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Harmonics: Rise of the Magician (Harmonics Series Season One)

Page 11

by Chris Snelgrove

  Another warm smile lit up Sam's face as she spun in a circle, admiring herself in the full-length mirror. The dress really was a thing of beauty. Demure and elegant, this dress was everything Sam felt that she wasn't. A spiking desire surged in her gut. She really wanted this dress.

  Nervously, Sam touched the holo-tag. Her heart dropped out of her chest right onto the floor. Cammie caught a look at the holo-tag and whistled.

  "This thing better be made of spun platinum. That is expensive!"

  Sam stepped back in to the dressing room. "I can't get this thing. It's way out of my league."

  "It's on me, Samantha." Richard stepped forward, looking at her with open admiration and wonderment. "You and this dress were made for each other. You have to have it."

  Sam studied Richard, confused. Not at his act of kindness – he did stuff like this all the time for her. She had grown accustomed to his habit of buying her things for no reason at all. No, what bothered her was that Richard knew what the dress was for and yet he still offered to buy it for her. Some people were too kind for their own good.

  "It's not like I'm really paying for it anyway," Richard continued. "Besides, it's nice to do things like this every once in a while."

  Cammie raised an eyebrow. "Richard, that doesn't make any sense; if you're not paying for it than who is?"

  Richard ignored her question.

  Sam watched Richard log onto the store's net and pay for the dress. He always said stuff like that too, brushing it off like it was normal to spend ungodly amounts of money on things like dresses. Just when she thought she was starting to understand him, he would do something like this. He always hid behind a cold sarcastic exterior, but she knew better.

  "I told you he was in love with you," Cammie said very quietly. "You'd better stop that real quick before he goes all crazy like those genius types do."


  "Yeah, Sam?"

  "Shut up."

  "Chz. Well I never!"

  Ten minutes later, Cammie, Sam, and Richard strolled out of The Fox and into the shopping center. On the outskirts of Academy City 676, Mega Lots Shopping Center was the center of fun in town. They had the latest games, clothing, and accessories, not to mention a testing outlet for the electronics conglomerate Apples, Oranges, and Pears. The absolute highlight, however, was probably the military-grade survival combat tag played in the indoor weapons arena. Sam absolutely loved Combat Tag with the full body suits and energy weaponry. It was like she was in a virtual game room, but much more intense. It was the same rush of war without all the downside of blood and death.

  They wouldn't be playing today, however. Richard hated it, and Cammie wasn't much of a fan either. Plus, it had been so long since they had hung out that Sam was reluctant to do something she knew Richard wouldn't participate in. So instead of tag, their little group headed to the Foodopolis to find some eats and meet up with Coda and his recently acquired girlfriend, who was the current topic of discussion.

  "How could he have a girlfriend?" Cammie asked in exasperation. "He's supposed to be in part seven of Cammie's patented 'How to Capture a Boy's Heart' plan. Stupid boy, he's messing up my timeline. Rival girls aren't supposed to show up until later, somewhere in the last third of the 57-part plan. I can already tell she's a home wrecker."

  "I guess he must have missed the memo." Sam dodged a group of boys about her age, not noticing their gawking looks as she passed. "Just goes to show you, can't fight fate. If it's meant to work out it will."

  "Well, fate is about to have an encounter with a cleavage-maker bra and a high slit dress. Let's see him fight that one."

  "You're impossible."

  They both looked at Richard.

  "Don't look at me. I can feel my intelligence diminishing just by suffering through this conversation."

  The group found the main pathway that led from the shopping portion of Mega Lots into Foodopolis and stopped to get their bearings. Sam hated places like this. They were so large it was hard to know where to start. An artificial river cut across an eating area the width of a game field and probably twice as long. Restaurant after restaurant lined the walls in neat little stalls and served every style of food from the baked beef of the Deep South to the Gangan Super Spice of the Burning Plains. At the far end of the common eating area an artificial waterfall gave the ambiance a particularly refined effect. Sam thought it was overdone, but she was about the only one who did.

  She grabbed her screen and searched for Coda's avatar. It would have been a total nightmare trying to find Coda and his girl in this zoo of a dining area by sight alone. Sam quickly located him and they headed over to his table, a more private eating area that sat right in the middle of the river, connected to either side by attendant-lined walkways stretching to the raised platform. Sitting at a table in the center of the platform was Coda and a girl with striking blonde hair. Coda smiled once he saw Richard and the others approach.

  "Guys! You made it!"

  He stood, nodded to Richard, and then gave Sam and Cammie a hug, one that Cammie held almost uncomfortably long. Coda didn't appear to notice though, as he sounded perfectly normal when he spoke.

  "Take a seat, boys and girls. Have you guys ordered?"

  Richard nodded and held up his interface as Cammie and Sam found chairs. "I took care of it."

  "Perfect. Now then, let me introduce you to someone pretty special."

  The blonde girl blushed, rosy patches of color blossoming on her cheeks. She smiled and twisted shyly.

  "I'm Lacey. Tis a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My Coda Bear over here has told me so much about you all. Camille, Samantha, and of course Richard, thank you so much for watching over him. You have my gratitude."

  Sam stared at her in awe. Was she serious? Coda Bear? Who comes up with pet names after a week of dating? And they had her gratitude for what exactly? This was weird; totally and completely weird.

  As lunch progressed, Cammie was less than impressed. She looked downright incensed, which made for an awkward time. Sam could feel the murderous intent leaking out around Cammie. She severely hoped that Lacey didn't make any sudden movements or things could get real ugly, real quick. Lacey, on the other hand, hadn't noticed a thing, at least that Sam could tell. Either that or she controlled her emotions as well as a covert operative. Conspiracy theory aside, Sam was thankful when Lacey got up to take a vid call from her father.

  "So what do you guys think?" asked Coda as soon as Lacey was out of earshot. "Isn't she wonderful?"

  Richard was the first to cut in. "Absolutely delightful, Coda. I think you should propose right away."

  Richard shot Cammie a half smile, one that Cammie returned with a glare. "I guess she seems nice enough. You know, if you like that type."

  "And what type is that?" asked Richard in mock interest. "I think we're all dying to know."

  Again Cammie glared. "I was merely stating that she's nice. I just don't think she's for you, Coda. You need someone with a bit more culture. Maybe someone…ethnic."

  Coda chewed on the inside of his cheek. "You think I need to be with someone more ethnic? She's totally ethnic, Cammie. Hello, she has blonde hair and blue eyes! Who has blonde hair and blue eyes?"

  "Half of the Jade Empire."

  "And let's not forget her totally cute accent!" Coda continued.

  Sam tried to hold in her laughter, but was having a hard time. Richard also seemed amused, which was out of the ordinary for him, though admittedly he also appeared slightly preoccupied. Cammie and Coda's back and forth continued for a long while, and Sam quickly lost interest in their increasingly crazy point and counterpoint. About twenty-five minutes passed like this, with Sam and Richard finding refuge in Richard's screen and a riveting game of World of Warmongers. A buzz on Sam's own tablet and a flying envelope indicated a message from Cammie. Sam tapped the envelope and rolled her eyes. If you wanted to talk to me why didn't you just say so? she thought.

  Sam casually read the message.
br />   I see you smirking over there; you'd better wipe that little grin off your face and look to the other side of the bridge.

  Amazed at Cammie's ability to keep up two conversions, Sam shot Cammie a quizzical look and then turned in her chair, only to whip back around instantly. She slouched down.

  Adam was only six meters from them, sitting with a group of his friends. A giggle and another envelope with the words OMGWB, you should have seen your face indicated Cammie's witness to Sam's humiliation. He was here. Right here. Right now. What should she do?

  I could talk to him, she thought as she again glanced over her shoulder. Sam felt her breathing growing heavier. She had never been this close to him outside of school. Well, except that time at Camelot, but she was too embarrassed to remember anything about that.

  Up close he was much more handsome. His features were regal, his build perfect. He could have passed for a Vii-theater star if he wanted to; shoot, even if he didn't want to he could pass as one. She wanted to talk to him. She had never wanted to do something so bad in her whole life.

  "Well I'm sure you're going to be very happy together." Cammie's voice was more than angry, it was downright venomous. "If you'll excuse me, I just saw someone I know." Cammie stood, hooked Sam's arm and pulled her away. Sam was too startled to resist.

  "What are you doing, Cammie?" Sam protested.

  "You want to go and talk to Adam."

  Sam's face went white. "Like right now? Just walk right up to him?"

  "Of course not, silly. See those guys at the other private table there? Up the center bridge and on the left?"

  Sam attempted an inconspicuous peek to her side. She found the group of guys. There were five or six of them lounging at another private sitting area probably ten meters away. They were definitely not Academy City 676 students. "Yeah, what about them?"

  "We are going to go talk to them," replied Cammie.

  "Cammie, those guys aren't even close to our age. They're at least post secondary if not older." Sam looked again, this time a little more closely. "Definitely older."

  "Come on Sam, don't you want to go in for the kill?"

  "Cammie, I don't know what that means!"

  "Adam has his eyes on you. He's watching you this very instant."

  Sam froze and started to turn around.

  "No, don't look idiot, he'll see you!"

  "So what do I do?"

  "Just follow my lead," Cammie instructed.


  Before Sam knew what she was doing, she and Cammie were at another private sitting area talking to a group of absolutely gorgeous men they didn't know. And yes, they were men; there was no way they were students at Academy City 676, or post secondary. They gave Sam a bad feeling.

  "The small one over there is Samuel, the tall guy is Mark, and that's Tony, Jack, and Mitch. And I'm Rob," said the apparent leader of the bunch. He was probably the least handsome, but rugged and scarred, like he had been in a fight or two. He was a big guy, too, much bigger than Sam was used to seeing. "And no, were aren't from around here. We're just passing through on our way to a match. We're with Southern University's Combat Tag team."

  "That is amazing," simpered Cammie, trying to sound interested. "My friend Samantha here loves combat tag. We play it all the time!"

  Ugh. Totally and completely, ugh. If this was flirting, then Sam would pass. To make a guy interested in you, you have to pretend to be interested in what they like? Cammie could not stand Combat Tag. As a matter of fact, Sam couldn't think of something she liked less, except for Richard of course. Sam stopped paying attention to the conversation after a while and simply took it all in; the way the guys moved, talked, and smiled. The way Rob rubbed his chin and wrung his hands as if he was growing impatient. A prickle on the back of Sam's neck jolted her. Something wasn't right.

  The prickle turned into a breath that caught in her throat. This man, Rob, was growing impatient; all of them were. But why? What were they waiting for?

  Sam instinctively grabbed Cammie's hand. "Cammie, you know that I've got to get home. Say goodbye to your friends."

  "Sam what the heck are you doing?"

  "Never mind, just follow me."

  Rob and the other guys watched as they walked away. Samuel was the first to break the silence. "What about those two? They seem like pristine property. Especially the brown haired one. She was totally yummy."

  Rob smiled. "Yeah, I don't think we're going to find much better candidates than that for today."

  He glanced around at his crew. "Saddle up, boys. It's time to go to work."

  Adam and Evening

  Time: Current Day, early evening

  Scene: Mega Lots Shopping Center

  Sam tried to speak, but words simply wouldn't come. She was also having problems breathing, as if inhaling and exhaling had ceased to be an autonomic process.

  "Sam! What the oven brick are you doing? Answer him!"

  Sam smiled vapidly. "Hi, umm…it's nice to see you."

  "You too. I'm--"

  "I know who you are."

  Sam cringed and raged inwardly. Did I really just say that? 'I know who you are'? Oh, he's going to think I'm a stalker now. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!

  "What I mean is I know of you…wait, no. I mean, I've seen you around."

  He smiled at her. It took all of her strength not to go weak in the knees. "I've seen you around as well, and I've heard a lot about you too."

  "Oh have you?" said Sam with a giddy voice. "All good things, I hope."

  "Mostly, but I'm more interested in the bad."

  Cammie shot Sam a glance and mouthed He's interested in the "bad". Sexy!

  Sam forced another laugh but it sounded more like a cow hacking up a hairball. Adam looked at Sam with concern as she tried to hide her embarrassment.

  This was not going the way she had envisioned. Cammie came to the rescue. "So I was thinking we should totally get together tomorrow and do some Combat Tag."

  Adam looked over at Cammie as she eagerly engaged Adam's friend, Howard. Adam pushed his dirty blond hair out of his face with a small gesture. Sam couldn't help but stare. Oh, his profile was so beautiful. He was almost too cute.

  Sam felt her stomach churn. The fact was, he was too cute! How could they get married when he looked so much better than she did? No, no, that was not the case. She was hot. Ok, so she had about as much fashion sense as a blind deaf Ganga, but she was working on that. Oh, if only he had seen her wearing that dress she just bought…that Richard just bought.

  Reality re-engaged. They had been with Richard and Coda and then she and Cammie had left because Coda was stupid. They had gone and talked with those guys, the really cute but really creepy ones, but what happened to Richard. Did he leave?

  "So what do you like to do for fun Sam?"

  Adam's smile hit her like an old Louisville Slugger. She was having a hard time thinking. She knew that she should be worried. She knew that she should be sorry, but she just couldn't be, not at the moment.

  I'm so sorry Richard, she thought. I promise I will make it up to you. I swear it.

  "Actually I'm a big fan of Combat Tag. Do you play?"

  Adam's soft baby blues lit up. "Combat Tag? That's amazing! I love Combat Tag! I've played since I was little."

  Sam sat comfortably as hours with Adam melted together. They had come to the mall for a reason and she had been really worried earlier but now she couldn't remember why she had come at all. None of it seemed to matter. Adam was simply more amazing than she could have ever hoped for. They had so much in common, from the foods they liked to the programs they watched. It was just perfect. He was just perfect. She was so happy she couldn't see straight.

  Dinnertime came and went with Cammie, Howard, Adam, and Sam dining in the upper echelons of Foodopolis, where several breezy outdoor gazebos provided music, food, and a breathtaking view. Sam spent the time learning more about Adam, eagerly listening to any detail he would voluntarily divulge.

"I transferred from Academy City 781, in Sigler Providence, for a change of scenery more than anything else." Adam sipped at a glass of wine. Sam found that his older age just added to his hotness. "My father a consultant for a large multi-providence conglomerate, so we move around a lot. My mother is from the Jade Empire--"


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