Book Read Free

Her Millionaire Master

Page 10

by Maria Monroe

“How was Kane?”

  “Um, fine.” Bella couldn’t help the blush that crept into her cheeks.

  Charles gave her a knowing look and shook his head. “You need to be careful, Bella.”

  “I know. The landlord is installing a motion-sensor light outside the building…”

  “I meant in regards to Kane.”

  “Right.” Bella took a sip of her sweet, milky coffee. “It’s fine, Charles. We’re… fine.”

  “Oh, Bella. I can see it in your eyes. It’s not just a… what do you call it… deal to you anymore, is it?”

  “Of course it is!” she objected, even though she knew that was a lie. “Three more weeks. Two more after tonight.” Her pussy tingled slightly as she thought how this very night, in just a few hours, she’d be back with Kane, at his mercy, while he did things to her.

  “I’ve known Kane for a long time. And I’ve seen women, many women, try to tame him. Capture him. Captivate him. They never succeed, Bella. And if you try? You will end up with a broken heart. I promise you that. And I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  Bella sighed. In her heart, she knew Charles was right. She’d sensed it for a long time, and hadn’t Kane pretty much said it as well? Still, there was a part of her that couldn’t let go anymore. “At least I need to finish the deal,” she finally said. “I can’t let him cash the check.”

  “Tell me why it’s worth so much to you,” said Charles. “Aside from the fact that it’s a shitload of money.”

  Bella laughed. “I’m trying to buy my grandma’s house. She’s dead, but she was really important to me. She kind of helped raise me, actually. My parents both worked full time, and I spent a lot of time at her house. Anyway, the house is pretty. Perfect, except for needing a shit-ton of work! It’s in a suburb just outside the city, but it has a big lot, where she used to grow vegetables. The house itself was special to her, because my grandfather actually built it. Right now it belongs to this old couple, and they’re trying to wait until I have money for the deposit. I can’t get a loan because I have practically no credit history, so I need a lot. But they’re getting old and want to move to a retirement house, except they need to sell the place first… Anyway. Long story. I’m going to buy my grandmother’s house. And I have to do it soon.”

  “That’s lovely, Bella. You’re lovely.” He said it sadly.

  Bella frowned. “I can take care of myself, Charles. I appreciate your concern, but it’s OK. I’m an adult. I can handle Kane being an asshole.”

  “Be careful.”

  “Anyway,” she asked, “wouldn’t Kane be pissed that you talk about him like this to me?”

  “You mean call him an asshole? Warn you that he’s a huge dick? Oh, I tell him that to his face.”

  “Why are you friends with him if you think he’s an asshole?”

  “Because he’s loyal to the people he loves. And there aren’t many of them. Me. His mother. His grandfather before he died.”

  “Has he ever loved a woman?” Bella knew she shouldn’t ask—she shouldn’t even be thinking about that, because it didn’t matter—but she was dying to know.

  “Bella,” warned Charles.

  “I’m just curious, Charles!”

  Charles shook his head but answered anyway. “Never. He has lots of women he plays with. Dates. But nothing serious. He’s very closed off. Emotionally unavailable.”


  Charles shrugged. “I’m not sure exactly. Partly just his personality. But he’s had a hard life, too. Grew up with an asshole dad, who was murdered. His mom did her best to take care of him, but he struggled a lot as a kid. That’s why he loved his grandfather so much, because his grandfather took care of him and his mother. Who knows how he’d have ended up if not for that.”

  “He told me a little bit about his grandfather.”

  “Really?” Charles set his cup on the table and looked curiously at Bella. “He never tells people about that. I’m surprised.”

  Bella shrugged and took another sip of her coffee, trying to fight down the tiny flare of excitement that threatened to burst into flame. It didn’t mean anything, she reminded herself. It didn’t mean anything at all. But it was hard to let go of that flicker of hope.

  * * *

  When she arrived at Kane’s house Friday evening, Bella was a mess of nerves. Mixed in of course, though, was excitement. The previous two sessions had been embarrassing and painful, but she’d come both times, earth-shattering orgasms that left her wanting more. What would tonight be like? More of the same, or would he do something different?

  When Kane opened the door, Bella was surprised to find him dressed impeccably in a well-fitted suit. The pants and jacket were black, the shirt crisp and white. A muted burgundy tie, luxurious and silky, covered his shirt buttons and disappeared into the black jacket. He’d shaved, his face smooth. Bella wanted to touch it, but that kind of intimacy between them didn’t exist, despite all the things they’d done together.

  “Bella,” he said quietly.


  “Go to the office. There are some outfits I’ve purchased for you. Shoes as well. They are all yours to keep. Choose one to wear tonight. We’re going out.”

  “Oh. OK.” Going out? This wasn’t at all what she expected. It wasn’t at all part of their agreement. But she wasn’t going to argue, so she slipped down the hall and into the office.

  A clothes rack on wheels stood in one corner, decorated with skirts and dresses, blouses and shirts. Next to it, at least ten shoeboxes were stacked on the floor. She noticed a shiny pink Victoria’s Secret bag next to the stack of shoeboxes.

  “Holy crap,” she whispered, approaching the clothes and touching them. The fabric of each item was good quality—she could tell the instant her fingers felt it. She’d never had clothing this lovely before, never could justify the expense when she was trying so hard to save up. Giddy with excitement, she quickly looked through the rack of clothes. How would she choose? Each item was more gorgeous than the next, but finally she settled on a black dress, simple but sexy.

  Quickly, she stripped off her clothes, folding them neatly and setting them on the coffee table. She remembered that Kane didn’t like messes. After rummaging in the lingerie bag, she found a matching set of a lacy black bra and panties. Then she pulled on the dress. It fit perfectly, as though it had been made just for her. It was all black, the skirt dancing out when she twirled. The top was fitted, with short fluttery sleeves that matched the skirt. In one of the shoeboxes she found a perfect pair of strappy black heels. What she wanted was to look at everything else. She’d seen a pair of amazing boots she’d like to try on, but she didn’t want to keep Kane waiting. Later. She’d play dress-up after the session was over tonight.

  She emerged from the office and headed back into the living room, where she found Kane sitting in one of his elegant chairs, legs crossed, sipping scotch.

  “Stunning, Bella,” he muttered, his voice low.

  She blushed. “Do you like it?”

  “Very much.”

  “Thank you, Kane. For the clothes. And shoes. And, you know, underwear.”

  “You’re welcome. I like to see a woman in clothes that deserve to be worn by her. Shall we?” He stood, setting his drink on the table and offering her his arm. She took it, and they headed outside, where a black sedan was waiting for them. The driver was already at the back door, pulling it open so they could slide in. Bella couldn’t believe how fancy this all was. Her clothes. Kane’s suit. The fact that he had a car with a driver. Where were they going?

  As if reading her mind, Kane said, “We’re going to Symphonia tonight. Have you been?”

  Bella knew it was a restaurant in downtown Chicago, an expensive one. “No,” she said. “I’ve heard it’s good, though.”

  “It is. Quite. I think you’ll enjoy it.”

  They were quiet as the car drove through the city. Bella watched the lit-up buildings and
houses outside the windows, trying to keep down the swell of excitement she was feeling. What did it mean that Kane was taking her to one of the nicest restaurants in the city? Was their relationship changing? She didn’t want to hope for that, because hoping only set you up for disappointment. But she couldn’t help let just a wisp of that fantasy into her mind.

  When they pulled up to the restaurant, the driver got out to open their door. Kane took her elbow and guided her inside. She could feel people’s eyes on them, and she knew they looked striking, she in her expensive dress and shoes, Kane in his exquisite suit. It didn’t hurt that he was drop-dead gorgeous and had physical charisma, the kind that made heads turn the second he walked into any room.

  “Mr. Calhoun,” said the host with a smile and gracious nod. “It’s wonderful to see you again. Please. Your table is ready.”

  They followed the host to a table in the middle of the restaurant.

  “Thank you,” said Kane, pulling the chair out for Bella so she could sit. As the host left, Kane leaned forward. “I apologize for not being able to get a more… private table. I called on rather short notice, and I’m surprised they could fit us in at all.”

  “No, this is perfect, Kane. Seriously. I’m really excited.”

  “You look so lovely, Bella.”

  “You too. I mean handsome,” she said with a blush. “You look handsome, Kane.”

  A server came and Kane ordered a bottle of wine. Before it arrived, a smartly dressed man and woman stopped by their table to briefly say hello to Kane. “Business associates,” he casually explained. “I know a lot of people who dine here.”

  The wine was delicious, white and cold and crisp, and Bella sipped it, taking in the fancy but busy ambiance. She could almost pretend she and Kane were together together, out on a date like some of the other couples she saw.

  “Oh, I almost forgot,” said Kane suddenly, gesturing at the server who was walking past. “I had a package delivered here earlier for Ms. James. Could you bring it, please?”

  “What is it?” asked Bella.

  Kane shrugged. “You do remember, don’t you, that I don’t like to give away surprises?”

  She nodded, once again trying to stop the excitement she felt. Why was he spoiling her so much tonight? She felt giddy, and when the server returned, handing her a small gift bag, she couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face.

  “Should I open it?” she asked Kane as soon as the server had left.

  “Yes. But it’s, well, personal. Perhaps you should be alone when you do. The ladies’ room.” His voice was low and commanding as he said it.

  “OK.” Bella felt confused. What was it? More underwear? Some sort of sex toy? “Should I go now?”

  “You should. I expect you back in no less than ten minutes,” he said sternly, looking at his watch. “Or there will be consequences.”

  “Oh. Yes.” The dominant Kane was back suddenly, and Bella felt confused. What was going on?

  Quickly, she headed to the women’s bathroom. It was large, with a sitting room when she first walked in, well-appointed with gold and burgundy couches and pretty paintings of landscapes on the wall. But she didn’t take the time to look any further. She headed into one of the two stalls to open the gift bag.

  Her stomach clenched when she reached in and pulled out a butt plug. It was a soft rubbery material, with a base to keep it in place. It was about four inches long and maybe three quarters of an inch at its widest. Next she found a small tube of lubricant. And a note from Kane.

  Bella, part of your punishment this evening is to insert this plug and join me again in the restaurant. You will wear it while we dine. You must return with it in place within ten minutes. Kane.

  Oh, god. There was no way. She couldn’t insert this by herself, and even if she did, wearing it throughout dinner would be so humiliating! Worse was the realization that this—the restaurant and the fancy clothes—hadn’t meant anything more like she’d thought it might. All it meant was he was setting her up for an embarrassing public punishment. She’d been a fool.

  Still, though, she knew she had to obey Kane. This was, after all, one of their sessions, apparently. This was part of her punishment. And, even though it was awkward and humiliating, once again she found herself growing wet between her legs. She held the plug and lube in her hand, and hung the gift bag up on the hook in the stall. Could she do this?

  With her other hand she reached up under her dress and pulled her brand new panties down. She squeezed some of the lube onto her fingertip and rubbed it around her tight hole. She was about to start trying to insert the plug when a group of women entered the bathroom, their voices loud and half-drunk.

  “I have to pee so bad!” one of them said. The door of the stall next to her banged shut, and someone knocked on the door of her stall.

  “Um, just a minute!” she said.

  Oh, my god. Here she was, in the bathroom stall of a fancy restaurant, about to do something completely embarrassing, and there were a group of people waiting to use the restroom. There was no way she could hang out here until they left, because then she wouldn’t make it back in time. There will be consequences, Kane had said. What they were, she did not want to find out.

  As the women laughed and talked, Bella rested the plug against her hole, then pushed gently. Only the tip entered, and she knew in that instant this would be more unpleasant than she’d hoped. She was quickly running out of time, so she took a deep breath, then pushed, trying to keep her breathing even as her tight entrance stretched to accommodate the plug.

  It hurt as it stretched her, but she managed to work it in, keeping as quiet as she could so the women outside the stall wouldn’t hear her moan of discomfort. She kept pushing until the plug sank deep inside her. How much time was left? She wasn’t sure, but she didn’t want to be late. Pulling her panties back up, she put the small tube of lube back into the bag, then left the stall.

  “Finally!” one of the women exclaimed, giving Bella a relieved and slightly apologetic smile. If she only knew, thought Bella, heading to the garbage and throwing the bag into it. Walking felt funny, each step reminding her that something was inside her, but she tried to look normal so nobody would notice. She washed her hands at the sink, dried them, then headed out into the restaurant.

  All around her people were talking and laughing, completely unaware that she was walking with minced steps back to her table in the center of the room—so that’s why Kane had had them sit there!—almost crippled from embarrassment.

  “Bella,” he said when he saw her approach. “Please.” He got up, pulling out her chair.

  She didn’t want to sit down. It would only push the plug farther inside her. She was sure of it. Gingerly, she lowered herself until she was sitting, adjusting her butt to get as comfortable as possible.

  “You were gone quite a while,” said Kane, glancing at his Rolex.

  “Not too long, I hope,” said Bella, her eyes opening wide.

  “No. Not too long. You made it in time. I assume everything is… in place?”

  “Yes,” she responded, a blush creeping into her cheeks.

  “It’s quite stimulating,” growled Kane, leaning close so he could speak quietly, “to know that you followed my instructions exactly. And that you took part in your punishment tonight. How do you feel, Bella?”

  How should she answer? “Embarrassed,” she finally whispered. She couldn’t believe they were talking about this in the middle of a restaurant. Hell, she couldn’t believe she was sitting here with a plug in her bottom because Kane had told her to. And she couldn’t believe that her panties were wet. Again. Because of Kane punishing her. She gulped her wine.

  When the waiter arrived once more, Bella felt even more embarrassed. Not that he knew what was going on, but still. He poured some more wine for them, and assured them their food would be ready soon.

  “Food?” asked Bella. “But I didn’t order anything.�

  “I took the liberty of ordering for you.” Kane’s eyes were dark as they gazed at her. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  Normally she would mind. In fact, she’d probably be downright pissed if a guy decided to choose what she was going to eat. But with Kane, she wasn’t. It was weird, but she had a strange and completely irrational trust in him, that he would order something she’d like. If she’d enjoyed all the ways he’d punished her so far, surely she’d enjoy the food he selected.

  She was right. The food was delicious. She was surprised that she was actually able to eat, able to focus enough on something other than the plug. Her body grew more and more accustomed to it, though every time she shifted in her seat, she felt it there, solid and filling. Still, she was able to enjoy the food and wine.

  After dinner, they left the restaurant. Kane’s car was waiting, and they got into the backseat, but Kane left the window between the driver and the backseat open.

  “Thank you, Bernie,” he said to the driver.

  “Always a pleasure, Mr. Calhoun.” Bernie pulled out into traffic, and they began to drive to Kane’s house. “Did you enjoy your dinner, sir?”

  “Yes. It was quite filling,” said Kane.

  Bella felt his hand slide up her thigh, gently pushing her legs apart. His hand continued its journey until he was able to press the base of the plug, hard, pushing it farther into Bella’s ass.

  She bit back the groan that tried to escape. She didn’t want Bernie to hear. How humiliating that would be!

  “And you, Ms. James?” asked Bernie.

  “It was delicious.” Bella forced her voice to remain steady, as Kane’s fingers traveled forward, lingering over her wet panties, then slowly touching her clit through the damp fabric.

  “Tell him about the steak,” said Kane, continuing to gently massage Bella’s most sensitive spot.

  She could barely speak. “It was, um, so good. Perfect.” Her breath came out quickly as her passion increased. It was so hot, the way he touched her exactly the right way. But also the fact that he was doing it now, during a conversation in which he was forcing her to participate.


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