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Possessive Protectors [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 1] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 8

by Paige Cameron


  “I’m not sure. She got back from her cruise today, and when she finds I’m here she’ll call and make me feel guilty. It’s like a betrayal to her whenever I come to see you all.”

  May didn’t say anything. She listened, which was one of the many traits Nat loved about her.

  “We’re having company tonight. That’s why we planned dinner for six and not five. Boyd flew to the city and is bringing a guest back to stay a few days. She’ll use your room.”

  “A woman?”

  “Yes. She apparently gave Holt valuable information, and her life could be in danger.”

  Hope flared inside Nat. “They may know who killed Tom.”

  “Don’t get too excited yet. We don’t know what she said or how it might help. But Gray and Holt are determined to free you of those false charges. I have faith in them.”

  “I do, too.”

  Nat recognized Sondra when she walked in. “Sondra, thank you so much for whatever you did to help me.”

  “Holt called. He convinced me he’d keep me safe if I told him why I was frightened. I’d like to think I would have come forward anyway. But I was scared, and I didn’t have anyone to turn to.”

  Boyd came in behind her with her suitcase. “She’s being modest. She gave Holt good information and a name.” He smiled at Sondra. Nat glanced at her parents and back at the couple. There was a gentleness about the way her brother hovered around Sondra. Maybe her hard-hearted brother had finally met his match.

  No one asked Sondra to tell them what information she had given to help Nat. It was obvious she was nervous. Boyd stayed close to her side.

  When the phone rang after dinner, Nat hoped it would be Gray telling her she’d been cleared of all charges, but she heard her father Angus’s gruff tone.

  “She’s fine, Claudine. Let me give the phone to her. She can tell you all about what’s been happening.” Angus handed the phone to Nat. She took it and went outside to stand on the porch. The clear night sky with twinkling stars lowered her anxiety slightly.

  “Hello, Mother.”

  “What is going on? I come back from a relaxing cruise and my blood pressure shoots up into the stratosphere when I see my daughter’s been charged with murdering her husband.” By this time her mother’s voice had become a shriek.

  “Calm down, Mother. I didn’t call you because there wasn’t anything you could do. I didn’t want to spoil your trip. When did you get in?”

  “Late this afternoon. I had a zillion messages on my phone all to tell me about my daughter.”

  “Graydon Callahan took my case. He and his investigator are working hard to find the real murderer.”

  “I’m not sure how I’ll ever hold my head up high again. Some people always suspect you even once you’ve been cleared. How could you let this happen?”

  “I’m innocent, Mother. I had no way to stop a madman from shooting Tom.”

  “It would never have happened if you hadn’t asked for that divorce. The man was handsome, rich, what more could you ask for?”

  “I might ask you the same.”

  “You know why I left. I hated every time you visited him for fear he’d convince you, as I’m certain he has Boyd, to participate in a threesome marriage.”

  “The people here who do are very happy. You’ve never been happy, yet you look down on their lifestyle.”

  “Of course I’m happy. Especially now with Charles, but I’m not sure how all of this news will affect our relationship.”

  “If he can’t weather the storm, Mother, he isn’t much of a man.”

  For a second there was silence on the line. Then her mother sighed. “We never understood each other, did we?”


  “I suppose I’ve lost you to your father. He’s your knight in shining armor riding to the rescue.”

  “Is that how you saw him?” Nat asked.

  “Once, a long time ago, in another lifetime. Call if you need me.”

  The phone clicked off in Nat’s ear. She tried to swallow around the lump in her throat. Her father came out on the porch and took the phone from her hand. He wrapped his jacket around her shoulders.

  “Want to talk?”

  Natalie shook her head no. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “Come in when you’re ready.”

  When the door shut, Nat walked to one of the rockers and sat. The scent of her father and his favorite tobacco surrounded her. His warm jacket reminded her of the many times he held her while she cried from a skinned knee or a broken teenage heart. He was her one constant all her life.

  She loved her mother, but she didn’t understand or like her actions most of the time. Money, fun, and fine clothes headed her mother’s list of necessities. She’d married twice since her divorce from Nat’s father. Each marriage was short. Nat suspected her mother’s true love was Angus MacCloud, and she’d thrown it away in a burst of anger. Her father couldn’t be handled. Her mother found out too late.

  Now Nat had her first failed marriage. She didn’t want to follow in her mother’s footsteps. Gray and Holt especially weren’t men to be handled. Nat knew she had an issue of trust. She’d begun to trust Gray, but Holt remained an exciting, interesting enigma.

  She wiped her hands across her face. Time to say good night and go back to the cabin. She wished Gray was here to wrap his arms around her.

  * * * *

  Nat’s phone woke her early the next morning. “Hi, want some company?” Gray’s sexy voice warmed her body.


  “I’m at the airport. I’ll be there by noon. Boyd is picking me up in case you want to ride along with him.”

  “I’ll be there. What’s happened?”

  “Tell you when I see you.”

  It must be good news from the cheerful sound of his voice. Nat called her brother to tell him to stop by and take her with him. Then she showered and put on jeans and a light cream-colored sweater. She was waiting outside when Boyd and Sondra arrived.

  “You and Gray can ride in the back. Sondra needed an outing. We both want to hear what Gray has to say.”

  “I can get in the back.” Sondra started to open her door. Boyd put his arm across her. “Stay right where you are.”

  “I don’t mind at all,” Nat reassured her. She got in and they took off, headed for the highway.

  Nat fluctuated between hope and fear. She tried to enjoy the passing scenery, but the trip seemed twice as long as usual.

  Finally they were close. Nat leaned forward watching planes land and take off from the airport.

  “I’ll drop you off, Nat. We’ll circle until we see you two standing outside ready to get in the car. They have zero tolerance for cars parking in the loading zone unless the person is right there,” Boyd said. He handed Nat a sheet. “This is his flight. The board will show whether it’s landed. We’re a few minutes early.”

  She jumped out as soon as the car stopped, waved, and headed inside the terminal. She checked the board. His plane had just landed. She rushed through the uncrowded checkpoint and went to the area where his flight had arrived. Gray waved and sat his case down. When he opened his arms Nat flew into his embrace. She raised her head and he gave her a deep, thorough kiss.

  “I’ve missed you.” Gray’s changeable eyes were a deep green as he studied her face.

  Her heart pounded against his hard chest. His warm arms were the comfort she’d missed last night. He put one hand behind her neck and his other arm around her waist. They stood for several seconds holding each other tight. Slowly, Gray allowed a little space between them.

  “This is the best homecoming I’ve had in years.”

  “Boyd and Sondra are driving in circles waiting for us. We’d better hurry.”

  “All right, but when we get home we’ll take up where we left off.”

  “If you insist.” She winked at him.

  “I absolutely do.”

  A hum sizzled between them. Nat’s steps were
lighter. Gray was home. And this time she wasn’t going to say no to him.

  Once they were in the car all eyes were on Gray. “Tell us what’s been happening,” Boyd said. He drove carefully around several turns and got back on the highway headed to the ranch.

  “The request for a warrant was sent to the judge. Once the police have the warrants they’ll search Ubel’s home, and on Monday his bank records will be checked. Meanwhile, they have him under surveillance. The one hole in the case is how he got into Nat’s condo to get her gun. If we can find where he had a key or keys made that would tie it up completely.”

  Gray squeezed Nat’s hand. “What we’ve got should do, but I’d love to have the copy he made of Nat’s key. Do you have any idea, Sondra?”

  “I’ve been trying to think, but usually Tom wore his jacket in the office. Even if he’d taken his coat off, he probably had his keys, including the condo key, in his pants pocket.”

  Gray looked at Nat. “Where do you usually keep your keys?”

  “In my purse. Wait, I remember one day about two months ago. I was in Tom’s office after one of our meetings with our lawyers. They’d left. His dad called and asked us to come to his office. I’d carried a new bag. It was big and bulky.” She closed her eyes for a moment. “I had placed it on the floor by my chair. When I got up I reached for it.

  “Tom said to leave it. We’d come back and he’d take me to lunch. He said we could still be friends even if we were divorcing.”

  “So you left your purse for how long?” Gray asked.

  “His dad took his time talking to us. He tried to bribe me to stay married. He offered me a condo on the West Coast. Seems he didn’t like divorce connected to the Newlyn name.”

  “What did Tom say?” Boyd asked from the front.

  “He never wanted the divorce. He encouraged me to take the condo and promised he was a changed man.” She snorted. “With a girlfriend staying at his town condo at the time. I gave them both a dirty look and rushed back to the office to grab my purse and leave.”

  “You didn’t see anyone?”

  “No. The door was shut. I slipped in, grabbed my purse, and left.”

  “Al Ubel’s office is close to Tom Newlyn’s, right?” Gray asked.


  “Did you have a key for Tom’s condo?” Gray ran his finger across the top of her hand. She looked into his eyes.

  “One more mark against me. He’d had the condo the whole time we’d been married. So yes, I had a key.”

  “Ubel must have gotten both impressions from your key chain. He’d have watched for the opportunity.” Gray kissed her hand. “All we need is to find the copies he made. Holt is still working the case. He’ll find them.”

  Boyd glanced over his shoulder. “Things are looking up, sis.”

  “And I have Gray and Holt to thank.” She leaned her head against Gray’s shoulder.

  Gray whispered, “I know what I want for a reward. I’ll tell you when we’re alone.”

  Hot, spiking desire coiled in her lower abdomen, and her pussy clenched with hunger. She wanted to get to the cabin now.

  Chapter Nine

  Natalie thought they’d never get through visiting with her parents. Finally her brother took them to the cabin and dropped them off.

  “I’ve never been less hungry for food,” Gray said as he unlocked the front door. When they stepped inside, he whirled her around and against the back of the door. He bent his head and kissed her lips.

  Nat opened her mouth, and Gray’s tongue tangled with hers. His arms held her tight. She felt the ridge of his hard cock. Moisture flowed from her aching pussy.

  Gray cupped her face in his hands. “I’m so damn hungry for you.”

  “I know, me too for you.” She pushed loose from his hold. “Start the fire. I’ll be right back.”

  “Don’t be long or I’ll join you.” He walked to the fireplace and bent to arrange the logs.

  Nat hurried to her bedroom and threw off her clothes then put on a short, thin, frilly pajama top and matching bikini panties. Next she slipped her feet into the highest heels she’d brought with her and put on a thick robe to cover her.

  When she reentered the room, the lights were low, the fire crackled, and soft music played in the background. Gray stood in front of the fire, his legs spread and arms crossed like a conqueror from long ago.

  She sauntered across the room to him and stopped an arm’s length away. Very slowly she untied the robe’s belt and let the front hang open. The quick flare of heat in his eyes sent a thrill along her spine.

  Her robe slid off one shoulder and then the next. Gray took a deep breath, but he didn’t move. All his attention was focused on her.

  Gradually, she let the robe fall to the floor. Gray’s eyes took in all of her from the top of her head to her feet in the high heels. His eyes smoldered with desire and left a trail of heat as he surveyed her body.

  He stepped into her space. His fingers ran through her thick, long hair and then traced the outline of her ears. A shiver brushed across her skin. His teeth grazed her earlobe. Then his lips caressed and kissed all over her face. When he got to her mouth, he teased her lips, licking, lightly kissing, until she opened for him. He invaded, swirling his tongue around, tasting every nook and cranny.

  Hot desire rushed through her veins from his gentle bombardment of her senses. His musky scent filled her lungs, his warm hands touched her firmly but with care, and his hot, muscled body had her pussy hungry for fulfillment.

  His lips slid down her neck, and he nuzzled the area between her breasts. He pulled her top over her head and let it drop to the floor. His hands cupped her firm breasts as he kissed each mound circling but not touching the tips.

  Nat’s heart raced. Her pussy pulsed for his attention, but he continued his leisurely exploration. He knelt in front of her and kissed her abdomen. Slowly he moved closer to her lower lips. She groaned when he went around the area most needing his attention.

  Gray ran his fingers along the inside of her thighs and his warm lips followed caressing her skin. By now her body trembled with desire. She clung to his soft hair to keep from falling. He kissed his way back down one leg and up the other. Then in one quick move he yanked her panties down and off. At last, he parted the lips of her labia. Gray took a deep breath of her scent.

  “Sweet and sexy.” He licked along her lower lips, tasting the moisture seeping from her pussy opening. His mouth covered her clit and sucked. Nat screamed his name.

  “Take me, Gray, now.”

  He ignored her and licked her sensitive nub, then kissed her body all the way back up. His greenish-brown eyes gleamed with fire.

  “I’ve waited patiently for this moment. I’m taking my time.” He grinned at her.

  “Let’s see how you like it then.”

  He’d already removed his coat. She unbuttoned his shirt and brushed it off his shoulders. Her hands went to his belt. After unfastening the buckle and his button on his pants, she pushed his boxer shorts and pants down to his feet. He kicked them and his shoes aside.

  His hard cock stood out pointing toward her. She stepped back and admired his beautiful body.

  “Is that all you’re going to do, just look?”

  She moved back into his space and flicked her tongue across his nipples, kissed his hard six-pack, and nipped and licked across his abdomen.

  Her hand grasped his hard cock, and she licked the drop off the head of his dick. His groan encouraged her to continue.

  She tasted his salty essence, then swirled her tongue around and began to move her mouth up and down his length. Nat reached around and cupped his sac in her hand.

  He swayed. His fingers grasped her head for stability. “Wait. Let’s not end this too soon.”

  Nat stared up at him. “Are you sure you want me to stop?”

  Gray lifted her into his arms. “When I come this first time I want to be buried in your hot pussy.” He took long strides into his bedroom, put her o
n her feet, and yanked the bedspread back. He got a condom out of the bedside table.

  “Put it on me.” He handed the package to her. She ripped it open and with trembling fingers rolled the condom on his large cock. She got on the bed and lay back. Gray straddled her body. “I’ve wanted you from the first time you walked into my office. I kept telling myself to remember you were a client, but you kept invading my senses with your sweet perfume, your curvy body, and your incredibly soft skin. Still, I’m glad we waited until this ordeal is almost over for you.” Gray kissed her cheeks and her lips.

  “I don’t want to be your attorney. I want to be your lover and your husband.” He nibbled on the edge of her jaw. His breath tickled her neck as he spread light kisses along the length until he came to the junction with her shoulders and licked and kissed the spot where her heartbeat throbbed for him.

  He grasped her full breasts again. “I love the satin feel of your skin and the softness of your breasts.” He ran his teeth across the pebbled peaks and then sucked, sending a shot of electricity straight to her pussy. Her pussy tingled with her desire to feel him deep inside.

  Gray buried his face in her abdomen and took another deep breath of her scent. Finally, he separated her folds and licked across her nub. He licked and tasted all along her lower lips again. When his tongue flicked into her pussy opening she screamed for him to take her.

  “Ready, my love?”

  “Yes, yes, yes.”

  He positioned his hard cock at her opening and, keeping eye contact, slowly pushed in her pussy. “You’re so tight and wet and hot,” he murmured as he plunged completely into her. He lay still. She felt his pulsing cock against her inner walls. Her pussy contracted around him, holding him even tighter. She wriggled her hips, and he closed his eyes for a second.

  “Sheer unadulterated pleasure,” he whispered in her ear. He began to move in slow deliberation. His cock stroked her as his hands had her body earlier. He moved almost all the way out and then slowly in.


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