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With Caution

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by J. L. Langley

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  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  512 Forest Lake Drive

  Warner Robins, Georgia 31093

  With Caution

  Copyright © 2007 by J. L. Langley

  Cover by Anne Cain

  ISBN: 1-59998-692-2

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: November 2007

  With Caution

  J. L. Langley


  To Dick D and Kimberly Gardner. The two of you were lifesavers on this one. Both of your opinions and encouragement were invaluable to me. Here’s to both of you, I’m looking forward to both of you being able to sign autographs for me.

  Also, thanks to Andre and the rest of my family for putting up with my long hours, and as always thanks to my critique partners.

  Chapter One

  “I fucking love your mouth.” Remi dropped his head back to the pillow, his eyes closed, taking in every little sensation.

  The suction on his cock increased as the clever tongue danced along the shaft.

  “Oh, fuck. Gonna come. Stop. Not yet…” Winding his fingers through his lover’s hair, Remi fought the growing sensation. He tried to slow the inevitable by pulling those delectable lips off him.

  A soft, seductive kiss tickled his stomach, making him loosen his grip. As soon as his hand fell to the mattress, his prick was once again engulfed.

  Ass muscles clenching tight, he shivered. His balls drew closer to his body and his legs tensed. It was absolute torture. A tingle raced up his spine. No, not yet. “Oh God, oh—”

  The wonderful warmth left his cock.

  Remi half growled, half laughed. “You fucking tease.”

  A snort answered him, then his dick was gripped, held upright and laved from tip to balls.

  Fisting his hand in the thick hair again, Remi pulled his lover’s face closer to his groin. “Yessss, that feels good.”

  His legs were shoved higher, exposing him more, and that wicked tongue laved his crease, snaking down.


  The licking continued.

  Remi tried concentrating on the slick caress over his perineum and the breath across his balls. It was so—


  Loud. It was loud, like it was right next to his ear. He looked around, his fingers letting go of the dark hair. He didn’t remember there being a phone. It rang again and the moist warmth disappeared from his cock. What the—?

  Blinking his eyes open, Remi squinted against the sunlight coming through the window. Shit. He’d forgotten to close the curtain, or rather the quilt he used as a curtain, again. What day was it? Oh yeah, Saturday. He’d just gotten off a twenty-four hour on, twenty-four hour off stretch.

  His morning erection throbbed. The wet tip rested against his lower abdomen. Wrapping his hand around it, he squeezed it through the thin jock. “Fuck.” The dream. He kept having the same damn dream over and over. Well, except for the ringing. The phone was diff—


  My cell phone. Reaching toward the phone on the nightstand, he glanced at the alarm clock. 7:02 a.m. If that was Chay wanting him to go running, Remi was going to strangle him. He grabbed the cell and flipped it open before it rang a fourth time. “Yeah?”

  “Remi.” Sterling’s voice cracked. “They’re at it again. Please come get me, I can’t stay here. You gotta come.”

  Remi bolted to a sitting position. His breath hitched and his hard-on dwindled, replaced by a knot in his chest. “Where are you?” Throwing back the covers, he jumped out of bed, looking around for his jeans. “Sterling, where are you? Are you in the house?”

  “Hurry, Remi. They’ve been at it since six.”

  “What? Why didn’t you call me sooner?” Remi snagged a pair of jeans from the floor at the foot of his bed. Loose change flew out of the pockets, falling onto the gray carpet.

  “I thought you’d be running with Chay.”

  He froze, his stomach plummeted to his feet and a chill raced up his back. “Shh. Sterling, I told you not to mention him in the house. If Dirk hears—”

  “I’m outside.”

  Making himself move again, Remi balanced his phone on his shoulder and shook the pants out. “Sterling, you can’t let Dirk know I’m still friends with Chay. If he found out…” He shoved his foot into the jeans, not wanting to think about what would happen if the asshole found out Remi was still hanging out with the “fucking fag”. After sticking his other leg in, he tugged his pants over his hips and grabbed the black T-shirt off the computer chair by his bed. “Start walking toward town. I’m on my way.”

  “But you have to stop him.”

  Like hell he did. What he had to do was get Sterling away from there, before the old man decided to start in on him. “Do what I said and start walking.” Remi moved faster, putting on the T-shirt and jerking his black baseball jersey out of the closet. The hanger whizzed past him and clattered against the side of the sleigh bed. When he drew the jersey over his right arm, his phone fell from his shoulder. Juggling, he caught it before it hit the floor and put the phone back on his shoulder. “Move it, goddamnit. Hang up the phone and get away from the house.” Remi winced at the bite in his voice. Snapping at Sterling wasn’t something he did often, but he was scared. If anything happened to— No, he wasn’t going to think that way.

  “I am. I’m going now, but, Remi, what if—”

  Wait a minute. Did that say—? Remi pulled the phone off his shoulder and glanced at the caller ID again. Sterling was on his cell phone. If the bastard caught Sterling with a cell phone, he’d kick both their asses. Dirk had forbidden Remi from buying Sterling a phone, saying the kid didn’t need it. What a joke that was. Sterling did need it. Without it, how could he call Remi when he was in trouble? He damn sure couldn’t use the house phone to do it. Which was the exact reason Remi had bought it and told Sterling to hide it. And sadly, he’d used the phone several times already.

  Remi placed the phone on his shoulder and looked around for his boots, spotting them at the end of the bed. Socks. He needed socks. “I’m not going to go over this with you again. She doesn’t want my help. I’ve tried to help her over and over. You can’t help someone who doesn’t help themselves.” Fuck the socks. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Remi snagged his boots and forced his bare foot into one. He laced it and got the other. Oh God, Sterling didn’t— “You didn’t try to break them up, did you? Did he hit you?”

  “No. I hate it when he yells. I went out my window and around back.”

  Remi laced the second boot and stood, securing the phone with his hand. “Good. Don’t you ever try to break them apart.” Keys, keys, keys, where the hell were his keys? Geez, his room was a mess. Ah, kitchen. He’d left them in the kitchen when he came home from the fire station last night.

  “I won’t. Hurry, Remi.” Sterling’s voice hitched like he was crying.

  I’m hurrying. Grabbing his keys and helmet off the counter with one hand, Remi squeezed the phone between his shoulder and ear to close and lock the door. He brought his hand back to the phone and jogged down the apartment stairs to his bike.

He hated to get off the phone, but he had no choice. “I’m hanging up now. I’ll be there in about ten minutes.”

  “’Kay. See you then. I’m walking.”

  “Good, see you in a few.” Remi flipped his phone shut and stuffed it into his pocket. Starting the motorcycle, he put his helmet on. His hands were shaking so bad he could barely fasten it, but he managed. He had to get to Sterling. If the asshole happened to leave the house and see him walking— Remi’s throat constricted, making it hard to breathe. No, no, it was cool, Mom would cover for Sterling and say she’d given him permission to spend the weekend with Remi, she always did. But if the old man caught Sterling walking and realized he hadn’t been picked up earlier— “Fuck.”

  Remi backed his bike out of the parking spot under the awning and took off toward the rez.

  * * *

  Sterling got off the bike, unfastened the helmet and took it from his head, leaving his short black hair sticking up on top.

  Remi brushed the spiky strands down.

  Sterling was getting tall, almost as tall as Remi now. The kid was growing up and becoming quite handsome too. He had the dark coloring from their Apache father, with his dark skin, hair and eyes. From their white mother, he’d inherited softer facial features and a straight, narrow nose that turned up slightly at the end. His face was less angular than most Apaches, even though he’d inherited their father’s high cheekbones. No doubt about it, he’d have women falling all over him in a couple years, if he didn’t already.

  “Thank you.” Sterling’s lip trembled faintly, then he took a deep breath and handed Remi the helmet. Raking his fingers through his hair, he composed himself.

  “You don’t have to thank me. That’s what I’m here for.” Taking the helmet, Remi fastened the strap before hanging it on the handlebar. He’d completely forgotten to grab both helmets in his rush to get to his brother. Thankfully, the helmet law was only for those under eighteen. Stupid in his opinion—everyone should wear a helmet—but he’d had no choice but to go helmet-less.

  Sliding his arm around his little brother’s shoulders, Remi ushered him toward the restaurant. He squeezed Sterling’s neck with the crook of his arm, bringing their heads together. His heart was still pounding, like it did every time he got a call from his brother.

  Wrapping his arm around Remi’s waist, Sterling hugged him briefly, then shrugged and lengthened his stride. “Okay, dude, you’re cramping my style. I’m not six anymore.”

  Remi chuckled and shoved the little shit’s shoulder. Some of the tension left him, seeing Sterling acting like a fourteen-year-old again. “Brat. I offer to take you to breakfast and this is the thanks I get.”

  Opening the door of the diner, Sterling nodded and held it for Remi. “Uh-huh.”

  An array of scents assaulted Remi’s nose, making him wrinkle it. God. Was he ever going to get used to all the strong smells? Being a werewolf was hell on the senses.

  Stepping out from behind the cash register, the hostess greeted them. She smiled and puffed out her chest a little as she went to the podium. Grabbing menus and napkin-covered utensils from the pockets on the side of the stand, she asked, “Two?”

  “Yes,” Remi answered, studying his brother and trying to block out the suffocating aromas.

  Sterling seemed okay, but Remi wasn’t fooled. He knew how scary the situation was. The kid was putting up a good front. He was more at ease now that he was away from the house, but shit like this didn’t just go away. Remi knew that firsthand. He’d been dealing with it all his life.

  Sighing, he took a seat across from his brother at the booth the hostess indicated.

  She placed their menus on the table, leaning over way more than necessary to put their silverware down.

  Whoa, that’s where the overwhelming flowery smell was coming from. Did she bathe in perfume? What was she doing anyway? Remi glanced up and got an eyeful. Good God, the woman was about to pop out of her white dress shirt. Remi averted his attention from her boobs and met her gaze.

  “Your waitress’s name is Sally.” She winked. “But you let me know if there is anything I can do for you.”

  Had her voice sounded that sultry when she’d first greeted them? Remi nodded and gave her a polite smile. Normally, he’d have flirted back but under the circumstances he wasn’t in the mood. Besides, her scent didn’t appeal to him. And that was too bizarre to think about. The weirdness that came from becoming a werewolf never ceased to amaze him.

  Sterling batted his lashes at her, grinning from ear to ear. “Oh, he will, I’m sure.”

  Biting his lip to hold back a chuckle, Remi furrowed his brow at the brat.

  The hostess smiled at Sterling before giving Remi one last look and leaving.

  Remi waited until she was out of hearing range. “What was that for?”

  Sterling shrugged, but his eyes were bright with mischief. “Only trying to help you out. She was totally into you. Besides, you always used to use me as a chick magnet. I thought I’d bump up the magnetism a little. You need a girlfriend.” Sterling unrolled his silverware out of the dark green cloth napkin.

  “I did not use you as a chick magnet. You always seemed to attract them.” Which was the absolute truth. Remi had never taken Sterling with him to entice female attention. However, he found out real quick a teen lugging around an infant did just that. Hell, even when Remi was in his early twenties and Sterling was in elementary school, Remi ended up getting phone numbers and offers that generally had him covering Sterling’s ears. “And I do not need a girlfriend.” Especially not one who doused herself in perfume.

  “You haven’t been dating much lately.”

  “And since when did you become my keeper?”

  “I thought—” Sterling shrugged again. “Sorry. I was only trying to help. You seem lonely. You rarely hang out with Chay anymore and you keep to yourself lately, except when you’re with me. She was pretty, wasn’t she?”

  Remi reached across the table and grabbed Sterling’s hand. He had to nip this in the bud right now. The last thing he needed, while trying to learn to be a werewolf, was a girlfriend. “She was okay. But I’m serious, if I want a date I’ll get one myself.”

  “You should go out with Chay’s assistant. Tina’s nice.” Sterling grinned.

  For some odd reason, Tina’s brother, Jake, sprang to mind. Jake was tall, dark and handsome, in a rugged way. He was appealing to Remi’s nose too. Remi’s cock began to fill and he swore he could smell Jake, but it was only his imagination. Even if Jake were in the restaurant, who could smell anything with all these people around? And why the fuck did he always get hard thinking about Jake? Jake was a guy. Remi groaned. He should be dissuading his sibling from playing matchmaker, not trying to figure out his strange reaction to another man. “Sterling…”

  “Hmmm, what do I want to eat?” Sterling looked away, still smiling, and picked up his menu, flipping it open.

  A purplish spot peeked out of the cuff of his long sleeve T-shirt. It looked like—

  The sick feeling Remi had banished returned with a vengeance. It felt like someone twisted a knife into his heart. He seized Sterling’s hand, and Sterling dropped the menu.


  Pushing the cuff out of the way, Remi studied the bruises. They were perfectly shaped like a hand. Someone had held Sterling around the wrist, hard. Further up his arm were bigger spots. Nausea swam in Remi’s throat, making him swallow hard. He gritted his teeth and his vision clouded over. If that son of a bitch hurt Sterling… “When? When did this happen? Did Dirk hit you? Where else are you hurt?” He growled, trying—but failing miserably—to keep the anger out of his voice. Some of his own past beatings filtered through his mind. The fear, the hurt and the anger had never faded with age. It was bad enough Sterling had to witness their father’s cruelty toward their mother, and even to Remi on occasion, but there was no way Remi was going to allow the bastard to beat his baby brother. “Answer me.”

  Sterling’s eye
s widened, looking startled. Slowly, he shook his head. “He hasn’t hit me.”

  Yet. Their father hadn’t hit Sterling yet, but he would. Remi was going to throw up. Even now, after all this time, he was terrified to face the old man and hated himself for the weakness. Somehow he’d convinced himself, by being the model son, he could make things right. He’d promised to behave as long as Sterling was not harmed, but now because of his own fear he’d failed his brother. He should have taken the kid years ago and run away. Why had he thought the asshole would stick to his end of the bargain?

  Closing his eyes, Remi took a deep breath. A warm, fresh scent assailed his nose and a sense of peace overcame him. No, not peace exactly, he was anything but calm. It was strange, like a feeling of safety, a lessening of his physical tension, if not his mind.

  A hand touched his shoulder. “Remi. I’m glad I ran into you. I’ve got something for you, can you follow me outside?”

  Remi gazed up into a chiseled face and nearly black eyes. “Jake, hey, uh…” It was Jake he’d smelled earlier.

  Glancing at Sterling, Jake dropped a hand around Remi’s biceps and tugged. “Will you excuse us for a moment?”

  Sterling mumbled something, but Remi was too busy trying to figure out why Jake was dragging him out of his seat to catch it. His head whirled, barely registering which end was up. That was very rare for a trained firefighter, but given the circumstance and Jake’s nearness, Remi doubted anyone could blame him. Not that he was going to let anyone know how Jake affected him, of course.

  Staggering to his feet, Remi was given no choice but to go as Jake continued to pull him along. What the fuck? Why was Jake leading him out of the diner? Halfway to the door, Remi mustered the strength to draw his arm back. “What—?”

  “Your eyes. Come on.”

  Huh? His eyes? Fuck. Everything was black and white. Which was probably Jake’s fault. Every time Jake was within three feet of— Oh shit. What if Sterling saw?


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