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Finding Mistletoe : Christmas of Love Collaboration

Page 2

by AJ Alexander

  I step through the door, pulling him along with me. I don’t know what it is about this man, but everything I thought I knew about the opposite sex has gone out the window.

  “I don’t know if it’ll live up to your big city expectations, but this is the best pizza in town.”

  “I don’t know. I’ve been to Chicago. There is nothing better than deep-dish pizza.”

  “You’re insane! Who wants to eat pizza with a fork?” I scrunch up my nose in disgust.

  Lucas lets out a boisterous laugh.

  “This is the best pizza I have ever had in my life. You won’t be disappointed,” I tell him.

  My good mood is interrupted by Hana’s shrill voice.

  “Of course it is. You eat more than enough for everyone in town. If you ever move, I’m sure we would go out of business.”

  “Order whatever you want. Everything is good here,” I mumble, unable to look either of them in the eyes.

  To say Hana and I aren’t friends is an understatement. It’s more like she has been the bane of my existence for most of our lives. Her animosity toward me makes no sense. One day, we were best friends and having sleepovers together, and the next, I was the scum beneath her feet.

  I assumed that as we got older and graduated, we would go our separate ways. But when her mom ran off a few years ago, she stayed to help her dad run the pizza shop. Things have only gotten worse since then. It seems like the statement “misery loves company” was made to describe Hana and I’s relationship.

  “We’ll have a meat lover’s and two Cokes. Is that alright with you, love?” Lucas asks as he brushes a gentle kiss on my forehead.

  Love? Has he lost his damn mind?

  Unsure of how to respond, I nod and head toward the back to find us a table. I grab a booth right in front of the small television hanging from the wall, which gives me a perfect view of Hana preening for her latest conquest. I wonder how long it will take before she sinks her claws into him.

  Chapter 3


  When I walked into the Santa Claus Store, I stopped dead in my tracks. The store literally looked like someone threw up Christmas in there. One wall was lined with every type of Christmas ornament you could imagine, along with different themed trees strategically placed through the room. Off to the right was a beautifully displayed Christmas village…and that was when I saw my own personal Christmas elf.

  Medium height, the perfect apple bottom, and curves for days. There doesn’t seem to be anything fake about her, unlike most of the woman I have attempted to date. It also helps that she didn’t immediately throw herself at me when I walked through the door. Whether she’s playing games or doesn’t have a clue who I am, I don’t know, but I’m intrigued.

  As soon as Misty flashed me a bright smile, my heart belonged to her. The more time I spend with her, the more I know I need her in my life. It’s as if everything I didn’t know I was missing is wrapped up in her.

  Hana’s voice interrupts my thoughts. “When you have time to ditch the oversized elf, I can show you around town.”

  She leans over the countertop, attempting to seduce me. Too bad for her, Misty is the most beautiful girl I have ever met.

  “I’m not interested,” I deadpan, hoping she will get the hint. “Can I get another meat lover’s delivered to Santa’s Workshop for Misty’s dad?”

  I hope the change of subject will put an end to the conversation, but it doesn’t. As Hana rings up my total, she leans over the counter.

  “I know who you are, Lucas,” she whispers, as if this is a secret between the two of us.

  “I’m not trying to hide, Hana. Just want some quite time for the holiday.”

  I’m sure Hana knows all about the media storm that landed me in the Santa Claus, Indiana.

  “A girl like that will never meet your needs.” Hana runs her fingers across my chest.

  Before she can make another pass, I grip her wrist. “I’m not into ladies who know their way around town, if you know what I mean.”

  Hana pulls her hand back as if I’ve burned her.

  “You’ll regret this,” she snarls before spinning on her heels and heading for the kitchen.

  “I highly doubt that,” I mumble as someone further down the counter calls out our order.

  I grab the pizza and head for the back when I notice Misty disappearing. I quickly find her staring up at the television in the corner.

  “I didn’t have enough hands. Can you grab the Cokes, please?” I ask her.

  “Sure, but can you explain why you’re on the television? And why did you call me ‘love’?”

  Shit. I was hoping to get through at least our first meeting without having to explain what brought me to this tiny town.

  “I can explain everything over our lunch,” I say, hoping this will placate her.

  She nods her head as she slides out of the booth and heads toward the counter. I take the few minutes and run through my options in my mind. I could tell her the whole tale about having a stalker and that the news has it out for me, or I could take the easy way out.

  “Alright, now time to tell me the truth,” Misty states before she takes a healthy bite out of the pizza.

  “My name is Lucas Barnes.” I wait patiently for her to connect the dots, but after a few seconds, I decide she needs a little more help. “I’m a professional basketball player.”

  “Is that supposed to mean something to me?” Misty gives me a quizzical stare. “I don’t watch sports, or much television at all, actually.”

  “I’m on television because people believe I’m interesting. But everything they say is a lie, unless it’s my basketball stats.”

  I send up a silent prayer that she will accept my vague answer. I have no desire to lay all the dirty details of my past on the table. It’s not that I’m ashamed of it; it’s just that it’s all in the past. I’m no longer the “bad boy” everyone tries to make me out to be.

  “Now let me see how this pizza holds up against Chicago's deep dish.”

  Misty smiles before diving into her pizza.

  I don’t know how to explain the pull I’ve felt toward her since we meet. People say love at first sight isn’t possible, but that’s only because they’ve never experienced it before. I knew the moment I met Misty that she was something special. Now I just need to convince her I am worth taking a chance on.

  As I take a bite of my pizza, I steal a glance of her, hoping to commit this moment to memory. Her long brown hair lays over her shoulder in an intricate braid. A light dusting of freckles covers her full rosy cheeks.

  “Can I help you?” she questions. “It’s rude to stare at people when they are eating.”

  I chuckle before pointing to my cheek. “You have a little something…”

  I trail off as she grabs a napkin and begins wiping her cheek, completely missing the pizza sauce near her mouth.

  “Did I get it?” she questions as she pins me in place with her chocolate brown eyes.

  My eyes scan her face before stopping on her luscious pink lips. Unable to resist, I lean down and lick the sauce off the corner of her mouth. Instantly, her face turns three different shades of red. Before I can even apologize, she slides out of the booth and mumbles something about needing to go to the bathroom before taking off toward the front of the restaurant.

  I rub the back of my neck in embarrassment. I need to put the brakes on my emotions, or I’ll scare her away. Misty isn’t like anyone I have ever met before, and I need to remember that. I’m not used to things working out how I plan, but I will try my hardest to ensure nothing damages my chance with her.

  I wait a few moments for her to return before resigning myself to finishing my lunch alone. As I reach for another slice, shouting comes from the front of the restaurant.

  “The last thing I need is more attention,” I mumble as I slide to the end of the booth and lean to the side, hoping to get a glimpse of who has caused the commotion.

  As if in slow motion, I
watch Hana shove Misty to the ground.

  “I won’t let you have him!” she shouts.

  Being the “him” in question, I slide out of the booth and shove my hands in my pocket. The last thing I need is another woman believing she has some kind of claim over me. I already have one stalker. I’m not too keen on getting another one.

  “What seems to be the problem, ladies?” I step in between the two of them and turn to help Misty stand. “Are you alright?”

  She gives me a tight smile, but doesn’t say a word.

  “Get out of my restaurant, and take your Oompa Loompa with you,” Hana growls before heading back toward the kitchen.

  “Gladly,” I respond before threading my fingers through Misty’s.

  Blistering wind smacks us both in the face once I open the door and pull her outside behind me. I am not exactly sure where we’re headed, but I know I need to get Misty as far away from that girl as possible.

  Chapter 4


  What the hell was he thinking?

  I smooth my fingers across the corner of my mouth, relishing what it felt like to have his lips gently brush against mine.

  “Nothing good ever comes from fantasies,” I mumble to myself as I scurry into the bathroom.

  How cliché can I get? Running to hide in the bathroom after a hot guy kisses me? But I had to get away. Being that close to Lucas Barnes is detrimental to my heart.

  I have no idea why Lucas felt the need to flirt with me. I doubt he was being anything but nice.

  “Get it together, Misty. He was just being nice,” I say as I examine my reflection. My cheeks are still pink from our encounter earlier, accentuating my freckles.

  I must admit, the new elf costume that my father ordered for me hugs all my curves, makes my tits look amazing, and shows off all my best features. I’m thick all over and love to eat, but I also take care of myself. Shoveling snow and lifting heavy boxes of ornaments is a great workout. Who cares if I have an extra slice of pizza now and then? If I’m happy with the way I look, everyone else—especially Hana—can piss off.

  The memory of Hana leaning over the counter and caressing Lucas’s chest flashes in my mind as a sudden pang of sadness fills my heart.

  Why does it bother me that Hana was hitting on Lucas? She hits on pretty much anyone who is remotely good-looking, and it has never bothered me before. Why is he any different?

  Having more questions now than when I entered this bathroom, I spin on my heels and head out of the bathroom. Unfortunately, Hana is waiting for me.

  “You know you’re not good enough for him, right?” she snarls as I push past her and head back toward our table. “He’s Lucas Barnes. Have you seen the woman he dates? I doubt he could even afford to take you out to a real dinner. You would eat everything in sight.”

  I stop right in front of the entrance. I’ve had more than enough of her shit for one day.

  “Don’t you have anything better to do than bother me?” I spit.

  “Bothering you? I’m just trying to help a friend. I don’t want you to get your heart set on someone you can never have.”

  “Whatever, Hana. We haven’t been friend for years. The only thing you want to do is tell all your lackeys you had sex with Lucas Barnes. Too bad he’s not that into you...” I smirk, waiting for her witty retort. When she says nothing, I continue. “Whatever your problem is, get over it. If you want him, have at him, but I hate to say he doesn’t seem to be interested.”

  Hana’s eyes immediately light with fire. “You’re such a fucking bitch. You know that? Walking around like you’re better than everyone, but you’re nothing more than…”

  Before she can finish her sentence, she shoves me hard. I wasn’t expecting it, so I tumble to the ground, falling flat on my ass.

  Just as I am about to lay into her, Lucas steps between us.

  “What seems to be the problem, ladies?” He grips my hand, pulling me to my feet. “Are you alright?”

  “Get out of my restaurant and take your Oompa Loompa with you,” Hana growls before heading back toward the kitchen.

  “Gladly,” Lucas responds as he pulls me out the door and down the road.

  “I didn’t need you to save me, you know.” I pull back on my arm and stop, waiting for Lucas to respond.

  “What’s her problem, anyway?”

  “If she ate something every once in a while, she wouldn’t be so angry all the time,” I mumble under my breath, hoping he won’t hear me.

  “Hangry. That’s a condition I know a lot about, but it’s never okay for you to put your hands on someone,” he says.

  Usually, my petty attitude gets me into trouble, but Lucas just rolls with it.

  “She followed me to the bathroom, not the other way around. You helped me off the floor, remember?” I reach into my pocket, grab the keys for the Manor, and shove them into his chest. “Here are the keys. If you go to the end of the road and make a right onto Route 164, follow that until you reach Kasper Drive, then make a left. There’s a sign in front of the house. Even you can’t miss it.”

  I jump in surprise as he covers my hand with his, giving it a small squeeze.

  “I remember. I wasn’t talking about you; I was talking about her. You said you would take me to the Manor and show me around. I’m a stickler for promises.” He flashes me another one of his panty-dropping smiles before pulling me back toward my dad’s shop.

  “I don’t remember making you any promises,” I grumble as we stop next to what can best be described as a death trap.

  “Hope you don’t mind riding on the back of my bike.”

  It isn’t until I feel him placing something on my head that his words register.

  “Oh, no! There is no way in hell that I’m getting on that back of that thing with you.”

  “Why not? Don’t you trust me?” He flashes me another smile, turning my brain to goo once again.

  I swear his smile is going to be the death of me, and he knows it.

  “Doesn’t matter if I trust you or not. I’m not getting on the back of that thing unless you make it worth my while.”

  I slap my hand across my mouth, realizing what I just said. Lucas doesn’t seem like the type of man to back down from a challenge, and I just laid down one.

  “What do I win if I can get you on the back of this bike?” he questions, stepping into my personal space.

  My breath hitches in my throat, desperately wanting him to lean down and kiss me, but my stubbornness wins out.

  “It doesn’t matter, because there is no way I’m getting on the back of that death trap,” I tilt my chin up in defiance, realizing too late that I played right into his hands.

  Lucas leans down so our lips are just a hair's breadth away from each other.

  “Oh, we’re just going to see about that,” he whispers before capturing my mouth with his.

  Our lips mold together in sync as if we have done this a million times. His tongue gently caresses my lips as he grips the end of my braid pulling my head back, eliciting a loud moan of pleasure from me. He plunges his tongue into my mouth, as if he’s trying to devour me whole. Fire burns in my veins as I pull him closer to my body. All these feelings are foreign to me, but I know in my heart that I want—no, I need—more.

  “The things I want to do to you, Misty,” he growls before nipping lightly at my lip and standing up straight, taking me along with him. “I guess you win this round.”

  His husky tone sends a shiver down my spine.

  “I can’t very well take you for a ride on my bike for the first time if it’s snowing,” he says.

  “I guess not,” I respond, just now noticing that tiny white snowflakes are falling. “We can take my dad’s truck, but I will warn you it stands out a bit.”

  “I wouldn’t expect it any other way.” He leaves a gentle kiss on my nose before stepping back. “Just let me grab my bag and we can be on our way.” He reaches past me and grips what seems to be a roll of clothes off th
e back of his bike.

  “Everything you need is in there?” I question, unable to fathom how anyone could fit a week’s worth of clothing in that small backpack.

  “Yes. When you spend most of your time on the road, you learn how to pack light. Besides, I honestly don’t know how long I’m going to be here. If I need something, Shelly can have it delivered.”

  Jealousy once again shoots through my veins. “And who’s Shelly?”

  Lucas threads his fingers through mine before bringing our joined hands to his mouth, brushing a feather-light kiss on my hand. “My publicist. I don’t have a girlfriend, but I plan to remedy that as soon as possible.”

  I open my mouth to respond, but he places a finger on my lips, silencing me.

  “And before you get any ideas in that pretty little head of yours, I was referring to you.”

  “Me?” The shock from his statement is clear in my response.

  “Do you think I go around kissing just anyone like that?” He winks before threading our fingers together once again. “Lead the way, Misty.”

  I don’t know what game Lucas is playing, but it seems I’m about to become an all-too-willing victim.

  Chapter 5


  Although I would have loved to feel Misty’s body pressed against my back, clinging to me for dear life, there is no way I want her riding on the back of a bike in the snow—especially with it being her first time. However, if she thinks she won’t end up on the back at some point, she has another thing coming.

  “It’s just behind the store, but I should warn you, it’s a bit of a spectacle.” Misty flashes me a smile before pulling me through the door. “Shit. My dad.”

  “Mistletoe, is that you? Did you bring me back a slice? Sorry this is taking me so long, but you know how I am with computers,” Misty’s dad says as he pokes his head around one of the many trees in the store.

  Santa. That is the best way to describe her dad. He’s dressed from head to toe in the fancy red suit. He has salt-and-pepper hair, rosy cheeks, and the patented Santa belly. If I didn’t know any better, I would think Father Christmas himself was standing in front of me.


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