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Twilight of the Gods (Universe in Flames Book 8)

Page 9

by Christian Kallias

  “YOU SHOULD GET some rest while I go help Chase and his friends,” said Zeus.

  “That’s a good idea,” answered Oryn. “I could use some.”

  “See you when I return. If you need anything, ask anyone around, and they’ll attend to your needs.”

  “Thank you, Zeus. Good luc—”

  A wrist device on Oryn bleeped and blinked. She pushed a touch control on it and a holographic message was displayed. It was a mission briefing as well as a summoning call to rejoin the Prime Task Force.

  “What is it?” said Zeus.

  “Hold on just a sec; don’t go just yet.”

  So either Arakan doesn’t know I betrayed him, or he’s baiting me with this.

  The mission brief was only half-surprising. The main objective was bringing back Odin’s head, which Oryn had half expected when they played their bluff with Thor. The Asgardians probably entered the conflict on Droxia, and Arakan’s answer to that was swift and immediate.

  “This is a summons,” she said pointing at the hologram, “from Arakan to kill the head of the Asgardians. I think we could use that to our advantage to bring down Arakan.”

  “Should we discuss that when I return?” inquired Zeus.

  Oryn thought it through and decided against staying on Olympus.

  “No, let’s go, together. I’m coming with you to Droxia.”

  WHEN CHASE RETURNED to the battlefield on Droxia’s surface, the reinforcements were still a couple of minutes away. Hopefully, Zeus would join them to make this fight a little more balanced. Chase was slightly disappointed with Oryn’s hesitation to join them, but not entirely surprised. He knew she wasn’t yet sure where her allegiance lay. Her main drive was to kill the man she had thought her entire life to be her father.

  Chris was engaged with a Fury warrior and was holding his own, the two of them exchanging and blocking blows at speeds too fast for most living beings to follow. Meanwhile, Argos had taken on the remaining warrior in Chase’s absence.

  “That’s some impressive backup you’ve brought along; at least get in here and help us finish these assholes,” snorted Argos.

  “Zeus is coming soon to help us.”

  Surprised, Argos stopped in mid-fight and got hit several times by the Fury he was battling. The Fury pressed his lucky advantage and sent Argos crashing to the ground. He followed through and prepared to strike Argos before he could get back up, but Chase was faster. He teleported in between and blocked the Fury’s fist an inch away from Argos’ face.

  Chase’s eyes flashed orange and he turned into Ultra Fury. He applied increasing strength on the fist of the Fury, whose bones started breaking one by one. He screamed from the pain and tried hitting Chase with his other hand. That was a mistake.

  Chase crushed the rest of the Fury’s fist like it was made of paper, which promptly cancelled out his failed counterattack. With a swift move, Chase ripped the Fury’s entire arm from his shoulder. The Fury fell to the ground, knees first, and grabbed his blood-gushing shoulder. The last thing he saw was Chase’s palm before he was incinerated by a column of orange energy.

  Only the bottom half of the Fury’s body remained as Chase ended his attack. Smoke rose from the burnt flesh.

  Argos got up, cracked his neck to the side and dusted himself off. “Having fun? I had this covered, you know?”

  Chase smiled. “I know, but I seemed to have distracted you.”

  “I’m surprised that Zeus is coming here. That’s all. He didn’t exactly seem open to help us when we met him on Olympus. I wonder what changed his mind.”

  Chase wondered if now was the time to tell Argos about both their origins. There was still a few moments left before the Fury reinforcements would arrive.

  “We need to talk about our mother.”

  “I don’t see why, there’s nothing to tell. Our Father told me she died shortly after our birth.”

  “He lied.”

  Argos’ eyes grew wide with shock.

  “What? How would you know?”

  “Zeus told me that Athena is our mother.”

  The expression on Argos’ face conveyed an equal mixture of surprise, anger and even guilt.

  “That can’t be—” was all he could muster.

  “Believe me, it is. Which makes Zeus our grandfather.”

  “And Aphroditis—” but Argos couldn’t bring himself to finish the sentence.

  “Our aunt, yes. You’ve trapped her into a machine that sucks on her life energy with every passing minute. But I guess you couldn’t have known.”

  Argos’ complexion turned whiter with each passing second. “I— we need to do something about it.”

  Chase didn’t expect Argos to feel exactly the same as he did, but perhaps Chase had underestimated the importance of family to his proud and arrogant brother.

  “Oh we will; the first chance we get, you and I are going to free her from that infernal machine.”

  The dozen Fury fighters landed not far from them just as Chris finished off the Fury he had been fighting.

  Chris flew down from the air and landed next to Chase and Argos.

  “What’s with the two of you? I don’t know what you two are talking about but now is not the time to have a committee meeting. In case you weren’t paying attention, these guys,” said Chris pointing toward the dozen Furies with his thumb, “have just arrived. And I still don’t see any reinforcements.”

  Argos chuckled. “He’s your son, alright.”

  “That’s for sure, but he’s right. I wonder what’s taking Zeus so lon—”

  Both Zeus and Oryn appeared in front of them.

  “Now, that’s impeccable timing,” said Argos.

  NOW THAT THE Asgardians had entered the conflict, the Hope managed to retreat from the center of the battle to recharge its shields. Thor’s ship, the Mjölnir, had just destroyed two Fury super-destroyers that were threatening the Hope’s structural integrity after it had lost its shields. They were already recharging when Sarah felt another wave of energy course through her entire body.

  What is happening to me?

  She looked at her hands and saw small orange lightning bolts discharge in between her fingers. She closed her eyes and tried to calm down, but it didn’t seem to have any effect, and her heart started racing. What if she couldn’t control her powers, what would happen to the Hope then? And to the planet below. Chase had created a black hole the last time he used his powers in space. This could have devastating consequences.

  She swiftly excused herself from the bridge and ran into the captain’s ready room where the flashes of energy intensified. She stepped in front of a mirror and was shocked to see her entire silhouette flash orange in increasingly stronger discharges.

  She thought about calling Chase, but she knew he was busy on the ground. So she tried calling someone else.

  Ares! She mentally shouted. Please tell me you can hear me? Come here at once, there’s something terribly wrong with me!

  THE FURY TURNED AROUND, the Droxian captain’s head in her hand. She levitated the head a few inches away from Ronan’s face. His former commanding officer’s face was badly burned, and a look of painful terror was in his dead eyes.

  “I’m sorry, did you hope to say some last farewell words to your colleague?” said the Fury female in a cruelly amused tone of voice. “Where are my manners? There, I don’t think he can hear you anymore, but if it will make you feel any better.”

  She burst into yet another fit of laughter.

  Ronan felt anger grow deep within his soul. But that feeling was fighting a losing battle with his deepest fear. Ronan did not fear death, but right in these dreadful last moments, he wished he had a second chance. Should he have tried to save his own life? After all, the captain’s sacrifice had been in vain now that Ronan was about to die as well.

  “I’m sorry, Captain, I should have listened to you,” said Ronan looking into his commanding officer’s lifeless eyes.

  “I wouldn’t have let y
ou escape anyway, so you can take some comfort from that,” said the Fury before using telekinesis to crush what was left of the captain’s face. “Now that you have said your goodbyes, it’s time to go join him in hell.”

  A large red fireball crackled to life inside the Fury’s hand, as she aimed it at Ronan’s head, and fired.

  This is it. Goodbye mother.

  Ronan felt something drag him at impossible speed and when the fireball that should have killed him hit the ground; he was no longer there.

  “Don’t you dare touch my son, you bitch!” exclaimed Ryonna as she stepped forward, pumping her anti-Fury shotgun gauge and firing a shockwave shot that sent the Fury skidding across the floor for several yards.

  Ryonna pumped the weapon again while the power pack recharged with a satisfying upper-pitch hum before she aimed and unleashed a second shot at the Fury female, who lost her footing from the second shockwave energy blast and crashed onto the ground, back first.

  Ronan was already behind his mother, thanks to Tar’Lock’s prompt rescue, who briefly smiled at him the moment they were out of danger.

  “Good to see you, Ronan,” said the insectoid Gorgar.

  “It’s damn good to see you, too. But you shouldn’t have come, this Fury is crazy, she’ll kill us all.”

  “We’ll be fine; now stay out of sight while we deal with her.” Ryonna’s gaze drifted to the holes in her son’s shoulder. “Looks like you need a trip to a regen tank ASAP,” replied Tar’Lock.

  “How is he?” screamed Ryonna, while reloading her huge gun once more.

  Tar’Lock made a head movement, inviting Ronan to answer.

  “I’m fine, don’t worry about me,” exclaimed Ronan. “Be careful, she’s a crazy one.”

  Ryonna flashed her son a thumbs up without turning back; she needed to stay focused on eliminating their threat.

  The Fury got back up and Ryonna shot once more with her weapon but this time her enemy blocked the shot by sending a shockwave of her own that nullified Ryonna’s weapon. She then fired two fireballs at Ryonna, who dodged the first one by swiftly cocking her head to the side and somersaulted to avoid the second one aimed at her torso.

  “Now!” she shouted right after landing.

  Keera uncloaked behind the Fury in a super-suit and opened fire with her own anti-Fury shotgun. It took the Fury completely off guard and sent her hurtling forward toward Ryonna, who grabbed her blaster and fired three lasso shots at the Fury’s legs, making sure the Fury wouldn’t be able to land back on her feet.

  Sure enough, two of the three lasso shots locked the Fury’s legs together and she crashed head first onto the ground with a satisfying thump. Ryonna withdrew her sharp katana for the kill.

  Before Ryonna had holstered her blaster though, the Fury catapulted herself forward, head first, and impacted the top of her skull with Ryonna’s torso, knocking the wind out of Ryonna, sending her down as well and throwing her katana flying in circles in the air.

  Keera lost no time firing a second shot at the downed Fury, who put her feet in front of the shot and used the shockwave and her own strength to break the two layers of blue energy lassos binding her legs. Now freed, she leapt into the air and sent three quick powerful fireballs onto Keera; the first two were absorbed by Keera’s suit’s shield but the third one sent her whirling in the air and crashing against the wall.

  The Fury landed on her feet, swung about and aimed her palm at Ryonna who was slowly getting back up. But then the Fury’s eyes grew wide before her body split in two and she was dead before both halves of her body hit the ground with a grueling squish.

  Tar’Lock stood on top of her body with Ryonna’s katana in hand, crimson red blood dripping from its tip.

  Ryonna got back up and reprimanded her insectoid friend.

  “I thought I told you to stay out of this fight.”

  “You’re welcome. It looked like you could use a hand,” said Tar’Lock with a cheerful clicking noise.

  Ryonna smiled and kissed Tar’Lock on the forehead. “Thank you.”

  Tar’Lock’s eyes grew wide.

  “Mind— giving me a hand…” said Keera.

  Ryonna raced toward Keera, who was still on the ground, holding a bloodied stomach.

  “How bad is it?” exclaimed Ryonna when she saw the wound.

  “I’ll live.”

  Ronan rejoined the trio, his hand covering his own still bleeding shoulder.

  “Thank you all for saving my life.”

  Ryonna took Ronan in a warm embrace and kissed her son’s hair.

  “I’m alright, Mom.”

  “The hell you are. You also need a trip into a regen tank.”

  “I will, but first we must finish this battle. Tar’Lock,” inquired Ronan turning toward the Gorgar, “there are regen tanks on the deck below, would you mind putting Keera into one of them for me?”

  Tar’Lock nodded and moved so fast he was under Keera and helping her back up and walking in a split second.

  Keera grunted. “Shouldn’t we get out of here instead? I think I can make it until we get to the Hope.”

  “I’m not abandoning my ship,” said Ronan proudly.

  “Your ship?” said Ryonna, raising an eyebrow.

  “I’m the only remaining officer, so—”

  “Right,” said Ryonna with an amused smile. “That makes you the captain, now. Where do you want me, Captain?”

  “I could use a tactical officer.”

  Ryonna was so proud of her son. His side still kept on winning the battle for their world. She had raised him well, and wished her husband was still alive to see what a great warrior their son had become.


  “Surrender yourselves and you might not die in horrible pain,” said one of the dozen Fury warriors that had just arrived.

  Chase took a few steps in front of his group and smiled.

  “You’ve got this the wrong way around. If you value your lives, you’ll leave as fast as you arrived.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous! We’re twelve against five; you don’t stand a shadow of a chance.”

  Chase’s aura grew exponentially, which triggered a powerful shockwave that swept half of the Furies off their feet and had the rest of them battling a strong windstorm to stay upright.

  “If you were a hundred, perhaps I would concede this is going to be a difficult fight,” said Chase. “But it is you who don’t stand a shadow of a chance. So this will be my first and last warning. Leave now and you may live to fight another day.”

  What the hell are you doing? asked Argos telepathically. Let’s kill them all!

  They won’t back down, don’t worry. I know Furies, stubborn to a fault. But I had to give them a way out.

  The corner of Argos’ mouth curled into a smile.

  The leader amongst the Furies stepped in front of his band of warriors, just like Chase had done on his side a moment ago.

  “We’re going to kill you, and Supreme Commander Arakan will make me one of his generals when I bring him your head myself.”

  “I’m sorry I’m going to have to disappoint you on this one.”

  Chase teleported in front of the Fury and sent him flying high in the sky with a powerful uppercut. The impact between Chase’s fist and the Fury’s jaw unleashed a powerful shockwave that threw the nearby Furies crashing hundreds of yards away. Chase took aim with an open palm toward the wildly spinning Fury, roared a deafening war cry and sent enough kinetic energy toward his ballistic foe that the Fury exploded into a pulp of blood and guts.

  Chase cracked his neck and knuckles. “Who’s next?”

  Then all hell broke loose.

  THE MANTICORA SHOOK when a volley of torpedoes impacted with its shields.

  “Status report,” asked Ronan.

  “Shields are down to thirty percent. Athena is requesting that we target smaller crafts, since our main weapons aren’t that effective against capital ships. She’s dispatched an Olympian destroyer to cover us.”

  “Very well, let’s help the Earth Alliance wings dispatch the smaller craft vessel. Lock batteries and torpedoes to the nearest enemy wings and open fire.”

  “Firing now.”

  Ryonna looked at Ronan with admiration at how naturally he had assumed command of the Manticora. He seemed confident in his ability to captain the ship and that was something she didn’t expect for someone so young. She could feel in him the same fire that animated her when she had gone on the mission to break him from Hellstar Prison. His resolve seemed unbreakable. As a mother she couldn’t help but worry about his wound, but it did not seem to bother him or affect his ability at the moment, so she decided not to insist on him getting medical attention until the battle was won.

  Now that the Asgardians had entered the fight, the balance of power had clearly shifted toward the Earth Alliance. It was only a matter of minutes until the last Fury super-destroyers were dealt with.

  Tar’Lock entered the bridge at his usual super human speed.

  “How are things going?” he asked Ryonna.

  “We’re in good shape; this battle should soon be over. How’s Keera?”

  “It’s good we put her in a regen tank; that wound looked nasty. But in a few hours she’ll be right as rain.”

  Ryonna saw Tar’Lock watching the battle raging outside. Suddenly, he seemed very focused on something happening far away from their position.

  “What’s up, Tar’Lock? What do you see?”

  “That ship over there; is it just me or is it actually breaking away and heading straight toward the planet?”

  ZEUS DEFLECTED three incoming fireballs and zapped his Fury attacker with a flurry of lightning bolts. Chase was currently engaged with no less than five enemies at once, while Oryn dealt with four on her own. She dodged every attack sent to her with incredible dexterity and grace and when she saw an opening, she trapped one of her attackers into an ice coffin from which there was no escape. At temperatures near absolute zero, the Fury’s metabolism stopped and death was near instantaneous.


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