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STICK: MC ROMANCE NOVELLA (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 8)

Page 11

by Samantha Leal

  “You really are ten kinds of fool, Raven old boy. She and her friends were just out for fun, flashing strangers in the street for, Pete’s sake! And you had to hand over your heart like a damn idiot.”

  The phone rang again and he ignored it; whoever was calling from reception could go straight to hell; he didn’t feel like talking to anyone¾ well anyone apart from a certain brown-eyed, sad-faced blond.

  Whatever else she may be, he loved her, he realized. If nothing else, he owed her an apology for last night and he had to make it right. He was a billionaire, with holdings in almost every exotic country in the world, but for the past two months, nothing and no place excited him. If he didn’t want to live the rest of his life in dull monotony, he needed Sage.

  With a muttered oath, he shoved to his feet and stalked into the bathroom. In two seconds, he had brushed and shaved and he immediately grabbed his wallet and strode out the door. He was waiting for the lift when it arrived bearing two angry women¾ Sage’s friends!

  The redhead took one look at him and aimed a blow straight at his nose. He deftly caught the tiny fist, surprised at the force she had put into the blow. That would have broken his nose and probably knocked him out!

  “What the hell?”

  “You have a damn nerve!” the petite blond with pretty blue eyes spat.

  “I don’t follow!” he said, releasing the redhead’s hand and turning warily to face the other little dynamo.

  “You made her cry! Again!” the woman spat angrily.

  No prizes for guessing who ‘she’ was.

  “I, um, I know. I was actually on my way to her now¾”

  Both women immediately aligned their bodies in front of the lift, effectively blocking his path.

  “Why? So you can torture her some more over some useless piece of trinket?” the redhead asked.

  “It’s not useless. My mother gave it to me with her last dying breath,” he protested automatically.


  “I was actually on my way to see Sage and apologize for behaving so dreadfully,” he said, encouraged by their silence.

  The redhead threw her head back and laughed harshly. “Well, good luck finding her. She left last night!”

  His heart skipped a beat. “Left? For where?”

  “Parts unknown! She wouldn’t talk to anyone, which is all your fault!”

  Raven felt every last trace of energy drain out of his body and he slowly sank to the floor, his back against the wall. How was he going to survive losing her? Would she even be back?

  As though she had read his mind, the blond said, “And she took a year’s worth of clothing with her when she left, so good luck finding her!”

  “And for the record, Sage only took that useless piece of trinket because we dared her to steal all the cash in a stranger’s wallet. She took your watch instead and never sold it!” the redhead flung over her shoulder.

  With a shake of their collective heads, both friends disappeared back into the lift, muttering audibly about insensitive men who deserved to be strung up, hung drawn and quartered.

  She could be anywhere in the world! How would he find her, he wondered.

  Well, how did you find her the last time? his mind wanted to know.

  Galvanized into action, he raced for the lift and dashed downstairs to the lobby. He hailed the first cab he saw and headed straight for the airport. He would look at the cameras.

  The moment the taxi pulled up at the airport curb, Raven flung a few notes at the cabman and dashed into the terminal, his head swinging around wildly. He grabbed the first security man he saw and shoved a thousand dollars into his palm as he demanded to see the cameras.

  “Whatever for? Someone pick your pocket?” the man asked as he hurriedly pocketed the money.

  “I need to find someone, my…wife! She left in a huff and headed here and she could be halfway around the world. I just wanna see what flight she boarded.”

  “You say she was pissed?” the man asked musingly, staring off into the distance.

  “Yes!” Raven affirmed impatiently. If he could just find out what plane she had boarded, he could jet on his private jet and be waiting at her destination airport by the time her plane landed.

  “This…wife, she wouldn’t happen to be blond, somewhat chubby, with sad brown eyes would she?” the security man asked.

  “That’s her! You saw her! What plane was she on?”

  “She’s right over there,” the man said, nodding toward the waiting crowd.

  Raven turned slowly and felt his stomach flip upside down; Sage sat a few feet away, weeping openly into her handkerchief as though her heart was broken.

  “Now, if you had anything to do with the way that poor girl’s weeping, mate, then it’s a good thing she left you,” the security man informed him huffily before swanning off with his nose in the air.

  * * *

  Sage was certain this was what it felt like to be a homeless hobo. She had packed up almost her entire belongings and now she just sat at the airport confused. She had wanted to go to Spain, back to where it had all started and just put things in perspective, but now… She missed her flight and she couldn’t think of anywhere else to go.

  Someone sank onto the seat beside her, but she kept her eyes focused on her palms, refusing to look up. She didn’t feel like chatting and if this idiot couldn’t tell then¾

  “I’m sorry,” a familiar voice said quietly.

  Sage’s shocked eyes flew to his face. Raven! Her stupid heart did a happy jig until she sternly calmed it down and glared at him with all the hatred in her heart.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” she spat.

  “I never meant to hurt you. I was hurting myself. I felt used and stupid and I lashed out. I was wrong.”

  “Go to hell!” she spat and sprang to her feet to leave. He wouldn’t let her.

  His hand clamped about her wrist like a manacle and then he dropped to his knees, his eyes trained on her face. Everyone turned to look at the pair of them, the waiting crowd giggling as they obviously waited for some romantic proposal.

  “You’re embarrassing me!” she whispered furiously, trying to tug her arm from his grip. It was no use; it might as well be a handcuff for all the give it had.

  “Then sit back down. Please, Sage.”

  She slowly sank back onto her seat and he released her wrist, but he remained kneeling.

  “Sit,” she ordered furiously, her face suffused with embarrassed color.

  “I can’t. I don’t deserve to. I have been an ass. I shouldn’t have said what I did, especially because it wasn’t true. I was hurting, so I guess I just wanted to hurt you back.”

  Sincerity blazed back at her from his eyes and she relaxed a little against her seat, feeling some of the hurt gradually seeping away just like that. The man had a scary power over her.

  “I was wrong, Sage. I¾ I love you,” he admitted quietly. “And I guess I just felt you took that watch to make some money, but you never sold it after two months. That alone told me it was a keepsake for you. My mother gave me that watch before she died and that’s all it was to me; of sentimental value. But now I realize I would cast a thousand of it away before I would lose you. I want to hear you laugh again and hear your soft cries as I¾”

  The elderly gentleman seating beside them cleared his throat loudly and ruffled his newspaper.

  Sage giggled, unable to help herself at the look of exasperation on Raven’s handsome face.

  “Why don’t we get out of here?” he suggested.

  Sage shook her head, smiling happily at him, “You said you love me?”

  “With all my heart.”


  “Because you’re you, and because I can’t help myself,” he told her softly.

  Tears sprang to her eyes again; this time, tears of such joy that her entire face glowed with it.

  Seeing the tears, Raven held her fingers in his and asked quietly, “Will you make me the happiest man
on earth, Sage, and be my wife?”

  Now the tears were falling down her cheeks unchecked, her heart thumping in her throat as she stared at him in shock.

  “Please,” he whispered when he thought she was hesitating.

  She wasn’t hesitating; she was speechless.

  “There is nothing I want more than to spend the rest of my life with you; to have you in my arms and to have you as the mother of my children. You do want kids, right?”

  Sage nodded happily, her hand going protectively to her midriff.

  “Say yes, Sage. I don’t have a ring right now, but I swear the minute we get out of here, I’m going to get you the biggest, honking diamond I can find!”

  Sage dissolved into laughter and threw her arms around his neck, loving him as he slowly rose to his feet, taking her with him. She leaned back in his arms and grinned at him, “Yes I love you, and yes, I’ll marry you.”

  He leaned down and took her lips in a kiss so infinitely tender that it would have melted her into a puddle right there if his powerful hands hadn’t been holding her up.

  When he lifted his dark head, she smiled at him, “And about those kids, how do you feel about twins?”

  He grinned happily, “Well, if it’s twins you want, I hear we have to make love at least thrice a day to get twins. I’ll be happy to oblige you, ma’am,” he said, leerily.

  She laughed. He really was something else. “Slow down tiger. Before you start rotating the mattress in your mind, I’m already pregnant. Twins!”

  His heart skipped a beat against her chest and then he grinned, looking happier than she had ever seen him as he said, “I must be the luckiest man alive.”

  No, Sage corrected inwardly as she hugged him tightly. She was the luckiest woman alive, she decided, as her eyes shut.


  What the Outlaw Demands

  Samantha Leal

  Copyright ©2015 by Samantha Leal. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Thank you so much for your interest in my work!

  Table of Contents









  Kristin watched the hands of the clock ticking opposite her. Every second seemed to drag and she bit the edge of her pen as she turned to look out of the office window. After working so hard to get there, now all she wanted to do was run. The thought of spending another week in that place was making her skin crawl.

  Outside, in the corridor, she could see the male partners all patting each other on the back and boosting each other’s egos. She was never invited into their little office chats, ones where she could be a part of the boys club. In the center of it was Pete, grinning from ear to ear, taking the odd glance back to her office because he knew she would be watching.

  Fucking Pete, she thought.

  She knew at home later he would be full of it. He’d swagger in, puffing his chest and try to make her feel inferior. It was how it always went… She got ignored and he made her feel like crap about it. She knew she needed to change firms…and boyfriends…but she had wanted to be a partner at Anderson and Coleridge Law so much that she just didn’t think she had it in her to walk away.

  She realized she was holding the pen so tight, it was almost snapping in her hand.

  “Shit,” she breathed out and dropped it on the desk. She was going to have to calm down. She didn’t need to work herself up like this… She was bigger than them and she wasn’t going to rise to it. Instead, she got to her feet, walked over to the door and lowered the blind so the pane of glass allowing her to see the little boys club grooming each other in the hallway was blocked out. She went back to her desk, sat down and closed her eyes.

  She was reaching her limit. She and Pete had been together for almost a year, and while it had started out really well, it had rapidly declined into something rather sinister. Pete was a control freak. He loved making her feel inferior, and even though she was a strong woman who could see right through him, there were times when she was afraid of what he was capable of. She could hear him out in the hallway, laughing and joking with the other male partners. She was the only female partner at the firm and was regularly left out, and although she was used to it, she was still struggling to accept it. Deep down she knew it was time to move on.

  Her phone rang and made her jump. “Hello?” she answered.

  “Hi, Kristin,” her PA Sally said from the other end. “Did you finish with the paperwork for the Green Case?”

  “Just give me five more minutes and I’ll bring it out to you,” she said with a sigh. She hated to admit it, but her work really was starting to suffer. She could never seem to keep her mind on the job.

  She looked down and scanned the explosion of files on the desk in front of her and wanted to scream. She rubbed her eyes and massaged her temples with her fingers.

  “I need to get out of here,” she whispered.

  She got to her feet and looked out across the skyline. It was almost five and the sun looked like it was already on its way down, which was impossible for summer, but she felt it all the same.

  “I guess it’s always night somewhere,” she said to herself.

  Her telephone rang again and she jumped. She turned around and grabbed the receiver. “Just five more minutes, Sally,” she snapped.

  “No,” Sally said quietly, clearly taken aback by her boss’s tone. “It’s a call from the police department. They have someone in custody who wants to talk to you.”

  “What?” she said rubbing her temples again. “Can’t it wait? We have a duty lawyer who could deal with that.”

  “They asked for you specifically,” she said nervously. “The cop said his name was Dan Lockhart.”

  Kristin paused for a moment, her heart rising into her throat at the sound of the name… A name she hadn’t heard for years.

  “Did you say Dan Lockhart?” she repeated as she sat back down at her desk.

  “That’s what the cop told me, yeah,” Sally confirmed.

  “Okay,” Kristin said quietly, “Put him on.”

  The line beeped, and there was a click before Kristin could hear shallow breathing on the other end of the line.

  “Dan?” she whispered, still unsure of whether she believed it.

  “Kristin?” he replied.

  Her skin went cold when she heard his voice, but she instantly found herself smiling.

  “How the heck are you?” he asked, as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “I’m wonderful,” she smiled. “I take it things aren’t so great for you?”

  “Haha,” he chuckled. “They’re certainly not… I could do with your expertise.”

  “Which station are you at?” she asked as she grabbed a pen.

  “South,” he sounded as if he was smoking. “I would normally deal with this sort of thing myself, but I thought it might be a nice excuse to see you again after all these years.”

  “Just stay put and don’t say anything. You can explain to me when I get there.” She hung up the phone and grabbed her jacket.

  The Green case file would have to wait…


  Dan Lockhart… she hadn’t heard a word from him in over ten years, and here he was calling her as if it were only yesterday. She was a fool for going down there. She should have told him she was busy, or that she didn’t deal with criminal cases anymore… He was probably in hot water, after all. Hell, she should have told him anything. But there was something drawing her to him. Just hearing his voice again after all that time had instantly struck a chord.

  She slid into the driver’s seat of her Mercedes and fastened her seat belt. It was dark in the firm’s underground parking lot, a
nd the summer heat was intense and stuffy. She started the engine and put the AC on full blast before she looked at herself in the review mirror. Her heart was pounding and her pupils were dilated. In a rush of memory she recalled the last time she had seen him… She remembered it all…


  Growing up, Kristin had fallen hard and fast for Dan. He was her next-door neighbor and one of the hottest guys at her high school. He was a few years older than her and she had watched him from afar while she matured. She had seen him go from being the boy next door to something else entirely…something frightening. She had heard the arguments. She had watched him come home tattooed and liquored up, and saw the bruises and the scars. Whatever he was doing, it was bad. And what surprised her even more than the fact that he kept doing it…was the fact that she liked it.

  He never seemed to really realize that she existed until one afternoon when she came home from school when she was about seventeen and he was out on the driveway having a screaming match with his parents. She pulled up in her car and parked it down the street before meekly walking up the path to her front door. He was screaming, spitting hate and anger at them. He had a red raw scar right down his face from the corner of his eye to his chin, and she knew she was gawping but she couldn’t stop.

  “What the fuck are you looking at?” he spat as she tried to reach her front door and pretend like none of it was happening.

  His parents rounded on him, his mother trying to pull him back from the truck that was waiting for him. Inside, a man tipped his hat and smoked a cigarette while laughing and cranking up the heavy rock he was listening to.

  “Please, Dan!” his mother called. “Don’t do this!”

  He stuck his middle finger up at her and strode down to the truck before pulling open the door and jumping inside. The driver pulled out of the driveway with a wheel spin and they shouted something at Kristin that sounded like “Show us your pussy!” and then they were gone.


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