by Tom Acitelli
Oskar Blues Cajun Grill, 306–8
O’Sullivan, Sean, 285
Our Special Ale, 69
Owades, Joseph
as brewery consultant, 27, 93, 94, 117, 154
brewery investment shares, 215
brewery partnerships, 115
death of, 342
light beer development, 30
Owens, Bill
on advertising, 186
books by, 172, 188, 231
at brewpub, 99
brewpubs of, 98–100, 99, 128, 171
magazines of, 192
Oxford Companion to Beer (Oliver, ed.), 342
Oxley, Melanie, 304
Pabst, 8, 17, 28, 41
Pacific Brewing Company, 197
Pacific Golden Ale, 198
Pacific Ridge Pale Ale, 225
Palo Alto Brewing Company, 97–98, 127, 129, 130–31
Papazian, Charlie
with Association of Brewers team, 144
associations founded by (see American Homebrewers Association; Association of Brewers)
background, 56
beer events attendance and participation, 143, 272, 281
beer festivals cofounded by, 90, 280
on Big Beer imitations of craft beer, 206
as Brewers Association president, 313, 342
business model popularity and theories, 110–11
on craft beer controversies, 244
homebrewed beer philosophies, 34, 38, 46
homebrewing books by, 34, 60, 80, 81–84, 151, 172, 188
homebrewing classes taught by, 57, 59–60
homebrewing magazines of, 60–62, 63, 123, 188
homebrewing of, 34, 56–57, 62
as magazine contributor, 192
national homebrewing competitions of, 286
Oliver book review, 312
Sierra Nevada specialty beer collaborations, 335
Slow Food trade show presentations, xiii–xiv, 310, 332
Parker, Robert, Jr., 48
Park Slope Brewing Company, 229
Pasteur, Louis, 27
pasteurization, 64
Patton, Jim, 141
Pease, Bob, 333
Pelosi, Nancy, 341–42
Pericles, Jim, 161
Perrin, Lou, 96–97, 102, 141
Peter Hand Brewing Company, 164
Pete’s Brewing Company
airline contracts, 308n
business consultation, 190
contract brewing business and product, 129–31, 130, 155–56, 187
copyright infringement accusations, 252
craft beer competition and rivalries, 240
false advertising accusations, 252
financial challenges, 268, 269, 270
growth, 185, 187
IPOs and stock shares, 213–14, 268
marketing, 183–86
packaging and labeling, 129, 130, 252, 306
pricing competition, 213–14, 267
production statistics and comparisons, 213
sales of, 270, 343
television news shows featuring, 248
Pete’s Wicked Ale, 129, 130, 155, 183–84, 343
Petrini, Carlo, 149–50, 166, 280, 289, 309
Phaff, Herman J., 22
phantom crafts, 205–8, 224–25
Pherson, Andy, 162
Philadelphia Daily News, 190, 253–54, 327–28
Philip Morris International, 28
Philippon, Paul, 323
Pittsburgh Brewing Company, 115, 154, 239
Pizza Port, 256, 301, 302
Plank Road Brewery, 252
Pliny the Elder, 302
Pliny the Younger, 330–31
Point Special, 35
Ponzi, Dick and Nancy, 100, 125, 136, 219, 269, 301
Poor Richard’s Amber, 161
Portinari, Folco, 165–66, 309
Portland Lager, 138
Portsmouth Brewery, 210
Potter, Tom
background, 152
book by, 331
brewery construction, 201–4
brewery planning and research, 150, 152, 157, 158
distribution, 278
retirement, 342
Practical Brewer, The (Merten, et al.), 105
Prial, Frank J., 75, 87, 123
price wars, 213–14, 267, 295
Primo, 197
professionalism, 295
Prohibition, 7, 16, 136, 196, 223
Puck, Wolfgang, 258
Pugsley, Alan, 139–40, 177–78, 220, 277
pull-tab openings, 8, 14
Pyramid, 101, 211
Pyramid Breweries (formerly Hart Brewing Company), 101, 102, 211–12, 212, 277
quality, beer, 103, 115, 117, 185, 266, 295
Quality Brewing (Burch), 33, 57, 91, 172, 188, 285, 330
Rattner, Matt, 256
Real Ale Company, 101–2, 103, 119, 189, 283–84
Red Bell Amber, 263
Red Bell Blonde Ale, 176, 179, 263
Red Bell Brewing Company, 262–65
Red Dog, 252
Redhook Ale, 100, 136, 208
Redhook brewery. See Independent Ale Brewing Company
Redhook Extra Special Bitter, 209
Red Tail Ale, 217
Red Wolf, 205, 225, 251
Reich, Matthew
background, 93
brewery resignation, 342
as brewing adviser, 132, 150
brewing philosophies, 132
at brewpub, 109
contract brewing business of (see Old New York Brewing Company; New Amsterdam)
description, 95–96
postbrewery career, 342–43
Reid, T. R., 123
Reinheitsgebot, 197, 231, 271
Reserve Amber Ale, 206
Reserve Velvet Stout, 206
Rheingold Brewing, 30, 93–94
Rhino Chasers Peach Honey Wheat, 245
Ricksform, Charles, 98
River City Brewing Company, 97, 118
Robert Mondavi Corporation, 212
Rock Bottom Restaurant and Brewery, 199–200, 201, 209, 293n
Rogue River Brewing Company, 162
Roland, Meg, 161
Roosevelt, Teddy, 6
Roper, Martin, 340
Royko, Mike, 35
Russell, Don, 190, 191–92, 253–54, 327–28
Russian River Brewing Company, 301–2, 330–31
Saaz hops, 134
Saccani, Don, 26–27, 35, 222
Saint Arnold Brewing Company, 302–3
Salone del Gusto, xiii, 309, 310, 310–11, 332
Samuel Adams Boston Lager
advertising, 239
awards, 153, 169
contract brewing production, 139, 246–47, 248–49
marketing and distribution, early, 116–18, 121
slogans as official trademarks, 241
Samuel Adams Brewhouse, 161
Samuel Adams Cranberry Lambic, 240–41
Samuel Smith’s Nut Brown Ale, 129
San Andreas Malts, 57
San Diego Brewing Company, 255
San Francisco Chronicle, 19
Saranac, 169
Saranac Amber Lager, 169
Sasquatch Ale, 161
Saunders, Lucy, 190, 309
SAVOR, 313
Scahill, John, 100
Schelldorf, Tom, 200
Schermerhorn, Candy, 309
Schinkel, Otto, Jr., 7
Schlitz, 8, 26, 28, 29, 30, 35, 197
Schlueter, Jim, 97, 118
Schultz, Jeff, 162
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 167, 236
Secret Life of Beer, The (Eames), 190
Segal, George, 37–38
Segal, John, 37, 38
Senate Bill 3722, 85
“Sensory Evaluation of Beer, A” (class), 257
serving temperatures, 91–92, 96, 122
shakeout, 265–67, 275, 277–78,
283, 339
Shangy’s, 191
Shields Brewing, 257
Shiner Bock, 220
Shipman, Paul, 100, 136, 209, 240, 328
Shipyard Brewing Company, 177–79, 220–21, 277, 328
Shmaltz Brewing Company, 290–92, 339
Shoals Pale Ale, 210
Siebel, Bill and Ron, 164
Siebel Institute of Technology, 23, 164, 177, 317
Sieben’s River North Brewery, 164
Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Barleywine, 182
Sierra Nevada Brewing Company
anniversary and specialty beers, 335
awards, 103
beer website reviews of, 281–82
brewpubs of, 162–63, 198
distribution challenges, 86, 224
Dresler with brew kettles at, 78
founding history, 72, 76, 77–79
growth, 162–63, 292–93
management and survival, 267
media coverage, 163
partnership dissolution, 328
planning and development, 69, 70, 72, 74–79
production statistics, 128, 225, 294
recipe testing, 79
second brewery location, 339–40
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, 79, 86, 91, 124, 174, 291
Signorotti Farm, 64
Silva, Mark and Darci, 283–84
Singleton, Vernon, 23
Slesar, Steve and Joe, 241
Slosberg, Pete
on awards and success, 185
background, 111–13
beer can collections, 113, 129
book by, 331n
breweries of (see Pete’s Brewing Company)
as brewing adviser, 290
homebrewing of, 112–13
Koch, Jim, relationship, 240
Owades funeral attendance, 342
with Pete’s Wicked Ale, 130
postbrewery career, 270, 271, 343
in television commercials, 183–84
Slow Food movement, 149–50, 165–68, 288–89, 309–11, 310, 332
Smart, Jerry, 110
Smuttynose Brewing Company, 210
Snyder, David, 269
social networking, 322
Sonoma Mountain Brewery, 301
South African Breweries, 297
Spinnakers Gastro Brewpub and Guesthouses, 136
Spoetzl Brewery, 219–20, 270
Sports Illustrated, 285
Spuds MacKenzie (dog), 252
Squire, Richard, 223
Star-Spangled Beer (Erickson), 189
Steadman, Ralph, 178
steam beer, overview, 5, 19, 231
Steel Rail Extra Pale Ale, 282
Steese, Lawrence, 9, 24
Stella Artois, 271, 337
Stern, Suzy, 45, 49–50, 52, 64, 75, 87
Stevens Point Beverage Company, 35
stock investments, publicly traded, 208–16, 218–19, 265, 268–69
Stoddard, Bob, 127, 129, 130
Stone Brewing Company, 254–61, 259, 267, 340
Stone IPA, 259
Stone Pale Ale, 259
Stranahan, George, 178
Strasser, Rob, 162
Strauss, Karl, 256
Stroh, Peter, 63
Stroh’s Brewery
beer festival attendance, 92
contract brewing with, 239, 247, 250
craft beer canning at, 306
craft beer competition, 101, 168, 239
marketing, 252n
in North Carolina, 142
Stuart, Peter Maxwell, 138–39
Studies on Fermentation (Pasteur), 27
Stutrud, Mark, 140, 144
Summer Brew, 306, 308n
Tap and Growler, 164
Tasley, Craig, 171
Taste-Tempting Recipes and Creative Ideas for Matching Beer & Food (Saunders), 309
tax laws, 63, 249, 264, 278–79, 292–93, 332–33
Tecate, 255–56
advertising campaigns on, 183–84, 253
beer-focused programs, 159–60, 161, 164–65, 187, 331
as consumption influence, xv, 26
on contract brewing and false advertising, 245–51
taste-testing news segments, 154–55
Telischak, Bob, 60
Texas beer history, 303
Thomas, Andy, 101
Thomas Kemper Brewery, 101, 136, 212
Thompson, Hunter S., 178
Thousand Oaks Brewing Company, 98
Three Dollar Dewey’s, 190
Timothy Taylor, 36, 37
tourism, 295–96
trademarks, 241
Traquair brewery, 139
Treatise on Lager Beers, A (Eckhardt), 16, 20–21, 33, 58, 67
Triple Rock Brewery, 198, 285
Tuborg, 16, 17, 32
Tucker, Joe, 285
Tupper, Bob, 120, 121
21st Amendment (brewpub), 285, 296
Twenty-First Amendment, 7
Twenty-First Amendment Enforcement Act, 222
Twitter, 322
“tyranny of fast growth,” 175, 199, 237, 259
UB Group, 218–19, 341
“Ultimate Beer Run” (Russell), 191–92
United States Brewers’ Association (USBA), 62, 65, 66, 278
University of California, Davis, 21–23
Unsafe at Any Speed (Nader), 34
urban development, 264, 295–96
Utica Club, 157, 168
Van Munching, Philip, 155
Van Til, Andrew, 319
Victory Brewing Company, 178
Villa, Keith, 207
Vineyard, Nancy, 103n
Wagner, Brock, 303, 313
Wagner, Steve, 257–60, 259, 320, 331
Walker, David, 301
Walker, Rob, 30
Wall Street Journal, 222
Walnut Brewery and Restaurant, 199
Ware, Jeffrey, 161, 168
Ware, Rudolph “Stick,” 73, 74, 110
Warner, Jerry, 301–2
Washington, George, 109
Washington Post, 66, 121–22, 123, 309
Waters, Alice, 41–42
Waters, John, 257
websites, 192–94, 281–88, 318–19, 322, 330
Weeping Radish Farm Brewery, 141–42, 142, 296, 338
Weinberg, Bob, 77, 205, 211
Weinhard, Frederic, 17
Weinhard, Henry, 17–18
Weinhard, William, 17
Weissman, George, 28, 29, 31
West Coast style, 174, 283, 300
What’s On Tap, 189
White House, xiv, 152, 153, 333
Widmer Brothers Brewing (Kurt and Rob Widmer), 100, 118, 136, 219, 328
Willamette Valley Brewing Company (renamed Nor’wester Brewing Company), 212, 218, 291
Willamette Valley Vineyards, 212
William and Scott Company, 245
William Penn, 177
Wilson, Mark, 141
Wiltshire Brewing Company, 218
Wine Art of Oregon, 18
wine industry, 72, 212, 301
wine making, compared to brewing, 51, 112
Winter Warmer, 96
Witty, Mark, 228
Wm. S. Newman Brewing Company, 96, 97, 102, 115, 126
Woodell, Bob, 162
World Beer Cup, 279–80, 281, 313
World Beer Festival, 313
World Guide to Beer, The (Jackson), 46–49, 47, 75, 90, 271, 311
Wort Processors, 135
Wrigley, Richard, 109, 135, 228
Wynkoop Brewing Company, 198–99, 272
Yakima Brewing and Malting Company, 85, 108, 125, 128, 270, 339
Youngquist, Mark, 199
Zavatone, Otto, 73, 74, 102
Zeisler, Karl F., 60–61, 62
Zimmerman, Jane, 42, 45, 64, 74
Zimmermann, Chuck, 38
Zislis, Michael and David, 257
Zymurgy, 60–62, 63, 123, 188
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Tom Acitelli, The Audacity of Hops