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Page 15

by Kelvin Kelley

“Nessa!” He called. “Are you ready yet?” Jonah checked his appearance in the mirrored wall of the spacious bathroom one last time. He reached up and adjusted the cravat at his throat again, and finally decided that it was fine. He left the bathroom. Behind him, the lights turned themselves off as he walked across the vast living area, and headed for the kitchen. “Nessa!” He yelled again, as he opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of clear liquid. He snapped off the cap, took a long drink, and then exhaled. He took another sip. “Hey! Nessa!” He called out again.

  “Relax, Jonah!” A voice yelled back. “I’m almost ready!” Jonah took another sip, and sat the bottle down on the large island in the middle of the kitchen.

  “Me, me, me, me, me.” He sang in a rich baritone. “Fa, la, la, la, la.” He continued. Then his voice shot straight up into an alto range, “Vanessa, my love. Are you ready?” He sang, as he lingered sweetly on the last note. He stepped back into the living area, and passed by the video wall which featured two ladies as they apparently had an animated discussion, however there was no sound. Beneath their images, a ticker scrolled by that gave the latest information on the subject that was discussed. He ignored the muted conversation, and continued to walk through the spacious living area towards the window wall, where bright sunlight streamed in. As he approached the glass wall, one of the panels suddenly slid to the side. He stepped out onto the large covered patio, and continued past the numerous pieces of furniture, to the railing at the far side. As he leaned against the railing, he put his left foot up on the lowest part of the rail. He reached into his tunic, and withdrew a small elbow shaped device. He brought it to his lips, and inhaled deeply. He hesitated a moment, and then exhaled a cloud on bluish smoke, as he sang softly.

  “Me, me, me, me, me.” He scanned the walkways far beneath him, but paid little attention to the few people that walked by below. As he smoked he just enjoyed the overall view of the space between the large buildings. He enjoyed the smoothness of the spotless concrete which covered the walkway, and the adjacent buildings. He saw, and waived to someone in the building across the way, as the man too, blew out a cloud of smoke.

  “There you are.” Vanessa said, as she walked out onto the patio. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Her long black dress caught a gentle breeze and ruffled as she walked.

  “I’m not missing.” Jonah laughed. “Just having a smoke, while I was waiting for you. Are you ready?” He said as he pocketed his pipe, and turned towards her. She took his arm in hers.

  “I am quite ready. Shall we?” She asked, as she took a step towards open glass wall.

  “We shall.” He exclaimed, as they entered the living area, and the wall slid shut behind them. “Video off.” He said as they walked past the video wall, which instantly changed to a soothing pattern of colors. He led her back to the kitchen, where he picked up the bottle he had left before, took a quick sip, and then tossed the still mostly full bottle towards a cabinet. In a flash, the cabinet opened and accepted bottle in flight, and then as quickly, closed silently.

  “Aren’t you excited?” Vanessa asked. “I mean, you’re one of the honored ones at this year’s Accession Ball.” She said as they walked across the living space again.

  “I am a little excited.” He said, as they approached the far wall, and a section slid to the side, and an opening appeared. “But in a way, don’t you think it’s all a little silly. Everybody showing off their latest rejuvenation or fancy new upgrade.”

  “Oh, no!” Vanessa exclaimed. “Not at all. I always love when we get to see the latest and greatest biotechnologies. I especially love to see the newest artistic improvements.” They stepped from the living area, through the opening into a large square room. The wall slid shut behind them.

  “But some of them are so…out there.” He said, as the wall slid open again, this time at street level.

  “Oh, you mean like Maria’s skin tone enhancement last year?” Vanessa exclaimed, as they walked onto the street arm in arm, and began to stroll at a casual pace. “You know, I heard that she had that changed just a few weeks later.” She laughed, and he joined in.

  “Absolutely.” He said. “It was quite disturbing, with the big splotches every where that matched her evening gown. Was she planning to always wear blue after that? I mean really.”

  “Well, darling...” Vanessa began in a sultry voice, “You know how much I love red…I was thinking-”

  “Oh no you weren’t!” He exclaimed.

  “But Jonah, large bright red dots across my delectable body would simply look smashing with this black dress, don’t you think?” She giggled. “Or, especially irresistible without the dress at all.”

  “Not a chance. Don’t even think about it.” He said with definite authority.

  “But dearest, next year is my turn to be honored at the Accession ball. I just must find something to enhance that will blow their minds.” She said, with exasperation.

  “What about that new set of kidneys that you had installed after your last Ball? They’re pretty fantastic. Seem to be working just fine, the way you always have to pee.”

  “Jonah! Really! I can’t help that I have a small bladder.” She argued.

  “Well why don’t you have that enhanced then. Imagine how they would idolize you when they find out you that could have the largest bladder of them all.” He said in an exaggerated fairy tale dialect.

  “That’s just ridiculous!” She exclaimed.

  “Imagine! You might be able to hold it for days…or even weeks.”

  “Stop it!” She yelled, and smacked him on the shoulder. “You’re just being silly now.”

  “That’ll blow their minds.” He mimicked her in a high voice, “And ladies, let me just tell you…I haven’t peed in three weeks!” She smacked him again. “Ow!” He exclaimed. “Okay, okay. I’ll stop.” He conceded. They walked a bit in silence, but the grin on his face never left. Soon, a grin appeared across her face as well.

  “Besides,” She began, “It’s the same issue as the kidneys. Nobody can see it. What’s the sense in an upgrade that nobody can see. I’ll never make them jealous unless they can see the fabulous new whatever.”

  “I don’t know. I wish I had a bladder like that.” He chuckled.

  “Oh Jonah, you just don’t understand these things, do you?”

  “No, I guess I don’t.” He sighed. “Like, for instance, why I am being honored this year. It’s not like you can see any of my enhancements. At least the recent ones.”

  “No, my dear. No one can see them, but they’ll certainly be able to hear them.” She laughed, and relaxed back into easy conversation. “You know…that last skin rejuvenation you had has been remarkable. Still so soft, young and totally caressable.” She said as she brought her hand to his cheek. “But the brain augmentation and vocal chord update is as remarkable just the same. It’s truly magic the way your voice creates such beautiful notes now.” She shrugged her shoulders, and gave a slight shake to her head. “Such beautiful music just goes right through me. I get goose bumps just thinking of it.” She said, and he laughed easily.

  “All for you, my love.” He said as he embraced her ever tightly. “My gift to you. After all, it was our centennial anniversary.”

  “And what a centennial it was, my dearest.” She smiled gaily now. “Perfect in every way. Your beautiful serenade. The guest list. How did you every remember all of those people to invite?” She asked.

  “Part of that augmentation.” He laughed. “Couldn’t have done it without it.”

  “Oh, and that beautiful dinner. It was so amazing. The piles and piles of sumptuous delectables, and the never ending fountains of sparkle water in every shade.” She laughed. “There was such a mound of food left when it was over. But I just had to save room for that delicious cake. I’m still amazed you were able to find someone to make such a glamorous cake. It truly looked just like the sculpture that I created
for my first Accession Ball. And was the same size.” She said, as she held her hand up at eye level. “I’ll never know how they held it together to get it to the banquet hall.”

  “They didn’t.” He laughed. “I had them make three of them exactly alike. And sure enough, during transport, they destroyed one beyond recognition.”

  “Really?” She asked.

  “Yes. The other two made it to the hall, but one of them started coming apart just as they brought into the dining area, so it had to be tossed as well. I was certainly thankful the last one held together.” He said solemnly.

  “I had no idea you had gone through all that.” She said.

  “For you, my love. Anything.” He embraced her warmly as they continued to walk, and simply enjoyed each other’s company. “So do you think that Roger will be an ass again this year?” He asked solemnly.

  “Ha.” She laughed. “Of course he will, my dear. Your cousin is quite good at it, after all. You know, it just wouldn’t be a true Accession ball without the great Premier causing a little trouble.”

  “Why does he have to be like that? I just don’t get it.” He said.

  “It’s jealousy, my dear Jonah. Pure unabashed jealousy.” She stated knowingly.

  “But jealousy of what?” He asked stupefied. “He has all of the power. His father saw to that. What in the world is he jealous of?”

  “Happiness.” She stated firmly.

  “Happiness?” He asked.

  “Absolutely, my dear. Happiness.”

  “I don’t get it.” Jonah exclaimed.

  “Look dear, it’s as simple as this. He’s not content with what he has. Or his place in life.” She said.

  “But he is the Premier!” He exclaimed. “There is no higher power in all of New Sebastian. There never has been and there never will be. My uncle named him as his successor years before he passed on, and those last few years of his life, he groomed Roger to be ready to lead our society for the next hundred years. What more could he need? What more could he want?” He asked, perplexed.

  “Well…he doesn’t have me, for one.” She laughed.

  “And he never will!” Jonah exclaimed.

  “No dear, he never will.”

  “So what you will be singing tonight, my love?” She asked. He was silent for a few steps, and then smiled.

  “Not sure yet.” He answered. “Maybe ‘Figaro’…or possibly ‘The Barber in Seville.’” He laughed. “But certainly nothing from the last hundred years. I just don’t like that pop music they have today.” He said, as he shook his head.

  “Nor I.” She said. “Nor I. Whatever you choose to sing, I’m certain it will be just divine.”

  “I guess I’m just an old fashioned guy.” He said. She laughed easily.

  “You’re my old fashioned guy, dearest. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.” She laid her head against his shoulder, as they continued to walk.

  Chapter 16


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