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Lily Learns to Perform part two

Page 5

by Matthew Lee

  “Hungry?” I asked.

  “Famished. Let me grab my coat.”

  We dressed quickly and hit a burger place across the parking lot. Lily wore her bodysuit under her jacket and several times during our meal had to shift her hips because Leo was leaking out. It made me hot and that pissed me off. My own fantasy was starting to anger and frustrate me. I considered dropping the whole thing. This much conflict and confusion was no fun. I want her to take only singular lovers but she likes the connection and intimacy of the same man. Maybe we should just stop. Maybe we should go back to the way things were. I wondered if we could. I watched her dab a fry into a splotch of ketchup and bite the tip. She looked happy.

  “What?’ she said, around a mouthful of food.

  “I was just thinking how much I love you.”

  She beamed.

  “Are you Lily Green?” the voice asked.

  We turned. A pretty woman, early twenties, blonde and blue-eyed, stood hopeful near our hard plastic table.

  “I am.”

  “I saw you in Streetcar last year. You were amazing. I’m sorry for intruding on your dinner but may I shake your hand?”

  Lily blushed. “Of course! What’s your name?”

  “Amy Schum. I study theater at community. I think you’re remarkable.”

  The women shook hands and Lily introduced me as her husband. Amy and I shook too. They chatted about acting and favorite plays and what Lily had lined up next and then Amy apologized and left us to our meal. Lily and I were quiet for a few minutes and then she said softly: “What a great night.”

  Chapter 9

  After that night, Lily and I seemed to get closer and closer. Maybe she paid me extra attention because I’d shown a vulnerability. She accepted a role in Les Miserables that would keep her busy for twelve weeks and my workload increased too, but whenever we were home together we snuggled and clung to each other like newlyweds. We were often too tired for sex but every couple goes through that and besides, it didn’t matter. Our intimacy was sky-high. I made no more mention of Leo and neither did she.

  Four weeks after our night with Leo, Lily and I arrived home almost the same time. We entered the kitchen and dropped our belongs. She told me about rehearsal and I shared some exciting spreadsheet stories. The conversation hit a natural pause and our eyes met.

  Clothing flew. No words were spoken. I kicked my shoes off without untying them and Lily almost broke her zipper getting out of her dress so fast. I picked her up, my hard dick bouncing, and carried her to the couch because it was closest. I whipped her panties down and off. She spread her legs as invitation. I froze.

  My mind slipped out of gear. Her pussy was pink and swollen and cloudy milk lubricated her inner lips. I knew what I was seeing, but I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I tried to reengage my brain.

  “Only a few minutes ago,” she said, her voice teasing. She turned to her side and showed me the handprint on her ass.

  My brain slipped back into gear, only to ram a brick wall.

  Lily fucked someone else?

  I couldn’t grasp it. “I thought…I thought you were at rehearsal?”

  “I was, from two to three-thirty. Then I was under Leo until a few minutes ago.”

  If you guessed my penis deflated, you’re wrong. Tires screeched and fenders smashed. I couldn’t process the truth.

  “You fucked him? Behind my back?”

  She looked confused. “Yes, just like we talked about.” She moved to her knees and leaned on my chest, looking up at me. “He’s fucked me so many times, Baby. We made the motel room our rendezvous spot.” She turned towards our bedroom and waved a hand. “Although he’s fucked me in our bed a few times too.”

  My dick could have driven a nail into concrete.

  “It’s better this way, right?” she said. “You don’t suffer.”

  My mind flashed back over the last month but found nothing. She wasn’t hiding Leo to be malicious. She was keeping the unpleasant from me.

  “Is this for me?” she asked, tickling my erection with her fingertips. She lowered her head and enveloped my straining penis in her hot mouth. She sucked and her cheeks and tongue swaddled me in mind-numbing sensation. She tilted her head back to receive my kiss.

  I poured every ounce of passion I carry for that girl into that kiss. For half a second I wondered if I should be hurt and angry but the truth is, I simply wasn’t. Lily and I had just enjoyed the best four weeks of our marriage and she’d been fucking Leo the whole time. What did I have to worry about? That fact told me everything I needed to know about how things stood between me and my wife.

  The moment our lips met, her eyes opened. She felt my love. Like a warm wave swirling around her, my passion, loyalty, commitment, and adoration, enveloped her. Her eyes grew wide. Her face softened. She moaned and melted. I circled her with my arms and let all my fears and doubts go. I lay open and exposed and she sensed it, she knew it, and she returned my devotion step for step.

  Water sprang to both our eyes. Our lips trembled. A powerful connection shook us. I held her shoulders and slowly bent her onto the couch and moved between her legs. My penis throbbed with want. I needed her, only her, and she needed only me. We lay exposed, uncovered, and defenseless.

  My dick found her slit and I sank in with little resistance. Leo had stretched and lubricated her for me. His sperm made her slick and I sank balls-deep in one motion. Lily groaned from the bottom of her heart.

  Leo and Lily had discovered a window of opportunity during the day because they no longer had to include me. He’d had her often, but never like this.

  Leo and I battled over her pussy, but he left her heart untouched. Only I held that. I moved in and out and his cum in her thrilled me. It thrilled her too. We gazed with fervent intensity into each other’s eyes and shared a fully awareness of what each meant to the other. We found each other at the center of the universe.

  “He came so much,” I rasped.

  “Three days in a row,” she panted.

  My dick was a diamond. The handprint told me he was back to throwing her around the room.

  I made love to my wife with slow deliberation. We never lost eye contact. I was reclaiming her and she knew it and wanted to be taken back, wanted her husband to own her. I knew he would fuck her again soon. I knew he might fuck her tomorrow. We both knew the truth but it only heightened our intensity.

  If not for his semen rendering her so slippery, I would have shot my load quickly. I was able to draw the moment out until, finally, I exploded with such force I sobbed and buried my face in her neck. She wrapped her arms and legs tightly and begged for every drop, curling her hips up to meet mine.

  Hours later I took her again.

  We would forever refer to this night as The Night We Met. We’d formed an unbreakable bond, a transcendent connection. Crazy that it sprung from her involvement with another man, but let’s face it; humans are weird.

  For the next several weeks I’d sit at work, watching the clock, knowing any moment they’d be in their cars and driving to the motel. My dick would get hard under my desk as the minutes ticked off. I felt him fucking her through the air. Her brain waves penetrated the walls of my office and electrified my mind. I swear at times I even heard her scream or moan or gasp.

  Most nights I’d race home to reclaim her. Some nights I would not, driving slowly, taking my time, allowing the knowledge she carried him inside to fuel us both. This erotic spell filled us both with madness and our lovemaking shook the bedroom walls.

  All too soon, it came to an end.

  Chapter 10

  I was in my office when I saw the paperwork come across my desk; Leo had resigned from the company and we needed a new manager for our Spring Valley store. I text Lily to ask what was going on.

  “No idea,” she replied. “I’ve been chasing that dick for two days.”

  I called the home number I had for him and sent an email too. Days later I drove by his dark house. Nothing. His
assistant manager was competent so I recommended for simplicity’s sake we promote from within, and that’s what happened. Within ten days, the world swallowed Leo never to be seen again. Lily was only mildly concerned, feeling like her time with him had pretty much run its course anyway. She was hurt he did not say goodbye but not surprised.

  She didn’t know what I knew. She did not know about Sebastian.

  A nagging thought sank teeth in and vexed me; what if Sebastian discovered Leo was seeing Lily? Sebastian naturally concluded, as before, the situation was coerced. Leo had been warned. Sebastian did something terrible.

  I tried to investigate and learned I knew surprisingly little about Leo. The address he had on file with us was old and he’d rented that property to a family. I could hire a private investigator but why would I? If anything bad had happened, I’d implicate myself by snooping around. I needed to treat Leo the same way I’d treated every other employee who quit.

  So, I let it go. Lily received outstanding reviews for her work on Les Miserables, I got a merit increase as scheduled. No more Jimmy, no more Trevor, no more Leo. I remembered a conversation we’d had long ago and asked Lily if our escapades had run their course.

  “I don’t think so. How about you?”

  I hugged her from behind. “I may never get enough of my sweet little wife struggling with a big cock. I love it.”

  She laughed and kissed the back of my hand.

  Chapter 11

  Les Miserables closed as scheduled and the afterparty was huge. Lily commented this would be out first party thrown by someone other than Sebastian and I laughed.

  “He keeps the bar pretty high. I hope we’re not bored.”

  The invitation suggested additional guests be invited as to promote the production company and the small theater, so Lily invited Dawn and Randy to join us. Randy had gained back almost all his weight but Dawn looked fantastic. Still not in Lily’s league, but great. The women wore elegant gowns with plenty of cleavage and I wore my standard tux. Randy looked uncomfortable in a sports coat and tie.

  The event was held at a small library on the west side and Dawn was nervous about being around so many stars. Lily and I shared a secret knowing look on that one. The open bar served everything and Randy felt like a bigshot walking around a library with champagne. I humored him and stuck by his side. I know he felt out of place too. The ladies went one direction and we went the other.

  I took Randy around and introduced him to the people I knew, occasionally spotting Dawn and Lily talking to actors and producers and directors. Dawn’s face was lit up like this was the best time ever. I discovered another bar around the corner and down a long hallway so Randy and I stopped for refills and some quiet time away from all the handshakes and backslaps. We found a small seating area which looked out onto a patio with potted bamboo.

  “I don’t know how you do it,” Randy said. “I’m not the jealous type, at all, but even I’d have a hard time letting my wife hangout with all those handsome guys. She does kissing scenes with them too?”

  I chuckled. “Yup. It’s just acting. I trust Lily completely.”

  “Acting or not, her lips are still pressed against his.”

  “I guess what matters is the meaning you attach to it. Would you feel more comfortable if they rubbed ankles?”


  “What’s the difference between lips and ankles? They’re both body parts. We give them greater or lesser meaning. It’s subjective and so therefore under our control.”

  “What about sex scenes?”

  “What about them? They don’t actually have sex, Randy. They are naked in front of each other but how is that different from you and Dawn visiting a nude beach? Did she run off and fuck someone because you were naked? Did you?”

  I thought it best to leave out the fact that Lily had fucked during a scene.


  “I used to be jealous but that proved unnecessary and exhausting. Who cares? Lily and I are blissfully happy. What else matters?”

  He shook his head slowly. “I guess. But I’d always wonder if I could trust her every time. Do you trust Lily no matter what?”

  “I do. It’s no big deal.”

  He pondered a minute. “Any of those leading men ever try anything with Lily?”

  This was tricky. Something about the way he asked made me think he knew or suspected and was fishing. I don’t know everything Lily tells Dawn. If she let something slip and Dawn told Randy, I might be caught in a lie.

  “Of course,” I said. “Lily’s gorgeous. They all hit on her and a couple have bragged they made it to first base, but she confronted them and that stopped.” I thought that would cover anything he’d heard. “Just typical guy stuff,” I added.

  We watched the nighttime breeze bend the bamboo and finished three glasses of champagne. Several actresses passed through and Randy’s eyebrows went up.

  “On the other hand,” he said. “All of Lily’s friends are hot.”

  I gave him a sensible laugh. “That is true.”

  After a while we wandered back to the main party and discovered Lily and Dawn had separated. My wife stood with a group of older men, directors, I believe, and Dawn stood off by the wall with a well-built and vaguely familiar man who had his back to us. I leaned closer to Randy.

  “Here’s your chance, big guy. Can you trust Dawn? That dude is buff. Can Dawn control herself?”

  I was teasing, of course, but Randy’s eyes narrowed. Normally he’s so comfortable with this kind of thing. Maybe the alcohol had him worked up? Or maybe he was feeling insecure because he’d put the weight back on and Dawn didn’t? Either way, I felt badly for taunting him and excused myself to go check in with Lily.

  My wife introduced me around the circle but I mostly stayed out of the conversation. I kept one eye on Randy. I worried in my effort to be funny, I’d planted seeds of suspicion.

  When I turned my attention to Dawn, I was shocked. From my new angle, I saw the face of her companion and learned Dawn was enjoying a conversation with Jimmy. Why was he here? I had a program in my pocket so I pulled it out and scanned all the names. There he was: Second Understudy to the Lead. Jimmy knew the lines and was held in reserve but never needed. Lily probably had no idea. I caught Lily’s eye and pointed to the restroom and then excused myself from the group.

  Jimmy took Dawn’s hand and led her out of the big room. Shit. This was going sideways fast. Randy waited a moment and then carefully followed them around a corner. Double shit. I did not need the people we’d brought as guests making a scene and fucking things up. I was going to catch up to Randy and then barge in on Dawn. I turned down the hallway and saw nothing but Travertine tiles and doorways. Where did they go?

  I tested the first knob and then repeated that as I moved down the hall. Most doors were locked but a few opened, including one to another intersecting hallway. I calculated the odds they came this way or continued straight and entered the new hall. I faced a door on either side and one at the end. The side doors opened into dark and empty rooms so I carefully opened the door at the end and found myself in a dimly-lit and sheltered garden. I stood and listened and then crept towards low voices. I cleared a huge palm tree and spotted Randy on the brick trail ahead of me. He watched something intently off to his right so I retreated a bit and cut across. I wanted to see what he saw.

  Goddamn it, Jimmy.

  Dawn sat on a low wall in front of a giant fern and Jimmy stood in front of her. He wore a tux like me but the zipper was down and his ponderous cock was planted in Dawn’s vacuuming mouth. I expected Randy to start throwing punches any second, but he didn’t. Frozen in place, he watched his pretty wife suck dick.

  His face was pure anguish; all those years of marriage wasted. All that heartache and struggle. His deeply furrowed brow and twisted mouth showed me the depth of his torment. Dawn sucked that long, fat cock eagerly, and Randy wanted to die. I resolved to offer our couch to crash, if he needed it.

Jimmy was almost fully erect when Dawn put a hand on each of his butt cheeks. She pulled him closer. She slathered the underside of his curving cock and playfully bit the side. Her cheeks dented as she sucked hard on the tip. She leaned back to look at what she’d created. Jimmy had one hand on his hip and stroked with the other.

  “I must say,” Dawn teased. “Lily did not do you justice. Goddam, what a gorgeous cock.”

  Wait. What?

  I glanced quickly at Randy, hoping he’d missed that, but his confused expression told me he’d heard.

  “Let me fuck you,” Jimmy suggested, his Australian accent turning Dawn to jelly.

  “No, no time. We need to get back. Hurry up and cum.”

  Dawn went back to sucking cock. Given the green light, Jimmy put his hands on her hair and began fucking her mouth. Randy watched in horror. Dawn worked that rod enthusiastically.

  When Jimmy started to shoot, Dawn’s cheeks pulled in hard. Jimmy staggered and had to lean on her to remain standing. She literally ripped the cum out of him. He kept his mouth closed and strangled grunts filled our little area. I risked another look at Randy and found him rubbing the front of his pants.

  Holy Christ what a mess we had here.

  Dawn sucked until Jimmy forced her off his dick. She wiped her lips with a thumb and smiled up at him. They mumbled a few words and then she told Jimmy to go all the way around to return to the party and then straightened her gown and headed for the exit. Randy ducked behind some foliage and Dawn did not notice. Jimmy stuffed his soft cock into his pants and left. Randy followed Dawn. I followed Jimmy.

  Back in the main room I found Lily and gave her a look. She excused herself and when she reached me I told her all I had seen.

  “Oh shit.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “And what did you tell Dawn about Jimmy?”

  “Not that we’ve fucked, if that’s what you’re worried about. I told her I saw him naked in the changing room and he’s huge.”


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