only pick on girls,” he taunted.

  “Alex, don’t,” Olivia begged, tugging him back from the hulking officer. “It’s not worth it.”

  “Yes, Alex, do listen to her. It’s not worth getting arrested, especially over a little slut like her.”


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