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Darcy's Passions

Page 8

by Regina Jeffers

  Dressed in a white, Empire waist muslin gown, Elizabeth’s appearance took on classical lines. Beaded hairpins reflected a halo quality, and Darcy gulped for air as he witnessed her entrance into the drawing room. He watched as she circulated about the room, obviously looking for someone in particular. Of course, he hoped the person might be he, but it was not to be. She briefly acknowledged his polite inquiries but quickly moved on to find her friend Charlotte Lucas.

  As the dance began, the pudgy clergyman came forward to claim Elizabeth’s hand. Darcy watched with initial amusement as Mr. Collins, who obviously thought himself to be adept on the dance floor, spent most of his time apologizing instead of attending and often moving wrong without being aware of it. Such a disagreeable dance partner should not be wished upon anyone. Collins’s ineptitude would amplify Darcy’s prowess later; however, Elizabeth’s distress and mortification became so severe, it was all Darcy could do to not interfere and replace Collins in the set somehow.

  Elizabeth next danced with an officer, and then she returned to Charlotte Lucas’s company. Darcy decided it was now or never, and his approach took her by surprise.“Miss Elizabeth, may I apply for the pleasure of the next dance?” he said as he bowed to both ladies.

  “Mr. Darcy, I . . . I . . . I would be pleased.”

  Not wishing to allow her the opportunity to change her mind, Darcy took his leave, but when the dancing recommenced, he returned to claim her hand. As they took their place in the set at the top of the line of dancers, a place of prestige, Darcy could not help but hope the uniqueness of the situation impressed Elizabeth; her neighbors recognized the honor he bestowed on her; he only danced with Bingley’s sisters up until this point. Singling her out made a statement to the amazement of all who observed it.

  As the dance began, Darcy planned to make amends for his earlier cut, but within her presence, he found himself to be embarrassed by those actions and was tongue-tied. She broke the silence first, commenting on the dance as they waited their turn. He replied and again fell silent. “It is your turn to say something now, Mr. Darcy. I talked about the dance, and you ought to make some kind of remark on the size of the room, or the number of couples.”

  He smiled. “Tell me what you most desire to hear, and I will happily comply.”

  “Very well.That reply will do for the present. Perhaps by and by I may observe that private balls are much pleasanter than public ones. But now we may be silent.”

  He nearly laughed out loud. She obviously demanded the long overdue apology, but he would make her wait a few more moments to take her by surprise when he did offer his amends. Instead, he said,“Do you talk by rule, then, while you are dancing?”

  “Sometimes. One must speak a little, you know. It would look odd to be entirely silent for half an hour together; and yet, for the advantage of some, conversation ought to be so arranged, as that they may have the trouble of saying as little as possible.”

  So, she noticed his bias for silence.Was Elizabeth suggesting he did not enjoy their conversations? “Are you consulting your own feelings in the present case, or do you imagine that you are gratifying mine?”

  Taking a jab at Darcy’s haughty humor, she responded, “Both, for I have always seen a great similarity in the turn of our minds. We are each of an unsocial, taciturn disposition, unwilling to speak, unless we expect to say something that will amaze the whole room and be handed down to posterity with all the eclat of a proverb.”

  The verbal warfare was back. God, he missed this foreplay during the ten days since they last spoke! He would not let her win this skirmish, though.“This is no very striking resemblance of your own character, I am sure. How near it may be to mine I cannot pretend to say.You think it a faithful portrait undoubtedly.”

  They were again silent until they went down the dance. He did not like the coolness the turn of the conversation took.Wanting to lighten the tension their need for dominance created, Darcy tried to steer the interplay in a different direction. “Do you and your sisters often walk to Meryton?”

  “Yes, we do,” she added.“When you met us there the other day, we had just been forming a new acquaintance.”

  Darcy’s heart stopped; she was speaking of Wickham. He knew Elizabeth saw the exchange between the two of them. Wickham had, most likely, spoken of their relationship to Elizabeth; of course, he would not tell her the truth of their dealings. Darcy discovered jealousy at Wickham’s intimacy with Elizabeth after only a few days’ acquaintance. He could barely control his feelings when he next responded to her. “Mr. Wickham is blessed with such happy manners as may insure his making friends—whether he may be equally capable of retaining them, is less certain.”

  “He has been so unlucky as to lose your friendship,” replied Elizabeth with emphasis, “and in a manner which he is likely to suffer from all his life.”

  Darcy made no response. His anger came close to taking control of his tongue as well as of his mind; he searched for another subject. He did not want to spend his precious time with Elizabeth speaking of his worst enemy.

  At that moment, Sir William Lucas cut through the set. “Mr. Darcy, may I compliment you on both your dancing and your choice of partner. It will be my pleasure to see you repeat your choice in the near future.” Sir William gestured toward Bingley and Jane Bennet. Obviously, the Netherfield neighbors already spoke of the likelihood of upcoming nuptials. Sir William insinuated Darcy and Elizabeth would often, therefore, be thrown together.

  Darcy barely heard what Sir William said, his attention drawn to Bingley and Miss Bennet. A force hit with the seriousness of the situation. Darcy realized he was so enamored with Elizabeth he did not try to stunt Bingley’s growing attraction for Jane Bennet. He planned to leave Hertfordshire soon, but Bingley took up residence here. He could not allow Bingley to be so foolish; Bingley would quickly learn to regret Jane Bennet’s bad connections.

  The second dance approached; his time with Elizabeth grew short, and he still did not make his excuses to her. Recovering himself, he turned back to his partner and tried to reestablish some sense of dialogue. Elizabeth resisted his suggestions, decrying each hint of civility. Her thoughts wandered to their earlier conversation, and she exclaimed, “I remember hearing you once say, Mr. Darcy, that you hardly ever forgave, that your resentment once created was unappeasable.” She did not wait for the reply.“Would it not behoove a person to then be accurate in his judgments if there is no room to change one’s mind?”

  When she repeated his earlier contentions, they took on a coarser tone than Darcy intended.“May I ask if you have a particular situation to which you refer?”

  “Merely to the illustration of your character,” she sallied; “I am trying to make it out.”

  Their parley took an unexpected turn. “And what is your success?” Darcy heard himself challenging her.

  Elizabeth shook her head as if confused.“I do not get on at all. I hear such different accounts of you as puzzle me exceedingly.”

  Darcy wanted her to know the real him, but he had no way of changing the opinions she formed at the assembly hall; it was too late for that. Nor could he acquit her of the lies she heard without putting his sister’s honor on the line too. Darcy would never betray Georgiana.“I can readily believe that reports may vary greatly with respect to me; and I could wish, Miss Bennet, that you were not to sketch my character at the present moment, as there is reason to fear that the performance would reflect no credit on either.”

  “Unfortunately, Mr. Darcy, if I do not take your likeness now, I may never have another opportunity.”

  “I would by no means suspend any pleasure of yours.What you ask are not my answers to give at this time, Miss Elizabeth. I would ask you to trust your inclinations to know what is true.” Their time together ended on this bitter note; they finished the second dance in silence and parted. The way things ended dissatisfied both of them. Elizabeth’s natural curiosity initially told her things were not as they seemed, but she could not see p
ast Darcy’s earlier behavior to her to distinguish the truth from the lies. Darcy’s hurt came from knowing he could never be anything more to her than he was at that moment; he forgave her for her disdain because he knew it was formed on half-truths. Instead, he directed all his anger on George Wickham.

  Darcy left the dance floor in an agitated state; his performance left him wanting to say so much more to Elizabeth Bennet. He moved about the room oblivious to the civilities being offered on his behalf. He stood along the rim of a cluster of partygoers, pretending to be interested in their tales when the bow of the same pudgy clergyman who tormented Elizabeth with his “lightness of foot” interrupted his thoughts. Darcy could not comprehend the man’s affront at first. Collins made him a low bow. “Mr. Darcy, I learned by a singular accident you are indeed the nephew of my esteemed patroness Lady Catherine de Bourgh; I wanted to assure you her ladyship was quite well yesterday sennight.” This unsolicited address astonished him, and Darcy eyed the man with unrestrained wonder; and when at last Mr. Collins allowed him time to speak, he replied with an air of distant civility. Mr. Collins, however, set about an equally pompous second speech, which increased Darcy’s contempt. Finally, he made the imbecile a slight bow and moved away. He thanked providence he was wise enough to not make a permanent alliance with Elizabeth Bennet. It seemed she possessed no shortage of poor connections. All he wanted at that moment was for the ball to come to a close so he could be rid of his promise to Bingley and to his time in Hertfordshire.

  He moved with the others to take supper. Unfortunately, he found himself in close proximity to Mrs. Bennet and Mrs. Lucas. In an energized manner, Mrs. Bennet confided to Mrs. Lucas, “Mr. Bingley so honors our Jane with his attentions. He singles her out above all others. We expect a wedding at Netherfield very, very soon, and when Jane is so well placed, I told Mr. Bennet, we may cosign our other daughters to Jane’s care in hopes of likewise excellent matches.”

  He watched while Elizabeth, realizing Darcy sat opposite them, tried to stifle her mother’s enthusiasm and tone down her mother’s voice. He felt sympathy for Elizabeth being plagued by such a family, but he found her mother’s incivility intolerable.“What do I care what Mr. Darcy thinks, Lizzy. He is nothing to me.” The absolute disdain he felt for her mother overrode his sympathy for Elizabeth. Finally, Mrs. Bennet said no more on the matter. Darcy hoped some sense of decorum might now return to the dining hall. Bingley, as the host, when the supper finished, called for singing and entertainment.

  Darcy watched as Mary Bennet prepared to oblige the company. Mary Bennet’s voice was weak and her manner affected. Darcy remained grave, but he witnessed the agony in which Elizabeth found herself. Elizabeth’s eyes pleaded with her father to do something. Mary would not leave the pianoforte until someone forced her to do so. Mr. Bennet took his daughter’s hint. As Mary finished her second song, he approached her at the instrument and closed the keys’ door.Then he said loudly,“Mary, dearest, you have delighted Mr. Bingley’s guests long enough; it is time to allow the other young ladies a chance to perform.” Darcy sat in a state of astonishment while Elizabeth’s countenance colored.The mortification she tried to stop with her father’s intervention turned out worse than Mary’s musical offerings. His bluntness with his daughter embarrassed all who witnessed it.

  Mr. Collins then began to extol too loudly upon his own lack of musical ability. “If I were so fortunate as to be able to sing, I should have great pleasure, I am sure, in obliging the company with an air; for I consider music as a very innocent diversion, and perfectly compatible with the profession of a clergyman.” He directed his speech toward Darcy for some unexplained reason. Darcy observed Mr. Bennet being openly amused by their cousin’s silliness while Mrs. Bennet praised Mr. Collins for his ability to know his own talents. Darcy’s indignant contempt changed to his usual formal hauteur. His silent contempt of the displays of Elizabeth’s family could not be hidden from her or from anyone else.

  He stood within a very short distance of Elizabeth, quietly disengaged from what he observed. He never came near enough to speak to her again. He replayed the whole evening in his head. Darcy saw her beauty and the thrill of escorting her onto the dance floor vividly, but those were doused by images of Mr. Collins’s affront, Mrs. Bennet’s allusions, Kitty’s and Lydia’s flirtations with the officers, Mary’s poor performance, and Mr. Bennet’s impropriety.The negatives of such a connection greatly outweighed the positives.

  Bingley and Jane Bennet caught Darcy’s attention. They were absorbed in their own conversations. They knew nothing of the spectacle Jane Bennet’s family had become. Darcy knew he could save himself from such associations, but he realized he must also save his friend. He could not, in all conscience, leave Bingley to his own devices when it came to Jane Bennet. He must prepare himself to separate the two permanently.


  “My feelings in every respect forbid it.”

  The morning after the Netherfield Ball found Fitzwilliam Darcy pacing the bedchamber. The decision he made the previous evening would impact both his and Bingley’s lives forever; it was not one to be taken lightly.The two gentlemen came to a country neighborhood, and both became infatuated with sisters. Darcy knew he could withstand Elizabeth’s allurements by putting distance and time between them. Getting Bingley to likewise divorce himself from the situation might prove more difficult. Bingley wore his heart on his sleeve. He was more impetuous than Darcy, but he did trust Darcy’s opinions implicitly; and he would use that influence to save his friend.

  Luckily, Bingley left for London this very morning for a short business trip; this gave Darcy time to put his plan in action. It would mean a secretive alliance with Bingley’s sisters, something to which he did not look forward, but his friend would thank them all later.Thinking so, Darcy left his chambers to speak to Caroline and Louisa.

  “Ah, Mr. Darcy, you seem rested this morning,” Caroline looked up from her morning meal.

  “I am, thank you, Miss Bingley,” he began, “but there is something about which I wish to speak to you.”

  The Bingley sisters held similar concerns regarding the attentions their brother showed Jane Bennet.They agreed Miss Bennet was a congenial young lady, and they were willing to have her as an acquaintance. Yet, the possibility of her becoming an intimate member of their family created a different story.They ridiculed the rest of the Bennet family’s lack of civilities during the ball, but Darcy remained silent. He could not place Elizabeth among the offenders. Other than Miss Bingley loosely confiding Elizabeth ignored her warnings about Wickham’s character during the evening, little was said against Elizabeth directly. Louisa even commented that “poor Elizabeth” appeared mortified with the actions of her family. Darcy was thankful they did not attack Elizabeth directly; he was still too vulnerable to her charms to allow that to happen.

  “So, we are agreed. We will quit Netherfield immediately and follow your brother to town.There we will do whatever we must do to save Bingley from his own folly.”

  Louisa added, “It is of the utmost importance that we distract Charles from this recklessness. We must divert his thoughts from this woman by exposing him to society comprised of his equals or his superiors, thus eliminating those beneath him.”

  His sisters and Darcy’s approach in his London hotel surprised Charles Bingley. He expected not to see them until the following day when he returned to Netherfield. Lying, Darcy reminded Bingley he too postponed business until after the ball. Of course, he could not leave Bingley’s sisters at Netherfield unattended.

  Bingley’s sisters chimed in with excuses of many preparations to address before the Festive Season. They begged Bingley to stay in London for the holidays where they could enjoy the festivities at Darcy’s London home.

  “I told Miss Bennet I would be at Netherfield for the Festive Season,” he protested. “I was to have dinner at Longbourn at the end of the week.”

  “But, Charles,” Louisa inserted her voice,“you woul
d not want to disappoint Georgiana. Mr. Darcy cannot spend the season at Netherfield and neglect his sister. We have been their guests at Kensington Place since your friendship began. We cannot desert our friends now; it is tradition.”

  “I already sent Miss Bennet our regrets about the dinner invitation, and I indicated we will be spending Christmas in London.” Caroline reassured him. “Miss Bennet’s family circle will demand all her attention during the celebrations, would you not think?”

  “You would not want to disappoint Georgiana, would you, Charles?” Darcy added.“She so loves your company.You are one of the few people who are able to draw her out of her shyness. She has practiced some special songs for a private concert. It is only for a few weeks.”

  “Of course, I would not want to disappoint Georgiana. I also suppose Miss Bennet’s Festive Season is already planned with her own family traditions. It is only a few weeks, as you say.”

  “Good, you will stay as my guest at Kensington Place,” Darcy added quickly.“I can bring Georgiana there sooner than I expected with both of us available to escort her to festive gatherings. She will be so pleased.”

  Once Darcy, Caroline, and Louisa had Bingley sequestered in London, they began their erosion of Bingley’s feelings for Jane Bennet. Bingley, being young, was easy to convince. First, his sisters made casual comments about how women make fools of men by using feminine charms. Each “way” they ridiculed was a characteristic Jane Bennet possessed. Then Darcy added his concerns about whether Miss Bennet really cared for Bingley. “Bingley, she listens attentively to you, but I observed her doing the same in other conversations. What I did not observe,” Darcy insinuated, “was an exclusive feeling in your respect. I believe she would accept your proposals; it would benefit Miss Bennet substantially, but you always said you would prefer a relationship which includes mutual affection.”


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