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Escalation Page 12

by Tessa Teevan

  “I wouldn’t say I assumed… I’d say I hoped,” I say, flashing said blues at her.

  She lets out a deep breath and sits back in her chair. “This is so much to wrap my head around,” she mutters. “Why am I even here?”

  I’m up on my feet and pulling her out of the chair. She squeals as I set her on the desk. When I brace my palms on either side of her, my eyes bore into hers.

  “Does it change how you feel?” I ask, my heart hammering in my chest as I await her answer.

  She doesn’t make me wait long. “Of course not,” she whispers, her eyes softening. “It may be fucked up, but it’s our fucked up. It brought me you. It brought me the baby. It can’t change the way I feel.”

  I briefly close my eyes and savor her words. She’s watching me intently when I reopen them.

  “I didn’t walk into this with improper expectations for you. Or us. I’ve never gotten involved with a woman connected with a case, nor did I ever think I would. But as soon as I saw you, Brie, something inside me awoke. As if some deep-down place in my heart knew you were it for me and I couldn’t look away. I couldn’t step away, no matter how much my brain told me to.”

  “Rafe, you don’t have to convince me. I believe you. You may have been a little intense in the beginning, but I was a willing and equal partner in this. And for the record, I’m not complaining. I’m actually quite happy with how things turned out. It’s just… I never thought my love story would be this unconventional.”

  The rollercoaster my heart’s riding doesn’t know which part of the track it’s on. It wants to both plummet and soar.

  “Is that what this is?” I ask as I tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

  Her eyes blink twice, and she swallows hard. “It’s what it’s shaping up to be. Or am I wrong?”

  “No, Brie. You’re not wrong. It may be unconventional, but aren’t the best ones?”

  Before she can answer, there’s a knock on the door. I press a quick kiss to her forehead and push off the desk. The inspector stands on the other side and informs me that all’s ready and he just needs my signature. I step out of the trailer and lean up against it, glancing through the paperwork.

  As I sign my name on the dotted line, I should feel relief. I don’t, however. It doesn’t signify an end—not by any means. Nothing about this assignment has gone as planned, and I’m standing on the precipice of the unknown, unsure of which way to turn.

  Just as I’m about to go inside and propose a celebration, my phone rings. When I look down and see who’s calling, I search the estate, but nothing is out of the ordinary.

  “Matthews,” I answer, gruff and impatient, not wanting to deal with this—or him—right now.

  “I wanted to congratulate you on passing the inspection and finishing up this phase of the project,” a stern voice responds, setting my blood instantly on fire.

  “How the fuck could you possibly know that?”

  “Don’t forget who you’re talking to, Matthews,” he scolds.

  I mutter a curse under my breath.

  “I know everything. You should know that by now. Is there any word on the boy?”

  Ah, of course—the real reason he’s calling.

  “No. Agent Howard isn’t exactly being forthcoming with me. He’s been dodging my calls, and the local PD, as you know, is extremely tight-lipped on his whereabouts.”

  “Well, since you met the deadline of the construction per the contract, you’ll be getting that bonus. Take some time off, Matthews. Cite a sore back, whatever the hell you have to do, but do not move to a new site. I want all of your focus on finding him and doing what we discussed. Is that understood?”

  “You got it, Boss. Anything else?” I ask, mentally preparing my retirement and wishing it were already here.

  “Yes, one more thing. Tell me about the girl. Have you made any progress there?”

  My body goes rigid, and I have to fight from showing any emotion on my face. It isn’t a coincidence that he called me as soon as I signed the damn papers. Somehow, he must still have access to the video cameras, and I wouldn’t be shocked if he was tapped into them right now, watching. Hell, he’s probably been watching this entire week, which would explain why he hasn’t called. He already knows what’s going on.

  “Her memory of the night is foggy,” I lie, hoping this calculated risk pays off. If he’s talked to Howard, he’ll know I’m lying and I’ll be fucked.

  “The medical report didn’t say anything about that,” he states matter-of-factly.

  Of course. He would have access to that information, wouldn’t he? Still, he doesn’t bring up Howard, which puts me at ease—only slightly.

  “That’s because she didn’t tell them. She’s having nightmares,” I volunteer, hating that I’m breaking her confidence, but it’s a necessary evil.

  He’s skeptical that we’re shacking up—his words—and this is proof that my close proximity to her is important.

  “And it’s starting to come back to her. She’s studied the files, and while she hasn’t connected any dots, I believe we’re close.”

  He exhales slowly, and I brace myself for what’s to come.

  “Speed it up, Matthews. Or I’ll assign someone else to this. I’m worried you’re getting to close and it’s clouding your judgment. It’d be in your best interest to prove me wrong.”

  He hangs up, and I swear under my breath.

  When I turn, all the blood drains from my face. Brie is standing in the doorway, staring back at me.

  “Who the hell was that?”

  “Her memory of the night is foggy.”

  I hear Rafe as I open the door, wondering what was taking so long. Who the hell is he talking to? And why is he lying?

  “She’s having nightmares.”

  My interest turns from piqued to angry. Why would he tell anyone that? Especially since it’s not true. I haven’t had a nightmare since the first night.

  He drops his hand and places his phone in his back pocket, muttering a curse out loud. His shoulders fall, and when he turns to come back to the trailer, he spots me. His face turns ashen, pale, and I cross my arms.

  “Who the hell was that?” I ask. When the hell is this merry-go-round going to stop spinning so I can get off? I didn’t sign up for this ride, and it’s becoming all too overwhelming.

  “That was my boss, Brie,” he says.

  A bit of my anger fades because he’s telling the truth.

  “So far, he’s kept a pretty loose leash on me, letting me run this case how I want. But after what happened with Adrian, he’s feeling restless and he wants answers. I have to give him just enough to not question why I’m with you.”

  My hackles rise. “Why you’re with me?” I hiss. “You need an excuse for that?”

  In two quick strides, he’s in front of me, his hands on my hips as he pushes me backwards. He uses his leg to slam the door shut. “Yes, Brie, I need an excuse. He has no idea that I’ve fa—” He stops himself.

  “That you want?” I challenge, my heart pounding.

  “He doesn’t know how much I care about you. That this is real. If he did… I don’t even want to think about what he would do. So, for now, he thinks I’m using you. I have to make him believe that until this is all over.”


  “I know that’s not what you want to hear, but it’s the truth. I’m walking a fine line here.”

  I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths, trying to regroup. I have a feeling I’ll have a few more of these moments until this is wrapped up, and I tell myself that I can’t get freaked out every time. He’s staring down at me, worry etched on his face, when I open my eyes.

  “So, what’s next?” I ask.

  His concern instantly melts away, a beaming smile crossing his lips. “Got a bonus with the contract. You up for a romantic weekend in the Windy City?” he asks.

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  THREE DAYS LATER, RAFE and I are on our way to C
hicago, posed as a loved-up couple on a weekend getaway. Part of me hopes we can be those two people—at least, for a little while. As our plane descends into O’Hare, the nervous butterflies attack my belly, and they grow exponentially stronger as we get in the rental car and drive towards the city.

  Rafe must see the anxiety etched on my face. He takes my hand and entwines our fingers. “You okay?”

  “I haven’t been back here since… Even after finishing out at Northwestern, I never went back to the city. I spent all of my time on campus, throwing myself into my studies. I couldn’t bear the thought of retracing the steps of where we made all our memories.” I wipe away an errant tear and wonder when, if ever, I’ll be able to talk about my parents without crying. “It was where we were the happiest, you know? Spending summers at the Navy Pier, walking down Michigan Avenue, arm in arm like the three amigos. We’d spend weekends trying to find the best food Chicago has to offer.”

  My stomach growls, and I remember one place in particular and make a mental note to take Rafe there this weekend. “And the museums. Not to mention the museums. Mom and I were members, of course.” I turn to look at him. “Do you think… If we have time, can we go visit one this weekend?”

  He gives me hand a squeeze. “We can go anywhere you want. I’m at your mercy.”

  I laugh as he sets my heart at ease. “I’m going to remember you said that.”

  As I rest my head back, my eyes focus on the scenery around us. I’m lost in my thoughts until I realize Rafe’s driving towards downtown, not to my small suburb where the storage unit is.

  “Where are you going?” I ask, my eyebrows knitted together.

  “This isn’t just a fishing expedition, Brie. It’s also a vacation. A working one, maybe, but a vacation nonetheless. I booked us a room right on Michigan Avenue, right in the heart of downtown, so I can wine and dine you.”

  “Wine?” I tease.

  He gives me a sheepish grin as his eyes flicker to my belly. “Okay, woo and dine. It just doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.

  “How about woo and do?” I giggle.

  He shakes his head. “Oh, trust me, baby, there will be plenty of doing. A big king-sized bed. A Jacuzzi bathtub. The works. I plan on doing you all over.”

  I laugh and slap his arm. “You sound like a horny teenage boy.”

  “You started it,” he reminds me, and I laugh again.

  It’s amazing how quickly my emotions can change when I’m with him. One second, I’m crying for my parents, and the next, I’m laughing at his adolescent humor—which, as he said, I started.

  “Tonight, let’s just be us. Rafe and Brie, enjoying a romantic evening away from home. Forget everything about Philadelphia or why we’re here. We can pick all that back up tomorrow, but for now, from this moment forward, all of that is behind us. Sound good?”

  “That sounds perfect. So, what are we going to do?”

  He raises an eyebrow and gives me a wicked grin. “Well, that depends.”

  “On what?”

  “On what you’re up for. I know this place is sacred for you, and I won’t push you to do anything or go anywhere you don’t want to. So you tell me, Brie. What are you up for?” he repeats, his eyes shifting from me back to the road.

  A hint of a smile plays on his lips, and even though it may hurt and my heart may break a little, I’ll have Rafe right there to put it back together. In fact, he’s exactly what I need to face my fear and all the memories, and he’s the person with whom I want to make new ones.

  “Anything,” I blurt out, immediately wanting to take it back but biting my tongue so I don’t.

  “Anything?” he questions, sounding unsure.

  “Anything.” I nod in confirmation. “I’m at your mercy, Mr. Matthews.”

  His grin widens. “Duly noted, Ms. Latham. Then what I have planned for you is a surprise.”

  A thought crosses my mind, and without hesitation, I open my mouth and speak. We’re walking this tightrope, tiptoeing around our feelings, and even though I know he said we’d discuss this in the future, I can’t help myself.

  “Hey, Rafe?”

  When he looks over at me, I’m taken aback at the way the sunlight brightens his already intense blue eyes. “Yeah?”

  “You know that unconventional love story I was talking about?” I pause.

  He nods, waiting for me to continue.

  “The beginning may have been a bit…unusual, but I’m enjoying how it’s unfolding, no matter how crazy it all seems.” Biting my lower lip, I turn to look out the window, not wanting to see his expression.

  “Look at me, Brie,” his soft voice beckons.

  I comply. His blue eyes are intense with emotion, and even as he tears them away to look back at the road, I can still see his warm smile.

  “I’m looking forward to this story being written, too. No matter how unconventional. It’s ours, which is the only thing that matters.”

  I nearly protest when we pull up to The Peninsula Hotel. I’m not sure of Rafe’s salary—not that I care, but this opulence is almost too much. He gives me a warning glance, however, so I bite my tongue. As he hands the keys to the valet, he takes my hand and presses a kiss to my temple.

  “A bonus from work. What’d you say? Woo and do?”

  I snicker, and he playfully nips at my earlobe.

  “This is our weekend. We’re going to enjoy it in style.” His fingers grasp mine, and he pulls me to the check-in counter, where the front desk worker rakes her eyes over him.

  I can’t exactly blame her. Even in his casual jeans and long sleeve tee, with messy hair and a scruffy face, he’s a sight to behold. He walks with an air of superiority, almost like he owns the place.

  He flips his wallet open. “Mr.”—he pauses and grins down at me—“and Mrs. Matthews. Checking in for the weekend.”

  My cheeks flush pink, and I narrow my eyes. He gives me a wink and then returns his attention to the girl, holding me close as we check in.

  “Enjoy your stay, and have a happy anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews,” the young girl tells us kindly.

  Once we’re in the elevator, I finally find my voice. “Mr. and Mrs. Matthews?” I ask, trying to sound calm.

  He shrugs. “I could’ve told her we were from the future, but something tells me we probably would’ve been thrown out for that. Plus,” he says, placing his hands on my hips. “It’s our anniversary weekend, and we’re looking to celebrate. I couldn’t exactly call you Ms. Latham now, could I?”

  Oh. Now, I get it. It was a ruse. And once we enter the room, I see that it worked—and worked well.

  “What did you do?” I ask, stepping in and looking around in awe.

  The massive king-sized bed is laden with pink rose petals. A wicker basket containing sparkling cider and succulent chocolate-covered strawberries sits in the middle, complete with a bottle of decadent massage oil. As I walk through the room and into the bath, I’m delighted to see a giant soaking tub with more than enough space for two. Next to it is a docking station already has a device plugged in, filling the room with mood music. Two lush bath towels hang on the rack, with slippers to match.

  When I turn around, he’s watching me from the doorway. “This is incredible,” I breathe, taking it all in.

  “I may have called in a few favors,” he says, his eyes shining.

  “I don’t even know if we’ll have to leave this hotel room tonight,” I tell him as my eyes flicker from the tub to him. Visions of him wet and naked and entirely covered with bubbles fill my mind, and suddenly, I want nothing more than a bath.

  “Oh, no. We’re getting out. A night on the town is precisely what we both need. You’re not getting out of it. No matter how tempting the idea of you wet and naked in that tub is right now.”

  I laugh. “Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you.”

  His eyes darken, and he quickly whips off his T-shirt and stalks towards me. He lifts my sundress up and over my head, tossing it t
o the floor.

  “I suppose we have time, as long as we make it quick.” He leans down and turns on the water, testing it for temperature before putting the stopper down.

  When he rises, I place my hands on his chest.

  “There better be nothing quick about it,” I warn.

  A low growl escapes his lips. “Your wish is my command.”

  After a long, hot, and steamy bath, I’m satiated. My limbs are languid, and I could get used to such luxury. As I yawn, Rafe wraps me up in a towel and carries me to the bed. With a quick glance to the digital bedside clock, he looks down at me.

  “You have time for a quick nap before we go out tonight. I’m going to run downstairs for a few minutes. There are a couple of things I need to arrange with the concierge.”

  My eyebrows knit together. “You’re leaving me?”

  His jaw clenches, and he shakes his head. “Fuck. I didn’t think that far ahead. Think you can sleep?”

  I yawn again then smile because he just got his answer. “I think so. Go ahead, Rafe. I’ll be fine. No one can get in without a keycard anyway. And I still think you’re being paranoid that I’m being watched.”

  He leans down and presses a kiss to my lips. “You can never be too paranoid with these kinds of people. Sleep, baby. I’m just going to work on my laptop for a little bit, plan things out that way. Sound good?”

  “Mmm hmm,” I murmur, already drifting off to sleep, curled up in this warm, plush bed.

  “Ready?” Brie asks, finally emerging from the bathroom.

  During her nap, I planned our night out, and I’m more than eager for it to begin. I close my laptop and glance up, my mouth watering when my eyes rake over her.

  She’s leaning against the doorframe, giving me a coy smile. Her long, dark hair lies in loose waves. Her tight jeans and her long-sleeved Henley give her a casual appearance, yet she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. After rising from the bed, I cross to her. Then I lower to my knees as I place my hands on her hips. Leaning forward, I press my lips to her belly.


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