by Tom Acitelli
homebrewing of, 151–52
memoir of, 331
Oliver and, 226–27, 228
Slow Food movement supporter, 310
World Beer Cup panel speaker, 281
Holborn, Paul, 256
Home Brew Digest, 192–94, 282
Home Brewed Beers and Stouts (Berry), 18
articles on, 60–61
books on, 15, 16, 18, 20–21
classes on, 18, 57, 59–60, 68
clubs for, 32–33, 33, 57, 70, 123, 135, 286
consumer awareness trends impacting, 34
journals and magazines featuring, 18, 60–63
legalization of, 20–21, 58–59, 62, 80, 84–85, 286
legal restriction of, 7, 20–21, 57–58, 136, 196, 223, 286, 304
national competitions for, 286
newsletters for, 32–33, 70, 123
process descriptions, 15, 46
homogenization, xiii, 8, 18, 103, 177
Honey Blonde, 207
Hood River Brewing Company, 161
Hopland Brewery, Tavern, Beer Garden, and Restaurant, 100, 217
American-cultivated, 37–38, 39, 41
Big Beer use of, 37, 311
extreme beer and, 233
India pale ales and, 39, 301
post-WWII availability and quality, 14
price increases and supply shortages, 321
purpose in beer, overview, 36–37
shipping challenges, 37
trend in, 39
varieties and use, 64, 91, 97, 134, 174, 225, 301
West Coast style beer and, 174
Hops Bistro and Brewery, 200
Hopworks Urban Brewery, 302n
Horseshoe Bay Brewery and Roller Inn Pub, 136
How to Build a Small Brewery (Owens), 172, 231
Hudepohl-Schoenling Brewery, 293
Huebert Brewery (Rick and Shaneen Huebert), 302
Humboldt Brewing Company, 218, 221, 277
Hummer, David, 73, 74, 78, 90, 199
Icehouse, 252
InBev, 337, 340
Independent Ale Brewing Company (Redhook), 100–101, 125, 136, 208–11, 251, 268, 328
“Indiana Jones of Beer, The,” 190
India pale ales (IPAs), overview, 39, 85, 173, 300–301, 320–21
Interbrew, 271, 297, 337
International Bitterness Units (IBUs) scale, 37
International Slow Food Congress, 166, 168
International Wine and Spirits, 270
Internet, 189, 192–94, 281–88, 318–19, 322
Interstate Highway System, 8, 25
investment partnerships, 108–11
IPOs (Initial Public Offerings), 208–16, 219, 265, 268–69
Irish pubs, 272
Iron City Brewing Company, 14
“Iron Liver Tour,” 285
Israel, Stephen, 140, 162, 261
Jack & Ken’s Ale, 335, 335–36
Jackson, Michael
accolades of, 117n
background, 45–46
on beer culture, 271
beer events attendance and participation,
90–91, 92, 121, 280, 296–98
beer guide CD-ROMs, 187–88
beer with food promotion, 121–22, 123, 309
book forewords by, 309
brewpub supporter, 84, 85
conference keynote addresses of, 296–98
death and memorial, 314–16
description and personality, 90, 160
freshness debates with Koch, Jim, 104
guidebooks by, 46–49, 47, 75, 90, 271, 311
as magazine advising editor, 90
magazine contributions, 192
New Albion visits, 75
preface to Papazian book, 83
Slow Food movement and, 298, 311n
television series of, 159–60, 161, 164–65, 187–88
tour with Dalldorf, 285
writing motives, 324
Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company, 92, 131, 169, 220
Jacobson, Michael, 50
James Page Brewing Company, 140–41, 306, 308n
Jersey Premium Lager, 177
Johnson, Bob, 178
Johnson, Julie, 188–89, 192, 288, 313
Johnson, Thaine, 162
Jordan, Kim, 178–79, 294, 313, 340. See also New Belgium Brewing Company
Journal of Gastronomy, 5
Joyce, Jack, 162
Joy of Brewing, The (Papazian), 34, 60
Kalamazoo Brewing Company, 119
Kallman, Rhonda, 114–15, 270, 328. See also Boston Beer Company
Kanolzer, Mickey, 258
Kansas brewing history, 222–23
Karl Strauss Brewing Company, 256
Katechis, Dale, 306–7
Katz, Francine, 248, 249
Kaufelt, Rob, 309
Kemper, Will, 101
Kenary, Dan, 135–38, 137, 144, 162
Kennebunkport Brewing Company, 178
Kettle Foods, 196
Khalsa, Nirbhao Singh (Cameron Healy), 194–96, 197–98, 304
Khalsa, Spoon, 196, 197–98, 304
Killian’s Irish Red, 205
King, Henry, 62–63, 65, 267, 278–79
Kingfisher lager, 218
Kissinger, Henry, 74
Klink, Aloysius, 197
Koch, Charles, 107, 115, 215, 293, 340
Koch, Greg, 254–61, 259, 267, 320, 331, 340
Koch, Jim. See also Boston Beer Company
American vs. European beer-tasting events hosted by, 272
apprenticeships, 115
association merger board member, 313
on awards and success, 185
background, 104–7
beer quality and freshness debates, 104
on Big Beer investments in craft beer, 210, 251, 328
brewery board resignation, 340
brewery investment shares of, 215
in brewery tasting room, 186
brewpubs of, 161
criticism of, 239–41
on extreme beer brewing, 323
extreme beer development, 233
false advertising accusations, 246–47, 248–49, 250–51, 252
as influence, 179
lawsuits, 241
marketing and sales, 115–17, 153, 154–55, 215
McAuliffe recognition, 336
Owades eulogy, 342
Kolence, Kenneth and Jeffrey, 97–98, 127
Kollar, Jim, 96–97, 141
Kölsch, 180, 263
Kona Brewing Company, 194–96, 197–98, 304, 328, 329
Korbel Champagne Cellars, 301
Kralj, Victor and Cynthia, 301
Kraus, Joseph, 7–8
Krejcie, Jim, 164
Krueger, Gottfried, 305
Kruger, Lyn, 317
Kuh, Fred, 3, 4, 9, 18
labels and labeling
ATF petitions, 251
authenticity claims and formula for, 10, 43, 118, 235
and branding, 111
copyright infringement accusations, 252
creative writing and design, 71–72, 178, 235–36, 237, 259–60
criticism on truth in, 248, 249
dog designs, 129, 130, 178, 252
early manual processing, 49, 64
ingredients requirements on, 50
of phantom crafts, 206, 207
Labinsky, Daria, 189
Lagunator, 236
Lagunitas Brewing Company
financial challenges, 175, 237–38, 286–87
founding, 170–77
managers at, 217
product development and branding, 235–36, 237
product quality and style, 287
relocation, 236–37
second brewery location, 341
signature beers, 174
Lagunitas Sucks Holiday Ale Brown Shugga’ Substitute, 237
Lalli, Christopher, 282
lambics, 240�
Landlord, 36, 37
Larson, Geoff and Marcy, 131–34, 133, 144, 295
Lawnmower beer, 303
Laybourn, Michael, 100
Lebesch, Jeff, 179, 222, 292
Leblanc, Louis, 32, 33
Leinenkugel Red, 205
Levi Strauss, 234
Lewis, Michael
background, 22
beer evaluation classes of, 257
beer festival attendance, 92
brewers advised by, 43, 51
conference sessions hosted by, 164
New Albion visits, 88
retirement and endowment funds honoring, 341
student brewery tours, 75
students of, 97, 100, 137, 177, 220, 256, 257
university brewing programs developed by, 21–23
Liberty Ale, 38–39, 69, 124, 174, 182, 235, 300
Ligeti, George, 136–39, 144
Lindenbusch, Ron, 216–17
Line, Dave, 15
Lion Brewery, 109, 162, 180, 263
liquor licensing restrictions, 9, 25, 98, 121, 141–42
Lite Beer Bowling Tournament, 122
lite/light (low-calorie) beers, 29–31, 122, 153
Littlefield, Wendy, 278
locavorism, 11, 103, 168, 231, 278
Logsdon, David, 161
London Real Ale, 98
Lone Star, 303
Long Trail Brewing Company, 162
“Lost Art of Homebrewing, The” (Zeisler), 60–61, 62
Louis Koch Brewery, 105, 187
Lovett, Mike, 100, 276
Lowe, Bill, 14–15
Lowenbrau, 41
Lucky Lager, 69
Lutz, Brian, 306–7
MacDermott, Gordon, 24, 36, 88
MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour (television show), 154–55
Magee, Tony, 170–71, 175, 287, 329. See also Lagunitas Brewing Company
Magerl, Chuck, 223
Magic Hat Brewing Company, 178
Maier, John, 162
Maine Coast Brewing, 138
Mallya, Vijay, 217–19, 277, 279, 290, 291, 341
Maltose Falcons, 32–33, 57, 70, 123
Mandel, Joshua, 182, 229
Manhattan Beach Brewery, 257
Manhattan Brewing Company, 109, 228
manufacturing industry, 242–43, 280, 326
Marin Brewing Company, 171
Marin French Cheese Company, 42
Marrero, Garrett, 304
Martin, John and Reid, 198
Mason, David, 200
Mason, Stephen, 140, 162, 261–62
Mass. Bay Brewing Company, 135–38, 137, 211, 262
Matt Brewing Comany. See F. X. Matt Brewing Company
Matt, Fred, 341
Matt, F. X., 93, 94
Matt, F. X., II, 94, 157–58, 169, 341
Matt, Nick, 168, 169, 313, 332, 341
Matt’s Premium, 157, 168
Matzen, Charlie, 60–62, 63, 81, 286
Maudling, Reginald, 14
Maui Brewing Company, 304
Maui Lager, 197
Maytag, E. H., 4
Maytag, Frederick Louis, 4
Maytag, Frederick Louis, II, 4
Maytag, Fritz
advisers to, 93
background, 3–4
breweries of (see Anchor Brewing Company)
brewers visiting with, 19, 24, 33, 57, 68
at brewery inspecting kettles, 25
with brewery team, 27
brewing philosophies, 165
description and personality, 96, 164–65
distilleries of, 326
on distribution, 222
on Jackson’s legacy, 316
as keynote address on expansion, 275–76
on King, 279
Owades funeral attendance, 342
postbrewery years, 341
pricing philosophies, 276
reputation, 69
Sierra Nevada specialty beer collaborations, 335
television series featuring, 164–65
McAuliffe, Jack
Anchor tour, 41, 42
background, 11–14, 40
Barkley meeting, 51
with barrel cleaner at brewery, 44
on brewery challenges, 76–77
brewery of (see New Albion Brewing Company)
as brewery tour guide, 75
as brewpub consultant, 99–100
European festivals and travel, 87
with Grossman, Ken, 335, 335–36
homebrewing history, 14, 15, 40–41
legacy and recognition, 334–36, 342
Lewis meeting with, 23
personality, 277, 334
postbrewery years, 334
on production and profits, 65
Sierra Nevada specialty beer collaborations, 335, 335
McAuliffe, John, 12–13
McCabe, Charles, 19
McCallum, Jack, 20, 21
McDonald, John, 223, 293
McDonald’s, 149–50, 166
McGinnis, Marjorie, 212–13, 269
McIntyre, Richard, 178
Mead, Tim, 103n
Meister Brau, 30
Meister Brau Lite, 30
Mendocino Brewing Company, 98–100, 128, 217, 218, 276–77, 338, 341
Merten, Adolf, 105
Messiah Stout, 290
Metzger, Mark, 210
Meyer, James, 23
Michelob, 29, 41, 225
microbreweries, 103
Microbrewers Conference. See Craft Brewers Conference
Miller, 29
Miller, Frederick, 29
Miller Brewing Company
competition of, 28–29, 31, 297
craft beer brewery stock and subsidiaries, 220–21, 277, 328
craft beer competition and product development, 205, 206
craft beer distribution challenges and, 260
craft brewery purchases, 131, 169
false advertising accusations, 252
financial security of, 157
lite beer development, 29–31, 37, 38, 39, 122
marketing, 28, 29–31, 31, 122, 297
mergers with foreign breweries, 297
North Carolina plant, 142
packaging innovations, 13
president of, 28
product development, 41
sales statistics, 31
Miller Lite, 30–31, 37, 38, 39, 122
Millie (dog), 129, 130, 252
Milwaukee’s Best, 157
Minnesota Brewing Company, 245, 306
Minnesota the Summit Brewing Company, 140, 144
Mitchell, John, 136
Mocca, Joe and Addie, 300
Modern Brewery Age, 61, 124, 207–8
Modern Brewing (Nowak), 18
Moeller, William, 158
Moonshot, 270
Morse, John and Peter, 211
Mosher, Randy, 189, 313, 317
“Most American Beers Lack One Thing: Taste” (Eckhardt), 124
Moylan, Brendan, 171
Muenchener, 225
Murphy, John, 28, 29–31, 30
Muto, Jim, 301–2
Nacho Mama Brewery, 228–29
Nader, Ralph, 34
nanobreweries, 333
Napa Smith Brewery, 338
Nathan Hale Golden Lager, 162
Nation, Carrie, 223
National Homebrew Competition, 286
Natural Lite, 30
Nazor, Hugh, 138
Nelson, Al, 73–74
Neptune Brewery, 229
networking, 33
New Albion Ale, 342
New Albion Brewing Company
anniversary beers named after, 276–77
beer festival participation, 86
board of directors, 86
brewing process, 64
closure, 89
distribution and sales, 64–65
equipment liquidation, 98–100, 334
founding history, 40–45
/> grain suppliers of, 75
growth, 66, 86–87, 88
internships at, 64, 65
McAuliffe at, 44
media coverage, 49–51, 65–66, 75, 88, 123
packaging and labeling, 43, 64
production statistics, 49, 75
retail costs, 64
social events, 87–88
visitors and tours, 40, 69–70, 74–75
New Albion Pale Ale, 276
New Amsterdam, 95, 108, 159
New Belgium Brewing Company
awards, 179
distribution challenges, 222
founding, 178–79
growth, 292, 293, 321, 328n
Jordan at, 294
production statistics, 294
second brewery location, 340
New Brewer, 172, 188
New Century, 270n
New Glarus Brewing, 177, 293
Newman, Alan, 178
Newman, Marie, 96
Newman, William S., 96, 97, 102, 115, 126
New York brewing history, 6, 134
New York City Brewpub Crawl Marathon, 229
New York City Homebrewers Guild, 226–27
New Yorker, 323–24
New York Times, 103, 308
90 Minute IPA, 320
Nomura, 271–72
No Name Bar, 26
Noonan, Greg, 172
Nordahl, Steve, 212–13
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 180–81, 242
Northern Craft Brewers Craft Brewing Association, 15
Nor’wester Brewing Company (formerly Willamette Valley Brewing), 212, 218, 291
Nowak, Carl, 18
N. S. Khalsa Company, 195, 196
Nut Brown Ale, 207
Oakland Tribune, 189
Obama, Barack, xiv, 333
Ockert, Karl, 100, 220
Odell Brewing (Doug, Corkie, and Wynne Odell), 179
Ohio brewing history, 162
Oktoberfest (Boston Beer brand), 215, 235
Oktoberfest (Coors brand), 205
Oktoberfest (festival), 234–35, 263
Oktoberfest (Lagunitas brand), 235–36
Olde Heurich Brewing Company, 134
Olde Saratoga Brewing Company, 291, 341
Olde Towne Amber, 304
Olde Towne Brewing Company, 303–4
Old Foghorn, 69
Old Milwaukee, 157
Old New York Brewing Company (New Amsterdam brewpub)
brewpubs of, 109, 159, 229
contract brewery business of, 93–95, 108–9, 144
marketing strategies, 121, 264
Reich at, 109
Reich resignation, 342
Oliver, Garrett
background, 228
books by, 308–9, 311–12
brewmaster positions, 226, 227, 228, 342
festival presentations on beer-food pairings, 319–20
Hindy and, 226–27, 228
magazine articles featuring, 323
Slow Food movement involvement, 289, 309–10
Olympia Brewery, 18, 71
100 percent share of mind, 221, 224, 267
120 Minute IPA, 320–21
Oregon Ale and Beer Company, 240, 250
Oregonian, 124–25, 188
Oregon State University, 257