Building Forever

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Building Forever Page 3

by Cary Hart

  “Nat! Nat…I have a skinny venti mocha latte for a Nat,” the barista calls out, drawing my attention away from Colin and back to the counter.

  I can’t believe I stood there looking Colin up and down like he was a piece of meat. Seriously, I was engaged less than five days ago and now I’m eye molesting my high school crush and my almost mistake.

  Grabbing my coffee, I thank the barista by name, which I get from her tag. “Thanks, Lisa. Have a wonderful day.” Mom always said, “Be friendly to everyone you meet. Find out their name and where they are from. You never know what their story is. After all, you could be the one to help write it.”

  “You too Nat.” She gives me a warm smile, her demeanor changing. Standing tall, she waits on her next customer.

  While taking a sip of my yummy goodness, I turn too quickly, tripping over my own feet. When I get flustered I tend to stutter over my words and become the world’s biggest klutz. I haven’t been this out of it since I found my fiancé with our client.

  At the time, I was oozing confidence. Getting away from St. Helena was good for me; it’s amazing what happens when you remove yourself from all the pettiness. I found something I was good at and I excelled. Just like Colin said I would. But now, the confidence is gone.

  “Whoa! Something got you flustered, babe?” Catching me by the arm with one strong, manly hand Colin grabs my coffee with the other.

  I blink and look into his baby blues. I catch a glimpse of concern, but that quickly vanishes into the cocky SOB that he has become — or always has been.

  “Colin, let go of me! I’m fine! I don’t need your help!” I whisper loudly while glancing around the shop. I hate it when eyes are one me. Luckily, everyone is too consumed with their morning routine and smart phones to care what I’m doing in this moment.

  “Babe, the way I see it, I just saved your pretty little blouse here from making a date with the dry cleaners.” He flicks my top button, a small smile creeping up on one side of his mouth.

  How did he do that? Do guys have a secret class where they learn to flick a button open with a tiny touch or to unclasp a bra with a single tug? It takes us minutes to get all prepped to go out, but takes a single second to get undressed.

  “Whatever, I was fine!” I turn around to button it back up, embarrassed that he probably got another peek of what I bought yesterday. If I turn back around, I will get lost in whatever this was, whatever surrounds us. So, I do what I do best and walk away, but something stops me from walking out the door.

  “Oh and Colin,” I turn to make eye contact. “Colin?” He’s gone. “Where did he go?” I whisper to no one.

  “Missy, your boyfriend just went out the side door,” a little, purple-haired old lady says as she points over by the pick-up station. “Someone needs to teach that boy some manners. Leaving without saying goodbye.” She shakes her head. “Boys take so much more time to mature nowadays. Back in the day, a young man like him would have bought you coffee, walked you to your destination, all the while planning how he was going to woo you later.”

  “Ma’am, he isn’t my boyfriend.”

  “You could’ve fooled me, that boy was so nervous being around you that he ran off.” She pauses, then speaks up once more before walking off. “Don’t worry though, once he grows some balls, he’ll be back.”

  I glance at my phone, realizing I only have a few more minutes before I’m late for work. Taking a deep breath, I open the door not only to the coffee shop, but to my new life.


  Doors suck! I’m walking up to the front entrance of the Hampton Enterprises construction trailer and lo and behold, Colin Palmer is there, handing coffee off to a pretty, petite blonde while holding the door open with his foot.

  This can’t be happening to me. What did I ever do to anyone? Why is it one minute I’m on top of the world, just about to land the biggest client of my career, then the next my fiancé is physically landing my client, our client. All I wanted was to pick up what little confidence I had left and start over new, but now my past is following me. A past I thought I left behind a long time ago.

  Choosing to ignore Colin, I raise my head and move forward. I’m not letting him get to me. He is probably bringing coffee to his girlfriend, planning how to “woo” her later. Purple hair lady was right, but just got the girl wrong. She looks like his type, a little less busty, but his type.

  I take hold of the door, relieving the weight from his foot and making my presence known. He doesn’t seem shocked to see me, which startles me a moment, but I quickly recover, offering to help. “Looks like you could use an extra hand.”



  Holy shit! I can’t believe this is happening to me. Seeing Natalie brought back some feelings I wanted to tuck away…forever. The one person I trusted with everything betrayed me, fucked up my future and ran. Literally.

  Nat had a hell of a life growing up, something we shared. Most wouldn’t have known the pressure I faced every day between my father and the legacy he wanted me to carry on. But Nat listened; she listened and she cared.

  It started one day when I went to an old run-down vineyard to draw. I knew her family owned the land, but no one ever went there. They abandoned it when they didn’t have the means to keep it up, but refused to sell it. Something I never understood.

  Drawing was my escape and that day, I needed just that. When I got there, Nat was in my usual spot watching the sun set, arms wrapped around her knees and crying. Her sobs were so quiet you wouldn’t have even known she was crying.

  I quietly sat beside her, careful not to startle her, and just wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her in. I knew she was either going to attack me or give in to the hug. She caved. No words were spoken, we just were. I don’t think she realized how much I needed those hugs. She always said I saved her, but she was the one who saved me…until she didn’t. Until she ran.

  Running into her at the mall was a bitch for my mojo. Things were good. I landed a new deal, was ahead of schedule with the Oakwood Project and was about to get laid. Katrina was eye-fucking me from a distance as she was helping a customer fill their closet with the newest styles or whatever it is she does. Really, I don’t care. I just care about the different positions that I can bend her in to release this week’s frustrations.

  But that didn’t happen. Instead, I stayed up wondering why Nat was in town. She used to visit her Gamms every summer or on long weekends during school, but the visits died down when she got a job in New York. So, her being here had to be planned, but why? What was going on in her life that she came from NYC to Santa Barbara? Why do I even care?

  A little less than two hours of sleep and I got my answer via text from Marco. I was beginning to think maybe Nat was stalking me since her yellow slug bug was sitting outside my favorite coffee spot by the office, but that wasn’t the case. She was on her way to work. To my job, to help me. WTF!

  Marco: Natalie is working for Ferris, in Santa Barbara.

  Me: WTF? Seriously?

  Marco: Would I kid about this? Don’t answer that.

  Me: Did Lex tell you this? Are you sure it’s not in NYC?

  Marco: Dude, good luck!

  I received his texts as she was chatting it up with the barista. Turning, she ran into me and the rage I was feeling in that moment dissipated the moment I saw the desperation in her eyes.

  I was hardcore, but when it came to her, the walls came down. Every. Single. Time.

  I’m not sure how many minutes we stood there just staring at each other. It was probably just seconds, but seemed longer.

  “So? I take it you two already know each other?” Daisy pipes up as she takes her coffee and grabs the bag of goodies I brought back from Lexi’s bakery. She tries to walk back to her desk, but I grab her by the waist and bring her back to me.

  She looks up at me like I’m crazy, but soon figures it out and plays the part she has become familiar with. I’ve just never had her play the p
art at work. I’m pretty sure I’ll have to pay for that or bring her double the treats the next time I go home.

  “Natalie was an old friend from high school.”

  “Oh really?” Daisy questions. She smirks, knowing the situation is making me uncomfortable. I’m really not sure how we have become friends, but we have. She has saved my ass from a few one-night stands gone wrong. Confrontation with a woman is not my thing. Now, mapping out her body with my tongue is a different story.

  Standing tall, Nat looks at me and then Daisy with realization. I guess this is her light bulb moment where she figures out that we will now be working together.

  The one thing about Nat is she is great with hiding her emotions...from everyone but me. She thinks she is standing tall and emotionless, but I can see through her. This bothers her and it should. We will be working side by side to get this project finished.

  “Yes, Daisy.” I give her the what the fuck do you think you are doing look. “Now, can you show Ms. Russo…I’m assuming it’s still Ms. or shall I call you Mrs. …?”

  “Ms. Russo, but Natalie or Nat is fine, Daisy.” She quickly answers the question I already knew the answer to.

  “Well then…Daisy, can you show Ms. Russo to Ferris’ office.” Not asking, but telling her. “He was expecting her five minutes ago.” Looking down at my watch making it a little more dramatic than what it should be, I tap the glass, shaking my head. “You know how he feels about tardiness.”

  With the last comment, I watch Nat go from being confident and strong to deflated and insecure. Exactly where I wanted her since she thinks she can come in and direct what I should and should not be doing. She isn’t my boss; she works for Hampton Enterprises, not Tanner Construction.

  I should feel good about what I just did, but I don’t. I went from saving her to hating her to feeling sorry for her.

  Minutes pass as I shuffle through papers, and I can’t help but replay the scene here with Natalie. Sitting down at my desk, I rest my head in my hands and tug at my hair.

  “SHIT!” I pound my fists on the desk. “I’m an asshole!” I spit as Daisy struts into my office like a woman on a mission.

  “Damn, straight! Colin…what was that about?” She smacks my arm.

  “Damn, Daisy!” I rub my arm. “What was what about?”

  “That isn’t like you. Even with all the women you screw over you have never acted like this. You mind-fucked her back there.”

  Daisy walks back to her desk that sits just outside my office and reaches in her bag to pull out her treat. She takes a big bite, then shouts across the hall. “Oh and Palmer? Grab my waist again and I’ll cut your fingers off and stick them in my Ninja. No chance for replacement surgery…GOT IT?” she spits with her mouth full.

  “Loud and clear, Daisy,” I reply, wondering why she is being so moody. She has never taken an interest in my antics before.

  “Oh, and thanks again. I can’t get enough of these things.” She responds with a smile and a little blueberry on her lip. I choose to keep the last bit of information to myself. After all, she just called me out. Paybacks are a bitch!

  Chapter 4


  “Your office will be right over there.” Daisy points to the corner room in the make shift construction trailer. “Mr. Hampton apologizes for it being smaller than what you are probably used to in New York, but given you are actually working onsite, I’m sure you can overlook it.” Turning, she glances at me to see my reaction. I just smile and nod.

  “Mr. Hampton, is right next door and has an open door policy. Any time his door is open, feel free to go right on in. No meeting required. When his door is shut, come to me and I’ll let you know when he will be available next.”

  “Well, well, well…Ms. Russo, I’m glad you could finally grace us with your presence.” Ferris Hampton, the owner of Hampton Enterprises and my current boss is, standing in his doorway. Looking slightly pissed off. Great!

  “Mr. Hampton, my apologies…” I try to think of the right thing to say. I’m in a damned if you do and damned if you don’t moment.

  “Ferris…,” Daisy pleads, then corrects herself. “I mean Mr. Hampton. It’s my fault. I took her on the tour of the office first. I got my times confused and forgot you had a mid-morning meeting in 10 minutes.”

  Shutting her down quickly, Ferris takes back control of the conversation, not losing a beat, but yet looking at Daisy sympathetically. Somehow I doubt this man ever loses control. “Daisy, not a problem. I wanted to make sure Ms. Russo feels at home at Hampton Enterprises and rescheduled my meeting for later this afternoon.”

  Ferris walks over to me and welcomes me to my new job. He grabs my hand, shaking it longer than necessary as he looks over my shoulder at Daisy. He then puts his hand on my lower back to guide me into his office and before he shuts the door tells Daisy to hold all calls.

  Looking between the door and his forearm I catch a glimpse of Daisy looking at Ferris with a look of confusion. I definitely will have to explore this situation further. If Colin and Daisy are dating, then what is this going on between Daisy and Ferris? Maybe I don’t even want to know.

  “Ms. Russo, welcome to Hampton Enterprises. I was pleased to hear that you reconsidered our offer.” He pauses briefly before continuing with confidence. “I have to say, I have never had someone reject my offer before.” He winks while taking a sip of the coffee Colin brought in this morning. Coffee he must have bought during our run-in across the street.

  Ferris is an extremely good-looking man. More than six feet of glorious, lean muscle, salt-and-pepper hair that makes you question his age, and a smile that I’m sure that makes panties fall at the drop of a hat. The only problem is I don’t mix business with pleasure. Well, not anymore. And after witnessing what just went on between Ferris and Daisy minutes ago, I’m definitely not going to get involved in this love triangle. I wonder if Colin is aware of this?

  “Shit! This coffee is hot!” Ferris brings me back to reality and away from the reasons why I shouldn’t look at this man any way but as my boss. I’m not going to turn this into one of those novels where the secretary, which I’m not, or the other assistant, again which I’m not, falls for her irritating but irresistible boss. Nope, not happening.

  “Would you like me to go—" Holding a hand up, Ferris silently shushes me. Five fingers to the face style, while he buzzes Daisy with his other digits.

  “Bring me a glass filled half-way with ice and fourth of the way filled with coconut milk.” He looks back to the coffee then at me. Seriously, the man may look good, but he is high maintenance. No worries on falling for your boss here.

  “So, Ms. Russo, why did you finally agree to accept my offer?” He leans back in his chair, crossing his legs.

  “Honestly? I needed the change. New York was an experience I will never forget, but I needed to get back to my roots, build my future… literally.” Hearing myself speak, I feel confident. I lean back and mimic Ferris’ position.

  “Well, this project is almost complete, but I do feel this is the right fit for you. We need a young—”

  There’s a knock at the door and Daisy enters to bring Ferris his requested drink. He pours his coffee into the new glass and mixes them together.

  Ferris gives me a look then proceeds to say, “Beautiful woman, such as yourself.”

  He pauses and looks at Daisy. A silent conversation goes on between the two of them, and he ignores me until after she backs away and closes the door. Only then does he continue. “Anyways, welcome aboard. I’m sure you will be an asset to the company. Now, will you please excuse me, I have something to attend to.”

  “No problem, Mr. Hampton.” I stand to shake his hand only to have him breeze right by me and out of the office. “Thank you again.” I say, but there’s no one there to hear it.

  “Now what?” Talking to myself has become a habit. When you are used to running a company and driving the day-to-day operations, coming back to something like this is hard, but
needed. Money and power is not what I need, not anymore. I need something that will build my future, my name on my talent alone. Not by the company I’m working with or the fiancé I had. I want my work to speak for itself.

  Opening the door from Ferris’ office I head to mine to make some phone calls. I know Lexi is chomping on her nails waiting to see how my first day is going and hear all about my day with my former sidekick. Actually, he was more of the superhero and I was the sidekick, but that is neither here nor there because he is nothing to me anymore.

  Noticing my skirt is bunched up, I transfer my cell phone to under my arm and balance my coffee with one hand while I smooth out my skirt with the other. Looking down to check my work, I walk right into a wall, spilling my drink down my blouse and newly smoothed skirt. I curse — “Morgan Freeman!” — Then the wall chuckles. Hanging my head I realize that the wall is none other than the superhero.

  “You do realize that just because you use a name instead of the actual curse words, the meaning is still the same?” Colin picks up my now empty cup and throws it over to the trash can.

  Three-pointer, I think. Sometimes the memories suck because they are good memories, most of them anyways. Every time Colin would throw something in the trash it couldn’t just be a toss, it was a basket. Always competitive and always a winner. I see some things never change.

  “Three points,” he mumbles.

  I smile. Colin smiles when he sees it, but just like that the smile fades when we catch a glimpse of Daisy watching us, with hurt in her eyes. Then for the cherry on top, Ferris walks in talking on the phone.

  “Hold please.” Putting a hand over his phone he looks at Daisy and demands, “Get her a new outfit and take this one to the cleaner’s right away. We can’t have her making a first impression looking like that.” Next, glancing at Colin, he orders, “Palmer, take Ms. Russo out to the site and show her around. Walk through the area that needs to be redesigned. Time is money. We needed this done as of yesterday.” And then he is gone, talking to whomever is on the other line.


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