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About Town (newspaper), 134
Acuna, Maria Paula, 274
Aerospace Valley, 184
Ain, Gregory, 43–44
All About Telescopes (Brown), 91
Almondale (California), 36
Altadena (California), Sorensen’s time in, 130–131, 198–199
American Indian Archery (Laubin), 91
Analysis of Electrical Circuits (Driscoll), 91
Anarchy van, 181–182
Anaverde community, 31
Annals of Emergency Medicine, 258
Antelope Valley
as Aerospace Valley, 184–185
traction of, 44–45
author visits to, 276–281
Huxley on, 41–42
John Wayne and, 276
Lifesavers, 279–280
native peoples of, 242–243
overview of, 8–10
real estate development in, 31–34
See also Mojave Desert
Apocalypse Now (film), 214
Aragon, Fritz, 106–107, 215, 216, 218
Armstrong, Neil, 184
Army Study Guide, 152
Aryan Brotherhood, 257–258
Asbell, Angela, 210–211, 213, 215
Astaire, Fred, 215
Austin, Alice Constance, 37, 40, 43
Baca, Lee, 20, 84, 132, 220, 238–240, 264
Bailey, F. Lee, 124
Baker, Frank, 21–22, 25, 29, 149–150
Barton, James R., 15–19
Barton Mound, 19
BEAR (Ballistic Engineered Armored Response), 251–254, 264, 265–267
Bell, Horace, 13
Bellamy, Edward, 34, 39
Berdichevski, Micah Joseph, 286
Berger, Brian, 147, 148
Bergon, Frank, 23–24
Biafra, Jello, 110
Black Flag, 97
Black Holes, Quasars and Other Mysteries of the Universe (Gibilisco), 91
Blair, Aaron, 214
Block, Sherman, 27, 114
Bob’s Big Boy, 158–159, 161
Booth, Sharon, 211–213
Bowden, Mark, 74
Brandon-Watson, Kimberly, 74–77, 84, 238
Bristlewolf, 23–24
Brown, Dave, 16
Buddhist Tradition in India, China, and Japan, 92
Bukowski, Charles, 97
Burnett, Peter, 14
Burrill, George Thompson, 14–15
Burroughs, William, 97
Burton, Vince, 10
Bush, George, 32
California Highway Patrol, manhunt and, 47, 48
Carmelite order, 67–68
Carter, Jimmy, 125
Castaneda, Carlos, 92–93, 243–244
Cazares, Mike, 178–180, 181, 182, 183, 215, 217, 218
Cell phone tracking, 147–148, 249–250
Chaplin, Charlie, 156
Chase, Bruce, 162, 200, 285–286
Kueck’s last stand and, 251, 253, 266, 267, 269–270, 271
as SWAT veteran, 49–50, 125–127
Chase, Chevy, 96
Chávez, César, 133
Chronic fatigue syndrome, Kueck and, 209, 229, 261, 264
City of Quartz (Davis), 32
Clanton Brothers, 19
Cobain, Kurt, 110, 159, 203, 204, 205, 216
Color Box, 204, 208
Committees of Safety and Vigilance, 18
Complete Guide to Growing Marijuana, 92
Cooke, Leonard A., 40
Cowles, Raymond B., 241–242
C-130 plane, 117, 147
Cu-Chi tunnels of Vietnam, 145
Cupenos, 15
Davis, Gray, 220, 239
Davis, Mike, 32
Death penalty, 16
Debs, Eugene, 34
Declaration of Principles, Llano, 39
Deeley, Carl, 52–53, 139–140, 222, 238–239
DeFreeze, Donald, 123
Dehydration in desert, 151, 152
Delhauer, Paul, 53
Deputy Sheriff Stephen Sorensen Memorial Highway, 274
acclimatization to, 153
sources of water in, 151–152
See also Mojave Desert
Desert Survivor’s Guide (Storm), 151
Dillinger, John, 19
Dino, Paul, 198–199
Don Benito Wilson (Read), 12
Doolittle, Jimmy, 136
Earp, Wyatt, 14
Eckbo, Garrett, 44
Edwards Air Force Base, 32, 53, 60, 64, 136, 184, 187
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (Kesey), 178
El Monte boys, 18
El Pueblo de la Reina de Los Angeles, 12–14
Escape from Corregidor (Whitcomb), 92
Espitia, Oscar, 139
Executions, in early Los Angeles County, 14
A Fallen Hero (blog), 221
Falling Sickness, 107
Fence posts, Kueck’s collection of, 185–186
Finch, James, 60
Flashbangs, 267
Fleischer, Matthew, 121
FLIRs (forward-looking infrared thermal imaging), 53
Flores, Juan, 17–19, 20
Flores Peak, 19
Ford (Jello’s girlfriend), 205, 209, 219
Foster, Marcus, 123
Foster, Stephen C., 16
Franks, Julie, 74, 80, 238
Fuckhole, 204, 209
Garrett, Pat, 14
Gates, Daryl, 122–123, 124
General Electric, 37
Geologic Guidebook: The LA Aqueduct System, 91
Getman, Billy, 19–20
Gilchrist, Ellen, 284
Gilmore, Peggy, 58, 87, 147, 157, 230–231
Ghent, Ann, 254
Gomez, José, 133, 134, 139
Gomez, Nellie, 133
Gopher bombs, 107
“The Great Mojave Manhunt,” 277
Ground squirrels, 64, 89–90, 154
Gun Digest, 91
Kueck and, 63
in Mojave Desert, 25
Guzman, Phil, 47, 67, 68, 69, 153, 193
Hahnlein, Rob, 130–131
Harriman, Job, 34–37, 38, 42–43
Hayden, Dolores, 40
Hearst, Patty, 123–125
Hendrix, Jimi, 203
Heritage Park (Los Angeles), 282–283
Hermits, in Mojave, 23–24
Herrera, Ygnacio, 16
High Desert Corridor in Mojave, 275–276
in Lake Los Angeles, 131–134, 136, 139
Sorensen’s advocacy on behalf of, 129–130, 131–134, 139, 236
Hockney, David, 164
Holaday, Kristie, 165–170, 172, 280
Home design
Llano, 37, 40–41
Mar Vista, 43–44
Home Shopping Network, 90
Horse theft, 13
Houdini, Harry, 215, 216
Howells, William Dean, 34
Huntington Beach (California), 104
Huxley, Aldous, 24, 41–42
Hydraulic civilizations, 36
ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency), 132
Immigration, Hispanics in Lake Los Angeles and, 132–133
Inland Empire, 94–95, 102–103
Irving, Jim, 15
JFK (film), 97
Jimson weed, 188–189
Johnston, Larry, 47
Jolson, Al, 216
Joplin, Janis, 203
Katonah (model home), 33
Kawaiisu, 242
KB Homes, 31, 33
Kearny, Steven, 15
Keelin, Fred, 253, 267
Kesey, Ken, 178
Kirchner, Steve, 82–84
Kitanemuk, 242
Kiva, 242–243
Kueck, Charles Donald (Chuck, Jello)
as activist, 206–208
as adolescent, 95–98
alcohol and drug use of, 103–104, 107, 110, 188–189, 190, 191, 209, 210, 213–214
anarchy van, 181–182
arrest and jailing of, 108–109
attempts to help, 157–158
birth of, 61
changing name to Jello, 110
charisma of, 102, 110, 206, 208–209
with Don in desert, 178–188
father asking him to move out, 189–191
fight with Smallwood’s abusive boyfriend, 108
as musician, 97–98, 106–107, 178, 204, 206
overdose and death of, 215, 216–217
personality of, 102–103
reunion with father, 158–162
in Riverside, 95–98, 105–110, 209�
in Seattle, 204–211
skinheads and, 104–105, 109
suicide attempts/notes, 204, 209, 213, 217
use of gopher bombs, 107
Y2K party in the desert and, 211–213
Kueck, Donald Charles (Don)
advice from Virginia Smallwood, 178, 189–190
animals and, 3–4, 7, 58, 89–90, 244–245
asking son to leave desert home, 189–191
Castaneda and, 243–244
cell phone of, 67, 90, 117, 147
complaints regarding Sorensen, 27, 114–115, 196
confrontation with Sorensen at his home, 27–29
conversation with Lillienfeld, 256–264, 265, 285
day 1 of manhunt for, 46–54
day 2 of manhunt for, 65–70, 116–118
day 3 of manhunt for, 146–156, 173–174
day 4 of manhunt for, 192–200
day 5 of manhunt for, 220–223
day 6 of manhunt for, 241–246
day 7 of manhunt for, 249–271
desire to contact deceased son, 93
diet, 88–89
digging own grave, 4–6
discovery of body, 271
drug use of, 4, 27, 59, 60, 61, 156, 197
early life, 58–60
escape routes, 148–150
expectation of death, 3–7, 255–256, 271–272
fear of returning to jail, 28
fence posts and, 185–186
first encounter with Steve Sorensen, 111–115, 196
friends of, 90, 182–183
with Jello in desert, 178–188
last stand, 245–246, 264–267
life after leaving family, 61–64
life in desert, 22, 62–64, 85–93
lizards and, 58
love of guns, 63
marriage, 60–61
need for water during manhunt, 150–153, 174
obtaining water for home, 87–88
phone calls to daughter, 117–118, 154–155, 249–250, 254–256, 259
pilgrimage to site of son’s death, 215–219
reading habits, 91–93
relationship with daughter, 155–156
relationship with Sorensen, 172, 196–198, 199
reputed sightings of during manhunt, 150, 153, 173–174, 199–200
reunion with children, 158–162
rockets and, 183–188
as scavenger and handyman, 86, 87–88
searching for son, 215
shooting of Deputy Sorensen, 28–29
subterranean hideouts of, 183, 193–194, 241, 242, 244, 245, 264–265
suicide by cop and, 258–259
Three Sisters Buttes and, 92, 173, 271
trailer of, 22, 87
visits to C. T. Smith, 53–54, 193, 263
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