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Waiting For You (The Guardians: Book 3)

Page 13

by D. M. Mortier

  “I reinstated the security on the wall as before when I left the flat. I had your flat emptied of anything that indicated that someone was currently living there. All of your clothes, papers, and personal effects have been moved out.”

  “I never keep papers of anything to indicate who I am anyway, but it’s good that you did that because I just started the timer.”

  “What timer?”

  “My flat was rigged in case something like this happened. It will be extinguished in seconds.”


  Malika raised her head and grinned at Sean’s stunned face as the explosion rocked the flat and the computer blacked out on the scene of men diving to the floor in a fruitless last-ditch effort to avoid being extinguished. “Don’t worry. The explosion was contained to within the flat. The building and the other occupants will be safe,” she assured him on seeing shocked concern on his face.

  “Mr. Anderson, dinner is ready.” Jessica stood in the doorway of a cabin that featured a small six-seater dining table.

  “Thanks, Jessica. We’ll help ourselves.” Sean held out his hand to Malika.

  She hesitated, knowing that touching Sean was not a bright idea. As soon as he wrapped his rough palm against hers, awareness reeled through her.

  He tightened his grip and pulled her from the chair.

  Malika was embarrassed by the weakness in her knees, and it didn’t help when Sean guided her around the table to stand in front of him. With his arms around her waist, he hugged her close to his hard body and buried his face in her hair. “I can’t lose you again, Duchess,” he whispered.

  She knew that the vision of the men in her flat was still heavy on his mind. “I’m good at what I do, Sean.” She turned her face into the hard wall of his chest, and she curled her body closer to him. Her nipples beaded as she basked in his raw masculinity. He was all man and made her feel incredibly small and feminine against his much larger frame.

  “I don’t doubt how good you are, but I need you to tell me and my teammates everything so we can protect you.” He tightened his arms around her.

  Malika didn’t want to move away from him. Her nipples were so hard she was certain they were stubbing him. Her dress had ridden up her thigh, which was wedged tight between his muscular thighs. His lengthening cock pulsed against her belly. Her clit pulsed in rhythm to his granite shaft, instantly gushing juices in preparation of his possession. She wanted to climb his big body and have his erection pressed against the place that ached the most for him. It’s bloody embarrassing how wet I am for him right now.

  “I’ve told you most of it.” Malika cringed at how breathy her voice sounded. She rolled her hips slightly, trying to rub her taut clit against his hard thigh without him realizing what she was doing. He palmed her ass and held her still. Busted! She held her breath and waited anxiously for him to call her on treating him as something other than her brother.

  “Let’s have dinner.” He peeled her off of him.

  She barely restrained herself from whimpering in protest. Right, I almost forgot. He said that he was in love with someone else. Why didn’t I remember that before I started dry humping him?

  “We have another seven hours at least in the air. I suspect we need to get as much rest as we can. And you need to tell me where you learned to use explosives like that. How did you blow up your flat without killing the other tenants in the complex?”

  Over a starter spinach salad, perfectly cooked filet mignon, steamed vegetables and roasted potatoes for the main course and fresh fruit for dessert, he questioned her insistently. They talked about the explosives, why she’d learned the tactic in the first place, and answered his numerous questions on her job with the Agency. “They probably found the flat through the Agency. It’s not in my name. However it was exclusively used by me for the past two years. I had it tricked out with the panic/computer room when I moved in.”

  “Why? Who were you afraid of?”

  “I wasn’t afraid of anyone. I spend a lot of time in my flat because of the nature of my work. The extra security measures made me feel in control of my life. Do you understand?”

  “How did you ensure that the building didn’t get destroyed along with your flat?”

  “I had the reinforced walls and the explosives added about a year ago. No reason other than I like shit like that. My other home is the same way. And now that I confiscated the money from this arms dealer, I’m glad of the over-the-top security I’ve had for years.”

  “You were smart to do it, but I wish you hadn’t put yourself in a situation where you needed to add such measures.”

  “Sean, if I had a choice about whether to do this again, I would. Those bastards are killing innocent people every day, in Syria and the Ukraine. I won’t standby and do nothing because I’m afraid. That person isn’t me. Do you know that this same dealer also has contracts to supply arms to the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany? This is why he is so emboldened!”

  “I know who Patrick O’Malley is. I also know you would never back down from a challenge. You’re tough, and I love that about you. However, I want you safe and wish that, in this case, you were more of a coward.”

  Sean also wanted more answers on what his parents held over her to compel her to fake her own death. He didn’t relent, questioning and prodding until she promised never to make such monumental decisions without discussing them with him first.

  Malika was having other issues, though, and couldn’t quite dredge up the energy to get upset over his dictatorial behavior. She was too busy dealing with other more pressing issues as, throughout the meal, her desire for him remained on a slow-burning simmer.

  “I expected you to understand,” she told him.

  Sean sighed and stood from the dining table. They had both completed their dinner. “I don’t understand a damn thing you do.”

  Malika ignored his flippant remark and didn’t answer him. She followed him to a sitting area in the plane.

  He poured her another glass of red wine. They sat and talked for awhile. Malika almost started to believe that things were back to normal between them. He caught her up on all that had been going on with his teammates and about the full back-story of the mission she had played a part in a month ago in England. He had her rolling with laughter when he talked about Kiya and Richard.

  Later he stood again and walked toward the bedroom.

  Malika followed him.

  He turned at the door and looked back at her. “I’m going to get some rest. We should both rest.”

  She didn’t move. “Where are we going, Sean?”

  He stalked into the bedroom, but not before turning his green gaze on her with obvious wicked humor in their depths. “Need to know, Duchess,” he teased.

  “Sean, seriously, I don’t appreciate your dictatorial attitude toward me. I’ve been taking care of myself for years without any help from anyone else.”

  “Yeah, well, that shit stops now.” Sean walked into the adjourning bathroom, and she could hear him brushing his teeth.

  “I’m my own woman and can make my own damn decisions,” she shouted to be heard above the running water.

  He came out of the bathroom, walked past her to stand next to the bed, and lifted his T-shirt over his head.

  Malika watched his every move, mesmerized first by his lazy swagger and then by every inch of golden skin he revealed. “You can’t keep me against my will.” She hoped that he couldn’t hear the distraction in her voice. The low intimate lighting in the room made her feel as if they were in their own private heaven. She was not immune to the man or the romantic setting.

  Sean pulled his shirt off. “I know you want to get into the where and what of my plans, but my first priority is keeping you safe. And that meant getting you out of London as soon as possible. The fact that those men were in your flat less than four hours after we left proves my judgment correct. There has been no firm plan since then.” He unzipped his jeans and started
lowering the material down his hips.

  Malika shrieked before turning around in shock. “Sean, what the hell are you doing?”

  He laughed. ‘I’m getting ready for bed. You know I sleep in the nude.”

  “I know no such thing! How am I supposed to sleep in that bed if you don’t have any clothes on?”

  “Come on, sweetheart. There’s nothing here you haven’t seen before. And I’m really sleepy.”

  “I’m still not sleeping in that bed.”

  Sean laughed. “I had no idea you were such a prude.”

  “Whatever, I’m going to sit in this armchair over here.”

  “Suit yourself, but I’ll put on a pair of shorts if it makes you feel better. It’s not like this will be the first time we slept together.”

  “Huh?” She swallowed in shock.

  “You know, when I slept in your flat in university. We slept together fine then, right?”

  She breathed out in relief. The constant seesaw of emotion was starting to really make her dizzy. “That was before when you were exhausted. I’m not sleeping with you,” she muttered stubbornly.

  “Suit yourself,” he said cheerfully.

  Malika could hear him behind her getting into the bed. She didn’t dare turn around. Her heart rate had accelerated alarmingly with anticipation. I can’t trust myself to sleep next to him. He’s asking the impossible. It has been too long without him. I need him so much. I need to feel his touch and his kisses. I need to feel him deep inside of me. She shuddered violently at the thought of his possession. Malika closed her eyes and breathed slowly, trying to regain some semblance of control.


  The only response she got was gentle snores. She turned around, stunned that, while she was going through so much sexual frustration, he was feeling no such discomfort and had fallen asleep so easily. Hissing through her teeth in disgust, she entered the bathroom.

  Sean wanted to grin in satisfaction as Malika settled in the bed next to him. She had wasted twenty minutes tossing and turning in the armchair before giving in and climbing into the bed. He was not so happy when she seemed to be trying to hug the edge of the bed. Pretending to still be asleep, he rolled toward her.

  She stiffened. There was no more space for her to move away from him.

  He sleepily threw a leg over hers, trapping her in place. She wore a cotton T-shirt that reached her mid-thigh.

  “Sean?” He could hear the impatience in her voice as she turned to face him.

  He maintained his even deep snores but rolled more of his body on top of her.


  He snored louder and hugged her body like a favorite pillow close to him.

  Sighing in resignation, she settled against him and tried to sleep.

  Waiting for a few minutes to pass, he snuggled his face into the fragrant cavity of her neck. There was not an inch of space between them, and he clutched her firmly to him. He almost wept with relief when she didn’t pull away but, instead, curled into him. Oh God, I’ve been waiting all day for a chance to hold her, to kiss her.

  She shivered and tried to get even closer.

  Slowly he brushed a feather light kiss to her neck.

  Purring as if she were a kitten, she turned more fully toward him to give him better access.

  He barely restrained a chuckle. Tonight was going to be about him finally branding her as his. He was staking his claim, and when he was through with her tonight, she would have no doubt who she belonged to. And if they happened to make a baby in the process, he was all for it. He caressed her skin with his lips again, delivering soft kisses to her neck and now her upper chest. He rolled her under him.

  She squirmed closer and tried to guide his mouth up.

  At first he resisted her efforts, determined to make her wait and go at his own pace. He intended to reacquaint himself with every inch of her body. Edging up, he tenderly kissed her cheek, her ear, her nose, everywhere on her face except her lips.

  Hissing with impatience, she grabbed his face, held him still, and covered his lips feverishly with hers.

  He growled in satisfaction as the taste of her exploded on his senses. Wanting more of her, he deepened the kiss and curled his tongue around hers. Wrapping his fingers in the soft strands of her hair, he held her in place and feasted hungrily on her lips, slanting his lips over hers again and again. With his other hand, he pushed the hem of the T-shirt to her waist.

  She opened her thighs wide, allowing him to settle his hips between them.

  He palmed her ass and clutched her tighter against him. Behind closed lids, his eyes rolled back in his head at the exquisite feel of her dewy heat cradling his cock. He ground his hips into her folds.

  She moaned sensually into his mouth, rolled her hips slowly, and hugged him closer to her.

  One kiss melded into another and another. He was insatiable for the taste of her. Finally releasing her lips, he trailed tender kisses down her cheek, her neck, her chest, and to the generous swell of her breasts.

  “Sean, please,” she whispered and tried to lift his head in a fruitless effort to get him to move faster.

  Ah hell no. She’s not getting a reprieve after making me wait months for her ass. She’ll be lucky if I let her up from this bed after the hell she just put me through. He bit on the engorged tip of her breast, causing her to shriek from the sharp pain.

  He gently licked on the bruised nipple, soothing her before finally pulling the taut bud into his mouth. He rooted from one nipple to the next, sucking, licking, and biting the hard peaks until she was whimpering his name.

  Gripping his hair and holding him to her chest, she moaned and writhed against him in ecstasy.

  Sean trailed soft kisses down her conclave stomach, her hips, her thighs, her legs, and back up again, loving the scent and taste of her. When I get her to finally acknowledge our relationship, I’m going to make her spread naked in blazing lights so I can see every inch of her.

  She pulled harder on the strands of his hair, trying to guide him back for her kiss.

  Sean gently nipped on her lower lip in reprimand before gripping her wrists and holding them flat against the bed on either side of her head.

  “Sean,” she called out in protest.

  He swooped down and captured her lips in a deep kiss, effectively cutting off any further words. He wanted to tell her how soft she felt, how sweet she tasted, and how beautiful she was, but he couldn’t say any of those things. He hated pretending that they both weren’t fully aware of what they were doing. However, if this was the only way to have her, then he was all for it. He aligned the hard tip of his cock at the entrance of her core, sucked on her tongue, and slowly sank, inch by inch, into her. He growled, stunned by the intense sensation up his spine at the feel of her tight snatch, stretching and gripping around his length like a vise. God I missed you. He thought it, but he wouldn’t dare say it. A wave of love for her overwhelmed his senses, and he couldn’t stop kissing her, couldn’t stop stroking slow and deep inside of her. He almost wept at the silky, incredible feel of her. His limbs were shaking so hard he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. It had been too long since he had her. Moisture gathered in his eyes as he pivoted his hips and thrust in and out of her. He no longer had a coherent thought. His world began and ended with her. Lust and love bombarded him, fueling every nerve ending, every sensation in his body.

  She rolled her hips and sucked him deeper into her heat. Her inner walls closed tight around his cock, forcing him to roar and helplessly explode, his seed pouring out of him before he could regain control.

  Her harsh cries filled the room as she splintered, squeezing him and milking his cock further.

  Stunned, he rolled off of her and slumped down on the pillow next to her.

  She turned into his arms, contently snuggled her face into his neck, and slumped against him quietly. A few minutes later, her deep even breathing reached his ear.

  Sean couldn’t sleep. For the first time in his
life, he felt completely out of his depth. He had always loved her, but this new wave of feeling for her exceeded everything that had gone before. After believing that she was dead for months and beyond his reach, he had a new sense of urgency to claim her. With the added threat to her life, his emotions had become more volatile.

  Needing her again, he pulled her leg to drape over his waist and stroked up into her in a desperate attempt to meld her to him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Hours later, Sean sat in the pilot’s seat communicating with Air Traffic Control for his landing on a private airstrip in New York. He had left Malika asleep in bed. After making love to her again, and then again, he had still been insatiable and had to force himself to leave her before he hurt her. Needing to stay busy to distract himself, Sean told the pilot to take a break, and he had been in the cockpit since. He was now lining up the jet for landing.

  “You’ve brought me to New York? I don’t understand.”

  Just at the sound of her voice his heart rate accelerated. Sean fought hard to control his breathing. Being near her after the last few hours of loving was playing havoc with his emotions. The co-pilot, who was a fellow Australian of mixed Greek heritage, stared at Malika like a love-struck teenager.

  She was dressed in a light blue tank top, jeans that hugged her round ass with a silver-buckled belt accentuating her tiny waist, and calf-high stiletto boots. Sean wanted to cover up her curvy figure and prevent any man from looking at what was his. Sean glared at the young co-pilot until the other man got the message, turned away, and busily started checking the various gauges and controls on the instrument panel.

  Sean knew he was behaving badly, but he couldn’t seem to help himself. I’m so whipped over this girl it’s fucking embarrassing!


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