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Devil's Angels Boxed Set: Bikers and Alpha Bad Boy Erotic Romance

Page 20

by Joanna Wilson

  Maybe it was the soothing lap of the water. Maybe it was the fact they’d already had one frantic coming together barely an hour before. Whatever the cause, this time was different. Slower and more gentle than any of the times before.

  The slickness of her skin was a whole new experience. A smooth glide that made for long caresses and drawn out breathy moans. With her head back against the edge, the length of her neck opened up to his lips and he was thrilled to find new places that made her shiver and sigh.

  With his hands under her hips, Rex lifted her body until her legs were around his waist and lavished attention on her ample breasts. Suckling and warming her nipples in his mouth, he waited until she was squirming then released the tight bud, immediately splashing the cooler water over the tip. She inhaled sharply and tightened her grip around his waist.

  Working his way down her body, he took in the way her tummy twitched when he circled his tongue around her belly button. The way she clenched her teeth and moaned when he dug his thumbs into the crease of her hips and worked her legs from around his waist. How her breath rushed in, then out when he licked at the same crease with his tongue. The slight shadow of his beard made her entire body jerk when he ran the stubble over the insides of her thighs.

  He pressed lazy kisses everywhere but not where she was desperate for his mouth. When she tried to lift her hips higher, her upper body sank too low in the water, frustrating her. He wasn’t giving in to her silent demands this time. With her hands gripping the sides of the pool she couldn’t get those wicked fingers on him and make him lose control.

  “Tell me what you want, Ellie.” He watched her cheeks blush a pretty pink at his words and the teasing tone of his voice. She gave her body to him freely but she held back when it came to expressing her wants. He wanted everything she had to give and more. A little bit of pushing to break that final barrier would be rewarding for both of them.

  She couldn’t do it. She’d tried, in the past, to lose every inhibition with a man but it was the one line she’d never been able to cross. It was so easy to write that kind of dialog for her characters, so easy for the words to flow from their lips but not hers. Typing the words were much easier than saying them.

  “Tell me what you want, Ellie.”

  His words were muffled by the press of his lips against her stomach. Surely he could feel the butterflies going insane in there. Why was this so hard? She closed her eyes and tried to see herself the way she wanted to be. Uninhibited and strong, a woman who knew what she wanted and wasn’t afraid to ask for it. She opened her mouth and the words just flowed out. “Put your mouth on me, Rex. Taste me.”

  He had to take a very deep breath. She was constantly surprising him. Turning his head, he looked up at her with a naughty gleam in his eyes. He put his arms under her thighs and lifted her up onto the edge of the pool, spreading her knees wide and settling in between them.

  She rested back on her hands; eyes wide open, watching him as he teased her folds open with his lips. He had a real thing for having sex in places they could easily be seen. Judging by her reactions, she was developing a taste for it herself.

  Taking his time, he explored every inch of her. He brought her to the edge then pulled back, laughing when she growled at him. He did it again and she attempted to look at him sternly, a look he quickly caused to fade by sliding a long finger into her wetness. Four more times he brought her to the brink. Frustration and need had her close to throwing all caution to the wind and begging him to finish her off.

  If he could have read her mind he would have pushed again, let her beg. However, he was at his own personal limit of control. Watching her reactions was more of a turn on for him than he liked admitting. Gripping her around the waist he pulled her into the water, soaking up the gasp from her lips with his own before pulling away to look into her eyes. “This is dangerous.”

  “Dangerous?” She sounded like a parrot, her mind unable to focus on his words. Her brain was nothing but a mangled mush of throbbing need. Being back on a more even level had her thinking of nothing more than getting her hands on him and holding him still so she could get his cock inside of her.

  “Condoms and water, not a good mix.” He licked a trail across her collarbone, making her shiver and stopping her wandering hands for a whole second.

  She made a snap decision. Whether it was real trust, or lust, she couldn’t decide. “I’m on the pill, Rex. I haven’t been with anyone but you in the past year.” Her cheeks flushed bright pink at the admission but she was beyond being concerned about her embarrassment.

  Rex shook his head. “I can’t say that, Ellie. I always use a condom, but I’ve been with other women. Recently. I’m no angel.”

  Nodding, she acknowledged what he was saying but that little voice in her gut was screaming at her to trust him. In a movement that was smooth and quick, she gripped him firmly in one hand and lifted her legs around him, guiding him inside her.

  “Ellie,” his voice was barely a whisper since all the breath had left his lungs. She was so much hotter without the barrier between them. The long low moan that escaped her and the way her eyes rolled back slightly let him know that she was just as affected by the difference. “Christ. Whatever you do, don’t move.”

  Of course, the minute he said that her inner muscles clenched and released, so ready to feel him moving inside her that she couldn’t control them. She was nothing but a pounding heart, harsh breath and need. “I need--” Wrapping her arms around his neck and tightening her thighs around his hips, she began to move.

  It was the most exquisite torture. He thought he knew great sex but this was more than anything he might have imagined and it was going to be over way too quickly if he didn’t do something. He tried tricks he hadn’t needed since high school. When none of them worked, he bit his tongue-- hard. Nothing helped.

  She could tell what he was doing and she needed him to stop. With her lips against his ear, she whispered what she wanted, this time with no shame. “Take me, Rex. Fuck me hard.”

  He gave her exactly what she wanted. Pressing her hips into the side of the pool, he slammed into her. Over and over, the water around them rippling violently, he pulled out as far as possible and slammed back into her. The guttural sounds coming from her throat were erotic as hell.

  Ellie came hard, her entire body going taut and her nails digging in to try and find purchase on his back. His fingers were holding her hips so hard that she could barely move.

  He could have pulled out. Should have pulled out. He didn’t. It was too good, buried deep inside her with her muscles milking him harder and harder. He let go and it felt like he came forever.


  It was that time of night. Ellie was snuggled tight into his side, breathing deeply in sleep. Rex wished he could have that little bit of peace. There wouldn’t be much sleep for him tonight.

  Xander wasn't a threat to Ellie but he was definitely a threat to the Siouxans. After the phone conversation with his Dad while Ellie was showering, he had no doubts that Xander would kill his own daughter if it got him what he wanted. There was also little doubt that if Xander didn’t already know about him and Ellie, he would find out soon enough.

  His father had gone back to the storage unit and saw what the result of not showing up was. The body had been shoved into an old oil barrel, sealed and put inside the storage unit. It seemed that guns and explosives weren’t the only thing Xander was hiding in that unit.

  There was only one way to keep Ellie safe. They had to find a way to stop Xander, dismantle his club and make sure that they didn’t end up in barrels in the process.

  For tonight, and however long she’d have him, he was staying by her side. Not just because she needed protecting but because it was where he wanted to be. With Ellie and her softness, her kindness and spunk. It might turn out that they wouldn’t have long but it was worth the risk.


  Ellie Thorn was never one for sleep, preferring instead to s
pend her nighttime hours with the characters that swirled around in her head. More often than not, exhaustion forced her to stop or risk waking up with keyboard marks on her forehead. Not anymore. Waking up in Rex Pershing’s arms was quickly becoming an addiction for Ellie. The knowledge that his face would be the first thing she saw in the morning made falling asleep all the more enticing.

  What worried her, more than how addicting waking up with Rex in her bed had become, was how much she hated watching him leave every morning for work. Spending the entire past weekend together had felt decadent and indulgent. In that short 48-hour period, they had managed to have sex on nearly every surface in her home.

  And now, Monday morning had come much too soon. He hadn’t wanted to leave her alone, but he had a job to do and they needed to maintain at least some illusion of normalcy. Plus, Ellie had been putting off work while Rex was in her house, both out of a need to protect her secret and because he was a walking distraction.

  In the end, they worked out a solution that allowed both of them to relax. He would text at random times throughout the day, and if she didn’t answer within a certain timeframe, he would come looking for her. They also set up a code word that she could text him very quickly if she needed him. It seemed a bit much, but she’d indulged his need for the reassurance.


  Rex and his Dad were doing everything they could to keep an eye on Xander and his guards without drawing their attention. Manny continued running his mouth to anyone who would listen about finding a way into the storage units. He also began grumbling about George, the traitor who had run off and whom no one had heard from in days.

  Rex continued running the day-to-day operation of their businesses. To everyone around, it appeared as if the status quo was being maintained. Manny obsessed with Xander and getting his clubs back, while Rex argued with him and basically ran things. If there was another traitor in their ranks, Rex wouldn’t have much to report.

  By Friday afternoon, Rex was stressed out and tired. Keeping tabs on Ellie, working full time, and meeting up with his Dad for updates and strategies was taking a toll. Rex left work early, stopped by his place to pack up a few things for the weekend, and downed a couple of aspirin to ease the pounding in his head before setting out.

  Ellie had given him a spare key that morning in case her meeting ran long, but he was reluctant to use it. Something about the intimacy of having a key to her place made him balk. The fact that she’d cleared space for his things in her bathroom hadn’t bothered him as much as her giving him that key.

  Pulling up in her driveway, he knew right away she wasn’t home. The place was too still, too lifeless without her there. His biggest fear was that playing house together was giving him the wrong idea. He liked it a little too much. Waking up to her warmth was addictive.

  Key in hand, he grabbed his bag and headed up the walkway. His misgivings pushed aside, he inserted the key into the lock, turned it, and pushed open the door. Her scent rushed out at him and his headache immediately eased. The tension of the day lifted from his shoulders and neck. Walking into his place never made him feel like this.

  He was in trouble.


  Ellie was ready to scream. There wasn’t much she hated in life, but these meetings were on top of that list. How one small group of people could take an even smaller group of topics and stretch it to last for nearly eight hours was beyond her. Even the tips of her hair ached.

  The current topic was the cover art for her latest book. No one could agree on whether to go simple, like in the previous series, or go bigger and bolder. Honestly, she didn’t care either way. This wasn’t her area of expertise. All she asked was that the cover be relevant to the book.

  Ellie’s mind kept wandering to Rex, wondering if he was at her house waiting for her. When she gave him the spare key this morning there’d been an moment of pure panic in his eyes. She’d actually thought he might hand it back to her. He’d covered his panic quickly though, and pocketed the key with a smile on his face that looked only a little strained.

  If she were writing the story of her life, she would be screaming at her main female character that things were moving too fast and urging her to slow down. Relationships built on a shaky foundation of great sex and forced togetherness rarely survived in real life. Granted, she knew more about Rex than some of her characters knew about their sex partners, but that didn’t absolve her from reality.

  She could try and push reality aside, but eventually it would rear its ugly head. Not this weekend, though. This weekend she was going to enjoy him and the way he made her body sing.

  Thinking of ways she could make him beg for mercy, Ellie didn’t notice when the conversation turned and questions were asked of her. Face flushed a deep red, she tried to catch up and ignore the burning need stirring in her gut while thinking about Rex.


  Rex found that he wasn’t very good at sitting and waiting. He put his things away, checked his email on her fancy laptop, and called his Dad to check in. All of that had taken a total of 30 minutes.

  He wandered over to the fridge and stuck his head inside. Snatching a beer, he twisted off the top and took a deep drink. On one of the shelves were two thick steaks and some veggies, obviously fixings for tonight’s dinner. Like any self-respecting adult male, he was good with a grill, and she had a nice charcoal one sitting right outside on her patio.

  Ellie had given up a certain amount of freedom because of the feud between her and Rex’s fathers. Their situation hadn’t given her much choice, and for that Rex wanted to do something nice for Ellie in return. The least he could do was fire up the grill and have dinner ready when she got home.

  In less than an hour, he had the charcoal set in the grill, the veggies chopped and stuck on skewers, steaks sitting in a simple marinade, and a second beer in his hand. Wandering into the living room with his drink, he found himself browsing her bookshelves again.

  The other night, while looking at the pressed and dried weeds she kept, the last of what was cold and hard inside him began to break apart. She was doing that to him. Even if whatever this was between them didn’t last, he would thank her for showing him it was possible.

  The things she cherished said so much about her character. Several school awards, her diplomas, and keepsakes from student life dominated an entire shelf. She was proud of her intelligence, but not smug about it. Not once had she made him feel inferior because he hadn’t bothered to finish high school.

  She missed her Mom. There were lots of framed photos of the two of them together and happy. Xander made a rare appearance in a couple, but there were none of him with Ellie alone. That spoke volumes.

  There were books on nearly every shelf. Every genre was represented. If she had one of those book reader things he didn’t see it. She obviously loved the smell and feel of a book in her hands. He pulled one down from a shelf filled by volumes from the same author. The covers were all red with a single white lily on the front. He turned the volume around to read the back, and his eyebrows rose in surprise. He pulled another off the shelf, scanning the back. Then another. Whoa. It seemed that Ellie had a thing for erotica.

  Curious, he grabbed a volume at random. Taking his beer with him, he went out back to sit by the pool and see just what it was that Ellie liked so much about these books.


  Ellie pulled into her garage, turned off her car, and leaned her forehead on the steering wheel for a minute. Her head was pounding to a hard tempo and all she wanted was a moment of pure silence. She refused to bring her dark mood and her frustration into her house with her.

  She was hyperaware of the fact that Rex was inside waiting for her. She’d texted him to let him know she was on her way home nearly half an hour ago. Opening the car door, she was hit by the scent of burning charcoal and the sound of Heart’s “Magic Man” on her stereo. A wide smile broke across her face and her headache eased.

  She didn’t bother going to the
front door, choosing instead to enter through the side gate and into the back yard. On her outside table were two plates, a bucket of ice with beer bottles sticking out of it, and the wonderful sight of steaks and kabobs on the grill sizzling away.

  She rounded the corner and nearly tripped over her own feet. On one of her chaise loungers was Rex, wet from a recent dip in her pool, his face buried in one of the books she’d written. For a moment her heart stuttered. She had to remind herself that he didn’t know she’d written those books. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she cleared her throat to get his attention.

  Any other man might have been embarrassed by getting caught reading an erotic novel written for women. Not Rex. He set down the book and got on his feet to greet Ellie. She looked tired and there were circles under her eyes.


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